Medicare Coverage Choices-Module 2 of 5
See Also:
2: Medicare Coverage Choices
In the first module, we looked at how Medicare
came to be and some general aspects of what it covers, who is eligible for
participation, how and when one may enroll in Medicare, along with rights
associated with coverage including appealing denials of payment. In this second
module, we will begin our deep-dive into more specific territories by reviewing
the variety of plans in which a Medicare recipient may enroll, what each type
of plan will cover, and how much each type of plan may pay for covered services
or medications.
Original Medicare
When Medicare was created, in July of 1965, it
was intended to be managed by the federal government. It was not until the
1990's and the development of Medicare Advantage plans and other types of
Medicare health plans, that it became possible for a Medicare recipient to be
covered by health plans that are administered by private organizations. Unless
he chooses one of those alternative plans, a Medicare recipient will have
Original Medicare, which consists of Medicare Parts A and B. Part A, it will be
recalled, covers hospital stays and Part B covers doctor visits and similar
out-patient services.
There are certain general rules governing the
way in which Original Medicare works. While there will always be some exceptions,
the following summarizes the basic guidelines for a patient enrolled under Parts
A and B:
The patient may freely choose health care
providers and facilities from among those that are enrolled in Medicare and
that are currently accepting Medicare patients.
Most prescription drugs are NOT covered. Drug
coverage can be added by joining a Medicare Prescription Drug Plan under
Medicare Part D.
The patient does not have to choose a primary
care doctor
A referral is typically NOT required to see a
specialist, but the specialist must also be enrolled as a Medicare provider.
Costs that Original Medicare does not cover may
be paid by employer or Union coverage or an individually purchased Medicare
Supplement Insurance (or “Medigap”) policy, if the patient is eligible. We will
discuss these policies later.
The recipient pays a set amount (a “deductible”)
for health care before Medicare pays its share. Once the deductible for a given
period is paid, Medicare will pay its share of subsequent covered claims and
the patient pays his share (referred to as coinsurance or copayment). There is
no annual out-of-pocket payment limit for the patient.
The patient pays a monthly premium for claims
under Part B (doctors and similar healthcare providers,) but not for Part A
The providers and suppliers are responsible for
filing the claims to Medicare, and the patient is not responsible to do so.
The patient is required to pay for certain charges
out-of-pocket or through a supplemental insurance plan, Medicaid, or other type
of health insurance that works with Medicare. These may include services or
supplies that Medicare does not cover, or for which the patient and a health
care provider have signed a private contract. Some providers may chose to
accept “assignment,” which means that he will only charge the amount that
Medicare approves for the service, with only the Medicare deductible and
coinsurance to be collected from the patient. This means that the patient will
not be responsible for other out-of-pocket costs,
Patients enrolled under Original Medicare get a
“Medicare Summary Notice” in the mail every 3 months that lists all the
services billed to Medicare. It itemizes Medicare payments and what the patient
may still owe to the provider. The Notice is an important document to support a
patient’s appeal of a disputed claim. It also notifies the recipient if she is
in the Qualified Medicare Beneficiary Program, which means that Medicare
providers are not allowed to bill her for Part A and/or Part B deductibles,
coinsurance, or copayments.
Medicare Advantage (Part C)
A Medicare beneficiary may choose to get Part A
(Hospital Insurance) and Part B (Medical Insurance) coverage through a Medicare
Advantage Plan, also known as Medicare Part C. These plans are issued by
private companies that agree to follow rules set by Medicare for emergency and
urgent care. Some guidelines, such as requirements for referrals to specialists
and out of pocket costs, may vary between Medicare Advantage Plans. Patients must
be advised of any changes to the plan rules before the start of each enrollment
year. The participant has the option, each year, to keep the current plan,
choose a different plan, or switch to Original Medicare.
Medicare Advantage plans must cover all the
services that Original Medicare covers. Some costs for a patient opting for
Part C coverage, such as hospice care and some new Medicare benefits, are still
covered by Original Medicare. Extra
services, such as dental, hearing, vision, and other programs may be covered by
Medicare Advantage plans, and most include Medicare prescription drug coverage under
Part D. In addition to their Part B premiums, an additional monthly payment may
be required for Part C coverage.
It is important for subscribers to Medicare
Advantage plans to note that, while they are always entitled to the rights
afforded to all Medicare recipients, their individually selected Advantage plan
will have its own rules regarding such things as coverage for services by
out-of-network providers for non-emergency services. The plans may also change
the provider networks at any time, and the patient needs to be aware as to
whether her chosen health care providers are still going to be covered by her
Medicare Advantage plans cannot charge more
than Original Medicare for certain services, like chemotherapy, dialysis, and
skilled nursing facility care. Unlike Original Medicare, Advantage plans have a
yearly limit on a patient’s out-of-pocket costs for medical services. Once this
limit is reached, the patient pays nothing for covered services. However, each
plan can have a different limit and this limit may change from year to year.
Some Medicare Advantage plans include fitness
and wellness benefits. An Advantage plan may charge monthly premiums in
addition to the Part B premium (although some plans may pay for part of the
monthly Medicare premium), and these may vary significantly. Costs like yearly
deductibles and copayments or coinsurance will also differ among plans. These
factors should be considered when a patient is deciding whether to enroll in a
Medicare Advantage plan and in selecting a plan that is right for her.
Types of Advantage Plans
There are several types of Medicare Advantage
plans. Understanding the key differences among them will help in selecting a
plan. It must be remembered, however, that there may be significant differences
even between plans within a single type. We will now look at some of the main features
of the types of plans that are available.
Health Maintenance
Organization (HMO)
In an HMO, care and services generally must be
obtained from doctors, health care providers, or hospitals that are in the
plan’s network (except for some types of emergency care). In some plans, there
is an “HMO Point-of-Service” option that will allow going out-of-network for
certain services for a higher copayment or coinsurance. Prescription drug
coverage is included in most, but not all HMO plans.
The patient must select a primary care doctor. For
most specialist services, a referral will be required (except for certain
services such as yearly screening mammograms). The patient may be responsible
for the full cost of services from out-of-network providers.
Preferred Provider
Organization (PPO)
With a PPO, services may be obtained from
out-of-network providers, although usually at a higher cost. Prescription drug
coverage is included in most, but not all, PPO plans. It is not necessary to
select a Primary Care doctor, and, in most cases, no referrals are necessary to
see a specialist. Medicare Advantage PPO plans usually offer more benefits than
Original Medicare, but at higher premiums.
Private Fee for Service
Fee for Service plans also typically have a network, though services may be
obtained from in- or out-of-network providers. Out-of-network services are
usually provided at a higher cost. For those that do not have a network, the
patient may go to any Medicare-approved provider that accepts the plans’
payment terms and agrees to provide the service.
PFFS plans offer drug coverage. Otherwise, the patient may join a Medicare
Prescription Drug Plan (Part D).
Primary Care doctor need not be chosen, and a referral is not required to see a
It is
important to confirm that a doctor or other provider will agree to treat the
patient under this type of plan and accept its payment, although, as with all
Medicare plans, all providers must provide treatment in a medical emergency.
Special Needs Plans
Medicare Special Needs Plans limit membership
to people with specific diseases or characteristics. They tailor their
benefits, provider choices, and drug formularies to best meet the specific
needs of the groups they serve.[1]
Membership in SNPs is limited to people who:
1. live
in certain institutions (like nursing homes) or who require nursing care at
2. are
eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid; or
3. have
specific chronic or disabling conditions, such as diabetes, End-Stage Renal
Disease, HIV/AIDS, chronic heart failure, or dementia.
Except for emergency care, out-of-area urgent
care and out-of-area dialysis, only-in-network providers may be used. All
Special Needs Plans must provide Medicare prescriptions drug coverage. Generally,
a Primary Care doctor must be chosen, and, in most cases, a referral is
required to see a specialist (except for certain services such as yearly
screening mammograms).
Medical Savings Accounts plans
Medical Savings Accounts are like
Health Savings Accounts that everyone (not just Medicare recipients) is
eligible for. The patient sets up an MSA account and the plan deposits tax-deductible
money into the bank account. This money can be used to pay for health care
services during the year.
These are high deductible plans that
are typically used to cover services not covered by Medicare. In addition, drug
coverage is not included, and must be obtained through a Medicare Prescription
Drug Plan (Part D). An MSA is often used in conjunction with (not instead of)
Original Medicare or another Advantage Plan.
Joining and Leaving Medicare Advantage Plans
Anyone eligible for Medicare may join an
Advantage Plan and plans cannot deny entry to patients based on pre-existing
conditions, which the exception of end-stage renal disease (for which there are
special rules).
There are, however limitations on the times that
a person may join or leave a Medicare Advantage Plan. A person may first join
when she becomes eligible for Medicare during her Initial Enrollment Period. A
participant with Part A coverage who gets Part B for the first time during the
General Enrollment Period can also join a Medicare Advantage Plan at that time.
Between October 15 and December 7, anyone with
Medicare can join, switch, or drop a Medicare Advantage plan. If the request is
received by December 7, coverage will begin on January 1. Between January 1 and
February 14, a member of a Medicare Advantage Plan may leave that plan and
switch to Original Medicare and may also join a Medicare Prescription Drug
Plan. Coverage will begin the first day of the month after the plan gets the
request. However, during that period (January 1-February 14), the enrollee may
switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare
Advantage Plan
switch from one Medicare Advantage Plan to
switch from one Medicare Prescription Drug Plan
to another; or
join, switch, or drop a Medicare Medical
Savings Account Plan.
Prescription drugs under Part
C plans
Participants usually get
prescription drug coverage (Part D) through their Medicare Advantage Plans. For
certain types of plans that can’t or choose not to offer drug coverage, one can
join a separate Medicare Prescription Drug Plan. It should be noted, however,
that a member of a Medicare Advantage HMO or PPO plan who joins a separate
Medicare Prescription Drug Plan will be dis-enrolled from the Medicare
Advantage Plan and returned to Original Medicare.
Having Medicare with Other or Supplemental Insurance
Many people eligible for Medicare may
have other health insurance coverage from employers, unions or other
organizations that might be lost if they join Medicare Advantage Plans. Anyone
in such a position should confer with their benefits administrator before
joining an Advantage Plan. Examples of such supplemental insurance include the
Medicare Supplement Insurance
A Medigap policy can help to pay
out-of-pocket costs in Original Medicare, like deductibles and coinsurance. A patient
may not use and may not be sold a Medigap policy while she is enrolled in a
Medicare Advantage Plan. A patient who has a Medigap policy and then joins a Medicare
Advantage Plan is advised to drop the Medigap policy but should bear in mind
that she might not be able to get it back.
Medicare cost plans
Medicare cost plans, available only in certain
parts of the country, allow members to go out of network to receive
Medicare-covered services.[2] Essentially, these plans
allow the patient a similar structure to Original Medicare (in terms of
deductibles and copays) while allowing them to see an expanded pool of
patient may join anytime that the plan is accepting new members and can leave
at any time and return to Original Medicare. Prescription drugs may be obtained
from the Cost Plan or from Medicare Part D.
Programs of All-Inclusive Care
for the Elderly (PACE)
PACE is a Medicare and Medicaid program
offered in many states that allows people who otherwise need a nursing
home-level of care to remain in the community. To qualify, a person must:
be 55 or older
live in the service area of a PACE organization
be certified by the state as needing a nursing
home-level of care, and
be able to live safely in the community with
the help of PACE services.
PACE provides coverage for many services,
including prescription drugs, doctor or other health care practitioner visits,
transportation, home care, hospital visits, and nursing home stays when
necessary. Premiums depend on whether the patient is enrolled in Medicaid as
well or just Medicare. There is no deductible or copayment for any drug,
service, or care approved by PACE.
Medicare and other
insurance-who pays for what?
When a patient has other insurance in addition
to Medicare, there are rules for which insurance pays first. Medicare will pay
first if the participant:
- has
retiree insurance from former employment (or spouse’s employment), or
- is 65
or older, has group health plan coverage based on current employment and the
employer has fewer than 20 employees; or
- is
under 65 and disabled, has group health plan coverage based on her or a family
member’s current employment, and the employer has fewer than 100 employees.
Other insurance pays first if the
- is 65
or older, has group health plan coverage based on current employment and the
employer has 20 or more employees, or
- is
under 65 and disabled, has group health plan coverage based on her or a family
member’s current employment, and the employer has 100 or more employees.
In this module, we focused on the various types
of Medicare, Medicare Advantage, and other insurance options available to
Medicare-eligible people and some of the features of each of them. In the next module,
we will look at Medicare Part A- Hospital Insurance and discuss the premiums
and the types of services and facilities associated with Part A.