LawShelf was founded with the mission of producing high-quality videos to help the general public learn about the law. To date thousands of students have successfully completed exams in order to earn digital badges to display on their LinkedIn pages. Over the past 12 months, over 2 million unique visitors have visited the LawShelf website in order to conduct legal research.
Beginning in 2021, LawShelf has expanded its mission to enable students to earn college credit for completing LawShelf courses. To date, over 50 LawShelf courses have been evaluated and recommended for college credit by the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS), and may be transferred to over 1,500 colleges and universities .
LawShelf has reached over 40,000 subscribers to its YouTube channel.
LawShelf has reached over 37,000 subscribers to its YouTube channel.
LawShelf has reached over 30,000 subscribers to its YouTube channel.
Southern New Hampshire University has signed an agreement with LawShelf and joined the growing list of partner colleges guaranteeing acceptance of transfer credit from LawShelf courses.
LawShelf has reached over 20,000 subscribers to its YouTube channel.
Bellevue University and LawShelf have signed an articulation agreement. This course equivalency guide shows how each LawShelf course can be used to fulfill elective or program requirements at Bellevue.
The LawShelf YouTube channel now has over 18,000 subscribers.
LawShelf has reached over 15,000 subscribers to its YouTube channel.
LawShelf has reached over 14,000 subscribers to its YouTube channel.
Updated course equivalency guides are now available for all LawShelf partner schools.
LawShelf partner Purdue University Global publishes a course equivalency guide showing how LawShelf courses can be applied toward degree program requirements.
DeVry University and LawShelf have signed a transfer credit agreement that allows DeVry students to take LawShelf courses knowing that they are guaranteed to be able to apply them toward their degree requirements.
Thomas Edison State University has designated LawShelf as an Approved Educational Provider and guarantees acceptance of LawShelf credits.
LawShelf has reached over 12,000 subscribers to its YouTube channel.
LawShelf credits are guaranteed to be accepted by Troy University, a university with over 18,000 students in its campus-based and nationwide online programs. A LawShelf course can be used to replace any equivalent Troy course and a LawShelf course can count as an elective within a related major or minor program. For students with programs unrelated to any LawShelf courses, LawShelf credits can be used generally as free elective credits.
Credits for LawShelf courses are guaranteed to transfer to our partner Excelsior College, a regionally accredited university.
University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) has agreed to accept LawShelf courses for transfer credit, and is currently working on securing a course equivalency chart to best allow students to use LawShelf courses in their UMGC degree plans.
University of Maine has adopted various LawShelf courses as part of their curricula.
LawShelf has reached over 10,000 subscribers to its YouTube channel.
Peer review of LawShelf's Basics of Accounting course conducted by Merlot. The review states:
This video series is concise, accurate, and engaging. The content would be perfect as summary or refresher content for an introductory financial accounting course. It can also be used as a supplement for business majors taking accounting courses.
Professor at the Washington College of Law incorporates LawShelf's presentation on Eminent Domain into her law school course.
Professor at Tidewater Community College uses LawShelf videos on Wills, Estate Planning and the Rules of Intestacy in teaching his Wills, Trusts and Estate Administration courses.
Professor at Baruch College (part of the City University of New York system) reports using various LawShelf presentations as part of a collaborative program between Baruch and the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in Chengdu, China.
Penn State University professor features LawShelf presentations in his course on the legal and regulatory environment of privacy and cyber use.
University of Pittsburgh requests authorization to embed LawShelf video presentations in its law-related curricula.
Professor at Madonna University embeds the LawShelf presentation on The Warrant Requirement and Exclusionary Rule in his teaching materials and reports “enjoying” using the video.
Faculty member at the Criminal Justice department of City College of San Francisco reports using multiple LawShelf videos "throughout the semester".
University administrator in charge of digital training pedagogical mission at EDC Paris Business School integrates LawShelf videos into its educational platform.
MBA student enrolled in a graduate-level "Advanced Business Law" course reports that LawShelf video presentations "pretty much align with the syllabus" at his MBA program.
Western Governors University assigns LawShelf presentation on Alternative Dispute Resolution to students enrolled in its Teachers College.
Faculty member at the University of Southern California uses Arbitration as a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution in teaching its ADR course. She reports that multiple professors at USC who teach ADR "really loved" the presentation.
Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure professor at the Community College System of New Hampshire uses LawShelf Criminal Law and Procedure presentations in the classroom and comments that LawShelf "lesson plans are excellent."
Criminal Justice Program Chair at Ivy Tech Community College assigns LawShelf's presentation on Mens Rea in his Criminal Law class.
University of Calgary PhD candidate reports using LawShelf presentation History of Corporate Compliance Regulations in his doctoral thesis.
I wanted to say a huge thanks for the invaluable opportunity you gave me. Thanks to your tests, I completed the last 12 credits of my Bachelor of Science degree in liberal arts. These tests were terrific resources in the last step of my journey - not only did I earn credits at a minimal cost, but I also learned relevant and crucial information since I plan to pursue a career in law. Thank you again for a fantastic experience, and I look forward to continuing to benefit from this storehouse of knowledge in my future.
I am a first-year law student... I was totally at a loss as to how to prepare for our final exam, but your courseware course on Contracts is saving my life!!!
This is a tremendous resource. I am a paralegal student in New Jersey, and I have found the textbooks cumbersome and contradictory. Your explanations of legal theory are clear, concise, and immediately useful. I also appreciate the fact pattern quizzes, which help me assess my concept mastery quickly. I shared the website name with a number of peers, and hopefully, they also will avail themselves of the site.
Very informative for my exam. Thanks
You know someone KNOWS the law when they can effortlessly break it down so easily.
This series was great! For whatever reason, I have had trouble with the rules of evidence and even the fundamental stuff when writing or speaking about cases with someone where there are more evidentiary and factual aspects vs questions of law. I happily just crammed this whole series in today while flipping through the Fed .R. Evidence. Very well explained and no unnecessary legal jargon!
This video is amazing! Thank you so much!
You explained this better that my textbook, thank you.
You are my main GO TO source when I need clarification. Your videos are easy to understand. Thank you!
Well done. I came to your video to review [Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress] and was intrigued to hear the Dillon case is a minority opinion. It was a significant case in our Torts textbook. Thank you for shedding more light on the concept.
Thank you for uploading this!! It explained the Statute of Frauds and exceptions so well... loved it!
I don't know why I'm just now finding this, but this is definitely the best video explanation on YouTube. Thank You!