Qualified Retirement Plants - Module 2 of 5
See Also:
Module 2-Qualified Retirement Plans
Accumulating enough
savings for a comfortable retirement is important to many working Americans. Just
as important is ensuring that retirement funds are managed and distributed
fairly and responsibly. Among its many goals, ERISA seeks to protect funds that
private-sector employees accumulate in their retirement plans as they work.[1] Although offering such
plans is optional, an employer who does so must comply with certain minimum
In this module, we’ll discuss the different types of retirement plans ERISA covers and the associated requirements.
Required Information in a Retirement Plan
ERISA seeks to ensure that plan participants are informed about their rights and benefits, as well as the plan’s performance. Therefore, when an employer offers a retirement benefits plan, it must provide employees with details on the following:[2]
· When an employee must be allowed to become a participant. Generally, an employee who is at least twenty-one years old must be allowed to participate in a qualified retirement plan after having been employed at the company for a year. An employer cannot set a maximum age for participation. Once the employee meets the eligibility requirement, she must be given the opportunity to join at the start of the next plan year or within 6 months, whichever is sooner.
· How long an employee must work before she has a vested interest in her benefits. Depending on the plan, an employee may have an immediate right to keep her retirement benefits or her employer’s contribution might vest incrementally over time.
· How long an employee can be away from her job before it may affect her benefits. An employee who leaves her job and is later rehired may be able to count her previous time with the employer toward vesting requirements. If an employee returns within five years, the plan usually must preserve the service credit that the employee had accumulated during the prior stretch of employment.
· Whether a spouse has a right to any benefits in the event of the participant’s death. Defined benefit plans usually include survivor’s benefits for a participant’s spouse unless the couple mutually decides otherwise. Generally, under defined contribution plans, a surviving spouse is automatically entitled to the retirement funds if the participant dies before receiving them. A participant may select a different beneficiary with the spouse’s written consent.
Types of Retirement Plans
Let’s look at two types of retirement plans: defined benefit plans and defined contribution plans.
Defined Benefit Plans
Under a traditional
pension plan, as long as the employee works for his employer for a threshold
number of years, he’s eligible for benefits when he reaches retirement age. The
benefits are determined by a formula that considers the worker’s salary and
years of service with the company.
One advantage of such a
traditional plan is that an employee does not have to contribute earnings to
the plan. However, the employee typically can’t invest additional funds, make
investment choices or take the plan to another employer.[5] If an employee does leave,
she can typically choose between receiving a lifetime annuity or a lump-sum
payout based on the value accrued at the time.
A cash-balance plan,
a second type of defined benefit plan, has some characteristics in common with
defined contribution plans. The employee doesn’t contribute funds or make any
investment choices. Under this plan, a worker receives a credit each year that
is equal to a percentage of their salary (commonly 5 percent) plus a set
interest rate. Employees can often opt to take a lump sum and roll it into an
individual retirement account.[6]
The employee is
responsible for choosing how much to contribute to his account on a pretax
basis and how contributions are invested.[9] The balance in workers’
accounts is based on employee and employer contributions, investment gains or
losses and fees charged to the accounts.[10]
To attain maximum tax benefits, 401(k) plans must pass a “nondiscrimination”
test, which means that they cannot favor executives or discriminate against
low-wage earners.[12]
All plan participants must be treated equally.[13]
To ensure that plan sponsors abide by the rules, they have to conduct annual
tests to preserve their tax benefits. Nondiscrimination tests compare benefits for
highly compensated or key employees to the average benefits provided to
rank-and-file workers. If there is too much of a gap between the benefits
offered to the different groups of employees, the employer must either reduce
the benefits offered to highly compensated or key employees or increase the
benefits offered to other workers.[14]
There are different
types of nondiscrimination tests that may apply, depending on the benefits plan.
As an example, a minimum coverage test will verify that there are enough
non-highly compensated workers receiving benefits compared to highly
compensated workers.[15] A top heavy
determination test looks at the total account balances for key employees versus
the total balances for non-key employees.[16] If a plan is top heavy,
non-key employees must receive faster vesting and certain minimum benefits.[17]
the Tax Code provides a “safe harbor” that allows plans to avoid
nondiscrimination tests if they meet certain statutory requirements. The
requirements for a safe harbor 401(k)
plan include notice requirements, that employer
contributions must vest immediately and certain across-the-board employer
matching of contributions rules.[18]
Under automatic enrollment 401(k) plans, employers
may elect to automatically deduct a fixed percentage from employees’ wages to
put into 401(k) accounts. An employee may opt out or elect to contribute a
different percentage.
Under simplified employee retirement plans (known
as SEP IRAs), employees own
individual retirement accounts, and employers make contributions on a
tax-favored basis.[19] If certain conditions are
met, the employer may not be subject to ERISA’s reporting and disclosure mandates
that are required for most retirement plans.[20] SEP IRAs can also be used
by self-employed business owners as a more flexible vehicle than a traditional
Finally, profit sharing plans, or stock bonus plans,
give employers discretion to determine how much to contribute to the plan each
year—usually out of company profits.[21] If an employer doesn’t
have a profit, it doesn’t have to contribute, so this type of plan may be
attractive to small businesses. The employer’s contributions can be made in
cash or company stock.
Participation and Vesting
Employers have leeway to set eligibility requirements and vesting
schedules for their employees, as long as they meet ERISA’s minimum standards.[22]
For example, even though employees must usually be allowed to participate if
they are at least 21-years-old and have worked for the company for at least one
year, an employer may allow younger workers or those who have been with the
company for a shorter period to participate in a retirement plan.[23]
The term “vesting” refers to the time it takes for an employee to have a
nonforfeitable right to an employer’s contributions.[24]
One of ERISA’s goals is to prevent an employer from arbitrarily firing an
employee right before he retires to avoid paying his retirement benefits. The
law thus establishes vesting requirements,[25]
which vary by plan type.
Limits on Contributions and Withdrawals
Employers and employees alike should be aware of benefit and contribution
limits under the various retirement plans. For example, under a defined benefit
plan in 2018, annual contributions for a participant could not exceed
$220,000.[30] This dollar amount is
adjusted based on cost of living each year and increased by $5,000 from 2017.[31]
There are several exceptions to the tax penalty on early withdrawals. The
following are just some of the exceptions that prevent penalties from being applied
to early distributions:[34]
· The distribution was made to the employee’s estate or beneficiary after her death;
· The distribution was made because the employee is totally and permanently disabled and is unable to continue working;
· The withdrawal was made to cover qualified post-secondary education expenses. For this exception to apply, the qualified higher education expenses must be for the employee or her spouse, children or grandchildren.[35] Qualified higher education expenses include tuition, fees, books, supplies and equipment, as well as room and board if the student is enrolled at least half time in a degree program.; and
A withdrawal was made to cover tax-deductible
medical expenses. To qualify, the employee needs to have medical
expenses that exceed 10% of her adjusted gross income, or 7.5% if she or her
spouse is aged 65 or older.[36]
Nonqualified Plans
Qualified retirement
plans must meet ERISA’s standards, but employers may also offer nonqualified
plans to employees.[37] These plans are generally
offered to executives and highly compensated employees who cannot qualify based
on income or contribution levels or who would cause the plans to fail
nondiscrimination tests. Nonqualified plans do not have to adhere to eligibility,
participation, documentation and vesting requirements that ERISA-qualified
plans must meet.[38]
Furthermore, nonqualified plans are not subject to the nondiscrimination and top-heavy testing that qualified plans
must pass.[39]
[2] Id.
[3] “What is the Difference Between a Defined Benefit Plan and a Defined Contribution Plan?” Time, http://time.com/money/collection-post/2791222/difference-between-defined-benefit-plan-and-defined-contribution-plan/
[4] Id.
[5] "Ultimate Guide to Retirement – What are the Disadvantages of a Defined Benefit Plan?” CNN Money,
[6] Id.; “What is the Difference Between a Defined Benefit Plan and a Defined Contribution Plan?” Time, http://time.com/money/collection-post/2791222/difference-between-defined-benefit-plan-and-defined-contribution-plan/
[7] “Types of Retirement Plans,” U.S. Dep’t of Labor, https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/retirement/typesofplans
[8] Id.
[10] Id.
[11] Id.
[12] “Nondiscrimination Rule,” Investopedia, https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nondiscrimination_rule.asp
[13] Id.
[14] “Nondiscrimination Testing Overview,” DWC, https://www.dwc401k.com/knowledge-center/nondiscrimination-testing-overview
[15] Id.
[16] Id.
[17] Joanne Sammer, “Clearing Annual 401(k) Compliance Test Hurdles,” Society for Human Resource Management, (Nov.15, 2013), https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/hr-topics/benefits/pages/401k-compliance-testing.aspx.
[18] "401(k) Plan Overview,” Internal Revenue Service, https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/plan-sponsor/401k-plan-overview (last visited Sept. 16, 2018).
[20] Id.
[21] Melissa Phipps, “Profit Sharing Plan,” The Balance, (Aug. 8, 2018), https://www.thebalance.com/profit-sharing-plan-2894303.
[23] Id.
[25] Rebecca J. Miller, Robert A. Lavenberg, & Ian A. Mackay, “ERISA: 40 years later,” Journal of Accountancy, (Sept. 1 2014), https://www.journalofaccountancy.com/issues/2014/sep/erisa-20149881.html.
[27] Id.
[28] Id.
[29] “Retirement Topics – Defined Benefit Plan Benefit Limits,” Internal Revenue Service, https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/plan-participant-employee/retirement-topics-defined-benefit-plan-benefit-limits
[30] Id.
[31] Id.
[32] “COLA Increases for Dollar Limitations on Benefits and Contributions,” Internal Revenue Service, https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/cola-increases-for-dollar-limitations-on-benefits-and-contributions; Beth Pinsker, “Catch-Up Contributions Put Retirees Way Ahead,” Time, (Jan. 11, 2016), http://time.com/money/4175048/401k-catch-up-contributions/.
[33] “Retirement Topics – Exceptions to Tax on Early Distirbutions,” Internal Revenue Service, https://www.irs.gov/retirement-plans/plan-participant-employee/retirement-topics-tax-on-early-distributions
[34] “Tax Penalties on Early Withdrawals from Retirement Plans,” Efile.com, https://www.efile.com/tax-penalty-early-retirement-withdrawals-distributions/ (
[35] “Retirement Plans and Saving for College,” FinAid, http://www.finaid.org/savings/retirementplans.phtml
[36] “Form 5329 – Exceptions to Early Withdrawal Penalty,” TaxSlayer, https://www.taxslayer.com/support/218/form-5329--exceptions-to-early-withdrawal-penalty
[37] “Qualified Retirement Plans vs. Nonqualified Plans,” Zacks, https://finance.zacks.com/qualified-retirement-plans-vs-nonqualified-plans-6114.html
[38] Id.
[39] “Non-Qualified Plan,” Investopedia, https://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/non-qualified-plan.asp#ixzz5PUBIbSV8
[40] “Qualified Retirement Plans vs. Nonqualified Plans,” Zacks, https://finance.zacks.com/qualified-retirement-plans-vs-nonqualified-plans-6114.html
[41] “Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plans,” Fidelity, (May 20, 2015), https://www.fidelity.com/viewpoints/retirement/nqdc.
[42] “TED: The Economics Daily – The Last Private Industry Pension Plans,” U.S. Dep’t of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, (Jan. 3, 2013), https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2013/ted_20130103.htm.
[43] Id.
[44] Kathleen Elkins, “A Brief History of the 401(k), Which Changes How Americans Retire,” CNBC, (Jan. 4, 2017), https://www.cnbc.com/2017/01/04/a-brief-history-of-the-401k-which-changed-how-americans-retire.html.
[45] Id.
[46] Id.