Introduction to Alternative
Dispute Resolution
Dispute Resolution (ADR) refers to an array of methods for resolving legal
disputes without resorting to the court system.[1]
ADR plays a pivotal role in the American legal process, but it is often
overshadowed by Hollywood’s glamorous portrayal of jury trials. One might
imagine that all legal disputes are battled out in large courtrooms filled with
jurors and spectators. In reality, about five percent of civil cases ever make
it to trial.[2]
In some states, that rate has reached as low as 0.2 percent.[3]
The same is true of criminal cases, with only 10 percent reaching trial.[4]
The other 90 to 99.8 percent of legal disputes are resolved through some form
of ADR.
ADR methods have
gained substantial traction over the past 30 years.[5]
They are increasingly popular with clients, attorneys, and judges alike. There
are four primary reasons for their rise in popularity. First, ADR increases
court efficiency.[6]
The general public has never been more litigious. Court dockets are bursting at
their seams, and there are only so many judges available to handle the ever-increasing
As a result, many judges now issue court orders requiring the parties to engage
in some form of ADR before allowing a case to proceed to trial.[8]
Second, ADR is
less costly than trial.[9]
Trial is by far the most expensive stage of litigation.[10]
It often involves the additional expense of expert witnesses, who can charge
over $1000.00 per hour for their services.[11]
In addition, most plaintiff’s attorneys charge a contingency fee that
significantly increases if the case reaches the trial stage.[12]
Attorneys often spend well over half of their billable hours in trial or in trial
At the end the day, clients are generally happy to avoid these trial-related
Third, ADR is
generally less risky than trial.[14]
At trial, a judge or a jury decides the case, which may lead to unintended
Jury trials, in particular, are known to be a bit of a “coin toss”—sometimes
In Kentucky, a man was convicted of murder when the jury flipped a coin after
reaching a stalemate in deliberations.[17]
Of course, when the judge discovered the true nature of the conviction, he
ordered a new trial. Still, the point is well taken—trial offers no guarantee
of a fair or favorable decision. Most forms of ADR reduce the amount of risk the
parties undertake by leaving the outcome entirely in their hands.
Finally, ADR proceedings
are private.[18]
Court records and proceedings are open to the public, and by virtue of its
adversarial nature, litigation tends to flush out cherished secrets or
embarrassing facts and allegations.[19]
Unfortunately for the parties, the media salivate over such “news worthy”
information, which usually ends up making headlines. Parties engage in ADR in
order to keep their reputations or trade secrets intact while they work toward
a resolution.
of ADR
ADR methods
typically take one of three forms: 1) direct negotiation; 2) mediation; or 3)
These methods differ in the degree to which they involve a third-party. Deciding
which form is most appropriate depends largely on how well the parties get
Direct negotiation
is generally defined as “two or more disputing parties meet[ing] together in
good faith to identify and discuss the issues at hand, present facts and
supporting data, arrive at mutual solutions, and abide by the outcome.”[22]
As its definition suggests, negotiation covers a broad spectrum of avenues
parties might take to reach a resolution. The setting can be as formal or
informal as the parties want. Direct negotiation is distinguishable from the
other two ADR methods in that it does not involve a third party. Rather, here,
the disputing parties work together directly to reach an understanding. As
negotiation requires the parties to work together, it is best suited for
disputes between parties who tend to get along, or are at least willing to
Negotiation occurs in criminal cases in the form of “plea bargaining,” in which
defendants agree to plead guilty in return for the dismissal of additional
charges or for the prosecutor’s recommendation for a reduced sentence.[24]
In contrast,
both mediation and arbitration involve a neutral third-party (someone who has
no stake in the outcome) and occur primarily in civil cases.[25]
Mediation is, essentially, negotiation facilitated by a middle-man, known as a
Mediators are usually legal professionals, either attorneys or judges, who
understand how the law relates to the facts of the case.[27]
The mediator provides a fresh pair of eyes and helps the parties understand the
strengths and weaknesses of their positions. The mediator is simply a
facilitator, a conduit for negotiations. She does not decide facts or make any
legal rulings.[28]
As a result, the parties are not legally bound by the outcome.[29]
Still, successful mediation usually concludes with the parties signing a
settlement agreement binding them to their agreed-upon terms.[30]
Mediation is particularly helpful when the case involves complicated issues,
when the parties cannot agree on certain facts, or when the parties’ own
negotiations have broken down.[31]
The courts favor mediation and often require parties to engage in mediation
before trial.[32]
Arbitration is
the most structured of the ADR methods.[33]
In arbitration, the neutral third-party (the arbitrator) conducts formal
hearings, makes findings of fact, and renders a final decision in the matter.[34]
Unlike in mediation, her decision is legally binding, unless the parties have
entered into a prior agreement stating otherwise.[35]
The arbitrator is often a retired judge or a panel of retired judges, given
their experience handling legal disputes.[36]
Procedurally, arbitration is much like trial.[37]
The only meaningful distinctions are: 1) it is conducted in a private forum;
and 2) the parties cannot appeal the arbitrator’s decision—it is absolutely final.[38]
Arbitration is most appropriate when one or more of the parties is hostile or
uncooperative. It is a common forum in contract law because most commercial
contracts require arbitration in the event a dispute ever arises, which it
often does.[39]
There are a few
other recognized forms of ADR, such as Early Neutral Evaluation and
These are basically alternate forms of mediation. Early on in litigation,
parties have different views of how the law should apply to their facts.[41]
They will inevitably disagree on how a court or jury might rule on certain issues.[42]
At this stage of litigation, clients have usually heard only their attorney’s
arguments and optimistic assurances of success.[43]
In these instances, the parties may invite a neutral third-party (essentially a
mediator) to provide some clarity.[44]
In an Early Neutral Evaluation, the mediator provides guidance on which
theories of law and legal precedents apply to the case.[45]
Mini-Trials take Early Neutral Evaluations a step farther—the parties gather
together and present their respective arguments openly in front of the mediator,
who then advises the parties on their chances of success at trial.[46]
Whatever the
form of ADR, the ultimate goal is the same—a lasting resolution to the dispute.
is Not for Everyone
Although ADR
methods continue to grow in popularity, they are not the best solution for
every dispute.[47]
Mediators and arbitrators generally charge a fee for their services, and if the
parties know in advance that there is no chance of settling the case, ADR only wastes
time and resources.[48]
In negotiation, one party might have an unfair advantage and can strong-arm the
other into an unbalanced settlement.[49]
ADR may be a faster alternative to trial, but some violent or dangerous circumstances
require even more immediate court action, such as a restraining order.[50]
In these instances, the courts are the more appropriate venue.
Some parties
avoid ADR because they want to set legal precedent for future disputes.[51]
ADR provides a one-time solution that is only binding, if at all, on the
current parties for the current dispute. In contrast, court decisions become
law, which controls, or prevents, future disputes regardless of the parties
Take the airline industry for example. Landowners once owned all of the
airspace above their property, from the ground up to the “heavens.”[53]
Then came the invention of the airplane. As flights became more common,
residents near airports became frustrated with airplanes flying low over their
During WWII, one landowner sued the U.S. Government for allowing military aircraft
to cross his airspace.[55]
The Supreme Court of the United States heard the case and declared that landowners
own only the immediate airspace above their land.[56]
That decision changed the longstanding law and cleared the skies for commercial
aviation. Had the Government simply settled the matter, the door to litigation
would have remained open for thousands of other disgruntled landowners.
Despite the few
exceptions, ADR remains the solution of choice for most legal disputes. Even as
the number of pending civil cases continues to rise, ADR methods have helped
reduce the total number of cases ending in trial by more than 60 percent since
the 1980s.[57]
ADR saves parties time and money. It keeps court staff from burning out.
Barring some fundamental economic or social shift, ADR’s popularity will likely
continue to grow, and the Hollywood notion of “trial” may become a thing of the
ALI-ABA 265 , 267
[6] (http://siteresources.worldbank.org/FINANCIALSECTOR/Resources/282044-1307652042357/VP329-Setting-out-of-court.pdf
)(P. 5)
[8] Steven Shavell, Alternative Dispute Resolution:
An Economic Analysis, 24 J. Legal Stud. 1 (1995)
[15] Maximizing Your Injury Claim: Ch. 19 –
“Exploring Alternatives to Trial,” Matthew D. Dubin.
[20] STUDY
[22] 4 Am. Jur. 2d Alternative Dispute Resolution § 4.
[26] Id. at 284
[28] 285
[29] Id.
[30] Id.
[31] Id.
at 284.
[32] Steven Shavell, Alternative Dispute Resolution: An
Economic Analysis, 24 J. Legal Stud. 1 (1995)
[34] Id.
[35] Black’s Law Dictionary, Abridged 9th
Ed., P. 95.
[37] http://bcicac.com/about/what-is-mediationarbitration/difference-between-arbitration-and-mediation/
[40] STUDY
[41] Id.
[42] Id.
[43] Id.
[44] Id.
[45] Id.
[46] Id.
[50] Id.
[51] Id.
[52] Id.
[53] Sprankling; Coletta, Property: A Modern
Approach, 2nd Ed., p. 133.
[54] Id.
[55] Id.
at 134.
[56] Id.
at 137.