Traditional Intentional Torts - Module 1 of 5
See Also:
Traditional Intentional Torts
Intentional Torts: Overview
torts are civil wrongs that result from the intentional actions of a party.
That does not always mean that the wrongdoer intended to harm the victim, but
she must have at least intended to perform the act that ultimately caused the
harm. For example, willfully kicking someone is an intentional tort even if the
defendant did not intend the kick to cause damage or even if he intended the
kick to be a harmless joke or game.
law derives from common law, which was derived from social customs and
eventually transformed into law.[1] When studying torts and
preparing for cases, legal professionals often refer to The Restatement (Second)
of Torts, which is a treatise created by the American Law Institute to provide
a detailed summary of tort law in the United States.[2] Many state criminal
statutes are based on intentional torts, such as laws prohibiting assault and
battery. Violators of these laws may face civil tort liability and criminal cases
brought by the state.
cases are brought to determine liability and appropriate damages to compensate
the victim. While state or federal governments institute criminal cases, tort
actions are brought by individuals or groups. Also, unlike criminal cases,
there is no determination regarding criminal guilt or innocence. In criminal
cases, the dichotomy is “guilty” or “not guilty.” In civil cases, it is
“liable” or “not liable.”
intentional tort has its own elements, and the courts look at whether those
elements were met in determining civil liability.
awards for intentional torts vary greatly depending on the details of the
event, the severity of the tort and the degree of harm experienced by the
victim. Since most of these cases are brought at the state level, state laws
also affect the level of damages that can be awarded in a tort action. In
general, courts may award compensatory damages[3] to compensate for such
financial consequences as:
Medical expenses
Loss of income
Loss of future earnings
Disfigurement, and
Loss of enjoyment of life.
The court may also award consequential damages,[4] which are damages that reasonably result from actual damages (perhaps lost profits from a deal that the plaintiff had to miss due to a tort), and punitive damages, which are awarded to punish the wrongdoer and deter future harms.[5]
are many types of intentional torts, and some of the most commonly litigated
fall under the category of intentional torts to the person. These are acts that
cause physical, mental or emotional harm. Battery, assault, and intentional
infliction of emotional distress are three examples.
Battery is an
intentional harmful or offensive contact with another person.[6] It does not have to be
with the intention of hurting the person. It only requires that the contact
itself be intentional. The case of Garratt v. Dailey is widely used in
the legal profession for its examination of intent in the tort of battery.[7] There, a child pulled a
chair out from under his aunt as she was about to sit down, causing an injury.
The trial court, relying on the child’s assertion that he did not intend to
harm the victim, ruled in favor of the defendant, stating that the child must
know with “substantial certainty” that his actions would result in an injury to
the victim for battery to apply. On appeal, the court remanded the case for
further clarification into the boy’s intent when moving the chair. It held that
if he had knowledge that his actions would cause the victim to come in contact
with the floor, even if he did not intend to injure her, the required element
of intent had been met. On remand, the trial court revered its decision and
found in favor of the injured woman.
battery case law has evolved, state courts have also defined parameters for
determining whether contact is offensive. In Tichon v. Wright Tool &
Forge, the Ohio court explored the definition of offensive contact.[8] The plaintiff was injured,
in the course of employment, by a machine after a safety guard was removed by
the employer. Though the removal of the safety guard was an intentional act, as
required under the elements of battery, it denied the plaintiff’s contention
that the act constituted offensive contact, as the injury was not intended.
Another aspect of battery that has developed through case law is the “eggshell skull” rule. It states that wrongdoers take their victims in the condition that they find them. Vosburg v. Putney[9] involved a school-aged boy who was kicked in the shin by a classmate. The victim had previously been injured in the same knee and developed a serious infection as a result of the kick. The court ruled that, even though the defendant did not know about the previous injury, he was still liable for the severity of injury suffered by the plaintiff’s kick. The court stated that this was a “very strange and extraordinary case. The cause would seem to be very slight for so great and serious a consequence. And yet the plaintiff's limb might have been in just that condition when such a slight blow would excite and cause such a result, according to the medical testimony… It is sufficient that it is the opinion of the medical witnesses that such a cause even might produce such a result under the peculiar circumstances, and that the jury had the right to find, from the evidence and reasonable inferences therefrom, that it did.”
tort of assault has various definitions from state to state. It is
generally defined as an intentional action causing reasonable apprehension or
fear of a harmful or offensive contact.[10] Assault differs from
battery in that it does require the victim’s fear or apprehension, but does not
require actual contact. As explained in the 1902 case of Kline v. Kline,
assault constitutes “touching of the mind, if not the body.”[11]
example, assume that two men are having an argument. One picks up a crow bar
and threatens to hit the other person with it while stepping towards him. Even if
he backs down, the man may be found liable for assault for engaging in an act
that caused reasonable apprehension of imminent harm.
states have incorporated assault into criminal statutes, often differentiating
between the various levels of severity. For example, under Georgia law, a
person commits simple assault when she: “(1) Attempts to commit a violent
injury to the person of another; or (2) Commits an act which places another in
reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury.”[12] The Georgia state code
also includes a section for aggravated assault, which is considered more
serious. It states that a person commits aggravated assault when he or she acts:
“(1) With intent to murder, to rape, or to rob; (2) With a deadly weapon or
with any object, device, or instrument which, when used offensively against a
person, is likely to or actually does result in serious bodily injury; or (3) …
[W]ithout legal justification by discharging a firearm from within a motor
vehicle toward a person or persons.”[13]
Other states separate levels of assault based on degrees. Minnesota is a good example, with five degrees of assault.[14] The fifth degree is the least serious and first degree is the most serious. While these offenses are included within criminal statutes, victims can also bring civil tort suits corresponding to the crimes. The victim of a criminal assault can also sue the wrongdoer for financial damages.[15]
Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
tort of intentional infliction of emotional distress requires proof that
the defendant (1) acted intentionally or recklessly; (2) engaged in conduct
that was extreme and outrageous; and (3) that the conduct caused (4) severe emotional distress.[16] Unlike cases involving
acts of negligence, intentional infliction requires an intentional or reckless
act of extreme and outrageous behavior.
v. Rochester Railway, an 1896 case, demonstrates the difference
between intentional infliction of emotional distress and emotional distress
caused by negligence.[17] The case involved a
pregnant woman who was standing by a crosswalk. When the defendant approached
the corner in a horse-drawn carriage, he came close to striking the plaintiff.
She claimed to have suffered a miscarriage due to the fright and excitement she
experienced due to the defendant’s behavior. The court held that the plaintiff
could not “recover for injuries occasioned by fright, as there was no immediate
personal injury.” The ruling further stated that allowing an award based solely
on fright “would naturally result in a flood of litigation” based solely on
speculation. With its ruling, the court affirmed the requirement of an
intentional action by the wrongdoer in intentional infliction of emotional
distress cases. It should be noted that, while unavailable in 1896, many modern
jurisdictions recognize a separate cause of action of “negligent infliction of
emotional distress.”
In determining whether conduct qualifies as extreme and outrageous, the court must determine that an average member of the community, upon learning of the facts alleged by the plaintiff, would exclaim, "Outrageous!”[18] In the 1998 case, Taylor v. Metzger,[19] the plaintiff brought an intentional infliction suit based on racial slurs and hostilities in the workplace. In reversing a lower court’s summary judgment in favor of the defendant, the court ruled that racial slurs and consistent similar behavior could constitute extreme and outrageous conduct.
Trespass to Land
torts to property involve the damaging, taking or even entering
onto another person’s property. This might include the intentional interference
with someone’s right to enjoyment of her private property.[20] Like torts to the person,
torts to property come in numerous forms, including trespass to real and
personal property. It is also important to note that, just like intentional
torts to person, many states have taken these torts and created analogous
criminal laws. People whose property is damaged by criminal trespassers can
also typically recover damages in civil courts
to land occurs when someone enters onto another person’s real
property without authorization.[21] It does not require an intention to trespass,
but only requires intent to enter the land. Trespass does not require damage or
injury. The trespasser is liable under this tort for mere unauthorized taking
or presence.
law regarding this intentional tort often centers on the examination of what
constitutes property and trespass. For example, in Environmental Processing
Systems v. FPL Farming, a landowner sued a neighbor based on subsurface
wastewater that traveled underneath the plaintiff’s land, contaminating
groundwater beneath his farmland.[22] In ruling against the
farm owner, the court examined a definition of trespass. It stated trespass
“means an entry on the property of another without having consent of the owner. To constitute a trespass, entry upon
another’s property need not be in person, but may be made by causing or
permitting a thing to cross the boundary of the property below the surface of
the earth. Every unauthorized entry upon
the property of another is a trespass, and the intent or motive prompting the
trespass is immaterial.”
about trespass to land have also centered around air space, including ownership
of the space above a property and an uninvited party’s movement into that
space. In the 1946 case of United States vs. Causby, the Supreme Court
confirmed a landowner’s right to prevent “intrusions of airspace.”[23] They also ruled that
property ownership extends to “at least as much of the space above the ground
as he can occupy or use in connection with the land.” It does not, of course, include
airplanes flying at airplane-level heights. While it’s not 100% clear at what
height a person’s airspace ends, case law indicates that anything above 1,000
feet off the ground is certainly not within a property owner’s airspace.[24]
This debate continues today with the prevalence of unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly referred to as drones. In 2014, the FAA issued special rules for the operation of these aircraft.[25]
Trespass to Chattel and Conversion
torts of trespass to chattel[26] and conversion[27] both involve intentional
interference with someone’s right to ownership and enjoyment of “chattel,”
which is an old English word for personal property. Like trespass to land, the
intention of harming the property or its owner is not required. Tortfeasors, or
persons who commit a tort, only need have the intent to exercise control over it.
The elements for both torts are the same, requiring a showing that (1) the
plaintiff rightfully owned or had the right to possess the personal property;
(2) the tortfeasor intentionally interfered with the plaintiff's right of
ownership or possession; (3) the tortfeasor deprived the plaintiff of
possession or use of the property; and (4) the interference caused damage to
the plaintiff.
establishing intentional interference to property, mistake of ownership does
not create a viable defense.[28] For instance, if you
mistakenly pick up a friend’s cell phone and take it home, that could satisfy
the elements of trespass to chattel or conversion. However, the friend would
also have to show that he suffered some damage in order to meet the required
elements. That could be damage to the cell phone or some other type of harm
that occurred as a result of his not having possession of the phone, such as a
missed job interview or financial opportunity.
difference between trespass to chattel and conversion is that the former is
considered a less serious interference and recovery is limited to the damages
suffered by the plaintiff. Conversion is serious enough that it warrants a
“forced sale,” allowing the plaintiff to recover the full value of the item.
Whether something is trespass to chattel or conversion depends on the
seriousness of the interference and the level of damage done to the item.
example, wrongfully keeping a rental car for two extra days before returning it
to the rental company is probably just trespass to chattel. Damages would
likely be limited to the value of the car rental for the two extra days (unless
stated otherwise in the rental agreement). On the other hand, if the renter of
the car sells the car to a third party, the car rental agency may have a cause
of action for conversion, allowing the court to award damages of the total fair
market value of the car.
with other intentional torts, many states have created criminal statutes based
on common law trespass or conversion. These theft statutes vary from state to
state and generally have varying degrees based on the value of the converted property
and the circumstances surrounding the theft. Some states, like Texas, also have
civil liability theft laws. Under the Texas Theft Liability Act, a person who
commits a theft is liable for damages resulting from it.[29] The statute defines theft
as "unlawfully appropriating property with intent to deprive the owner of
property" without the owner's "effective consent."[30]
law involving conversion has evolved, with advancements in technology, to
include both tangible and intangible items in the definitions of property for
trespass and conversion claims. For example, in Kremen v. Cohen Network
Solutions, the plaintiff sued for conversion of an internet domain name.[31] In overturning a lower
court’s ruling that conversion did not apply to intangible property, the Ninth
Circuit Court of Appeals used a three-part test to determine whether a property
right existed. "First, there must be an interest capable of precise
definition; second, it must be capable of exclusive possession or control; and
third, the putative owner must have established a legitimate claim to
exclusivity." In applying the test, the court found that “domain names
satisfy each criterion. Like a share of corporate stock or a plot of land, a
domain name is a well-defined interest.”
In our
next module, we’ll continue to discuss intentional torts, turning to some
“newer” torts, such as misrepresentation, interference with contract, malicious
prosecution and nuisance.
[1] James Gordley, The Common Law in the Twentieth Century: Some Unfinished Business, 88 Cal.L.Rev. 1815 (2000).
[5] Restatement (Second) of Torts § 908, cmt. b (Am. Law Inst. 1965).
[11] Kline v. Kline, 64 N.E. 9 (Ind. 1902).
[20] Restatement (Second) of Torts §§ 157-162(Am. Law Inst. 1965).
[25] Interpretation of the Special Rule for Model Aircraft, 79 Fed. Reg. 36171 (proposed June 23, 2014) (to be codified at 14 C.F.R. 91)
[28] William P. Statsky, Essentials of Torts 105 (3rd Ed. 2011).