Introduction to Alternative Dispute Resolution - Module 1 of 5
See Also:
1: Introduction to Alternative Dispute Resolution
Dispute Resolution encompasses various techniques and strategies aimed at
helping disputing parties resolve their conflicts without expensive and lengthy
litigation. With a history dating back to 1800 BC, ADR was routinely utilized in
the negotiation of disputes among ancient kingdoms[1]. Greek philosopher
Aristotle praised the use of arbitration over the court systems, while ancient
Phoenicians included negotiations as standard aspects of their business
has also played a significant role in American history. The writing of our
Constitution involved extensive negotiations regarding the conflicting
viewpoints of the forefathers. In 1923, the Department of Labor was added to
the federal government, with one of its chief purposes being the mediation of
labor disputes.[3]
From there, ADR grew into a widely accepted and utilized tool within the legal
system. It is seen as a cost effective and time saving alternative to
traditional court proceedings. Lawsuits can take months or even years to
conclude. By comparison, most ADR proceedings are concluded in days or weeks.
This significantly shorter duration also helps keep costs down for disputing
parties who pay for legal counsel.
addition to its benefits for the parties, ADR is also beneficial to the court
system as a whole. Courts are notorious for backlogs of cases waiting to be
heard. ADR provides options for getting these cases resolved outside of the courtroom,
which frees up judicial calendars and allows judges to handle other matters.
is the most formal type of Alternative Dispute Resolution. In arbitration, a
third-party arbitrator makes a legally binding decision at the end of the
proceedings. As explained in the Uniform Arbitration Act, disputing
parties appear before a neutral arbitrator, who may be a retired judge, an
attorney, or a professionally trained arbitrator.[4] They agree to be legally
bound by the final decision of the arbitrator, just as they would be legally
bound by the final decision of a judge or jury.
the arbitration procedure is more formal than mediation, it is still less
formal than a court of law. Each side has the option of submitting a written
brief to the arbitrator prior to the hearing. During the proceeding, both
parties are placed under oath and allowed to present their sides of the
dispute. If either side is represented by an attorney, the attorney can speak
on behalf of the client and conduct any questioning of witnesses.
At the conclusion of each
side’s case, the arbitrator may ask pertinent questions. The arbitrator may
also give the opposing party an opportunity to ask questions. The process then
repeats for the other side to give his or her statement of the case. Once each
side has fully presented its case, the proceedings are closed, with the parties
leaving the final decision to the arbitrator.
The arbitrator typically issues a written decision.[5] Under some circumstances, the arbitrator may ask each side to submit a final written brief. The arbitrator may also request additional information from the parties after the evidence has been presented, if necessary.
The Federal Arbitration Act
by Congress in 1925, the Federal Arbitration Act authorizes
and encourages arbitration, in lieu of court litigation, for all matters
involving interstate commerce.[6][7] The FAA was initially
intended to enforce valid arbitration agreements involving maritime
transactions, but its reach has been broadened by the federal courts to include
all industries of business at the federal and state levels.[8] The chief provision of the
Act states that, if a party to an arbitration agreement commences a court
proceeding related to the contract, the other party or parties may request that
the court suspend the litigation and compel resolution of the dispute by
of such arbitration provisions include the following, developed by the American
Arbitration Association:
If a dispute arises out of or relates to
this contract, or the breach thereof, and if the dispute cannot be settled
through negotiation, the parties agree first to try in good faith to settle the
dispute by mediation administered by the American Arbitration Association under
its Commercial Mediation Procedures before resorting to arbitration,
litigation, or some other dispute resolution procedure.
clauses are commonly tweaked to address the industries or circumstances for
which they are being used. For example, an arbitration clause in relation to an
international contract may state:
Any controversy or claim arising out of or
relating to this contract, or the breach thereof, shall be determined by
arbitration administered by the International Centre for Dispute Resolution in
accordance with its International Arbitration Rules.
addition to promoting compliance with arbitration clauses, the Federal
Arbitration Act also states that, for the arbitrator’s final decision to be
binding, all involved parties must agree to participate in arbitration.[10] This mutual agreement
requirement is generally met through the signatures of all parties on a
contract containing the arbitration provision.
Act allows participants to appeal the decisions of arbitrators on grounds that
their consents to arbitrate were gained through coercion or fraud. An
allegation that the arbitration clause was blatantly improper or unfair to one
party may also be grounds for appeal.
provisions of the FAA include authorization for arbitrators to call third-party
witnesses and compel their appearance at arbitration proceedings. It also
outlines the process for prevailing parties to enforce the decision of
arbitrators and the process for a non-prevailing party to pursue voiding the
courts have interpreted the Federal Arbitration Act in a number of cases. One
of the most commonly cited cases is the 2011 case of AT&T vs. Concepcion,[11] where the Supreme Court mandated the use of
arbitration for a dispute arising out of a contract that included an
arbitration clause.
and Liza Concepcion contracted with AT&T for the purchase of mobile phones
advertised as free with service contracts. When the Concepcions learned that
they would be required to pay taxes on the phones, they filed a lawsuit that
eventually grew into a class action against AT&T. The contract between
AT&T and Concepcion required the settlement of claims through arbitration
and forbade class arbitration.
on the language of the contract, AT&T requested that the court compel each
of the class action plaintiffs to pursue arbitration separately. The Supreme Court
ruled in favor of AT&T, declaring that the FAA superseded a California
state law that forbade contractual restraints on class arbitration. They also ruled
that the arbitration clause of the contract was fair to all parties.
ruling was significant because it solidified the ability of businesses to
compel arbitration with consumers, a practice which has become common in
today’s marketplace.
Systems v. Lewis[12] was a
2018 Supreme Court decision that weighed the provisions of the FAA against the
provisions of another piece of federal legislation, the National Labor
Relations Act. The issue centered around the FAA’s enforcement clause and
whether it conflicted with a clause in the NLRA, which grants employees “the
right … to engage in other concerted activities for … mutual aid or
each of the cases consolidated under the proceeding, the disputed employment
agreements contained language requiring employees to participate in
work-related arbitration individually, instead of as a group.[13] The main issue before the
court was whether the NLRA’s protection of “other concerted activities” protected
workers’ rights to pursue legal action as a group, which would supersede the
FAA’s enforcement of class action waivers when included in arbitration
The Court
ruled that the phrase “other concerted activities” did not displace the FAA and
did not guarantee the right of employees to undertake group arbitration against
their employers.[15]
Instead, the phrase only guaranteed employees the right to join together in the
workplace to address working conditions and disputes with their employers.[16] The decision further
strengthened the reach and enforcement of the FAA.
The Uniform Arbitration Act was created in 1955 by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws to create a uniform manner of conducting arbitrations under US law.[17] The Act has been adopted in most states with minor variations. Provisions of the UAA include guidance on such arbitration procedures as choosing an arbitrator, initiating arbitration, attorney representation during arbitration proceedings, witness testimony and arbitration awards.
is an informal type of ADR negotiation occurring between opposing parties.
Though it is generally done on a voluntary basis, an increasing number of
domestic and civil courts have started requiring mediation. This exemplifies a
preference for people to work out their conflicts without relying on the courts
for resolution.
explained by The Model Standards of
Conduct for Mediators, the parties meet with a neutral mediator, who works with
the parties to identify the root cause of the dispute and help them craft a
mutually acceptable resolution.[18] Unlike arbitration, the
mediator does not make any determinations about the legalities of the case.
There is no declaration regarding which party is right and there is no placement
of blame. The mediator’s sole purpose is to guide the process by helping to
properly define the issue to remove the impediments that stand in the way of
mediators do ask questions to progress negotiations, the mediating parties are
not put under oath and they are not formally questioned as you would see in a courtroom
setting. The proceeding is more of a conversation, with each side taking turns
to speak and be heard.
The Model Standards of Conduct for Mediators
also states that mediation proceedings are confidential, and both sides agree
to maintain that confidentiality at the outset of the process. That means that
any admissions or statements made during the mediation proceeding cannot be
used against the party in a later court proceeding, should the mediation fail. Even
if one party admits liability or confesses to acting in an improper manner,
neither the disputing party nor the mediator can divulge that information to
the court in a later proceeding.
Mediation resolutions must be agreed to by all involved parties. Otherwise, the parties may choose to litigate instead. It’s also important to note that mediated resolutions are not legally binding unless committed to a signed settlement agreement.
Neutral Evaluation
evaluation is a process where an unbiased evaluator reviews the facts
and arguments of a dispute and provides each side with a neutral evaluation of each
party’s stance.[19]
Though an increasing number of states and jurisdictions are mandating Early
Neutral Evaluation as a form of ADR, the process is often undertaken on a
voluntary basis by attorneys who recognize the complexities involved in their
cases. After selection of an evaluator, the parties submit a written brief
followed by an in-person meeting between the evaluator, the attorneys and the disputing
evaluator then gives an opinion about the strengths and weaknesses of each
side’s case.[21]
There is no formal determination or finalization of the case. The sole purpose
of the process is for both sides to be provided with an impartial evaluation of
the matter from a neutral party with legal expertise. These evaluations can be
particularly useful for informing attorneys and clients about the weaknesses in
their cases, which can ultimately save a lot of time and effort in the
courtroom, possibly leading to settlement.
stated by the United States District Court for the Northern District of
California, the objectives of Early Neutral Evaluation are to “(1) enhance
direct communication between the parties about their claims and supporting
evidence; (2) provide an assessment of the merits of the case by a neutral
expert; (3) provide a “reality check” for clients and lawyers; (4) identify and
clarify the central issues in dispute; assist with discovery and motion
planning or with an informal exchange of key information, and (5) facilitate
settlement discussions, when requested by the parties.”[22]
Settlement Conferences
conferences occur once a case is filed in the court, but
before it actually goes to trial. Typically, it involves the parties meeting
with the judge assigned to the case or, in some cases, a retired judge who
previously sat on the bench in that jurisdiction. It is an extremely common
type of dispute resolution, often mandated by civil and domestic courts. Though
the exact process varies by jurisdiction or court, there is generally a
conference that occurs between the judge and each side individually, where the
judge discusses the merits of the case, pointing out the strengths and
weaknesses on each side. The judge will then go back and forth between each
side in an attempt to reach a mutually agreed upon settlement.
If the
parties come to an agreement, the attorneys draft a settlement agreement that
is signed by all parties and the judge. It is then filed with the court and the
case is formally dismissed. If no agreement is reached, the case moves back to a
traditional court proceeding.
subject matter of the settlement conference depends on the issues at hand in dispute.
With domestic law cases, courts often mandate settlement conferences in hopes
of settling issues like custody, visitation, spousal support and division of
property. The neutral party understands that the court will be considering the
best interests of the children, so she is well-equipped to point out which side
and arrangements have the best chance for success if taken before the court.
Settlement conferences are also commonly mandated in employment and labor disputes.
Facilitation is a
type of ADR often used in complex cases or disputes involving multiple parties.
The general purpose is to adequately prepare each side
for effective participation in mediation and/or arbitration. Facilitation
is particularly useful where the parties refuse to speak with one another or
previous attempts at ADR have been unsuccessful.[23] This method is often used by governmental entities
in an attempt to resolve international conflicts and on the corporate level in
disputes involving numerous stakeholders.[24]
facilitation, a neutral third party works to identify the reasons behind the
dispute and make sure that all parties understand what the dispute is truly about.
They do this by using various problem-solving techniques.
role of the facilitator is not necessarily to focus on the substantive issues of
the dispute.[25]
Instead, the facilitator focuses on the process by which resolution can be met.
By working with all of the participants, the facilitator offers direction for
the group to effectively proceed through the steps of problem-solving towards a
mutually agreeable outcome. The facilitator offers no opinion and remains
impartial about the merits of the competing arguments, solely offering
procedural guidance to the group.
In our
next module, we will focus in more depth on mediation, its structure and the
various types of mediation, including facilitative, evaluative and
transformative mediation.