Promotion of Pharmaceutical Products: Module 2 of 5
See Also:
Module 2: Promotion of Pharmaceutical Products
Promotion of Pharmaceutical Products
For most people, the drug development process is
a black box that only enters into their sphere of consciousness at the stage
known as Marketing. It is at this point that drug companies promote the use of
their drug to the customers, the physicians who prescribe it and the patients
who use it.
In the late 1950’s, the pharmaceutical industry
was confronted with an attack led by the late Senator Estes Kefauver, Chairman
of the Senate’s Antitrust and Monopoly Subcommittee. He accused the industry of
the following abuses[i] :
(1) Patents sustained predatory prices and
excessive margins;
(2) Costs and prices were extravagantly
increased by large expenditures in marketing; and
(3) Most of the industry's new products were no
more effective than established drugs already on the market.
As a result of this campaign, public perception of the industry was transformed, as ”the image of life-saving ‘researchers in white coats’ was now contested by the one of greedy ‘reps in cars’”. [ii] The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) responded by developing legislation and non-binding guidance that were intended to regulate the pharmaceutical industry’s promotional activities. This activity is now managed by the Office of Prescription Drug Promotion, or OPDP.
The OPDP is composed of two divisions: the
Division of Professional Promotion and the Division of Direct-to-Consumer
Promotion[iii]. The mission of the office is: "To protect the public
health by ensuring that prescription drug information is truthful, balanced,
and accurately communicated. This is accomplished through a
comprehensive surveillance, enforcement and education program and by fostering
better communication of labeling and promotional information to both healthcare
professionals and consumers."[iv]
OPDP reviewers ensure that the information in
prescription drug advertising and promotional labeling is not false or
misleading. This office works with the pharmaceutical industry and within the
FDA by providing advice, education, and guidance. It may preview and provide comments
on materials that are voluntarily submitted to them by
sponsors, but this is not always required. After promotional materials have
been published, OPDP will monitor them and enforce the relevant regulations.
This monitoring may be done at its own discretion or in response to complaints
by consumers. In addition, FDA has established a “Bad Ad” program, administered
by OPDP, “to help raise awareness among healthcare providers about misleading
prescription drug promotion and provide them with an easy way to report this
activity to the agency.”[v]
Drug Makers May Break the Rules
A drug maker has only a relatively narrow
time-frame during which it may recoup the expenses that it has put into
developing its product and to generate profits. The primary limitation is the
period of “patent exclusivity” during which a drug may only be sold under the
approved brand name and only by the original manufacturer and patent holder.
After this period is over, competitors may obtain approval to manufacture and
to sell “generic” versions of the drug. While the original manufacturer may
also obtain approval to market a generic version of the drug, competition
assures that this is almost always going to be at a significantly reduced price
with a much smaller profit margin. Patent protection is awarded for
approximately 20 years. However, this period typically encompasses many years
of pre-approval clinical testing and development. The length of this testing
will vary depending on the number and durations of required trials which will,
in turn, depend on the types of indications and populations for which the drug
is intended to be used. In addition, the company must generally devote several
years to optimizing the commercial manufacturing process and packaging. Thus,
the period of effective patent protection after the drug is approved for
marketing is actually closer to between seven and twelve years. This reduced
window of opportunity for commercial profit provides one of the
rationalizations that may tempt pharmaceutical companies to circumvent the
regulations that impact the marketing of their products.
Types of Promotion
There are two general ways in which drugs are
promoted: (1) advertising; and (2) promotional labeling. The FDA is authorized
to oversee both of these methods by virtue of the Federal Food, Drug, and
Cosmetic Act and other legislation.
Traditionally, drug companies have advertised
prescription drugs only to doctors and pharmacists, typically through ads in
professional journals. They may also publicize their products through oral
communications between sales representatives and medical practitioners and
through presentations at professional congresses. Although “Direct to
Consumer”, or DTC, advertising had never been prohibited by federal law,
companies did not generally promote drugs directly to the general public until
the mid-1980s. We will say more about DTC advertising and its impacts later on
in this course.
The other major marketing tool, promotional
labeling, may take the forms of sales aids, brochures, mailings, and a wide
variety of items that are imprinted with the name of the drug. The next time
you go to your doctor’s office, look for a “Lipitor” clock or a “Nexium” coffee
mug as common examples of these promotional devices.
Regulation of Drug
The guidelines governing promotional activities
for prescription drugs are contained in the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act
(FD&CA) with detailed rules defined in Title 21 of the Code of Federal
Regulations Parts 201[vi] (Drug Labeling) and 202[vii] (Prescription
Drug Advertising). These rules require that promotional materials:[viii]
o Are not false or misleading with regard to
effectiveness, side effects, or contraindications. If the information were to
be relied upon, it should not pose a significant public health risk;
o Reflect a fair balance between effectiveness vs.
side effects and contraindications;
o Are consistent with the approved product
labeling or package insert;
o Only include claims that are substantiated by
adequate and well-controlled clinical studies. Claims of superiority over other
treatments must be supported by data from head-to-head trials;
o Do not promote uses not contained in the product
labeling, also known as “off-label use”; and
o Do not omit or minimize risks associated with
the proper use of the drug. This includes overstating safety claims and
dismissing warnings that appear on the label.
There are also constraints on the types of
proprietary names that may be used, prohibiting the use of:
o a proprietary name that could lead to confusion
with the proprietary name of a different drug or ingredient; or
o a “fanciful proprietary name for the drug or any
ingredient in such a manner as to imply that the drug or ingredient has some
unique effectiveness or composition, when, in fact, the drug or ingredient is a
common substance, the limitations of which are readily recognized when the drug
or ingredient is listed by its established name” viii. Thus, an
ad for an analgesic that has aspirin as its active ingredient must not call
itself “Zeropain” or claim that it contains a “super pain-relieving compound”.
While most offences relate to advertising drugs that are already
on the market, OPDP also considers most pre-approval promotion
of a new drug to be a violation unless there is no mention of safety, efficacy,
or how to use the product.
How the Law in Enforced
The OPDP is empowered to enforce these regulations and impose penalties that are commensurate with the seriousness of the abuse. Tools that may be used in enforcement include the following:
· Notices of violation and advisory action letters: these serve to document formal notifications
from the FDA that a violation has been identified. There are 3 main types of
these notices[ix]:
o Untitled letter: an initial notification that FDA is aware of a
violation of federal law that may allow the offender to come into compliance
without further FDA action;
o FDA form 483: lists deficiencies found during an inspection of a
pharmaceutical manufacturing facility;
o Warning letter: notifies the offender that action may be taken if the violation
is not promptly and adequately corrected. These are issued to encourage
voluntarily compliance and to establish that the offender has received prior
notice of the violation. A warning letter may be issued if corrective action
has not been taken to address issues identified in an untitled letter or a form
· Consent decree or injunction: If the violations are brought the attention of
the firm by way of a warning letter and they are not adequately resolved, FDA
and the federal Department of Justice may file a formal complaint against the
offending organization. The defendant in these cases will frequently agree to
settle the matter through an FDA Consent Decree, also known as an injunction.
Failure to comply with a Consent Decree may be considered grounds for contempt. [x]
· Criminal charges: violations of the FD&CA are civil offenses. However, repeated, intentional, and fraudulent violations can also be subject to criminal prosecution[xi].
Examples of Prohibited
Types of Promotion
Off-label use
The term “label” in this context does not refer only to the physical label that is found on the vial, bottle, or box in which the drug is stored, but, more generally, to a specifically formatted summary of information about the drug that contains[xii]
· indications and usage;
· dosage and administration;
· a summary of safety and efficacy data;
· “black box” warnings that emphasize certain
· contraindications;
· the most clinically significant known adverse
drug reactions and how to treat and report them;
· drug interactions;
· use in specific populations;
· counseling information that should be shared
with the patient.
Most of this material can be found in the
drug’s package insert, which is a leaflet that is provided to
practitioners and patients along with both prescription and over-the-counter
medications. Information about the drug that is provided in the package insert,
the container label, or any other literature that is provided by the
manufacturer must be consistent with and limited to what has been authorized by
FDA. Any deviation from this restriction is referred to as “off-label”.
In addition to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act,
the government also enforces the prohibition against off-label promotion by
bringing cases under the Anti-Kickback Statute[xiii], and the False Claims Act[xiv].
The prohibition against off-label promotion is intended to protect patients
against the use of drugs in ways that have not been shown to be safe and
effective. However, it is legal for doctors to
prescribe the off-label use of approved drugs for indications that have not
been approved by FDA. Drug companies may learn of new uses for their product
from anecdotal evidence that may be provided by doctors or patients who use it
off-label. They are, however, prohibited from sharing this information unless
they have conducted controlled clinical investigations and have submitted the
resulting data to FDA for review to secure approval for an expanded label. The
costs- in time and money- of these activities may render this effort
prohibitively expensive to make what may be only a minor change to their label.
Thus, it can be attractive for drug companies to increase sales by promoting
the drug for an unapproved use without doing the required investigations. Even
if a manufacturer does not engage directly in off-label promotion, personal
conversations, social media and similar informal methods of communication by
sales representatives may lead to the dissemination of subjective data whose
reliability has not been verified. Regardless of the intentions of the party
who is sharing the information, this would be a violation of the
rules. Thus, regulatory authorities have been faced with the need to
amend their criteria for enforcement or even revise the laws to better suit the
realities of today’s world[xv]. As another example, a common and often
problematic practice has been for sales personnel to distribute to physicians
medical literature that suggest that a drug may be useful in a certain
unapproved scenario. In response, FDA issued a guideline[xvi] in 2009 that
described clearly-defined circumstances under which manufacturers may
distribute reprints of medical journal articles that describe off-label use of
prescription drugs in response to unsolicited requests for information[xvii].
The agency has also found novel ways to clarify
its interpretations of the regulations to make enforcement more
straightforward. In one example, FDA has recently directed that claims of
safety or efficacy that are not approved in the label will be considered a
violation of the prohibition against “misbranding” if they are not supported by
“scientifically appropriate and statistically sound” evidence[xviii]. In
another illustration, FDA requires that a drug maker provide directions for the
use of a drug for an intended indication. Since these directions would not have
been approved in the case of off-label use, FDA may choose to pursue
enforcement for the lack of adequate directions rather than
for the absence of scientifically substantiated claims.[xix] There
continue to be, however, many examples of regulatory actions that are based
on unsubstantiated claims. Let’s take a look at a few of these.
One of the most common examples of unacceptable
promotion is making claims about the attributes of a drug that are exaggerated
or patently untrue- a practice commonly referred to as “false advertising”.
Some examples of advertising claims that were based on non-existent or
discredited clinical data are:
· the use of marijuana derivatives to treat or
cure cancer[xx]
· orally administered pills or capsules to replace
· vitamin E supplements to provide alleged
cardiovascular benefits[xxii]
· label claim that an algae supplement was
“clinically proven” to boost memory[xxiii]
Omission or Minimization of Risks
Risks that are known to be associated with the
use of a drug are required to be listed in the label and package insert, but
drug manufacturers sometimes attempt to downplay the frequency or severity of
these side effects when describing their product. The following is a list[xxiv] of
some of the drugs whose sponsors received FDA warning letters in 2009/2010 for
misleading advertising, including inadequate presentation of risks:
· Cymbalta (Eli Lilly): In a print ad showing a patient suffering
from fibromyalgia-associated pain, information on risks- including an increased
likelihood of suicidal thoughts- appeared on an adjacent page between unrelated
· Kaletra (Abbott Laboratories): In a DVD testimonial for this AIDS drug by
former basketball star Earvin “Magic” Johnson, there was no mention of
life-threatening risks like pancreatitis, new-onset diabetes, and spontaneous
skin hemorrhages.
· Treximet (GlaxoSmithKline): in internet ads for this migraine
medication, risks only appeared in quickly scrolling text below the banner.
These included heart attack, stroke, and gastrointestinal bleeding.
· Depakote ER (Abbott Laboratories): pharmacy flashcards promoting the drug for bipolar disorder did not prominently discuss known side effects, such as potentially fatal liver damage, pancreatitis, and brain and spinal cord birth defects.
In this module, we have reviewed several types
and examples of illegal promotion of drugs and the penalties wielded by
regulatory agencies to enforce the laws. We also considered some of the
rationales used to attempt to justify these offenses. In the next
module, we will examine some other classes of marketing violations along with a
few high-profile case studies.
[i] The Cost of Pushing Pills: A New Estimate of Pharmaceutical Promotion Expenditures in the United States
Marc-André Gagnon , Joel Lexchin
[ii] Froud J, Johal S, Leaver A, Williams K (2006) Financialization and strategy: narrative and numbers. London and New York: Routledge
[xviii]FDA, Medical Products Communications That Are Consistent With the FDA-Required Labeling – Questions and Answers, Draft Guidance, at 8
(Jan. 2017).
[xx] “FDA warns companies marketing unproven products, derived from marijuana, that claim to treat or cure cancer”,
[xxi] “Sunscreen Pills Are Dangerous Nonsense, According to the FDA”,
[xxiii] “CVS Deal Would Make Memory Of Supplement Class Action”,