Protections for Employees Module 3: Workers with Disabilities or Injuries
See Also:
Short Video: Workers Compensation: When is an Injury considered to be in the "course of employment"?
Module 3: Workers
with Disabilities or Injuries
Employers may not discriminate against qualified employees
or applicants with physical or mental disabilities. The main law prohibiting discrimination
against workers with disabilities is the Americans with Disabilities Act,
which defines the types of medical conditions that qualify as disabilities,
obliges employers to provide reasonable accommodations for disabled workers,
and provides remedies for disabled workers who may have been discriminated
against in the workplace.
Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990
The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 bans
discrimination in employment, transportation, public accommodation,
communication, and government participation against individuals with disabilities.[1] It is the most far-reaching federal law
protecting individuals with disabilities.
The ADA requires employers to provide
equal opportunity in hiring and reviewing qualified applicants with
disabilities, make reasonable accommodations for disabled job applicants and
workers and ensure equal opportunity in advancement and benefits. However, the ADA does not guarantee
employment for workers with disabilities.
Employers are not obligated to offer jobs to unqualified individuals
just because they are protected by the ADA.
The law requires employers to determine whether an applicant is
qualified for a position and, if so, the employer must make reasonable
accommodations to ensure that the applicant can succeed despite the disability.
ADA protections apply to a broad set of
medical conditions. The first step in
securing coverage under the ADA is for an employee to demonstrate that he or
she has a qualifying disability. The ADA
applies to workers with a physical or mental impairment that substantially
limits their life activities. This
impairment must be recorded in the worker’s personal or medical history and may
or may not be producing symptoms at the time the worker starts a job. [2]
The law applies to both physical mental
impairments. Physical impairments affect
a worker’s neurological, muscular, skeletal, sensory, respiratory,
cardiovascular, reproductive, digestive, genital, urinary, or metabolic or hormonal
body systems. Certain serious infectious
diseases, including tuberculosis and HIV, also qualify as physical
impairments. Psychological conditions
affecting emotional or mental health such as dyslexia and learning disabilities
are also protected by the ADA. However,
whether a mental illness qualifies as a disability can be a difficult to
determine. For example, courts have found that compulsive gambling,
kleptomania, and pyromania do not qualify as mental illnesses. Moreover, illegal
drug use and addiction disorders do not qualify as ADA-protected disabilities
until the afflicted worker successfully completes a supervised drug
rehabilitation program or begins attending ongoing treatment for addiction,
such as Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.[3]
The key factor in determining whether an
affliction qualifies as a disability is whether the impairment substantially
limits a major life activity. A major
life activity means a task that most people can perform with little or no
difficulty. Examples include seeing,
hearing, walking, eating, sleeping, standing, lifting, speaking, reading,
learning, or communicating. An
ADA-recognized disability must substantially limit these activities. Therefore,
an affliction sometimes can progress into a disability when its symptoms
Taking medication or using equipment to
treat or mitigate symptoms of an impairment does not impact qualification under
the ADA, even if these measures eliminate the effects of the impairment. For example, a worker diagnosed with cancer
who is in remission due to successful chemotherapy treatments would still be
entitled to the rights afforded to disabled workers by the ADA.
Employer Obligations Under the ADA
Private businesses employing 15 people or
more, employment agencies, state and local governments and labor associations
are prohibited from discriminating against qualified individuals with
disabilities. The ADA also imposes affirmative action responsibilities on
public entities to ensure equal hiring opportunities for qualified applicants
with disabilities.
Employers’ obligations under the ADA begin
when the company advertises open positions and solicits applications.
Advertisements must not dissuade otherwise qualified disabled people from
applying and must not imply that otherwise qualified disabled people will not
be considered for the position. Employers must also be careful when inquiring
into a job candidate’s background, as routine inquiries may indicate the
disability. Discovering the candidate’s disability may unwittingly expose the
employer to potential liability for making a hiring decision on that basis.
In fact, workers have brought successful
ADA claims against employers who discovered some information that led the
employer to believe that there was a disability when, in fact, the worker had
no disability at all. While it may seem
counterintuitive that the ADA would create a legal course of action protecting
workers without disabilities, the overall purpose of the statute is to prevent
the unfair stigmatization and prejudice that many disabled Americans have
experienced in the workplace.[4]
If a disabled individual is qualified for
a job, the employer must consider whether the disabled worker would need any
reasonable accommodations in order to place him on a level playing field with
other workers not impacted by disabilities.
Employers have no obligation to alter the essential functions of a job
to make it easier for a disabled employee to perform, but is required to allow
accommodations in the workplace that are reasonable and proper to ensure that
disabled workers have equal access to professional success.[5]
Accommodations may take the form of
specialized equipment, physical modifications to the workspace, adjustments to
work schedules or job expectations or many other possibilities. Whether an accommodation is reasonable
depends on the circumstances of the employer, such as the company’s practical
ability to alter working conditions and operations. Some accommodations for disabled workers may
be considered reasonable for large companies with substantial financial and
physical resources, but unreasonable when imposed upon small businesses.
The ADA does not require employers to make
accommodations that would impose an undue burden on their businesses. To excuse the employer from its
responsibilities under the ADA, the burden of accommodation must substantially
and unreasonably impact business operations.
When employers are directed to make accommodations, they are given broad
discretion to design and implement accommodations in a manner that minimizes any
adverse impact on the workplace.[6] In other words, disabled
people are entitled to reasonable accommodations, but these are of the
employer’s choosing. While a disabled employee who cannot walk from site to
site might prefer a private company car, for example, a provision for cab fare
for the employee would certainly be considered a reasonable accommodation even
if it’s slightly less convenient.
All workers have the right to prevent
their employers from prying into confidential medical information. Therefore,
employers may not ask employees about a disability, nor can it require them to
submit to pre-hiring medical testing.[7] Still, if the disability
accommodation is requested, it is reasonable and legal for the employer to
subject the employee to reasonable medical examinations to determine the
viability of proposed accommodations.
ADA Enforcement
The EEOC enforces the ADA’s employment
provisions, while other federal agencies are responsible for ensuring
anti-discrimination policies in other sectors.
The EEOC receives over 25,000 complaints alleging disability
discrimination in the workplace annually, resulting in roughly a hundred
million dollars in compensation being paid out. Employers should be aware of
their potential liability under the ADA, as companies that have refused to
accommodate disabled employees or terminated workers for having disabilities
may find themselves liable for hundreds of thousands of dollars or more in
civil damages.[8]
If an employee believes that he has been
the subject of discriminatory treatment because of a disability, he may bring a
lawsuit under the ADA. If a qualified
disabled worker can show that he was not hired despite appropriate
qualifications and abilities merely due to disability, the worker may be able
to recover lost wages and damages.
Similarly, a disabled worker can recover if she can show differing
treatment from the rest of the workforce, and that this disparate treatment had
an adverse impact on the worker’s career.[9]
Other Laws Affecting Workers With Disabilities
In addition to the Americans with
Disabilities Act, the federal government has created other programs to facilitate
workplace success for disabled people. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 bans
federal agencies from discriminating based on disability and requires them to
develop affirmative action programs for the hiring and advancement of people
with disabilities that go beyond the protections of the Americans With
Disabilities Act. These requirements also apply to certain businesses under
contract with the federal government and organizations receiving federal
financial assistance.
There are several other laws providing
additional rights to disabled workers.
The Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act bars
discrimination and requires most federal government contractors to take
affirmative action to employ and promote disabled veterans.[10] Executive Order 13160,
signed by President Bill Clinton in 2000, bans disability-based discrimination
in education programs and other government activities. The federal Office of
Disability Employment Policy promotes and coordinates policies to increase
workplace and entrepreneurship opportunities for people with disabilities.[11]
The government also provides a free
service, the Employer Assistance and Resource Network that helps
employers hire and retain people with disabilities across the country. The Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency
Program was designed to increase access for people with disabilities to
training and vocational rehabilitation programs. This type of training can support disabled
individuals as they obtain, regain, or maintain employment.[12] Similarly, the Workforce
Recruitment Program for college students with disabilities also provides
recruitment and placement services for post-secondary students and recent
college graduates.[13] The government launched the
website “” to provide information and resources for workers with
disabilities, employers, and the general public, which discusses workplace
entitlements, responsibilities and accommodations.
Compensation for
On-the Job Injury or Disability
very first workers compensation laws originated in Europe. The German Sickness Insurance
Law of 1883 and Accident Insurance Law of 1884, for example, created an
insurance system under which all employers had to pay a small amount per
employee into a pool of funds. If a worker became sick or injured on the job,
he could collect a portion of his wages from the pool until he could return to
work. These became the basis for the
workers’ compensation programs common in most modern democracies, including the
United States.[14]
Excluding federal employees and a few
private industries subject to special legal protections, workers compensation
programs are administered at the state level.
Employees injured on the job obtain compensation by suing employers for
damages, enrolling in compensation programs involving medical treatment and
wage supplementation or by taking advantage of social insurance and assistance
Suing Employers for Damages Resulting from Workplace Injuries
Employees injured on the job rarely succeed
in civil suits against their employers.
State workers’ compensation programs have become universal, and
employees are required to use this process rather than resolve their complaints
in the courts. Only workers excluded
from coverage under worker’s compensation programs may sue employers over a
workplace injury. Still, if the injury
was intentionally inflicted by the employer, workers compensation statutes will
not prevent a successful civil action against the employer. Fraudulent
misrepresentation can also constitute intentional malfeasance. So, for example,
if an employer intentionally misleads a worker about the health hazards of a
particular chemical used in the workplace, and the worker is harmed by the
chemical as a result of being misled, the worker may be able to recover damages
in a civil suit. [15]
Workers Compensation Statutes
state operates workers’ compensation programs for private companies and local
governments. In
general, employers fund these programs by paying a small percentage- about
1-1.5 percent of an employee’s total wage- into an insurance program that
compensates employees and their families if the employee is hurt or killed on
the job.[16]
compensation laws vary from state to state, but are comparable to each other. Under workers’ compensation programs,
employees who are injured on the job may file a claim for compensation with a
public agency. Unlike lawsuits, where an
employee must prove the employer’s fault in causing his injury, workers’
compensation claims do not require a finding of fault. Rather, their purposes are limited to helping
injured workers recover medically, professionally, and financially after being
injured on the job. Workers’
compensation programs offer weekly payments based on to the injured worker’s
former wages while the worker heals and searches for a new job. Medical benefits are also available through
workers’ compensation, and the laws also typically provide job-training or
vocational rehabilitation programs that can help injured or disabled workers
enter a new profession.[17]
Federal Workers’
Compensation Programs
federal government has enacted the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act which
establishes a workers’ compensation program covering the disability or death of
a civilian federal employee resulting from an injury sustained while working
for the U.S. government.[18] Congress has also enacted workers’
compensation laws directed at specific work-related injuries of national
significance. For example, the Black
Lung Benefits Act provides payments and medical care for coal miners disabled
by black lung disease, and the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation
Program Act provides similar coverage for federal employees, contractors, and
subcontractors who suffered injury caused by exposure to radiation and certain
toxins involved in the energy industry.[19]
Disability Insurance
About one-third of employers provide
private long-term disability insurance access to their employees. Long-term disability insurance can increase
injured workers’ access to funds, as well as provide services that help workers
return to work after time away due to illness or injury. Access to long-term disability insurance is
more common among relatively high-wage workers at large establishments and in
jobs with low disability rates. Most
workers with an option to enroll in long-term disability insurance choose to do
so, with enrollment rates commonly exceeding 90%. Long-term disability
insurance coverages vary from plan to plan, but most coverage includes
rehabilitation benefits, accommodation support, and return-to-work
incentives. Medical care, however, is
typically not included in disability insurance.
Social Security Disability Insurance
is a public program that provides financial support to workers with
disabilities if they meet certain eligibility criteria. These depend upon the injured worker’s
contribution into the Social Security program through payroll taxes. Social Security Disability coverage also
includes health care benefits through Medicare. Workers receiving benefits from
long-term disability insurance may still receive additional benefits under Social
Security Disability Insurance, if eligible.[20]
The common
thread that goes through disability accommodation rules in workers’
compensation rules is an underlying policy desire to protect people who suffer
from disabilities or injuries from adverse impacts and to maximize their
chances of success in the workplace and to compensate for possible inability to
[2] Rassas, L. (2014). Employment Law: A Guide to Hiring, Managing, and Firing for Employers and Employees. 116-17. Frederick, MD: Wolters Kluwer.
[3] Rassas, L. (2014). Employment Law: A Guide to Hiring, Managing, and Firing for Employers and Employees. 117-18. Frederick, MD: Wolters Kluwer.
[4] Rassas, L. (2014). Employment Law: A Guide to Hiring, Managing, and Firing for Employers and Employees. 120. Frederick, MD: Wolters Kluwer.
[5] Rassas, L. (2014). Employment Law: A Guide to Hiring, Managing, and Firing for Employers and Employees. 123-25. Frederick, MD: Wolters Kluwer.
[6] Rassas, L. (2014). Employment Law: A Guide to Hiring, Managing, and Firing for Employers and Employees. 124-26. Frederick, MD: Wolters Kluwer.
[7] Rassas, L. (2014). Employment Law: A Guide to Hiring, Managing, and Firing for Employers and Employees. 128-29. Frederick, MD: Wolters Kluwer.
[8] Rassas, L. (2014). Employment Law: A Guide to Hiring, Managing, and Firing for Employers and Employees. 116. Frederick, MD: Wolters Kluwer.
[9] Rassas, L. (2014). Employment Law: A Guide to Hiring, Managing, and Firing for Employers and Employees. 130. Frederick, MD: Wolters Kluwer.
[10] U.S. Department of Labor. (n.d.). Laws & Regulations. Retrieved from Disability Resources:
[11] U.S. Department of Labor. (n.d.). Disability Resources. Retrieved from
[12] U.S. Department of Labor. (n.d.). People With Disabilities. Retrieved from Training:
[13] U.S. Department of Labor. (n.d.). People With Disabilities. Retrieved from Training:
[14] Lansford, T. (2017). Employment & Workers Rights. 36. New York, NY: Mason Crest.
[15] Covington, R. (1995). Employment Law in a Nutshell. 309-10. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co.
[16] Lansford, T. (2017). Employment & Workers Rights. 36. New York, NY: Mason Crest.
[17] Covington, R. (1995). Employment Law in a Nutshell. 313-314. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co.
[19] U.S. Department of Labor. (n.d.). Summary of the Major Laws of the Department of Labor. Retrieved from
[20] Anand,
P., & Wittenburg, D. (2007, March). An analysis of private long-term
disability insurance access, cost, and trends. Monthly Labor Review.
Retrieved from