Aggregation Through Class Action - Module 2 of 5
See Also:
Aggregation Through Class Action
The Nature of a Class Action
In the federal courts, there are two
methods to aggregate widespread harms from common sources: class action and multidistrict
The primary difference between the two is that once a class action is certified
consolidating a large number of claims, it’s expected to last all the way
through final resolution of the case. If
there is a trial, the trial will take place within the class action proceeding
and will bind all the members of the class.[2] On the other hand, an MDL proceeding consolidates
and transfers many claims to one court only for pretrial proceedings, like
We will begin by focusing on the older,
perhap better known method of consolidation, the class action. Not all class actions are mass tort cases.
Antitrust cases and securities litigation often are brought as class actions. Most class actions, though, are mass tort
cases. In fact, over one-quarter of all
actions currently pending in the federal courts are mass tort actions.[3]
Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23, one of the
longer and more complex federal rules, governs class actions. In a class action, one person, or a small
group of people who share similar claims with a large group of others, acts as
the representative of the group in a collective court proceeding. This group is called the class. Once the class is formed, the class
representative represents the class all the way through trial or settlement. The results that the representative plaintiffs
obtain bind all other members of the class. For a mass tort class action,
someone who was hurt by the product in question would act as a representative
of all those similarly hurt.
The key issues that are usually determinative of class actions are whether the group’s claims are similar enough that it is proper to treat them as the same claim and class and whether the class representative can be shown to be a good representative of the class’s interests, and not just her own interests.
Initiating a Class Action
To start a
class action, a lawyer representing an individual plaintiff files a complaint
for the named clients, like any tort case.
However, the complaint must include allegations for the representatives
named in the complaint and allegations that apply to a large class, including
all people with similar claims. The client
Is designated as the representative for the entire class. The complaint is then
referred to as the “putative class complaint,” and the proposed class as the
“putative class.” However, merely
alleging that there is a class does not create one. The court must certify the existence of the
class.[4] If the court denies certification, then the
case can proceed as a normal complaint for the named plaintiffs, but it will
not be a class action.
attorney seeking to represent the class must move for class certification “at
an early practicable time.”[5] The motion should provide
a definition of the class and any relevant claims, issues and defenses, and should
explain why the class, as proposed, meets the criteria for being a class. The motion will propose the class counsel who
will represent the class. If the motion is granted by the court, the court will
issue an order defining the class, listing the class issues and identifying the
class counsel. That court may later
amend the order during the proceeding to add or subtract issues, to change the
scope and definition of the class or to change the identity of the counsel.[6]
issuance of the order also means all people who fit the class definition are
part of the class and are bound by the result of the litigation, no matter what
that result might be. Any dispositive
action, from summary judgment to settlement or verdict, ends all the class
members’ claims. Therefore, it is
extremely important to give them notice of the pending class action suit. The
court will ensure the notice takes place, using “the best notice that is
This should generally include individual notice to all people in the class who
can be identified through reasonable effort (usually by mail). The court will require
the plaintiffs’ class counsel to identify individual class members as specifically
as possible, and then give notice that the court directs be given.[8]
The notice must explain the nature of the action and the definition of who is in the class. It also must include the class claims, issues and possible defenses. It also must explain that a class member may enter an individual appearance through her own attorney if the member so desires. Finally, the notice must explain that the result of the case will bind every member unless she requests to be excluded from the class. The notice should further explain the deadline for requesting exclusion, and the procedure for making that request (usually called the “opt out”).[9]
Requirements for a Class
There are four fundamental requirements
that all proposed classes must meet. These are often referred to as the requirements of numerosity, commonality, typicality,
and adequacy of representation.[10] “Numerosity” means the class must be so large
that it would not be practical to join them all individually.[11] Mass
torts, by definition, involve a very large number of claims, so they almost
always have numerosity. “Commonality”
means the members of the class must share common questions of law or fact.[12] Mass
torts typically arise from a common factual circumstance, in that a single
product (such as a pharmaceutical) or single act (like the explosion of an
offshore drilling rig), is alleged to have caused factually similar harms to
all who have those claims. “Typicality” means the proposed representative of
the class must have claims typical of the class. For example, if a plan crash
caused 200 deaths and had 4 survivors, it would be inappropriate to have a
survivor represent the class, as his claim is atypical of the class. “Adequacy
of representation” means the proposed representative of the class must be able
to fairly and adequately represent and protect the interests of the entire
class.[13] These last two requirements focus on how well
the lawyers who bring the claim and their clients, the named plaintiffs, will
serve the role of class representative.
Passing the four tests, however, is just
the first step. The court must next find that there applies a reason that the
case should not be separated out into individual lawsuits. Rule 23 lists three
such possible reasons:
(1) Prosecuting
the actions separately would result in inconsistency of standards applied or
that the end of the first lawsuits might bar or impede later ones (such as by
bankrupting the defendants or establishing judicial precedent that would bar
the later actions).
(2) Final
injunctive or declaratory relief (which means the court ordering the defendant
to engage or not engage in certain behavior) would satisfy the claims of all
the people in the class (such as when stopping a merger on antitrust grounds
would satisfy the needs of all aggrieved parties challenging the merger).
(3) Common questions of law predominate
over any individual questions, and that a class action is superior to other
available methods for efficiently adjudicating the controversy.[14]
Mass torts that are approved for class
action status typically fit into category three. In particular, this
“predominance” test is an extension of one of the four fundamental tests, the
“commonality” test. The commonality test
requires that there be important common issues of fact and law, but that test
does not necessarily mean these issues are the most important issues affecting
the case. The “predominance” test,
however, requires that these common issues are much more significant to the
resolution of the case than any individual claims. It is on this “predominance” that mass tort
class action status usually turns.
Individual injuries arising from a
product used across the nation over a lengthy period may vary greatly. Different plaintiffs will have been exposed
to the product for longer or shorter periods of time and will have been exposed
to different quantities of the product. For
example, some asbestos plaintiffs contracted asbestosis while others had
mesothelioma, and, of course, they were exposed to different products for
different periods of time. In the 1990s, thousands
of such disparate asbestos claims were assigned as a group to one federal
judge, but they were not formally aggregated in any way. Lawyers who had formed an informal committee
for all the plaintiffs, however, decided to seek a class certification, so the
court could approve a global settlement of all the claims that bound the
However, when the Supreme Court examined the class, it struck down its class action status. The Court noted that the members of the class were exposed to different types of asbestos-containing products, in different ways, over different periods and for different amounts of time, and the harms they suffered varied widely. Therefore, in a 1997 decision called Amchem Products., Inc. v. Windsor, the Supreme Court found that common issues did not predominate and there could be no class.[15] Two years later, the Supreme Court reaffirmed that decision in Ortiz v. Fiberboard Corp.[16]
Limited Classes
After these two decisions, it
appeared mass torts classes would have difficulty surviving appellate review,
and, in fact, courts became very reluctant to certify classes in mass tort
actions. However, there is
another part of the class action procedure that courts have begun to use to relax
the strict “predominance” requirement. When a single enormous class falls apart
due to lack of predominance of any one set of facts or issues, the class may be
divided into subclasses and each may be set up to deal with only certain aspects
of a claim.[17]
Dividing the
classes makes it possible to use class action procedures to resolve some common
issues while leaving others for individual case resolution. This flexibility has allowed courts to begin
to use class actions more frequently to help resolve mass tort actions. Using
these rules, courts have created “issue class actions” that include
only certain claims rather than seeking to adjudicate all claims. In an issue
class action, the representative parties will litigate certain issues on behalf
of the class while the court will set aside those elements that require
individualized adjudication for litigation elsewhere.
Subclasses may, for example, be
created to distinguish between people with measurable harm and those who have
not yet manifested any injury, or one class may consist of those suffering one
type of adverse effect from exposure to a product, such as a specific type of
cancer. Other subclasses could be
divided based on which law governs the claim. One may include people whose
claims are governed by the California tort law standards and another subclass
may include those whose actions are governed by Nevada law, etc. Another type
of limited class might be an “issues” class that addresses only causation, such
as whether exposure to a particular product causes a certain kind of harm, but
that sets aside for individual resolution questions of damages, or how badly
particular members were injured.
One particular type of limited class, the
“settlement class,” has been particularly important in mass tort litigation. The federal rule governing class actions
explicitly refers to “a class proposed to
be certified for purposes of settlement.”[18] The settlement class is certified simply to
approve a previously negotiated settlement, with no trial contemplated at
all. In other words, this kind of limited
class can be brought only to settle cases en masse. Courts using settlement classes have revived
the use of class actions to handle mass torts even when the Supreme Court’s
decisions in Amchem and Ortiz made it less likely that the
underlying cases would have been approved for class action status.
limited class actions, however, cannot handle all of the aspects of a mass
tort. For instance, a settlement class
cannot arise until the mass tort action has been in existence for a while and
progressed to the point where a mass settlement is possible. The parties may not be in a position to move
a court to certify a class until after a
settlement has been negotiated that would address all the claims in the mass
tort proceeding. A settlement cannot be negotiated before both sides of the
dispute have some information about the nature of the claims and the extent of
the injuries. Therefore, the settlement class only will be certified after many
claims have been filed and the cases have proceeded long enough to reach a
stage where a settlement can be negotiated.
That means a procedure other than a class action must be used to manage
these mass tort cases before they reach the point of becoming a class.
settlement classes to work, there must be some way to manage the mass tort
claims that thousands of different people file in the period before the class
can be certified. There also must be
some way to coordinate cases during discovery and to identify some lead group
of plaintiffs’ lawyers who can negotiate the settlement that is the reason the
class is certified. Similarly, in a limited issue class action, if some common
issues are handled through class procedures, there must be some way to manage
the remainder of the issues that must be handled individually. That procedure
is a multidistrict litigation proceeding.[19]
all mass tort cases being handled in federal courts are brought as individual
claims and then consolidated for pretrial proceedings in an MDL
proceeding. Even when class action
procedures are used to resolve a mass tort, that same tort also will be handled
at least in part with an MDL proceeding.
Therefore, we will next turn to MDL proceedings and how they work.