3 credits
This course has been evaluated and recommended for 3 credits by the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS), and may be transferred to over 1,500 colleges and universities.
Welcome to Lawshelf’s video-course
on E-discovery. This course offers a cutting-edge look into the legal and
technological factors that impact the electronic discovery process in civil
litigation. This is an intermediate-level course and we recommend that you
first watch our video-course on Discovery in Civil Litigation. However, we have
prepared the course so that it should be accessi ble even to people with little
understanding of the technologies involved.
The course starts with an
introduction to the nature of e-discovery and the phenomenon of electronically
stored information (which almost all information today is). We will look at how
the rules of discovery are applied to ESI.
LIT-401: E-Discovery