Protections for Employees Module 2: Other Laws Preventing Discrimination
See Also:
2: Other Laws Preventing Discrimination
Just as the Fair Labor Standards Act
is the foundational law regarding fairness in hours and wages, the Civil Rights
Act of 1964, also known as Title VII, is the keystone of workplace
anti-discrimination laws. However, the
protected classes under Title VII are not the only people in the workforce who
experience systematic discrimination. Let’s
highlight some of the other major federal laws and national policies aimed at
preventing workplace discrimination against other classes of people.
Age Discrimination
in Employment Act of 1967
Age is not a factor in any protected
class under the Civil Rights Act.
However, older workers are a group who have faced historical
discrimination in the workplace. The Age
Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 prohibits discrimination in the
workplace on the basis of a worker’s age if the worker is 40 or older. The ADEA applies to employers with 20 or more
employees and, like many other anti-discrimination laws, is administered and
enforced by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.[i]
Older workers are prone to workplace
discrimination partly because employees who have been at a company longer
typically make higher wages than newer hires.
The EEOC resolves over 25,000 claims of ADEA-prohibited age
discrimination each year, recovering close to $100 million for affected
workers. Enforcement under the ADEA is
largely analogous to the procedure for filing a complaint under Title VII. Age discrimination claims can be based upon
disparate treatment of workers over 40 or on otherwise neutral policies that
have a disparate impact on older employees.
Employers can defend against ADEA discrimination claims by showing that the
elderly worker was negatively impacted by an employment decision on a basis
other than his age, or that age is a bona fide occupational qualification for
the job. Additionally, so long as the
employer’s intent is not to discriminate based on age, companies may consider
age as a factor in bona fide seniority systems, which are employer-funded
benefit programs based on years of service.
Although employers are not permitted to
terminate or compel employees to retire early solely based on their ages, they
may offer incentives encouraging workers to retire early. Voluntary retirement incentive programs often
include waivers of a worker’s right to sue for age discrimination, though any
agreement to waive these rights must be consistent with the Older Workers
Benefit Protection Act. The OWBPA
amended the ADEA to require employers to make a full disclosure of a worker’s
rights to sue for age discrimination at least 21 days before any waiver of
these rights is made.[ii]
Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990
The Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) prohibits
discrimination against workers with recognized disabilities and requires
employers with 15 or more employees to make reasonable accommodations to ensure
that a qualified disabled worker can perform the necessary functions of the
job. The rights and protections afforded
to individuals with qualifying disabilities is discussed extensively in the
next module.
Genetic Information
Nondiscrimination Act of 2008
The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (“GINA”)
amended Title VII to prohibit employment decisions from being made based upon
genetic information. As technology
advances, genetic testing can tell us more and more about our likelihood of
experiencing certain health issues.
Employers seeking to cut healthcare costs may wish to exclude applicants
or terminate employees based upon their likelihood of contracting a disease in
the future. As a result, GINA protects
employee’s genetic information from disclosure and prohibits discrimination on
the basis of genetic makeup or family history.
The Rehabilitation
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 bars employers under contract with the federal
government from discriminating against qualified but disabled workers and
requires affirmative action for these individuals in hiring and promotion.[iii] Together, the
Rehabilitation Act and
other laws ban discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities in
nearly all organizations receiving federal financial assistance. While private businesses generally retain a
great deal of latitude in making business decisions, private organizations
receiving public funds – either by donation or payment for work performed --
are often obligated to comply with additional workplace anti-discrimination
polices that are not enforced against the general public.
Immigration Reform
and Control Act
federal Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 prohibits employment
discrimination based upon citizenship status.[iv] This is like Title
VII’s prohibition on national origin discrimination, but the Immigration Reform
and Control Act applies to all employers and not just those with 15 employees
or more, as Title VII does. Employers
are obligated to collect citizenship information to ensure that the employee
has a legal right to work in the United States, but may not use this
information to make discriminatory employment decisions.
Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment
Assistance Act
Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act prohibits discrimination
against qualified Vietnam veterans and veterans who served on active duty
during active military campaigns. The
programs are administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs, which also
provides information and resources to workers who are veterans, their
employers, and the public. Workers who
are veterans of the armed forced may wish to contact their local VA to find out
what opportunities may be available to them.
addition to its non-discrimination provisions, the Vietnam Era Veterans’
Readjustment Assistance Act requires affirmative action for qualified disabled
veterans in some circumstances.
Affirmative Action
Affirmative action programs are policies
designed to increase employment equality by favoring historically disadvantaged
groups. Affirmative action programs vary greatly from company to company and
from industry to industry. An affirmative action policy might, for example,
establish a preference for hiring minority-owned contractors but state no
numerical quota or guidance in terms of how this preference is to be
implemented. On the opposite side of the spectrum, some affirmative action
programs may reserve a percentage of the company’s business or workforce for
members of identified groups.
Many public-sector employers are
required to engage in affirmative action, but there is no federal law requiring
other private employers to engage in affirmative action hiring or advancement
practices unless they are working under a government contract or receiving
federal funds. In other words, companies not receiving federal funds may choose
to enact affirmative action programs, but are not required by law to do so.
Employers subject to affirmative action
requirements must ensure that they are taking measures to recruit from the
proper applicant pool, collecting and maintaining the proper records and
advertising open positions in a manner that is consistent with the guiding
policies.[v] Employers with
affirmative action policies should include training, outreach, and
implementation plans that are kept on file and updated annually.
legality of affirmative action programs is not without controversy. After all, federal
and state governments may be prohibited from treating different classes of
people differently by the “equal protection” clause of the 14th
amendment. Private employers are also bound by the Civil Rights Act, which
prohibits discrimination based on race, gender and other criteria. While
affirmative action programs may be nobly motivated and may not be the sort of
thing that the equal protection clause and Civil Rights Act were designed to
prevent, it certainly remains unclear the extent to which minority or
disadvantaged applicants may be favored over other applicants without running
afoul of antidiscrimination rules.
law treats private company affirmative action programs and government
affirmative action programs very differently.
In United Steelworkers of America v.
Weber,[vi] the Supreme Court
endorsed the rights of private companies to engage in voluntary affirmative
action programs. The Court cited Congress’ intent in enacting Title VII to
remedy discrimination against minority workers. Given that intent, the Court
rules that the statute’s ban on discrimination “cannot be interpreted as an
absolute prohibition against all private, voluntary, race-conscious affirmative
action efforts to hasten the elimination of such vestiges.”
The Court ruled that Title VII allows
voluntary, race-conscious affirmative action plans when:
preferences are intended to “eliminate
conspicuous racial imbalances in traditionally segregated job categories”;
the rights of nonminority employees are “not
unnecessarily trammeled”—meaning the plan neither requires the termination of
such employees and their replacement with minority employees, nor creates an
absolute bar to advancement; and
(3) preferences are temporary in their duration.[vii]
Affirmative action policies may be
implemented by private-sector employers to achieve a diverse workplace, improve
public image or to improve the company’s chances of landing a government
contract. Creating preferences for minority applicants for these reasons is
consistent with the purpose behind the Civil Rights Act and is therefore
generally allowed.
Affirmative action by government agencies
is more complex, as government is subject not only to the Civil Rights Act, but
also to the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment.
A string of Supreme Court cases,
including City of Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co. (which applied to contracts
awarded by state agencies) and Adarand Constructors, Inc. v. Peña (which
applied to those awarded by the federal government)[viii], have held that employment
decisions made on the basis of race pursuant to affirmative action programs
must satisfy “strict scrutiny,” which means that to be upheld against equal
protection clause challenges, they must be narrowly tailored to achieve
compelling government interests. While achieving diversity in the workforce and
remedying past discrimination may reasonably be considered compelling
government interests, the programs also must be narrowly tailored.
Historically, this has meant that temporary programs in areas that once
suffered from rife employment discrimination that give preferences to minority
applicants have been upheld, but program that have set aside quotas that
require certain percentages of government employment to go to members of
identified classes have not been allowed.
A parallel controversy has been raging
in the courts over the constitutionality of state schools giving preferences to
minority student applicants with equal or even inferior credentials. While this
is slightly more tangential to our discussion, multiple Supreme Court cases
have set forth rules similar to the rules regarding employment. Quotas or
“set-asides” that require X number of seats to be held for minority applicants
in state schools have been found to be unconstitutional, while more mild
preference programs have been upheld.
addition to the federal Civil Rights Act and equal protection clause, states
have sometimes also prevented public or even private employers and schools from
engaging in affirmative action. At least eight states have banned
affirmative action in admission to state colleges, claiming that affirmative
action unfairly discriminates against non-disadvantaged groups based on their
race, gender, or religious or other preferences.[ix] in 2014, for example,
California voters passed Proposition 209 by referendum, which barred the
consideration of race in public university admissions.
who are members of a protected class should be aware of the affirmative action
policies of employers in their area.
law recognizes that allowing an employer to punish an employee for reporting
workplace safety and employee rights violations would be contrary to public
policy, as workers would be much less likely to report employer
wrongdoing. Under many federal and state
laws, employers are expressly prohibited from taking adverse action against an
employee based on protected activities.
A “protected activity” is the exercise of any legal right that an
employee may have, such as by demanding an employer pay overtime for all hours
worked over 40 in a workweek. Several
major workers’ rights statutes, including the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Age
Discrimination in Employment Act, the Civil Rights Act, the Operational Health
and Safety Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, include
anti-retaliation provisions, so employees cannot be terminated, reassigned, or
otherwise experience negative consequences as a punishment from their employer
for raising claims under these laws.[x]
are two major types of retaliation claims: opposition and participation. An opposition claim arises when an employee
is targeted by his boss because he challenged his employer’s conduct as
discriminatory or otherwise illegal. A participation claim involves adverse
action taken by an employer against an employee for participating in a
workplace investigation or lawsuit, even though the employee did not initiate
the action. Employees engaging in these
activities are protected against retaliation so long as they follow the proper
legal procedures. Employees who act
unreasonably, such as by engaging in vandalism or physical violence, are not
protected from retaliation from their employers based on unacceptable workplace
employees are not shielded from non-retaliatory or non-discriminatory adverse
actions by their employers simply by nature of being a protected class or
participating in claims made under these statutes. The law’s general deference for freedom of
contract in private business allows employers to make business decisions freely
unless these decisions are patently discriminatory or otherwise improper. So, employers may terminate, demote,
reassign, or take any other adverse action against an employee currently or
previously involved in a legal action enforcing his or her rights in the
workplace so long as this decision is based on a legitimate business
interest. The anti-retaliation laws
apply specifically to employer actions intended to punish employees for taking
legal action or to discourage employees from enforcing their rights against
employers in the future.[xii]
Discriminating against protected groups
of workers has been illegal in the United States for decades, but employees
still face issues related to workplace discrimination. There are several laws that require employers
to provide equal employment opportunities to workers that are at risk of
workplace discrimination. In fact, the Department of Labor is
responsible for the administration and enforcement of more than 180 employment-related
federal laws that regulate workplace activities for about 10 million employers
and 125 million employees.[xiii] Despite these
protections, many forms of discrimination are difficult to detect, such as when
historically disadvantaged groups face a “glass ceiling” in their efforts to
rise to higher positions within a company’s leadership. Because employment equality continues to be
a major issue despite widespread adoption of anti-discrimination laws, workers
should be aware of their rights and not be deterred from acting if they are
affected by discrimination in the workplace.
[ii] Rassas, L. (2014). Employment Law: A Guide to Hiring, Managing, and Firing for Employers and Employees. 100-09. Frederick, MD: Wolters Kluwer.
[v] Campolongo, J. (2016). Interviewing and Hiring. In P. J. Ennis, Pennsylvania Employment Law Deskbook (p. 4). Pennsylvania Bar Association. Retrieved from
[vii] See
[viii] City of Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co., 488 U.S. 469 (1989), Adarand Constructors, Inc.v. Peña, 515 U.S. 200 (1995)
[ix] Lansford, T. (2017). Employment & Workers Rights. 44. New York, NY: Mason Crest.
[x] Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (n.d.). Questions and Answers: Enforcement Guidance on Retaliation and Related Issues. Retrieved from Laws, Regulations, & Guidances:
[xi] Rassas, L. (2014). Employment Law: A Guide to Hiring, Managing, and Firing for Employers and Employees. 41-44. Frederick, MD: Wolters Kluwer.
[xii] Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (n.d.). Questions and Answers: Enforcement Guidance on Retaliation and Related Issues. Retrieved from Laws, Regulations, & Guidances:
[xiii] U.S. Department of Labor. (n.d.). Summary
of the Major Laws of the Department of Labor. Retrieved from