Settlement and Trials of Mass Torts - Module 5 of 5
See Also:
Settlement and Trials of Mass Torts
As we have seen in previous modules, nearly all mass torts are aggregated into Multidistrict Litigation or MDL cases. Furthermore, nearly all MDL cases are resolved, when they do finally get resolved, by way of settlement. The individual cases in an MDL are supposed to be transferred back to the original court for individual trial. However, the MDL court has the authority to oversee resolution of the cases in the MDL by motion to dismiss, motion for summary judgment or settlement.[1]
Settling a Class Action or MDL
Settlement classes, covered in module 4, and the settlements they impose, come in a very particular chronological order. First, the lead counsel for plaintiffs and defendants in the MDL negotiate a settlement and only then, they can seek to have the class certified. When the MDL judge is considering whether to certify a class and at the time all the various MDL plaintiffs have the chance to object to or opt out of the class, that judge and those plaintiffs know what the terms of the proposed settlement will be. If the MDL judge does not find the settlement satisfactory, she will not certify the class.
A key distinguishing factor between settling of a class
action and settling a typical individual claim is that in a class action the judge
must approve the settlement. The approval requires a process that is intended
to ensure that all class members are treated fairly and given an opportunity to
be heard. This is true whether a mass
tort is first filed as a class action or aggregated into an MDL and later the
MDL judge certifies a settlement class.
First, the attorneys who are
proposing the settlement must provide sufficient information to the judge to
enable the judge to decide what notice should be sent to class members. The
judge must notify all members of the class who would be bound by the
settlement. The judge will then set a
hearing on the settlement, where all class members have the opportunity to
present objections. Only after that
hearing will the judge be able to approve the settlement.[2]
The judge may approve the proposed
settlement only if he finds that it is fair, reasonable and adequate. The court must find that the class counsel
and class representative adequately represented the class, the negotiations for
the settlement were at arm’s length and that the relief provided is
adequate. Determining that the relief is
adequate requires the judge to consider the costs, risk and delays of trials
and appeals, the effectiveness of the method proposed for distributing relief, whether
the proposed attorneys’ fees are fair and whether class members are treated
equitably relative to each other.[3] The judge also must consider
any side agreements made in connection to the proposed settlement.[4]
Not only are class members allowed
to object to the proposed settlement, but the judge may require the settlement
to provide a new opportunity for class members to opt out.[5] In a settlement class formed within an MDL,
each plaintiff, and thus every member of the class, already has an attorney and
is on the service list, so the opportunity to object and seek to opt out of the
settlement is very real.
MDL plaintiffs who are part of a constituent settlement class often take advantage of the opportunity to object to the settlement and to opt out. For example, in 2013, in an MDL concerning the way in which the National Football League handles concussions, the NFL reached a class action settlement with lead counsel representing former players to which many former players objected. Nevertheless, the courts approved the settlement. Many of the former players then chose to opt out, so the litigation is still active, as of 2019.[6]
Bellwether Trials
Before it is possible to reach a reasonable
settlement acceptable to plaintiffs, defendants and the court, the parties and
the court must obtain sufficient information to allow them to evaluate the
probabilities of success, the risks of loss and the costs of trial. Each party
must judge that settlement makes sense as compared to continuing on through
trial, factoring in the costs, time and possibility of adverse result. In all litigation, much of this information
is obtained through discovery, and that is true of MDL and class action cases
as well. However, in an MDL, the judge
and the parties have another tool for evaluating the probable results of trials
for all the constituent cases. That tool
is the bellwether trial.
Bellwether trials are a small set of
the constituent cases from the MDL that the judge selects for trial. The results of these trials are binding only
on the parties to each particular trial, but they can provide valuable
information for all the parties, their lawyers and the judge about what sorts
of verdicts to expect from a trial of the typical case. This information then is used as a basis for
negotiating an acceptable global settlement.
For example, in the Vioxx Products
Liability MDL, which concerned a drug intended to relieve pain from
osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, menstrual pain and migraine headaches,
the judge selected six cases for trial.[7] After these trials reached verdicts, the
parties were able to evaluate those verdicts and what they possibly foretold of
the likely results of other pending actions. Consequently, they achieve a
wide-ranging settlement of some of the claims.[8]
If the bellwether trials are to provide an
example to rely on for settling the other cases, it is important that bellwether
cases that fairly represent the whole group are chosen. In selecting these cases, the MDL judge seeks
to select representative cases from each general category of claims that may
have been established earlier in the case.
For example, assume the MDL concerns a medicine
with dangerous side effects. One group
of plaintiffs might have suffered those side effects already. Another group might
be suffering only some of those side effects. Still another group might not
have developed any such side effects yet, although there is a reasonably high
probability that they will do so. These
different categories of claims can be grouped separately and may require different
discovery plans. When it is time to
select cases for bellwether trials, the judge will try to select typical cases from
each group.
Even where the MDL judge has decided not to
certify a limited class within the MDL, the proposed class might still be a
useful way to group cases for discovery and trial selection. The judge may have
chosen not to certify a proposed class within the MDL, but still recognize that
a proposed class forms a substantially similar subset of the entire set of
plaintiffs. Therefore, the MDL judge may select a bellwether case that fairly
represents that proposed class. Of
course, if there are actual certified classes within the MDL, the judge is
likely to hold at least one bellwether trial for the class and others for each
of the other certified classes.
The MDL judge and the lead counsel for both
sides work together to select the pool of bellwether cases. The trial-selection process should accurately
reflect the categories of cases, provide information about the likelihood of
success and possible damages within each category and provide information about
the forensic and practical challenges of presenting certain types of cases to a
jury. There is no one procedure used to
select these cases. Instead, judges have used all sorts of different methods,
from random selection to careful case-by-case analysis of different candidates
for selection. Sometimes the judge
personally selects the cases, and at other times the judge allows the attorneys
to negotiate which cases go into the pool.
This selection takes place after much of the discovery has been done. After
selection, the parties must focus on more case-specific discovery to prepare
the bellwether cases for trial.
The plaintiffs in the selected cases must agree
to be bellwether cases. After all, most
of the constituent cases in the MDL were transferred into the MDL from other
districts, and normally would be transferred back to the original transferor
court for trial. The MDL court cannot
try these cases on its own unless the parties consent to trial before the
transferee court.[9]
Bellwether trials may be chosen to obtain verdicts on particular issues, rather than to try to settle the entire dispute. For example, the MDL judge may then bifurcate the cases into liability and damages phases, or perhaps even trifurcate them into liability, causation and damages phases. For example, where plaintiffs have alleged a product’s danger comes from a failure to warn of its potential side effects, the judge might have bellwether trials only on whether defendants failed to warn product users adequately, and other trials only on whether the products caused the alleged side effects and still other trials only on the extent of the damages suffered by the plaintiffs.[10]
Bellwether Mediations
Another tool MDL judges may use is bellwether
mediation. In mediation, the lead counsel for both sides
negotiate in front of, and with the assistance of, mediators the judge appoints
to guide the process. The mediators do
not tell the parties what results to reach, but they do provide structure,
opinions about the strength and admissibility of evidence and other guidance
that may help the parties reach resolution. This is a tool developed only
recently, but it has been used in cases like the Stryker Hip Implant Litigation in the United States District Court for
the District of Minnesota.[11] In that case, plaintiffs alleged that Stryker
Orthopedics’ hip implants were defective.
After ten of these cases went through extensive mediation processes, the
results of those mediations were used as a template to settle thousands of
similar cases
After discovery, bellwether
mediations or trials and negotiation between lead counsel, a proposed global
settlement may be reached. This proposed
settlement could be presented to the judge and all the various parties in the
MDL as part of a motion to certify a settlement class. If there is no settlement class, the proposed
global settlement still could be reached if sufficient numbers of the
plaintiffs and their counsel agree to accept it. The global settlement
agreement is usually conditioned on some pre-agreed percentage of the
plaintiffs accepting it.
Yet, not all mass tort cases are resolved by settlement or pretrial motion. Despite the heavy emphasis on settlement for mass torts, whether part of a class action or an MDL, some need to be tried. The trial process is where MDLs and class actions take very different paths.
If a class action must go to
trial, the representative plaintiff for the class will present the case for all
class members, and that one trial will bind all members of the class. That
trial is very similar to the trial of an individual action. As one federal appellate court has explained,
“Class actions are rarely tried,
but when they are, the trial proceeds the same way it does in an ordinary case
– there are no special trial procedures for class actions as such.”[12]
Limited issue classes, however, will have a
trial only on those issues that are part of the class. The results of that
trial will bind all members of the class, but only on those issues that are
part of the class action. For example,
if there is a limited class on the issue of the adequacy of the manufacturer’s warnings
about a product, the trial for that class will only address the warnings.
Assuming that the verdict of that trial is that the warnings were inadequate,
there still would need to be separate, individual proceedings that address
whether that lack of warnings caused particular plaintiffs harm, and what
damages those plaintiffs suffered. All
claims outside the class would need to be tried individually, plaintiff by
plaintiff, as would all issues outside the class.
there is no class, but simply aggregation in an MDL, trials are handled quite
differently. Unless the parties in a
given constituent action within that MDL agreed to trial as a bellwether case,
the trial in each case must be held in the court where the case was first
filed. The constituent cases are
transferred to the MDL only for pretrial proceedings, and the cases must be
transferred back to the transferor courts for trial. Just as it is the responsibility of the
Judicial Panel for Multidistrict Litigation to transfer cases into the MDL, it
is that Panel that must transfer the cases back to their original courts.
When a constituent MDL case is ready for trial,
a party may request that the MDL judge file a "suggestion of remand"
with the Panel recommending that the case be remanded to its transferor court.[13] The Panel’s rules state the Panel is reluctant
to order a remand unless the MDL judge suggests it. Still, the Panel may go
over the head of the MDL judge and order remand if justified by the parties’
When the Panel accepts the request for remand, it files a “conditional remand
order” which gives interested parties seven days in which to object to such
remand. After the seven days, the case will be transferred back to the original
court in which it was filed.[15]
The complete record of the pretrial proceedings is then sent to the transferor court in the form of a pretrial order. The order contains a summary of rulings, a chronology of proceedings, an outline of issues that remain undecided and an indication of the present state of the case.[16] The remanded cases then proceed to trial in their respective districts just like normal cases. In that event, a trial package containing the common elements of the case developed during the MDL, such as depositions and key exhibits, is available for use at trial.
Thank you for participating in
LawShelf’s video-course on mass tort actions. We hope that you now have a
better understanding of the landscape of mass tort litigation and the mechanics
of class action and multidistrict litigation proceedings. We hope that you will
also take LawShelf torts classes, such as product liability and vicarious
liability, that focus on the substantive rules governing common causes of
action. Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback.
[1] Abbe R. Gluck, Unorthodox Civil Procedure: Modern Multidistrict Litigation’s Place in the Textbook Understandings of Procedure, 165 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1669 (2017).
[6] Turnerv. NFL (In re Nat’l Football League Players’Concussion Injury Litig.), 307 F.R.D. 351 (E.D. Pa. 2015), affirmed, In re Nat’l Football League Players’ Concussion Injury Litig., 821 F.3d 410 (3d Cir. 2016), cert. denied, 137 S.Ct. 591 (2016).
[8] See, e.g., Heather Won Tesoriero, Sarah Rubenstein & Jamie Heller,Merck’s Tactics Largely Vindicated as It Reaches Big Vioxx Settlement, WALL ST. J., Nov. 10, 2007, at A1.
[10] See, e.g., Cimino v. Raymark Indus., Inc., 751 F. Supp. 649, (E.D. Tex. 1990) (trifurcating asbestos case into three phases: failure-to-warn, causation, and damages), rev'd, 151 F.3d 297 (5th Cir. 1998).
[11] MDL 13-2441 (D. Minn.); In re Stryker Hip Implant Litig., 495 Mich. 1003, 846 N.W.2d 51 (2014).
[16] Judicial Panel for Multidistrict Litigation Rules of Procedure, Rule 10(3)(b).