Small Business Models and Closely Held Corporations-Module 3 of 5
See Also:
3: Small Business Models and Closely Held Corporations
Operating a small business isn’t easy
and these businesses fail at a staggering rate. Every year, over a million
people in the United States form small businesses and by the end of the first
year of operation, at least 40 percent will go bankrupt. Within five years,
more than 80 percent will have failed.
The small business’s structure affects
how much an owner pays in taxes, the paperwork he files, how he raises capital
to grow the business, and most importantly, his personal liability. So, the
owner must choose carefully and wisely. There could be restrictions on
converting the business structure and attempting to do so could lead to numerous
tax consequences and even unintended dissolution.
The simplest small business an
entrepreneur can form is a sole proprietorship. It is the least expensive to
establish, the owner makes all decisions, and keeps all profits. Since the
proprietorship isn’t a formal business entity, however, the biggest
disadvantage is that legally, the business owner and the business are one. If the
sole proprietorship files for bankruptcy or is sued, his personal assets can be
seized to satisfy these liabilities.
Knowing this, a small business owner is
often better off with a structure that separates his business from his personal
assets. He can incorporate his business with a “closely held corporation.” The two
categories of closely held corporations are the C corporation and the S corporation.
Compared to forming a partnership or operating
the business as sole proprietorship, incorporating is expensive and includes
the cost of federal and state law compliance. There are also legal barriers
that must be satisfied prior to incorporating, including raising of capital,
defining who can be a shareholder, and filing the necessary paperwork.
In this module, we’ll cover these issues and learn about how small business owners incorporate and the two different types of corporations ideal for small business owners, C corporations and S corporations.
A small business owner who incorporates
gains access to several advantages that wouldn’t be available if he organized
his business as a sole proprietorship or general partnership. The first is that
the business exists perpetually. Unlike a general partnership, which could
dissolve if any partner leaves the partnership, the corporation will continue
to exist regardless of what happens to the original owners who formed it. The
corporation’s perpetual existence attracts investors because it can be a more
stable investment vehicle for them to invest in; turnover of owners and
shareholders won’t lead to dissolution.
Second, a corporation has numerous tax
advantages, and the business owner can deduct employee fringe benefits, like
daily business expenses, medical insurance, and retirement plans. Additionally,
some corporations may permit pass-through taxation, so income or losses are
taxed only once after they are passed on to owners and investors according to
their ownership stake.
Corporate bylaws structure the
corporation. They describe how the company is operated along with the rights
and obligations of the shareholders, any information concerning regulations
about the management of the company, the shareholders' relationship, the
ownership of shares, what happens to a shareholder’s interest if he leaves the
business and shareholder privileges. The bylaws are not filed with a state
agency and only serve internal uses.
The importance of well-written bylaws and
their impact on global commerce emerged in the news recently. International
cosmetics giant L’Oreal has 655 million global shares, but 352 million of these
shares are held by the company’s founding family, the Bettencourts. Nestle is
also a major shareholder and owns the second-most number of shares in L’Oreal.
In late 2017, L’Oreal’s matriarch,
Liliane Bettencourt, passed away. After her death, questions arose as to future
ownership. Could the Bettencourt family or Nestle increase their shares in
L’Oreal? Financial experts predicted hostility between these two parties, but
conflict was avoided. L’Oreal’s bylaws addressed ownership changes definitively
and they stipulated that either party could increase their stakes in L’Oreal
six months after her death.
Finally, the shareholder agreement may
include a provision that restricts a shareholder’s ability to transfer his
shares to a third party. However, to be enforceable, all restraints must be
reasonable. In determining reasonableness, a court will consider the size of
corporation, the extent of restraint, the length of time the restraint is in
place, and whether the restraint serves valid corporate goals.
In the Texas case, Sandor Petroleum Corp. v. Williams, the
court examined the issue of reasonable restraints. There, the plaintiff received
two stock certificates for 1,250 shares each in the corporation after helping
it obtain certain oil and gas leases. Later, a disagreement between the
plaintiff and the controlling shareholder arose regarding the corporation’s management.
The plaintiff wanted to sell his shares, but Sandor Petroleum’s other three
shareholders adopted a new bylaw restricting the transfer of stock and giving
the corporation the option to purchase any stock offered for sale at a price
fixed by an appraiser.
The court found that the newly-adopted
restriction was an unreasonable restraint on share transfer and couldn’t be
enforced. It reasoned, “Such a restriction on previously unrestricted stock
would unreasonably restrain and prohibit its sale and transfer and could result
in depriving the owner of the full value of his stock.” Here, the restraint
didn’t serve any corporate goal other than to punish the plaintiff for his
disagreement with the controlling shareholder and denied him the right to sell
his share at a price that could be secured on the open market.
The first formal step to incorporating
is to write the articles, or certificate, of incorporation. Each state has its
own requirements for what must be included in the articles of incorporation,
but they typically must provide the corporation’s name, the authorized shares,
the corporation’s purposes, the corporation’s secretary, the designation of an
agent for service of process and the location where the Secretary of State
sends service of process.
Next, a party known as the incorporator
files the articles of incorporation with the Secretary of State in the state of
incorporation. The incorporator can be anyone over the age of 18. The state of
incorporation can be the state where the corporation is doing business or
anywhere else. In making the decision of where to incorporate, the corporation
will weigh its budget against its business goals. If the corporation is a
smaller business that primarily conducts business within a single state, it’s
best to incorporate within that state because the costs of local incorporation
will usually be less than incorporating in another state. Qualifying to do
business as a foreign company in that state may be expensive. Foreign doesn’t
mean international: it simply means “out of state.” So, an Arizona corporation
and a Mexican corporation would both be considered foreign corporations if
registered in Texas.
Third, the corporation’s secretary will prepare the organizing minutes and hold the first meeting of shareholders and directors. At this meeting, all parties will prepare the corporation’s bylaws. The secretary will prepare and issue the share certificates to the shareholders and will keep a record of all the shares issued.
Closely Held Corporation
A “closely held” corporation is a
private business entity owned by a small number of shareholders whose shares of
stock are not publicly traded. The Internal Revenue Service defines a closely
held corporation as one where more than half of the stock is owned by five or
fewer shareholders at any time in the second half of the year and is not a
personal service corporation, meaning a corporation owned by professionals like
attorneys, physicians, or accountants.
Over 90% of all businesses in the United
States are closely held. Ownership and control of the closely held corporation
is often integrated where a small group of people actively manage the small
business. By contrast, in a large, publicly-traded corporation listed on a
stock exchange, shareholders typically play no role in the management of the
Though a closely held corporation tends
to be a small business with few assets, don’t think of it as a “mom and pop
shop.” For example, members of the Cargill family own and manage Cargill, a
corporation that specializes in manufacturing agricultural products. Though it
has very few shareholders, Cargill is the United States’ largest closely held
corporation that employs 140,000 people across the world and reported $136.7
billion in revenue in 2013.
The primary benefit of forming a closely
held corporation is that there is limited liability for its owners and
shareholders. While a sole proprietorship isn’t legally distinct from its
owner, in a closely held corporation, the corporation, and not the corporate
shareholders, is responsible for paying off debts.
However, courts can hold shareholders
personally liable for corporate debts with a process called “piercing the
corporate veil.” A court will pierce the corporate veil if a creditor proves
that the shareholder and the corporation are one and the same “person” and that
it would be inequitable not to hold the shareholder personally liable. This is
a fact-dependent analysis, but over decades, hundreds of cases have identified
several factors that guide this analysis.
Let’s assume, for example, that Adam
forms a closely held corporation to manufacture and sell bowling balls. The
company’s name is “Adam’s Bowling Equipment” and in all purchase agreements for
equipment and materials used to make the bowling balls, Adam names himself as
the purchaser. His name, and not the company’s, is listed as the tenant in the
equipment manufacturing factory lease. Though his corporation is small, Adam
routinely bypasses the board of directors and doesn’t seek its approval prior
to making business decisions and completing expensive purchases. Finally, Adam
doesn’t have separate bank accounts for the business and instead, he pays debts
from his own personal account.
Should Adam fail to pay a creditor and a
creditor sues him, the court will most likely pierce the corporate veil and
hold Adam personally liable for his debts. Here, there’s been comingling of
assets, Adam has failed to adhere to corporate formalities and he hasn’t held
himself out to be separate from his business. It would be unfair to the
creditor to not hold Adam personally liable for business debts.
The two most commonly-formed closely held corporations are the C corporation and the S corporation.
C Corporation
The C corporation is the classic corporation.
A corporation will be classified as a C corp. unless the owner elects to be
treated as an S corporation. The federal tax rules that apply to C corp.’s are
those that appear in Subchapter “C” of the Internal Revenue Code. A C corp. can
enter into contracts, sue in court, invest money, pay its own income taxes and
own property.
A C corp. provides more flexibility in planning and strategizing federal income taxes than either a partnership or a sole proprietorship. Other advantages of a C corp. are that it can:
liability for directors, officers, shareholders, and employees;
an unlimited number of shareholders;
money from investors through the sale of shares of stock; and
· issue more than one type of stock
There are some pitfalls to operating as
a C corp. The most well-documented is that a “double taxation” is often imposed
on C corporations because the profits are taxed to the corporation when earned
and again taxed when distributed to the shareholders as dividends. All
dividends are taxable and must be reported, but dividends are taxed at
different rates depending on the type. Ordinary dividends are taxed as ordinary
income to the recipient.
A dividend is qualified if it
was issued by a U.S. corporation and if the shareholder held the share for more
than 60 days during the 120-day period beginning 60 days before the dividend
date. Qualified dividends are taxed at the preferred long-term capital gains
tax rates. While ordinary income tax rates go as high as 37%, long term capital
gains and qualified dividends are taxed at a maximum of 20%. For shareholders in a lower tax bracket,
qualified dividends are taxed at very low rates.
A C corp. can avoid double taxation
via various strategies. The first is for it to distribute its income to
employees in the form of salaries, wages, or fringe benefits, such as health,
disability or group term life insurance, rather than as dividends. C
corporations don’t have to pay corporate taxes on money paid out as business
expenses because it can deduct the income distributed for these purposes as business
The second way to avoid double taxation is for the C corp. to retain corporate earnings and have shareholders reinvest the cash in the corporation rather than receive a dividend. This way of avoiding double taxation sometimes doesn’t appeal to shareholders in closely held C corporations though, because they may depend on receiving dividends to earn an income.
S Corporation
The S corporation is the second common
corporate structure for small businesses and closely held corporations. The
difference between an S corp. and a C corp. lies in IRS treatment. An S corp.
is a corporation that files taxes under Subchapter S of Chapter 1 of the
Internal Revenue Code. According to IRS statistics, there are over four million
corporations and over 99% of them had 10 or fewer shareholders. In 2012, the US
Census Bureau estimated that about 2.9 million S corporations employed more
than 29 million people.
The IRS designates a business as an S corp. if the corporation qualified to be treated as an S corp. and it files an IRS Form 2553 “Election by a Small Business Corporation,” which must be signed by the shareholders. To be eligible, the corporation must:
a domestic corporation;
only allowable shareholders, such as US citizens and permanent residents,
certain trusts, and estates and NOT partnerships, corporations or non-resident
alien shareholders;
no more than 100 shareholders; and
only one class of stock.
The most important benefit of forming
an S. corp. is that, like a partnership and unlike a C. corp., there’s no
double taxation. S corporations don’t pay income tax themselves. An S corp. takes
its profits, losses, deductions and credit and passes them through to the
shareholders, who then report those incomes as their own incomes. Moreover, there is only a once annual tax
filing requirement, while in a C corp., taxes must be filed quarterly.
In addition to these tax benefits, an
S corp. provides a high degree of personal liability protection. If the S corp.
harms another person or business, a subsequent lawsuit will be filed against the
S corp. and not against the small business owner himself. As a result, the
owner’s personal assets are protected from any lawsuit.
An S corp. has several drawbacks
relative to other business forms. First, there are additional expenditures for accounting
and many states also impose annual report and franchise tax fees. A small
business owner will also have to pay increased legal fees to comply with tax
laws and regulations. These fees may not be expensive, but they add up and are
costs that a sole proprietor or general partnership will not incur. Second, an
S corp. must be vigilant to maintain its status. The IRS scrutinizes S
corporations to ensure conformity with tax laws. Filing mistakes or failure to
adhere to the eligibility requirements can lead to IRS revocation of the
The other drawbacks relate to
shareholders: there can only be up to 100, and if an owner seeks funding from others,
they must be either U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both requirements constrict
the pool of potential investors.