Getting the Data from the People who Store It - Module 3 of 5
Module 3: Getting the Data from the People who Store It
There are several formal
ways to request discovery from other parties in litigation, including
subpoenas, requests for admission, requests for production of documents and
depositions. All forms of discovery are ways of moving documents and other data
from the receiving party to the requesting party. What modern technology has
changed about the discovery process is the form in which that data is held and
the means necessary to search and obtain relevant, non-privileged data.
The legal system tried
for some time to come to grips with the changing technology from the late
1980’s through the beginning of this century, but it became clear that simple
requests for discovery were being frustrated by the vagaries of search and
storage technologies being adopted by the business and legal communities. So, a
new set of evidentiary, procedural and ethical rules were promulgated and
adjusted to accommodate the technological needs of the requesting and
responding parties and the courts. This module will focus on these rules.
E-Discovery Legal and
Ethical Considerations
First, we’ll look at
ethical rules binding attorney behavior. Ethical rules are not “laws” and can
vary from state to state. They are developed and put into effect by state bars
in conjunction with state supreme courts. Violation of these ethical standards
can form the basis of bar disciplinary actions, court sanctions and malpractice
lawsuits, among other bad outcomes.
Most state ethical rules
are developed within the context of the American Bar Association’s Model
Rules of Professional Conduct. As a set of model rules, these ethical
considerations are not binding in and of themselves but serve as a basis for
states to write their own rules. E-discovery — and law office technology in
general — bring up several ethical considerations for lawyers.
Keeping up with
It’s easy for legal
professionals to make mistakes with technology. These can include exposing
private client information, social media posts that bring their professionalism
into question, not properly vetting third-party storage companies and using the
wrong e-discovery search technology. Although the number keeps increasing,
lawyers are duty-bound in the ethical rules of only about half the states to
keep up with technology to the extent that it applies to the law office on
issues like security, privacy and the ability to conduct e-discovery.[1]
Responding fully
to discovery requests
Lawyers are duty-bound under rules of legal ethics to respond to discovery requests “fully and completely” by not “hiding” any potential discovery or allowing their clients to do so, producing all requested documents when possible and not overestimating the costs of e-discovery in their proportionality arguments.[2] This is particularly applicable to “technology assisted review,” which is covered later in this module.
Clients’ documents privacy, confidentiality, and security
Another ethical issue
for attorneys concerns storing e-discovery results in the cloud. Lawyers are
responsible for the security of all documents related to their clients[3] and
storing those in the cloud implicates both security and privacy issues. There
are legal technology writers who will tell you that there is no system that
cannot be hacked in some way by somebody, and the quickest way into a
corporation’s innermost secrets can be though its lawyer’s computer systems.
Another set of ethical
issues involves law firms hiring third-party e-discovery providers.
The rules are clear that the attorneys are responsible for any problems caused
by those providers.[4]
liabilities of attorneys’ mishandling of these issues
Beyond these ethical
considerations lies the fact that computer security breaches can generate
lawsuits against the lawyers and cloud storage companies. Even so, attorneys
continually are behind in keeping up with the latest in hacking prevention,
social media, cloud security and many other aspects of modern technology that
directly impacts their offices and their clients’ interests, and many of them
get sued because of it.
E-Discovery Pretrial
Under the rules of civil
procedure, parties meet shortly after a lawsuit is filed to determine what
discovery will be allowed and how long it will take. This can be a complex
procedure involving lengthy conversations among the parties and the presiding
Several of the Federal
Rules of Civil Procedure govern how the parties proceed with e-discovery before
trial. They try to speed up the trial and make cooperation amongst the parties
a priority, but things can fall apart in a hurry, and the judge may have to
step in and make decisions about the scope of discovery.
The e-discovery pretrial
rules include Rule 16(b) and 26(f) on meetings and conferences; Rule 26(b)(2)
on the scope of discovery; Rule 26(b)(5) on privilege claims; Rule 26(f) on the
pretrial discovery conference; Rule 34 on forms of production; and Rule 37 on
failure to preserve electronically stored information. We will look at each of
these, in turn.
FRCP Rule 26(f),
26(a)(1), 16(b): Pretrial planning
Taken together, these
rules alert counsel and the court that they should consider e-discovery issues
as early and comprehensively as possible. The parties must confer at least 21
days before the scheduling conference with the court to work out agreements on
the preservation of electronically stored information, the forms of ESI
production, the methods that will be employed to filter out irrelevant
information and protection for privileged information. Once the scheduling
conference has occurred, the court will issue a scheduling order that will
govern the pace of the litigation.
Federal Rule 16 governs
pretrial conferences in general. Rule 26(f) covers e-discovery pretrial
meetings in particular. Rule 26(f) is the overarching rule governing how
e-discovery will be handled during the case. The rule covers the pretrial
e-discovery decisions that the parties and the court need to make before the
discovery process can begin.
Rules 26(f) goes over
several topics to be settled by the parties, starting with potential
settlement, ESI preservation and the creation of a discovery plan. A discovery
plan is usually a written agreement between the parties about how e-discovery
will go forward, but it can sometimes be imposed by a judge if the parties
can’t agree. The court may also order e-discovery progress reports to be
submitted along the way. The rule also gives a judge discretion with deadlines.
This conference will also be the place to discuss privilege.
The discovery plan
includes discussion of the scope of discovery and which electronic data
discovery tools may be used by the parties. This discussion may continue
through the pretrial process as discoverable data may require different
discovery techniques as it is revealed. The discovery plan also includes the
format in which the discovery will be transmitted and will cover metadata, file
formatting, etc.
The conference also includes case scheduling and initial disclosure of information under Rule 26(a)(1), which covers witnesses, documents and other evidence, etc. that must be disclosed to the other side before trial.
Once the e-discovery plan is completed, the judge has 21 days to schedule a pretrial hearing to discuss the case schedule under Federal Rule 16(b).
Rule 34: Producing ESI
FRCP Rule 34 covers how
the responding party to an ESI request must produce the requested data. For
ESI, unless otherwise agreed by the parties or stipulated by the court, the
data must be produced as stored “in the ordinary course of business,” and in a
form that the receiving party can read—although the ESI does not have to be
produced in multiple formats. The rule applies to parties and non-parties, such
as witnesses.
Rule 37: Failure to
Cooperate in Discovery
Failure to preserve or
produce ESI in a timely fashion and in a usable form can bring sanctions under
FRCP Rule 37(e). That rule speaks to both inadvertent and deliberate
destruction of data. There are times when data is destroyed in the regular
course of business (such as when memory is regularly wiped every 90 days), and
those will not result in sanctions. If the data is unavailable for reasons
beyond the control of the transmitting party, then the court simply proceeds
without it. But if the data has been deliberately destroyed or spoliated after
a litigation hold was properly served, the rule allows the court or jury to
presume that the data was unfavorable to the party that destroyed it, or even
to enter a default judgment.
Disclosure, Clawbacks and Waiver
In discovering and
producing documents that can run into the millions, sometimes documents are
transmitted which the other side is not entitled to for reasons of privilege,
client confidential information, privacy laws or other circumstances. It also
happens when documents are not redacted in the way that they are supposed to
be. A model ethical rule covers this topic, admonishing lawyers not to
inadvertently disclose client data.[5]
This can happen for
several reasons, usually human error, but the response to inadvertent
disclosure must be to attempt to negate its effect, if possible. On the other
hand, if the data’s privileges are waived, then the data stays with the
receiving party.
One 2017 New York case [6] can
illustrate several ways in which this data can be inadvertently produced.
In Mill Lake v. Wells Fargo, an attorney used a third-party company
to find relevant emails. Unfortunately for the attorney, she never really
understood how the process worked and ended up disclosing personally
identifiable information of hundreds of her client’s customers to the other
side because she thought she had reviewed all the emails when, in fact, she had
not. A further problem was that the documents were incompletely redacted. This
point is preventable human error, but it happens all the time.
The solution in this
case was to “clawback” the data—that is, to return it to the sender. That is
the usual solution to these problems, although that may not be the perfect
answer, of course. Clawbacks for inadvertently disclosed data are covered by
FRCP Rule 26(b)(5)(B) and Federal Rule of Evidence 502(b) (for attorney-client
privileged information and attorney work product). It may be impossible or even
silly to order a party to “forget” information, but information subject to a
clawback order or agreement cannot be used at trial and a court may order a
party to delete all copies of the clawed back information.[7]
There are times when the
court will allow inadvertently disclosed data to be clawed back, but there are
also times when that data disclosure legally constitutes a waiver that allows
the data to be used by the other side. These cases are decided based on the
nature of the disclosure, but the recommended path is always to have an
agreement between the parties in the discovery plan covering waiver and
Work Product Rule under
Fed. Evid R. 502(d)
The work product
doctrine protects documents prepared by or for an attorney in anticipation of
litigation.[8] The work-product doctrine also covers data assembled within
a database for attorneys.[9] However, documents that are responsive and
not prepared in anticipation of litigation must be produced, even if they are
stored in an attorney’s database.[10]
Searching for and
Retrieving Data
Only a few years ago, a
document was something written on a piece of paper. A document review consisted
of lawyers or paralegals reading stacks or rooms full of documents. A “large”
number of documents in a huge lawsuit might add up to a hundred thousand of
Now, documents are data
and are reviewed by computer programs. Complex litigation may involve tens of
millions of electronic documents and other materials that need to be reviewed,
checked for privilege, narrowed down to potential evidence, submitted to the
other party, court or jury and so on.
So, who reads all these
documents? Nobody, actually. Computer programs now dive into the data, looking
for key word and phrase “hits” on relevant material. Instead of looking at each
document, these programs look for specific words and phrases that the parties
have decided are relevant to the case.
The term in general use
in the legal world for the computer tools that find the data subject to
e-discovery is electronic data discovery. There are numerous electronic data
discovery tools covering various kinds of data storage and access. There are
two basic technological ways of running a search. The first is using specific
search terms, and the second is relying on a machine learning program.
Using search terms is
straightforward. The search program looks at each word in the data field,
looking for a word or group of words. This is expensive, time consuming, and
generates numerous false positives (think of yourself running Google searches
while researching a complex topic), but it is ultimately accurate.
Machine learning
programs do not look at every document but make algorithmic predications about
which documents fit the search parameters. The process of using machine
learning to find relevant data is called “technology assisted review.” Those
programs use “predictive coding” to find relevant materials in the sea of data.
This process is also called predictive intelligence and computer-assisted
review and is based in the broad field of machine learning, or artificial
coding looks at huge fields of documents according to set parameters given
to the program by a human and determines which of those documents is relevant
to that parameter. This is done by creating a small or “seed” set of documents
which are used to find relevant terms and then those findings are used to
create the relevancy parameters of the large search through all the documents.
Predictive coding can be used for other issues beyond relevancy — for instance,
responsiveness to certain issues or privilege.
Humans then analyze the
relevant documents that the predictive coding found. In the best case,
predictive coding takes millions of documents and presents a small percentage
of those to be analyzed by more straightforward methods like word search or
having a human read them. Predictive coding, if it works the way that it is
supposed to, can save countless hours. In fact, studies published in the early
2000’s found that predictive coding was far more accurate in finding relevant
documents than human document review.[11]
Predictive coding as
applied to litigation has been used since about the beginning of the century,
but has only been allowed in courts since about 2012,[12] and is now the
standard in litigation data searching.
Predictive coding isn’t
perfect, of course. After human review, in fact, most of the documents found by
predictive coding have been found to be not relevant. Predictive coding is just
a starting point to narrow down the numbers of documents that undergo physical
human review. Nevertheless, courts now accept these algorithms as sufficiently
accurate that the use of this technique is now almost universal in federal
In our next module, we
will focus on the rules of proportionality; in other words, when discovery
requests are considered too burdensome to be reasonable and thus enforceable.
We will also look at the admissibility of the products of e-discovery in court.
[1] ABA Model Rule 1.1, Comment 8 has been adopted by around 30 states so far. It states: “To maintain the requisite knowledge and skill, a lawyer should keep abreast of changes in the law and its practice, including the benefits and risks associated with relevant technology, engage in continuing study and education, and comply with all continuing legal education requirements to which the lawyer is subject.” See also Sarah Andropoulos, Most States Now Require Tech Competence for Lawyers. What Does That Mean for You?, Justia, (Feb. 9, 2017),
[3] ABA Model Rule 1.6(c) requires lawyers to make “reasonable efforts to prevent the inadvertent or unauthorized disclosure of, or unauthorized access to, information relating to the representation of a client.” A 2017 ABA Ethics Committee formal opinion specifically includes third-party cloud storage security.
[5] Model Rule of Professional Conduct 1.6(c).
[6] Mill Lane v. Wells Fargo, Supreme Courtof the State of New York, County of New York, Index No. 652025/2017; see also Melissa Daniels, Wells Fargo Seeks Returnof Inadvertently Leaked Client Info
[8] Leibovic v. United Shore Fin. Servs.,LLC, No. 15-12639, 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 137643, at *3-4 (E.D. Mich. Aug. 28, 2017).
[11] For example, a 2005 study entitled Automated Document Review Proves Its Reliability found that a human review of a set of documents was 51% accurate, while a computer review of the same documents was 95% accurate. See Anna Kershaw, Automated Document Review Proves Its Reliability, 5Digital Discovery & e-Evidence 1, 3 (2005).
[12] The first judicial decision to endorse the use of TAR was Moore v. Publicis, 287 F.R.D. 182, 193 (S.D.N.Y. 2012). This was by agreement of the parties, but another court (state) approved TAR over the objection of one of the parties months later: Global Aerospace, Inc. v. Landow Aviation, L.P., No. CL 61040 (Vir. Cir. Ct. Apr. 23, 2012); see also Virginia State Court Judge Allows Defendants To Use Predictive Coding, K&L Gates, (Apr. 25, 2012), In the Moore 2012 decision, Judge Andrew J. Peck had written: “Computer-assisted review appears to be better than the available alternatives, and thus should be used in appropriate cases.” Just a few years later, Judge Peck wrote that TAR is now “black letter law.”