on Transferring Real Property
An owner of real property is said to control
a “bundle of sticks” regarding the property he owns. Each of the “sticks” represent
an aspect of ownership; such as the right to occupy, the right to enjoy and the
right to keep others off of the property. One of the sticks in this bundle is
the power of alienation, or the
ability to transfer real property. This allows property owners the power to
restrict the use of their property and such restrictions persist after the
property is transferred. For example, a person may choose to sell a farm, but
attach a condition that it must not be developed within 20 years after the
This creates some tension with the free
market policy that looks unfavorably on restrictions on the usages of potential
commercial assets. Public policy favors a person’s right to freely dispose of
property. Some legal scholars have even written that “the concept of free
alienability is a cornerstone of modern Anglo-American civilization.”[1]
This policy has given rise to the Rule
Against Restraints on Alienation. Alienation, in this context, means the
ability to resell or transfer the property. Generally, there are three types of
restraints on alienation that are considered void:
The first type of restriction is a disabling restraint. This restraint,
which is always void, prohibits a grantee from making ANY transfer of interest
in real property. An example of a disabling restraint is if a property transfer
deed contains a provision that states “Neither
the grantee nor any of the grantee’s heirs shall have the right to transfer the
land or any interest in the land.”
The second type is a forfeiture restraint, which states that
a grantee will forfeit the real property if the grantee attempts a transfer. An
example of a prohibited forfeiture restraint is a provision that provides “If the grantee attempts to transfer
Blackacre or any interest in Blackacre during his lifetime, his estate shall
cease and title in Blackacre shall vest in a third-party.”
The third type of restriction is a promissory restraint, where a grantor
makes a grantee promise not to transfer the land. An example of a prohibited
promissory restraint is the following provision: “B hereby promises that he will not transfer Blackacre or any interest
in Blackacre without A’s prior written consent.”
Void Restrictions on Real Property Transferability
Lesser restrictions on the alienability
of property may be valid, depending on how far they go and how much they
negatively impact the stream of commerce. A restraint on the usage of property
for a limited time after it’s sold, for example, can be valid. Let’s look at
some examples of restraints that are generally allowable and then some of those
that are not.
A partial restraint on alienation refers
to a restraint on alienation that is qualified. The “reasonable restraints”
doctrine provides guidelines for what counts as a valid partial restraint.[2] A restraint on alienation
will be classified as a valid partial restraint if it restrains property
transfers for a (A) limited time AND (B) for a reasonable purpose.
For example, A, who owns and resides on
Blackacre, transfers one-half of her interest in Blackacre to her sister, B. In
the deed transferring this one-half interest, A includes a provision stating
that “During A and B’s lifetimes, each
party promises not to convey her interest in Blackacre to any non-family member
without the consent of the other party.”
The purpose of the restraint is to
prevent either party from being forced to live with someone who is not a family
member. Because that purpose is reasonable and because of the lifetime
limitation, this restraint will likely be considered valid.
Reasonable restrictions in commercial
real property transactions and sales are likewise acceptable. An example of a
reasonable restriction might be where the owner of a restaurant sells half his
lot with the condition that the buyer not open a competing restaurant on that
half lot for the next 20 years. Because these restrictions are the product of
arm’s-length, bargained-for transactions, they are generally considered
Another example of a generally
acceptable restraint on alienation is a “right of first refusal”, which means
that the transferor retains the right to have the first opportunity to purchase
property upon the owner's decision to sell, on the same terms offered by a
third party (or at terms dictated by the restraint).[3] While a right of first
refusal limits the ability of the owner of real property to sell it, it doesn’t
necessarily restrict the commercial opportunities available regarding the
property because the person with the right of first refusal still has to match
the economic terms of a third-party offeror.
As with the other examples, rights of
first refusal must be reasonable, meaning that the right of first refusal allow
the contract holder to purchase on the same terms and conditions as the other
offer. Additionally, the contract must provide a clear procedure for exercising
the right of first refusal and it must also provide a reasonable time for
exercising the right of first refusal.[4]
Conversely, there are several categories
of restraints on alienation that are prohibited by law. For example, restraints
that prohibit transferability to protected classes of people will almost
certainly be voided. So, one cannot transfer property while imposing
restrictions based on categories such as race, religion, ethnicity or gender.
In the 1948 Supreme Court case, Shelley v. Kraemer, an African-American
family sought to purchase a home in St. Louis. The home they wanted to
purchase, however, was covered by a racially restrictive covenant where the
building owners agreed not to sell to any person other than a Caucasian.[5]
The Court held that the covenants were
unconstitutional restraints on alienation. If a state court were to uphold covenants
forbidding home sales to people of a certain race, then it would be a
“discriminatory state action” that violates the Constitution.[6] The Court found that the
Fourteenth Amendment’s guarantee of equal protection of the laws includes a
person’s rights to acquire and dispose of property.[7] The principle behind Shelley has been expanded to a much
broader array of restrictions today.
In addition to constitutional principles
in Shelley, and any applicable state
rules, Congress passed the Fair Housing Act in 1968, which banned housing
discrimination in home sales and leases. The Act made it unlawful for a home
owner or landlord to refuse to negotiate for housing, make housing unavailable,
set different terms, conditions or privileges for sale or rental of a home, or
provide different housing services based on a prospective buyer or renter’s
race, color, religion, sex, familial status or national origin. [8]
The rules regarding restraints on
alienation reflect a balance of competing principles. On the one hand, you have
the market principle that tends to favor allowing any commercial transaction that
the parties agree to. On the other hand, restraints on alienation must be
limited so that they do not go too far in limiting the ability to make economic
use of property or to achieve discriminatory or immoral goals. This
presentation illustrates some of the effects of the balancing test between
these principles.
[1] Michael D. Kirby, Restraints on Alienation: Placing A 13th Century Doctrine in 21st
Century Perspective, 40 Baylor L. Rev. 413 (1988).
[2] James E. Saloga, Mortgage Consent to Sale Clause: A Reasonable Restraint on Alienation,
8 J. Marshall J. Prac. & Proc. 513 (1975)
[3] Merriam-Webster Law Dictionary.
[4] Joel Forward, “Wisconsin Supreme Court
Upholds Right of First Refusal Contract,” State Bar of Wisconsin, May 18, 2015,
[5] “The Shelley House,” National Park
Service, https://www.nps.gov/nr/travel/civilrights/mo1.htm.
[6] Shelley
v. Kraemer, 334 US 1 (1948).
[7] Abigail Perkins, “Shelley v. Kraemer: Legal
reform for America’s neighborhoods,” May 9, 2014, https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/shelley-v-kraemer-legal-reform-for-americas-neighborhoods.
[8] Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. 3604,
Section 804, Paragraph (a)