Students with Disabilities - Module 3 of 4
Module 3: Students with
Of all
the rights to access to education, the rights of students with disabilities likely
has the greatest day-to-day impact on public schools. Various federal statutes
create obligations for school systems to provide educational services to
students facing physical, emotional, intellectual, developmental and
psychiatric obstacles to achieving an education. These statutes include the
Rehabilitation Act, the American with Disabilities Act and the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act.
The Statutory
these statutes were enacted, there were some judicial decisions that began to
establish equal opportunity and access to education for disabled children. Based on legal theories rooted in the seminal
equal protection case in public education Brown v. Board of Education,[1] advocates for these
children argued that it was a denial of equal protection to exclude them from
educational services.
federal district court decisions in 1972 were significant in this regard. In Pennsylvania
Association for Retarded Children v. Pennsylvania, a federal
district court held that intellectually developmentally disabled children from
ages six through twenty-one should be provided access to free public education
in regular classrooms when possible and special classrooms when necessary. [2] Shortly thereafter, in Mills v. Board of Education of District of
Columbia, another federal district court held that all school-aged
children with disabilities must be provided with free and adequate public
the same time, Congress enacted several statutes that created detailed
structures for providing disabled children with educational opportunities. It is these statutes: The Rehabilitation Act,
the American with Disabilities Act, and, most notably, the Individuals with
Disabilities Education Act, that provide the framework for free and adequate
public education for disabled children in the United States today.
The Individuals
with Disabilities Education Act was originally enacted in 1975 under the
title “Education for All Handicapped Children Act,” but was renamed in 1990.[4] At that time, it also was amended
substantially (including changing the term “handicapped” to “children with
disabilities”). This statute, usually
referred to as IDEA, requires school systems to provide free appropriate public
education and related services to all eligible children with disabilities.
important piece of legislation affecting how schools educate children with
disabilities is Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, enacted in 1973.[5] Section 504 prohibits discrimination against
handicapped persons in programs receiving federal funds, including educational
programs receiving such funds. Finally, the Americans with Disabilities Act,[6] enacted in 1990, extended some
non-discrimination provisions to the private sector and mandated reasonable
accommodations for disabled children.[7]
These statutes overlap a great deal. For instance, both the IDEA and Section 504 of
the Rehabilitation Act require that schools provide a free and appropriate public education,
typically referred to with the acronym “FAPE.”[8] However, the statutes have somewhat different
scopes. Of these statutes, the
IDEA has the greatest impact on school systems.
The IDEA Evaluation
enacted the IDEA to try to ensure that the educational needs of children with
disabilities were met.[9] The IDEA is a conditional funding
statute that acts like a contract between the federal government and
educational providers. It supplies money
to the state for educational services to children with disabilities, and the
state governments provide those services.[10] The stated goal of the IDEA is to ensure that
all children with disabilities receive free appropriate public education in the
least restrictive environment.[11] This means IDEA-eligible
students are entitled to receive special education and related services that
are provided without any cost to the parents or students, provided through an
appropriate educational program under public supervision.
For a child to be eligible for
services under the IDEA, the child must be found to have an eligible disability
and that disability must cause that child to need special educational and
related services.[12] Eligible disabilities include mental
impairments, hearing impairments, speech or language impairments, visual
impairments, severe emotional disturbance, orthopedic impairments, autism,
traumatic brain injury, other health impairments and specific learning
disabilities. These conditions must
require special education, which means special instruction designed to meet the
unique needs of the child. “Related services” are those that the child needs to
be able to take advantage of the special educational services; for example,
special transportation needs to get to and from school. Children with
disabilities who don’t need special educational services (such as those with orthopedic
impairments) are not IDEA-eligible but are still entitled to reasonable
accommodations under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act or the Americans
with Disabilities Act.[13]
The IDEA places an affirmative duty on the
state to identify children with disabilities needing these services, which is
called the “child find” duty.[14] States fulfill these duties through screening
tests, such as vision tests, that are administered to all school students. Beyond that, teachers and school personnel must
attempt to identify IDEA-eligible students and refer them for evaluation. Parents or medical professionals also may
refer children for IDEA evaluation.[15]
tests given to all students do not require parental consent, but individualized
evaluations do.[16]
Even where the parents refuse consent, however, the school district continues
to have a duty to provide a free and appropriate public education to children
with disabilities. When parents refuse
individual evaluations, school officials may seek to encourage parental
cooperation through counseling or mediation. If the parents continue to refuse, and the school officials believe
evaluation is needed, the school may initiate a hearing before an IDEA hearing
officer to have that office grant permission for evaluation over parental
objection. Similarly, if the parents seek an evaluation but the school refuses,
the school must provide written notice, and the parents may seek a due process
hearing. If the parents disagree with
the results of an evaluation, they also may seek due process hearings.[17]
evaluation process must take place within sixty days of the decision to
evaluate the child, although states may create shorter deadlines under their
own laws.[18] Failure to meet the deadline can be the basis
of a due process complaint.
evaluation must be thorough, and the school is required to use a variety of tests and data collected from parents
and teachers. The regulations under the IDEA prohibit relying on one single
testing method for a disability.[19] If parents dispute the adequacy of the
evaluation procedures, they are entitled to bring a complaint for a due process
The Individualized
Education Program
After determining that a child is eligible for IDEA services,
the school must create a team to formulate the child’s Individualized Education
Program, or “IEP.”[20] The functions of this team are to determine what
services are appropriate, how to provide them and to ensure that these services
are, in fact, provided.[21] The Supreme Court has held that “appropriate”
does not mean that the services necessarily must maximize the child’s
potential, but merely that they permit the child to benefit from special
education services.[22] The IEP Team must include the child’s parents
or guardians and generally includes a representative of the school district, a
special education teacher or a general education teacher when the child is not
being placed in special education classes and may include experts in particular
developmental or disability issues.[23]
The IEP must be in writing and must be shared with the
parents or guardians of the child. The
written IEP includes a statement about the child’s present academic and
functional levels, measurable goals for the child and what services the child will
need to achieve those goals. The IEP
must provide the child with the least restrictive environment that is
consistent with achieving its goals.[24] This
means providing the child with as much mainstream regular education as is
possible in light of the goals for the child.
To the extent the child is not mainstreamed, the IEP must explain the
reason for that decision.[25]
If the necessary services can be better provided by a private
school, the school district may place the child in such a school.[26] The IEP must be reviewed periodically, no
less often than annually. If the parents
dispute that the IEP will provide the child with appropriate educational
services, the parents may file a complaint for a due process hearing.[27] The
parents may also dispute that the IEP is being carried out properly. [28]
Due process rights under the IDEA
IDEA creates due process rights for parents or guardians of potentially
IDEA-eligible children.These rights include the opportunity to review the
school’s records about the child, to attend all meetings concerning the
identification, evaluation and educational plan for the child, to obtain an
independent educational evaluation for their child and to have the child
receive a free appropriate public education.[29] The parents or guardians have rights to
receive notice of all significant actions along the way, which must be in
writing and describe the school’s proposed course of action and explanation of why
that course of action was chosen.
notice must also provide a description of other options the team considered and
explain why these options were not chosen.[30] Furthermore, the notice must inform the
parents of their right to a due process hearing if they dispute the action and
provide them with sources to contact to get help in understanding their rights.[31] The school district must also provide parents
with a model form for an IDEA due process complaint, in the parents’ native
language if that is feasible.[32]
are a number of points along the process of identifying, evaluating, developing
and implementing a plan for an IDEA-eligible child that might cause disputes
between the school system and the parents.These disputes may be resolved through due process hearings in front of
an “impartial due process hearing officer” whom the state or school system
appoints.[33] The officer must have knowledge of the IDEA
and its regulations and the nature of special education generally.[34] Because the officer must be impartial, she
cannot be an employee of the school system or any other educational service
provider which might be involved in providing services to the child and cannot
have a personal or professional interest that would impair her objectivity.[35]
Parents or guardians have a right to be represented by counsel at the due process hearing and they also have a right to be accompanied by a special education expert of their own choosing. At the hearing, the parents or guardians may present evidence, cross-examine witnesses and compel the attendance of their own witnesses. The findings of the hearing must be in writing or in electronic format and there must be a verbatim record of the hearing.[36]
The Supreme Court, in Board of Education v. Rowley, [37] held that federal special education law requires only that a special education program be reasonably calculated to provide a child with a disability some "educational benefit." The hearing officer’s decision is governed by that standard. The officer is to determine only whether the school followed proper procedures and respected the parents’ rights for notice and participation, and that the IEP is reasonably calculated to provide educational benefit. The officer may not impose her own views of what the best possible program might be. In some states, however, this IDEA standard gives way to a higher standard established by the state's special education laws. In Massachusetts, for example, a student with special educational needs is entitled to a program that offers him the opportunity to progress to the maximum feasible extent consistent with his potential.[38]
A parent may bring an action against the school district in federal district court to review the due process hearing.[39] The court will apply a “modified de novo” review, which means that when reviewing the hearing officer’s decision, the judge must assume that the hearing officer’s factual findings are correct. The judge may not substitute her own views of sound educational policy for those of the hearing officer.[40]
The Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities
Though the IDEA is the most
significant of the federal statutes that try to ensure that children with
disabilities have access to education, the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans
with Disabilities Act have impacts, as well.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act prohibits schools from discriminating against children with disabilities. In
addition, it requires schools to provide disabled children with reasonable
accommodations to enable them to participate in educational activities.[41]
Section 504 covers all programs or activities, whether public or private, that
receive any federal financial assistance, giving this law very broad and
powerful application.
Reasonable accommodations may include
alternative testing arrangements without time restrictions, allowing the
children to sit in the front of the class, modified homework assignments within
the child's abilities and providing the child with whatever reasonably feasible
services he needs to have as close to normal a school experience as
possible. On the other hand, accommodations that would be unreasonably
costly, cause excessive administrative burdens or cause health and safety risks
to the student or to others are not “reasonable accommodations” and need not be
provided, as they constitute “undue burdens” on the school system.[42]
Section 504 has its own criteria for
who is eligible for protection. It
protects any person who has a physical or mental impairment substantially
limiting one or more major life activities, has a record of such impairment, or
is regarded by others as having such an impairment. [43]
“Major life activities” include walking, seeing, hearing, speaking and the
like, and the ability to do the typical daily tasks of caring for oneself.[44]
Though protecting a slightly
different population of students than the IDEA, the regulations of the
Department of Education under Section 504 also require schools to provide a
free appropriate public education to students.[45] This right, and the right to reasonable
accommodations in school, may be enforced either through filing a civil action or by filing a complaint with the Department
of Education’s Office of Civil Rights. Complaints with the Office of Civil
Rights must be filed within 180 days of the alleged acts of discrimination.[46]
Americans with Disabilities Act extends the same sort of protection as is found
in Section 504 to the private sector.[47] Title II of that Act
applies to state and local governmental programs, including schools.[48] The Act has the effect of applying many of
the Section 504 anti-discrimination rules that already applied to public
schools to private schools, as well.
In our
next module, we’ll turn to the rights enjoyed by public school students while
in school, such as due process and freedom of expression and the limitations on
those rights.
[5] 29 U.S.C. § 794;
[15] Id.
[16] Id.
[31] Id.
[32] Id.
[34] Id.
[35] Id.
[40] See, e.g., Bd. of Educ. of Fayette Cnty. v. L.M., 478 F.3d 307, 312–13 (6th Cir. 2007); S.H. v. State-Operated Sch.Dist. of City of Newark, 336 F.3d 260, 270 (3d Cir. 2003)
[42] Id.
[44] Id.
[46] 34 C.F.R. §104.61;