Introduction to Trusts and Trust Provisions - Module 1 of 6
See Also:
1: Introduction to Trusts
Nature of the Trust Agreement
complexities that can arise in the consideration, formation and drafting of the
trust document, the trust arrangement is a very simple concept. A trust
arrangement merely means that one person is holding property for the benefit of
trust is a division of the ownership of property between its “legal” ownership
and its “beneficial” ownership. The “trustee” is the legal owner of the
property and he or she is merely holding the property for the benefit of the
owner of the beneficial or “equitable” owners. The equitable owner of the trust
property is the “beneficiary.” The person who funds the trust in the first
place (who is also usually the person who creates the trust) is known as the
“grantor” or “settlor.”
trust agreement, which establishes the trust in the first place, is an
agreement between the grantor and the trustee. It is a contractual arrangement
whereby the grantor gives the trustee legal title to the trust assets and, in
exchange, the trustee agrees to hold those assets for the benefit of the
beneficiary. The beneficiary need not be (and usually is not) a party to the
trust agreement.
example, say that Joe wants to set aside $10,000 for his niece, Jane’s,
education. As Jane is only 12 years old and is not capable of holding and
managing the money pending its expenditure, he does not wish to give the money
to Jane outright. Instead, he gives the money to his sister, Claire, who is
Jane’s mother, on the condition that Claire hold the money and eventually spend
it on Jane’s education. This is a classic trust arrangement, even if the
parties don’t call it that.
Joe is
the grantor as he is establishing and funding the trust arrangement. Claire is
the trustee. She will hold the legal title to the $10,000 until it is spent.
She will make decisions on where and how the money is held and when it is
spent, although she is bound to spend it in accordance with Joe’s initial
instructions. Jane is the beneficiary, that she is the person on whose behalf
the money must eventually be spent. At this point, Jane might not even know
that the arrangement exists. There’s nothing wrong with that, as beneficiaries
often have no idea the trusts are being established on their behalf.
to a Trust
parties to a trust need not necessarily be individuals. Multiple parties can
serve any role. Indeed, it is quite common for multiple people to fulfill each
role. Spouses are often co-grantors of trusts for the benefits of their descendants.
For reasons we’ll get into later, appointing co-trustees is a good way to
establish checks and balances in the administration of a trust. Most trusts
have multiple beneficiaries and often, the beneficiaries are not specifically
defined by the trust document. For example, trust beneficiaries may be all the
children of the person.
entities such as corporations, LLC’s and other trusts can fulfill any or all
these roles. It is quite common, for example, for banks to serve as trustees.
Many banks even have the name “trust company” built into their names because a
significant component of their businesses is to serve as trustees (for a fee,
of course).
the same party can fulfill two or even all three roles in a trust. For example,
the grantor might also serve as the trustee. This is a common arrangement for a
“revocable” trust in which the grantor typically serves as trustee until his or
her death or disability. Another common example is where one spouse sets up a
trust with the other spouse as trustee and with the other spouse and their
children as potential beneficiaries. The spouse has legal control over the
trust assets and may, under certain circumstances, spend the trust assets on
her own behalf.
only exception to this principle is that the same person cannot be the sole
trustee in the sole beneficiary. If this happens, the legal ownership interest
of the trustee and the equitable ownership interest of the beneficiary are
vested in the same person and thus “merge,” extinguishing the trust arrangement
and vesting the entire ownership interest in that person.
states require that trust agreements be in writing to be enforceable. Other
states allow trusts to be formed orally. Even in states that require trust agreements
to be in writing, trusts can arise without a written agreement under some
circumstances. As virtually all professionally done trusts are in writing, we
will confine our discussion for the most part to written trusts.
trust arrangement is a contract between the grantor and trustee. Since people
have freedom to contract as they please, there is not much in the way of
limitation of what a trust can say. Still, there are certain requirements for
trusts to be valid instruments under state law.
All trusts are required to
contain at least the following elements:
Trusts must identify the grantor, trustee and
beneficiary. The grantor and trustee must be identified because they are
parties to the contract. The beneficiaries can be named individually or they
can be named as a class (for example, “the children and grandchildren of the
The trust “res” must be identified. “Res” is
the Latin word for “thing.” That is, to be valid, a trust must have something
in it. It doesn’t have to be much, and more can be added later, but at the
outset of the trust agreement, something must be transferred to the trust.
Typically, people may transfer $10 to a trust at the outset just to ensure this
requirement is met. I’ve even seen attorneys ask clients for a $10 bill to tape
to the trust agreement to be completely sure. As a practical matter, it’s
unlikely that a trust’s validity would be challenged under this requirement,
but as they say, “better safe than sorry.”
The trust must contain the signature of both
the grantor and the trustee. Many states require that the signature be
notarized or witnessed by two witnesses, who would then also sign the document
as witnesses. Backup trustees, beneficiaries and other parties potentially
involved in the trust operations need not sign the document (in fact, they need
not know of its existence).
if the formalities of trust formation are not adhered to, a trust can sometimes
be inferred when justice requires. Various doctrines have been developed by
case law that allow courts to establish trusts to prevent injustice. These
doctrines, which go by names such as constructive trust, implied trust and
resulting trust, are used when the parties intended to form trust relationships
or when the situation warrants that one person should hold property for the
benefit of another when no formal trust has been established.
A couple of brief examples
should serve to illustrate this point:
imagine that John and Lisa buy a house together
with their son, Don. John and Lisa contribute $200,000 towards the house’s
purchase price and Don contributes $200,000 as well. Initially, the deed states
that Don owns 50% of the house. To allow his parents to get a mortgage and to
allow them to take advantage of certain property tax exemptions, Don transfers
his interest in the house to his parents. When his parents passed away, they
had never transferred Don’s interest back to him. Once aware of the entire
story, a court could award Don half to house. The court would rule that the
parents were holding Don’s share for him in a “constructive” trust. They hold
legal title, but they were holding it for Don’s eventual benefit. This is a
classic trust arrangement even though the parties may never have specified that
they intended to create a trust.
2. Cindy and Marsha are partners. Together, they come across an opportunity to purchase an asset that could potentially benefit the partnership. However, because she wants all the profits are herself, Cindy purchases the asset for herself. This could be considered a breach of Cindy’s fiduciary duty of loyalty to her partner. Assume that Cindy completes the deal and earns $100,000 in profit. The court could rule that Marsha is entitled to half of that money because Cindy owed her a fiduciary duty. The court would infer the existence of a trust fund based on the legal fiction that Cindy was holding Marsha’s $50,000 for her. Again, this relationship is comparable to a trust relationship even though the parties never specified or anticipated that a trust would be created.
of Trusts
While there are many different
types of trusts, trust can be broken down into three broad categories:
Revocable Living Trusts
Irrevocable Living trusts
Testamentary Trusts
A. Revocable Trusts
most basic type of trust that exists is the revocable trust. That is not to say
that revocable trusts cannot be complex. In fact, provisions in revocable
trusts can be extremely complex. However, revocable trusts are basic devices
because the consequences of setting up revocable trusts are reversible. Aside
from the effort and expense to set up a trust in the first place, there is
little or no risk in setting up and funding a revocable trust.
is because, as the name implies, revocable living trusts can be revoked by the
grantor at any time. As they can be revoked, they can also be changed, altered
or modified by the grantor at any time. As such, the revocable trust is an
extremely flexible device. Revocable trusts typically call for their assets to
be distributed upon the death of the grantor (or grantors, as is often the case
when a married couple creates a joint revocable trust). Due to this feature,
the revocable trust is often referred to as a “will substitute.”
It is
used as the main estate planning mechanism of a person or couple instead of or
in addition to a will. Instead of executing a Will that dictates what will
happen to the person’s assets upon death, the trust holds the assets during the
person’s lifetime. It provides detailed instructions on how the trust assets
will be distributed after death. In this way, it essentially does the same
thing as a will.
There are two major advantages
of a revocable living trust over a standard Will-based estate plan:
Avoiding Probate. Probate is a process by which
a court (typically called “probate” court or “surrogate’s” court) grants
permission to an administrator (often called an “executor”) to collect,
administer and distribute the assets of a deceased person. That is, when a
person passes away, assets such as bank accounts and real estate in his or her
name cannot be accessed because the person is no longer around to direct their
disposition. Displaying a death certificate or even a will is insufficient (in
most cases) to force banks, brokerage firms and other institutions to allow
another person access to the decedent’s property. After all, the banks have no
way of knowing that the will is valid and enforceable. Therefore, after a
person passes away, one needs to get official permission from the court to
administer that person’s estate. The proceeding by which this is sought is
called a “probate proceeding” and the document by which the court gives
permission to an administrator to collect the deceased’s assets is referred to
as “letters testamentary” or “letters of administration.”
probate proceeding can be expensive and time-consuming and is public record.
Because the proceeding is complex, attorneys usually need to be retained in the
process can take months or even years. Probate proceedings require detailed
accountings of the person’s assets. This means that posthumously, family,
friends, neighbors and even strangers will be able to find out precisely the
value of that person’s assets. This does not sit well with many people.
that pass to beneficiaries by “operation of law” such as joint accounts, real
estate held jointly, “payable on death” accounts and life insurance proceeds
can be paid out without a probate proceeding. In addition, and germane to our
discussion, assets held in a revocable trust do not need court permission to be
distributed since they are already being held by the trustee. Even if the
deceased was the initial trustee and a family member was the successor trustee,
banks and institutions will usually allow the successor trustee to take over
upon production of the trust document and death certificate.
while the execution of a will does nothing to avoid a probate proceeding, the
execution and funding of a revocable trust with all a person’s assets will make
a probate proceeding unnecessary.
Disability Planning. A good estate plan should
include a mechanism by which a person’s assets can be administered during
lifetime by a trusted relative or friend in the event of disability. The simplest
way to do this is for the person to designate another person as his or her
“power of attorney.” This is a simple document under which the signer (the
“principal”) appoints an agent to act on his or her behalf for financial
matters. The principal can even choose whether the agent has the authority to
act on the principal’s behalf immediately (called a general durable power of
attorney) or only upon disability (a “springing” power of attorney).
powers of attorney are excellent disability planning tools, they are not always
sufficient in and of themselves. To start with, some financial institutions
require their own power of attorney forms and may not accept general powers of
attorney. Second, requirements of powers of attorney may vary from state to state
and so a financial institution in one state may not accept the standard form
that works in another state. Third, powers of attorney may not satisfy title
insurance companies in real estate transactions. Many title insurance companies
will not consider deeds that are authorized only by general power of attorney
to be marketable and insurable title.
assets into a revocable trust, on the other hand, is a much more powerful
disability planning tool. A trustee has legal title to the trust assets. When
the grantor becomes disabled, the trustee can simply administer and distribute
those assets in accordance with the trust provisions without having to worry
about the weaknesses of a general power of attorney form. Even where the
grantor is the initial trustee, a doctor’s note stating that the grantor is
disabled is usually sufficient to allow the backup trustee to completely take
over the administration of trust assets.
these tremendous advantages, the revocable living trust strategy has a couple
weaknesses that must be acknowledged. First, setting up and funding a revocable
trust is more expensive than merely having a will drafted. A will can be
drafted, executed, put away and forgotten about until the death of the testator
(the person who executes the will). The revocable trust, on the other hand,
must be funded to be effective. The assets of the grantor must be transferred
from the grantor’s name to the trust’s name. This can be a time-consuming and
tedious process, especially if the grantor has accounts with many different
institutions. Without funding the trust, the document itself is meaningless as
the trust only helps for assets that are titled in the trust’s name.
more serious problem with the revocable trust is that while it’s effective, it
may be insufficient to satisfy many estate planning objectives. Because the
grantor has the right to revoke the trust and/or withdraw its assets at any
time, for substantially all legal purposes, the assets in the trust will be
considered as though they are owned by the grantor outright.
example, for tax purposes, any income earned by the trust is considered income
earned by the grantor and must be reported on the grantor’s personal income tax
return (Form 1040). For estate tax purposes, the entire value of the revocable
trust is considered part of the taxable estate of the grantor. Assets in the
revocable trust are also susceptible to the creditors of the grantor, and if
the grantor gets sued, these assets will be vulnerable to collection. For
means-tested government benefit programs such as Medicaid, all the assets in
the revocable trust are considered owned by an available to the grantor.
revocable trust can serve as a will substitute, help avoid probate and improve
disability planning, but it does little more than that. For more complex estate
planning goals, such as creditor protection, Medicaid planning and tax
planning, other devices may be necessary or advisable.
B. Irrevocable Trusts
revocable living trusts, the irrevocable trust is created during the grantor’s
lifetime. These trusts, however, cannot be revoked by the grantor in the
grantor’s ability to modify, alter or amend irrevocable trusts are usually
strictly limited. The grantor can keep some control over the trust assets and
the extent to which this is advisable depends on the goals of the estate plan
of which the trust is part.
trusts have similar probate avoidance and disability planning benefits as
revocable trust do, but can also achieve much more complex goals in areas of
asset protection, benefits planning and tax planning. The full extent of the
powers of irrevocable trusts and the ways in which to secure these benefits is
the central subject of the rest of this course.
C. Testamentary Trusts
living trusts, which are contracts between the grantors and the trustees,
testamentary trusts are established only upon death. A testamentary trust is
established by the will of the deceased person (the “testator”). Note that
while a will can distribute all assets upon the death of the testator, it can
also dictate that some of the assets be held for future purposes that are
specified and outlined in the will. This is the purpose and effect of the
testamentary trust.
requirements discussed earlier for living trusts do not apply. The trustee need
not sign or even know of the trust at the time that the will is executed. There
is also no requirement that there be a trust “res” at the time that the will is
signed, as testamentary trusts, by their nature, are not funded until the death
of the testator.
testamentary trust is established during a probate proceeding. Once satisfied
that the will is valid and the trust provision is enforceable, the probate
judge will order that the trust be established and grant “letters of
trusteeship” (the name may vary by jurisdiction) that empowers the appointed
trustee with the authority to set up a trust and administer its assets. From
that point on, it behaves like any other living trust.