Statutes and Regulations - Module 3 of 5
See Also:
Module 3: Statutes and Regulations
In this module we will cover laws that govern the operation of
nonprofit organizations and look at some cases involving nonprofit
State Laws
There is no standard
approach among the states in their statutory treatment of nonprofit
organizations. Model statutes such as
the Model Nonprofit Corporation Act and more recently, the Revised Model
Nonprofit Corporation Act, have been adopted by some states. The model acts provide language for the
creation of statutes that cover major aspects of the formation, governance and
dissolution of nonprofit and charitable organizations.[1]
There are some common
themes in state statutes governing nonprofits. While states don’t prohibit the
generation of profits or profit-making activities, all states prohibit the distribution of profits dividends to
private stakeholders. Some states allow for the issuance of stock and all allow
reasonable compensation for officers and directors of the organization. Some
states permit distribution of remaining assets to members upon liquidation or
final dissolution, except in the cases of charitable organizations. Some states classify nonprofit corporations
into categories, but most do not. Some
states have standards of conduct for officers and directors of nonprofits and
some allow for member derivative actions to enforce these standards (analogous
to shareholder derivative actions).[2]
The Revised Model
Nonprofit Corporation Act allocates authority to the Secretary of State to
regulate the formation of nonprofit corporations, defines proper nonprofit
purposes and sets filing requirements such as bylaws and financial statements.
It also contains rules for the roles and duties of nonprofit boards, governance
provisions such as quorum, voting and annual meeting requirements and provides
for judicial relief in the case of wrongdoing. These concepts codified in state
statutes but vary widely from state to state.[3]
The board of
directors of a nonprofit is the body that holds the prime responsibility
for the organization. The board is saddled with “fiduciary duties,” which means
that it must act loyally and reasonably for the benefit of the organization.[4] In addition to the standard the duties of care
and loyalty, a third fiduciary duty, the “duty of obedience,” is also sometimes
referenced. These duties translate into acting in the best interests of the
organization, providing sound financial oversight, making business and
operational decisions without regard to personal gain, setting the strategic
direction of the organization and responding to complaints and lawsuits that
involve the organization.[5] For example, California
nonprofit law provides:
A director shall perform the
duties of a director, including duties as a member of any committee of the
board upon which the director may serve, in good faith, in a manner that
director believes to be in the best interests of the corporation and with such
care, including reasonable inquiry, as an ordinarily prudent person in a like
position would use under similar circumstances.[6]
Nondiscrimination and
In addition to federal tax laws that impose certain requirements
on obtaining and maintaining tax-exempt status, there are other federal laws
that affect nonprofit organizations. Discrimination laws, anti-trust, health
care privacy, education privacy rights, financial disclosure laws and federal
lobbying laws all have potential impacts on nonprofits.
If the nonprofit is also an employer with over fifteen employees, employment discrimination laws under the Civil Rights Act apply to them. The Act prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, gender and various other criterial. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, enforces the Civil Rights Act on the federal level, though state employment laws may also apply.[7]
In addition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, other federal statutes prohibiting various forms of employment discrimination include the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
In addition to outright discrimination, employment discrimination rules also prohibit various forms of harassment and whistleblower retaliation.
Harassment is any unwelcome conduct that is based on a discriminatory reason. This behavior is unlawful where enduring the offensive conduct becomes a term or condition of continued employment, or when the conduct is severe or pervasive enough to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile or abusive.
The law also protects employees from retaliation for participating in any investigation of harassment, any proceeding under the anti-discrimination laws or for opposing policies that are discriminatory.[8] All states and some municipalities also have employment related anti-harassment laws that, in some cases, go beyond federal law to protect additional classes of people and characteristics, such as gender identity and caregiver status.[9] For example, in California, it is unlawful for an employer to refuse employment based on the protected classes in Title VII, but also ancestry, medical condition, marital status, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation or military or veteran status.[10]
Though organizations are not required to have anti-harassment policies, adopting them can be prudent measures for nonprofits. An anti-harassment policy that defines harassment and outlines procedures for investigation and resolution of complaints can help reduce risk to the organization in several ways. First, it puts those who may engage in the behavior on notice and educates members of the organization on what constitutes harassment.
Second, a process can help ensure that targets of harassment have somewhere to go to report it. Third, explaining the consequences for those who break the policy acts as a deterrent. Fourth, with no policy in place, targets of harassment more likely to seek legal recourse in the courts as a matter of first instance, knowing that there’s no formal process to try to settle the issue internally. Finally, organizations with robust harassment policies can more easily show good faith compliance with harassment laws, even if the policy was not adhered to by one employee on occasion.[11]
Federal Corporate and Business
Antitrust laws can
apply to some nonprofit organizations. The Sherman Antitrust Act aims to
reduce concentrations of power that prevent competition from entering markets,
and to preserve “free and unfettered competition” as a rule of trade to the
benefit of consumers.[12]
Anti-competitive practices may include price-fixing, boycotts and trade
association rules that have a negative impact on others entering or competing
in a market. Nonprofit business leagues,
membership and trade associations are particularly vulnerable to scrutiny under
antitrust laws because they often represent large groups of professionals such
as architects, engineers, doctors and lawyers. Their published rules can become
models used for state or local laws.[13]
of the most notable cases against a professional association under the Sherman
Act was United States vs American Institute of Architects. The complaint alleged that the Institute
engaged in a price fixing conspiracy by prohibiting architects from bidding on
work based on fee alone, offering discounted fees or providing pro bono
architectural services.
The Justice Department and the
Institute reached a settlement in 1990 that included required the Institute to
execute a comprehensive antitrust compliance program and to refrain from making
any statements that prohibited its members from competitively bidding based on
price or providing discounted or free services. The consent decree allowed
courts to impose fines on the Institute based on findings of violation of the
Sherman Act.[14]
In American
Society of Mechanical Engineers v Hydrolevel[15]
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, an engineering society with
90,000 members, was sued under the Sherman Act. The Society published important
engineering related codes written by volunteers that are widely adopted by
An executive from
one of Hydrolevel’s competitors, M&M, sat as vice-chair of a code writing committee.
M&M secured a letter from the Society declaring Hydrolevel’s product
“unsafe” according to the code, which was then used by the competitor to push
Hydrolevel out of the market. The court found that because the vice-chair acted
on behalf of the Society, the letter carried the weight of the organization’s
expertise and the organization constituted an antitrust violation.[16]
The American Competitiveness and Corporate Accountability Act
of 2002, commonly referred to as “Sarbanes-Oxley,” was passed in response
to the corporate and accounting scandals of the early 2000s. While the law primarily governs publicly traded
companies, two criminal provisions in Sarbanes-Oxley apply to nonprofit
First, it is a
crime under Section 802 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to “knowingly alter, destroy,
conceal or falsify any record or document with intent to impede, obstruct, or
influence a federal investigation or the administration of any other federal
matter.” Since the law applies
to documents that may apply to any matter of federal law, nonprofits should maintain document retention policies that aid compliance
with all laws that apply to them, whether related to taxes, labor and
employment or other matters.[17]
It is also a
felony under Section 1107 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act to retaliate against anyone
for providing truthful information to federal law enforcement officials relating
to any federal offense. For example, a nonprofit CEO who terminates its chief
financial officer for reporting to federal officials that the organization
filed false information on its tax return may be criminally liable under the
whistleblower provision. Violations of Section 1107 are punishable by up to ten
years imprisonment.[18]
For-profit and
nonprofit healthcare providers alike are subject to the privacy rule in the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act. The HIPAA privacy rule established standards
for the disclosure of healthcare related information and defined what
constitutes a valid authorization. HIPAA applies to health plans, healthcare
clearinghouses and healthcare providers that transmit specific information
electronically – essentially, any and all healthcare providers.[19]
The Department of Health and Human Services enforces HIPAA through its Office of Civil Rights. Violating HIPAA can result in significant penalties, depending on the level of negligence, and range from $100 for ignorance of the applicable rules to $50,000 for a willful violation.[20]
For example, Boston Medical Center, Brigham
and Women’s Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital were fined $999,000 by
HHS for allowing a film crew to record footage of patients as part of the “Boston
Med” TV series, in violation of HIPAA Privacy Rules. A settlement of $2.2
million was reached with New York Presbyterian Hospital for its unlawful disclosure
of patient information during a filming of the same series.[21] University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center was ordered
to pay over $4,300,000 in civil liabilities to resolve HIPAA violations
associated with three data breaches resulting from the use of unencrypted
devices that exposed private patient data in 2012 and 2013.[22]
Education laws
Title IX, renamed
the Patsy T. Mink Equal Opportunity in Education Act in 2002, is designed to
prevent discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education
program or activity. Nonprofit education institutions that receive federal
funding are affected by this law. The
Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights handles thousands of cases each
year related to Title IX.
For example, in
2014, case, Murietta Valley Independent School District,[23] an investigation of an
intermural sports league, the Office of Civil Rights required the league and
its member school districts to equitably treat female and male students in
“primetime” scheduling of athletic events, in scheduling of practice times and
in providing publicity for their events.[24]
In Fort Scott Community College in 2016,
it sought relief for female athletes at a university that was providing fewer
and inferior resources to its women’s sports teams in comparison to the men’s
programs. The investigation found that the college failed to maintain adequate
equipment and locker room facilities for its female athletes and failed to
treat the women’s program equally in promotion and advertisement. A resolution
agreement between the university and Office of Civil Rights resulted in the
construction of upgraded practice and competitive facilities, new and improved
locker rooms, appropriately sized equipment and advertising for the women’s
athletic program.[25]
Section 444 of
the General Education Provisions, Act, known as The Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act,
or FERPA,[26] protects the privacy of student education
records. The law applies to
any school that receives funds from the Department of Education. Nonprofit
entities such as universities, private nonprofit K-12 schools and other
nonprofit education providers are subject to the law and must rigorously apply
internal privacy policies to maintain compliance. FERPA affords parents and students certain
rights, including the right to inspect and review their records, the right to
seek amendment of their records and to have some control over the disclosure of
their records.
Court cases
involving FERPA may center on what constitutes an “education record” under
FERPA. For example, in Bauer v Kincaid, a district court held that a
student newspaper obtaining access to criminal investigations and reports
conducted by campus police was not unlawful and did not require prior consent,
because the criminal reports were not “education records” according to FERPA.[27]
Lobbying and Elections
Nonprofits often try to educate the public on legislative issues or to
lobby government officials. Those that lobby at the federal level are subject
to the Lobbying Disclosure Act of
Some non-profit organizations may
not lobby, but even those authorized to engage in lobbying are subject to
transparency and accountability requirements. A lobbyist is any paid person who makes at least one lobbying related contact with a covered government official and who spends 20 percent or more of his time on lobbying activities. The law requires that quarterly reports be submitted by lobbyists
or their employers. While the non-profit organization would not itself be considered a lobbyist, it must register its
employees that lobby on behalf of the organization.[29]
The Lobbying Disclosure Act, as amended by the Honest Leadership
and Open Government Act of
2007, imposes disclosure requirements on committees that received political contributions
or use of private transportation.[30]
In addition, the Justice Against Corruption on K Street Act of 2018,[31]
or “JACK” Act, requires all registrations and quarterly reports to include
information on past convictions of federal lobbyists.
The IRS also has rules pertaining to lobbying by nonprofits. Nonprofit
organizations who lobby must do so in compliance with the stated purpose of the
organization, and keep activities nonpartisan, or risk losing exempt status.[32]
Nonprofits that fail to submit timely reports on behalf of their registered
lobbyists can face sanctions including fines up to $200,000 per violation, and
for individuals, a potential prison sentence of up to five years.[33]
For errors on registration or reporting, the U.S. Attorney does allow a
registered lobbyist to take corrective action, but after four unsuccessful
attempts, further action may be considered by federal prosecutors for “knowing
and corrupt” errors.[34]
In addition, if the organization conducts government affairs activities
at the state level, every state also has lobbying disclosure laws.[35]
nonprofit organizations engage in political activities on behalf of their
members and may decide to start a Political Action Committee. Stand-alone
Political Action Committees are themselves nonprofit organizations and are classified
as Political Organizations under Section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code.[36]
A political
organization is defined in the tax code as “a party,
committee or association that is organized and operated primarily for the
purpose of influencing the selection, nomination or appointment of any individual
to any federal, state or local public office, or office in a political
are regulated by the Federal Election Commission. When a nonprofit starts a PAC, the PAC must
be independently operated. Under the
Federal Election Campaign Act, incorporated charitable organizations are
prohibited from making contributions in connection with federal elections and
cannot manage their PACs directly. Contributions may not be anonymous, so the
nonprofit must track every cent that comes into the PAC.
Lobbying is distinct from participation in political campaigns. Though charitable
organizations can participate in lobbying activities under very limited
circumstances with special filing under the Internal Revenue Code, all tax-exempt
charitable organizations are prohibited from directly or indirectly
participating in any political campaign in support of or in opposition to any
candidate for public office. They also may not contribute to political campaigns.
Violating the prohibition may result in denial or revocation of the
organization’s tax-exempt status and the imposition of certain excise taxes.
Not all campaign activities violate the prohibition, however. Certain
nonpartisan activities, such as “get out the vote” campaigns, are allowed.[38]
In our
next module, we’ll look more closely at the legal issues related to leadership
and governance of nonprofits.
[1] Fishman, James J. and Schwarz, Stephen, Nonprofit Organizations, Cases and Materials, Fourth Edition, pp 53-54
[2] Fishman, James J. and Schwarz, Stephen, Nonprofit Organizations, Cases and Materials, Fourth Edition, pp 53-54 quoting Marilyn Phelan, 1 Nonprofit Enterprises Section 1:11 at 32-33 (2000 & Supp. 2009).
[3] id
[4] Cornell University Wex Legal Dictionary;
[5] See generally
[6] California Corporations Code, Title 1, Division 2, Part 2, Chapter 2, Article 3. See also
[10] California Senate Bill No. 1300, Approved by Governor September 30, 2018
[12] Fishman,
James J. and Schwarz, Stephen, Nonprofit Organizations, Cases and Materials,
Fourth Edition, p 1012
[13] 15
U.S. Code § 1; See also; and
[17] Public Law 107 - 204 - Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002; see also
[18] id; see also
[19] The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. Pub. L. 104-191. Stat. 1936. Web. 11 Aug. 2014.; see also
[24] U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights, Title IX Enforcement Highlights, Washington, D.C., 2012., Examples drawn from DE document are in the public domain and reprinted with express permission.
[26] 20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99
[27] 759 F. Supp 575 (WD Mo. 1991)
[28] 2 U.S.C. § 1601
[30]110th Congress Public Law 81: Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007.
[31] S. 2896 – 115th Congress: Justice Against Corruption on K Street Act of 2018.
[33] Pub.L. 110–81, 121 Stat. 735, enacted September 14, 2007
[36] 26 U.S. Code § 527
[37] id