Emotional Distress Torts
law protects people from harms which result from the wrongful conduct of others.
While we usually associate tort claims with harms to people or to property, the
law also recognizes emotional or psychological harm as a distinct form of
injury. This
recognition was a result of a historical development, as society increasingly
understood the severity and the long-lasting consequences of mental injury.
Under the traditional
common law, damages for mental harms were only recoverable as part of torts
like assault, battery, or false imprisonment. Plaintiffs could include
emotional distress as an additional harm if they also suffered physical
injury or the threat of physical injury. Eventually, the courts recognized the
infliction of psychological injury as its own independent cause of action, even
without any accompanying harm to a person or property.[1] Today, most jurisdictions
recognize two torts for emotional harm, the intentional infliction of
emotional distress, and the negligent infliction of emotional distress.
Intentional Infliction of Emotional
Certain kinds of
behavior, under specific conditions, can be deeply offensive and
psychologically damaging to other people, even if there is no threat of physical
harm. For example, a practical joker who thinks it would be funny to tell
someone that an accident has caused serious injury or death to a family member
does not cause a physical injury. Yet, the law holds the prankster liable for
the devastating psychological impact of such a cruel joke.
Since the definition of
offensive conduct is subjective by its very nature, the courts have set high
standards to make out a claim for intentional infliction of emotional harm. To be
successful, the plaintiff must show that the defendant intentionally or
recklessly engaged in extreme and outrageous conduct which caused severe
emotional distress to another person.[2]
Let’s take these
elements one at a time. First, the conduct must be intentional or
reckless. Someone can be liable for inflicting emotional distress if he or she intended
to cause distress, or unreasonably disregarded a high risk that distress would
The key question in
emotional distress cases is whether the defendant’s conduct was extreme and
outrageous. This is a subjective determination, and must be decided on a case
by case basis. The most widely accepted standard is conduct that is “so
outrageous in character, and so extreme in degree, as to go beyond all possible
bounds of decency, and to be regarded as atrocious, and utterly intolerable in
a civilized community.” An action which would lead an average member of the
community to exclaim, ‘Outrageous!’[3]
One case in which the
court found conduct to be extreme and outrageous is the example mentioned
earlier. A regular customer at a pub decided to frighten the pub owner’s wife,
whose husband had gone away for the day. As a joke, he told her that her
husband had been in a terrible accident, and had broken both legs, and
encouraged her to go be with her husband. In response, she vomited and suffered a
violent shock to her nervous system, leading to weeks of suffering and incapacity
requiring medical attention.[4]
Other examples include
a defendant who made repeated late night harassing calls to the plaintiff to
collect a debt, causing her to suffer a heart attack,[5] and a meter reader who
aggressively demanded entry into an apartment where a pregnant woman was
bedridden, causing her to miscarry.[6] In one case, a woman brought
a successful case for emotional harm against the estate of a man who was a
guest in her home, who committed suicide in her kitchen. The court found that
the defendant’s conduct was outrageous and in reckless disregard of the risk of
causing emotional distress to his host, who suffered nervous shock when she
found the corpse and a kitchen knife in a pool of blood.[7]
As these cases suggest,
the court will look at the specific circumstances of the case, and any
relationship between plaintiff and defendant, to determine whether the conduct
is outrageous.
The final element is
showing that the plaintiff suffered severe emotional distress. A brief
period of unhappiness or humiliation is not sufficient. In one case, a
supervisor had repeatedly and outrageously publicly shamed an employee with a
speech impediment over the course of many months. However, since the only harm the
employee claimed was a feeling of ‘being shaken up’, and ‘wanting to go into a
hole and hide’, the court ruled that the psychological injury was not severe.[8] So, there is a substantial burden on the plaintiff
to show significant and lasting psychological impact. At the same time, most jurisdictions
have abandoned an older requirement for the plaintiff to demonstrate that the
psychological harm led to observable, physical symptoms.
One special case
involving intentional infliction of emotional harm is the case of bystanders.
Normally, a defendant can only be held liable for emotional distress when he or
she intended to cause distress to a particular person. If a school principal
verbally abuses a student in an outrageous way, the student’s friend cannot sue
for emotional distress since she was not the target of the conduct. However,
the law recognizes an exception in the case of immediate family. If the
defendant intentionally injures someone when the victim’s family member is
watching, the relative can recover for the emotional injury suffered from
witnessing the injury, if the defendant knew that the family member was present. For example, a gang who attacks a father in
front of his son can be held liable for the both the physical injury to the
father, as well as the psychological trauma suffered by the son. Some
authorities allow recovery for emotional distress even in cases where the
bystander is a stranger, if he or she is present and witnesses an act of
violence directed against another, and suffers physical injury as a result.[9] Under this rule, someone who shoots another
person in public may be held liable for intentionally inflicting emotional
distress on all who are present and witness the shooting and become physically
ill as a result.
Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress
In addition to the tort
of intentional infliction of emotional distress, most jurisdictions allow
recovery for emotional harm under a theory of negligence. This means that even
when there is no intent to harm, or reckless disregard of the risk of harm, one
who has suffered severe mental harm can seek to recover damages caused by
someone else’s negligent conduct. As a negligence-based cause of action, the
courts will seek to determine whether the defendant breached a duty of care to
the plaintiff, causing emotional distress.
There are two main questions
the court will ask to decide a claim of negligent infliction of emotional
distress. First, has the plaintiff demonstrated that he or she has suffered severe
emotional injury? Since claims of psychological injury can be subjective, many
jurisdictions require that the mental harm be accompanied by physical symptoms,
such as nausea, headache, or any other physical manifestation of the mental
trauma. However, the modern trend is to permit recovery even without physical
The second question the
courts will ask is, how closely tied is the plaintiff’s injury to the
defendant’s negligent conduct. Under the old rule, there could be no recovery
unless the defendant’s conduct led to some direct impact on the plaintiff,
though the impact only had to be slight. The smallest measure of bodily contact
was enough. Today, the impact rule has been rejected in favor of the ‘zone of
danger’ test. If the plaintiff was in direct danger of physical harm from the
defendant’s negligent behavior, then the plaintiff can seek damages for mental
harms suffered as a result.[11] Typical cases are car
accidents due to negligent driving. Take
a case of a driver who runs through a red light while texting, and crashes into
oncoming traffic. A pedestrian who
narrowly misses being hit by flying shrapnel can sue the driver for the mental
injured suffered from being so close to serious physical injury. The
determining factor here is whether the plaintiff was at immediate risk of physical
harm. Some states do not have any special rule for negligent infliction of
emotional harm. Instead, they use the standard foreseeability test for
negligence cases, which asks whether the harm was a reasonably foreseeable result
of the defendant’s conduct.
As with intentional
infliction of emotional distress, some courts will recognize a negligence claim
for emotional harm caused by witnessing harm to a family member. Let’s return
to our car accident example, but change the circumstances. In this scenario,
the piece of shrapnel misses the pedestrian, but hits her sister, Sarah, who
was walking next to her, causing serious injury. The pedestrian suffers severe
and long lasting trauma as a result of seeing her sister maimed and mutilated
by shards of metal, and watching as Sarah writhed in agony in the middle of the
street. In this case, the pedestrian can seek recovery because she herself was
in the zone of danger and suffered distress from seeing a close family member
seriously hurt.[12]
A minority of states
have gone further, and do not require that the plaintiff even be in the zone of
danger. In a well-known case from California, a mother who saw her daughter run
over by a negligent driver while she was standing a few feet away sued for
negligent infliction of emotional harm. The court ruled that even though the
mother herself was on the sidewalk, and not in serious danger, that fact should
not prevent her from recovering damages for her suffering. Rather than
requiring a plaintiff be in the zone of danger, the court ruled that being
present at the scene and witnessing injury to a family member was enough.[13]
It should also be noted that not all cases of negligent infliction of emotional harm involve violence or danger. In Mollien v. Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, doctors mistakenly diagnosed a patient with syphilis. This led the patient to suspect that her husband was conducting an extra-marital affair, ultimately causing the breakup of their marriage. When it was revealed that the diagnosis was wrong, the patient’s husband sued the hospital on the grounds of negligent infliction of emotional distress. The court ruled that the risk of emotional harm to the husband from the misdiagnosis was foreseeable, and thus held the hospital liable.[14]
[1] W.
Page Keeton et al., Prosser & Keeton on the Law of Torts § 12, at 57 (5th
ed. 1984).
[2] Restatement (2nd) of Torts, §46.
[3] Restatement (2nd) of Torts, §46, Comment d.
[4] Wilkinson v. Downton, Q.B. 57 (Eng. 1897).
[5] George v. Jordan Marsh Company, 268 NE 2d 915 (Mass. 1971).
[6] Bouillon
v. Laclede Gaslight Co., 129 S.W.
401, 148 Mo. App. 462 (1910).
[7] Blakely v. Estate of Shortal, 20 N.W.2d 28 (Iowa 1945).
[8] Harris v. Jones, 380 A.2d 611 (Md. 1977).
[9] Restatement (2nd) of Torts, § 46.
[10] W. Page Keeton et al.,
Prosser & Keeton on the Law of Torts § 54, at 364 (5th ed. 1984).
[11] W. Page Keeton et al., Prosser &
Keeton on the Law of Torts § 54, at 364-65 (5th ed. 1984).
[12] See Restatement (2nd) of Torts, § 436(2)-(3).
[13] Dillon v. Legg, 441 P.2d 912 (Cal. 1968).
[14] Molien
v. Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, 616 P.2d
813 (Cal. 1980).