The National View of Child and Spousal Support-Module 4 of 6
See Also:
Module 4 The National View of Child and Spousal Support
Only state courts have
original jurisdiction over domestic relations cases, including cases involving
child support and spousal support. Over time, federal and state courts have
crystalized this notion into the “domestic relations exception” to federal
jurisdiction over family law. However, many aspects of domestic relations law have
national and international implications and sets of laws. These are areas like
enforcement of support, taxation, social security, retirement accounts, “full
faith and credit” issues, and more.
Domestic relations laws that affect the entire country include some federal laws, federal court decisions, “model codes” adopted by states, the Internal Revenue Code, the Code of Federal Regulations, immigration laws, military law, and more. Some of those areas have implications in international law as well.
National and
International Approaches to State Support Laws
States have worked
together formally and informally to help enforce child and spousal support
orders across state borders for more than a century. Governments around the
world have also entered into agreements with the United States for mutual
enforcement of support orders. We will explore those laws, how they came to be,
and how they are enforced.
Model Codes
The most common way to create consistent state laws
enforceable across state borders is through the implementation of model codes.
A model code is a nationally recognized document
developed by a private entity for use by state or local jurisdictions in
developing their own laws or procedures.[1]
These models are written to give guidance to legislatures, bar associations,
etc. so that laws of different states on one area of the law can be similar to
laws in the same area in other states.
Model codes are developed to try to bring a universal
approach to legislation that deals with issues that are national in nature, but
which are not subject to federal law for constitutional reasons. They are
written by teams of experts in that field of law. These codes propose statutory
language to state legislatures that they can adopt in concert with other
states. The effect of this type of coordination is a landscape of laws that
have virtually the same effect as a federal statute, but which are passed by
states and enforced on the state level.
States can pass the version of the model code as written, or
they can alter any portion of the model, or they can pass it in part, or they
can simply not pass any version of it.
The “private entity”
that develops model codes can be a non-profit organization that has a
particular political view, like the American Legislative Exchange Council or a
neutral organization like the Uniform Law Commission (formerly known as the
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws), which has created
over 300 model codes. Many model codes are also proposed by the American Bar
Model Codes for Support Enforcement
The two primary model
codes relating to support enforcement are the Uniform Interstate Family Support
Act, which we will call the “Family Support Act,” and the Uniform Child Custody
Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act, which we will call the “Custody Enforcement Act.”
These model codes create the means for states to develop support orders which
can then be enforced in other states.
These Acts come into play when ex-spouses live in two different states. They may also come into play when one party lives in a different country.
Examples of Uniform
Nationwide Support Laws
The first model code
dedicated to the national enforcement of support orders was the Uniform
Desertion and Non-Support Act of 1910. In 1950, the National Conference of
Commissioners on Uniform State Laws published the Uniform Reciprocal
Enforcement of Support Act. That Act was passed in some form by all 50
states and was amended and revised several times.
That Act had several
weaknesses, chief amongst them that it retained the ability of one court to
change the orders of another court. That allowed an ex-spouse to easily change
location, go to a court in the new location and ask the court in the new
location for a change in spousal or child support orders without input from the
other party or the “home” court.
To clean that and other
issues up, the Commissioners conference published the Family Act in 1992,
superseding the previous support model codes. The Family Support Act has been
amended several times through the years. Some form of this model code is now the
law in all jurisdictions.[2]
Moreover, Congress did
not wait around for all states to voluntarily pass this model code. Congress
passed the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1996.[3] One aspect of that law was
to pressure all states to adopt the Family Act or risk losing federal funding
for child support enforcement.
National Effect of the Family Act
As it currently exists,
Family Support Act-based state laws govern the establishment, enforcement, and
modification of interstate child and spousal support orders. The act is a form
of “long arm jurisdiction” that allows the laws of one state to be enforced in
another state. Because state custody and support laws vary widely, this model
code sets standards for determining which state’s law will prevail and which
court will have continuing and exclusive jurisdiction over a case. Simply, the
state where the dependent child or payee is a resident will enforce the support
orders of the state of original jurisdiction.
The Family Support Act requires
each state to have a central support registry, called an Interstate Central
Registry. The long-arm support laws of each state are then built around that
registry and other clauses in the Family Support Act.
The Custody Enforcement Act
The Custody Enforcement
Act was drafted by the National Conference of Commissioners in 1997 and has
been adopted by all but one state. It was intended to compliment and update the
Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act of 1981, as well as to update a 1968 version
of this model code. It is used by states in conjunction with the Family Act to
create an entire structure of multistate support enforcement laws.
This model code makes
it more difficult for a parent to move to another state and change jurisdiction
to the new state. At the same time, the registration process can ease such a
change by allowing the foreign state to modify an order from the home state.
The Family Support Act
and Custody Enforcement Act-based laws are complex and differ between states,
but they can allow states to:
n Establish orders for
spousal or child support
n Enforce out-of-state
support orders without registration, including wage attachments
n Register out-of-state
support orders for in-state enforcement
n Modify out-of-state
registered support orders
n Determine parentage,
n Assert jurisdiction over non-residents[4]
Federal Enforcement of
Child Support Orders
The federal government
enforces child support orders across state boundaries under the Child
Support Recovery Act of 1992 and the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act
of 1998.[5] These acts are enforced by
the Department of Justice and only apply where the parents live in different
states. The guidelines for enforcing this law provide that the parties must try
to resolve these issues at the state level before the federal government will
get involved.
These Acts made the
non-payment of child support a federal criminal act in some cases. First, a
person who is under court-ordered child support is guilty of a federal misdemeanor
if the payor willfully refuses to pay child support to a child who lives in
another state, owes back child support for more than one year, or owes more
than $5000 in support. A person guilty of this violation is subject to fines
and up to six months in prison. Second, a court-ordered payor is guilty of a
felony if the support payment is overdue for more than two years or exceeds
$10,000. Punishments include fines and up to two years in prison. Third, it is
a felony to flee a state and travel to another state or out of the country to
avoid paying child support that has been past due for more than one year or
exceeds $5000.
The Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement
The federal Office of
Child Support Enforcement is a division of the Department of Health and Human
Services that oversees the national child support program. It advises and
coordinates with state child support agencies for their support services. The
office does not have any authority to make or enforce laws or regulations itself.
It serves to help guide
agencies, employers, and parents through the complex world of interstate child
support enforcement. In particular, the office’s website provides links and
contacts for all state child support offices[6] and has numerous resources
for anyone involved in child support.
The national child
support program currently operates under a strategic 5-year plan. The plan is a
collaborative effort among all jurisdictions and the national office. The plan[7] emphasizes five points:
n Families first
n Case-specific tools
n Modern technology
n Resourceful leadership
n Evidence-based
In 2016, the national
child support program stated that it collected $33 billion and served 15.6 million children and their
Social Security Payments
Social Security payments can be garnished for child support and spousal support.[8] Calculations and the garnishment are based on the state’s garnishment laws, so any court action adjusting or ending the garnishment comes under the state’s laws and not Social Security procedures.
Military Law of Child and
Spousal Support
There are over two
million people serving in the U.S. military on active and reserve duty.[9] They have the same kinds
of domestic relations situations as everyone else, but with some special
components. Members of the United States military are subject to several laws
and military regulations that are separate from and supersede the rest of the
law in this area. The laws in this area require a balance of state and federal
law and military procedure.
The laws specific to
military members going through and following their divorces are the Uniformed
Services Former Spouses Protection Act[10] and the Service Members
Civil Relief Act[11].
In addition, each branch of the service has separate sets of regulations
governing a service member’s behavior during and after a divorce.[12] A service member’s
commanding officer can issue a temporary support order under these regulations
even without a court order. The commanding officer can also be contacted if the
service member is attempting to duck service of process. Note that Judge Advocate
General officers may offer advice to either the service member or the spouse,
but not both, and cannot represent either party in divorce court.
Application of Military Law and Regulations to Divorce
All relevant military
law and regulations regarding spouses have at their core a requirement for
married and divorced military personnel to support their families. This means
that the military can punish members who fail to live up to their family
obligations through their own regulations, beyond punishments available through
civilian civil and criminal procedures. Failure to pay child or spousal support
in the military is considered a “service discrediting” form of misconduct and
service members to are expected to meet those obligations or be subject to
administrative discharge if they fail to address their arrearages.
Military Divorce Jurisdiction
Military divorce
jurisdiction is in state court, like all other divorces. However, service
members often move so frequently that they will have a permanent residence in
one state and be posted in another state, with the occasional added wrinkle of
the spouse living in a third state. Domestic court jurisdiction over military
members varies by state. State laws and military regulations may allow service
members to file divorces in any one of three places: the state where the filing
spouse resides; the state where the military member is stationed; or the state
where the military member claims legal residency.
This is further
complicated when a service member is stationed in another country. Overseas
service of process directly on an individual may violate various treaties and
some international laws. In those cases, military installations generally have
a service member assigned as a process server. In some cases, the base
commander can perform that function.
The Service Members Civil Relief Act
The Service Members
Civil Relief Act became law in 2003 as an expansion of the Soldiers and
Sailors Civil Relief Act of 1940. The law is designed to relieve financial
burdens on service members during times of active military service. The Act
protects service members against default judgments (including divorces) and
allows the service member to apply for a stay of any civil action, including
divorce and post-divorce proceedings, for 90 days while deployed on active duty
or within 60 days after having been on active duty.
The Uniformed Services Former Spouses Protection Act
The Uniformed Services
Former Spouses Protection Act became law in 1982 and has been revised several
times — including in 2017. This act forces the military to accept and enforce
state court orders regarding divorce, custody, child support and spousal
support. Were it not for this act, it would be very difficult to enforce
support payments from military personnel because the military would be largely
exempt from enforcing the orders of a civilian court, and the large dispersal
of military personnel would make them difficult to enforce.
Several clauses of this
law benefit recipients of spousal and child support. Most importantly, when
determining child support amounts, the service member’s complete income
structure is used and categorized as “disposable earnings.” This includes not
only salary, but the value of all other military benefits including many kinds
of special pay and allowances. These include subsistence allowance, sea pay,
basic allowance for quarters, special pay, and many others.
When spousal or child support is ordered, and the payments fall behind for two months or more, the service member’s wages can be garnished, including all these benefits, regardless of state law. The court may also order the payor to carry life insurance enough to cover the support obligation in case of the service member’s death. The military allows “voluntary allotment” for paying spousal and child support but can impose an “involuntary allotment” for child support and for spousal support if there is also child support.
Support Orders and
Non-US Citizens
Non-citizens have the
same obligations to obey court orders that citizens have, but complications can
arise for support obligors who apply for citizenship or who live in another
country. Under federal regulations[13], a parent applying for
citizenship or naturalization who is under a court order to pay child support
must provide evidence showing that he or she is in compliance with that order.
A child support obligor who is in arrears may be denied citizenship. An obligor
who has deliberately avoided paying child support must be denied citizenship until the arrearages are cleaned up.
Collecting support from
a person who lives in another country can be difficult, depending on the
treaties in effect (or lack thereof) between the United States and whatever
country the obligor parent lives in, and on the obligor’s citizenship. The Hague
Child Support Convention has about 36 signatory countries, and the United
States processes child support cases with those countries through a clause in the
Family Support Act.[14] The United States also
has additional agreements with Australia, Canada, Israel and El Salvador for
reciprocal child support enforcement.
If the obligor or child
custodian lives in a country not subject to those agreements, the only real solution
may be to file an action in that country.
Federal courts,
including the Supreme Court, have handed down numerous decisions that affect
child and spousal support. Many of these decisions have involved penalties for
non-payment of obligations and other enforcement actions. We will focus on
these in the next module.
[1] 28 CFR Sec. 36.601.
[7] Strategic plan:
[12] Air Force Reg: 36-2906; Army Regulation 608-99; Coast Guard: Chapter 8.M of the Personnel Manual, Commandant Instruction M1000.6A; Navy and Marine Corps:MILPERSMAN 1754-030 Chap. 15.
[14] UIFSA Article 7.