Labor Unions - Module 2 of 5
See Also:
Module 2: Labor Unions
A labor union is an organization of workers who join
together to protect their common interests and improve working conditions at
their place of employment. Often, this includes addressing economic and social
justice issues in the workplace[1] However,
the primary purpose of a union is to provide workers with greater power to
negotiate with their employers, who often hold the leverage when setting
employment terms. To ensure that workers are not subject to unfair pressure
when agreeing to terms and conditions of employment, labor unions organize into
collective bargaining units that can wield greater force at the negotiating
This module begins with a discussion
of workplace unions, including what they are, why they exist and the scope of
their power. We’ll then move on to the labor union formation process, followed
by a brief overview of the laws and regulations that dictate leadership and
management requirements. The module closes with a summary of the practical
issues in union formation and management, including lessons learned from
important events in the history of America’s trade unions.
Labor Unions in the
Unions represent the collective interests of employees by
serving as an intermediary between the workers and management. Unions leverage
the power of collective bargaining to help employees negotiate with employers
over wages, hours, benefits and working conditions.[2]
Employers are naturally motivated to cut costs by avoiding
or eliminating important employee benefits, such as health insurance, pension
coverage, reasonable hours and pay and even safety protections. Companies sometimes
also try to save money by downsizing their workforces, hiring part-time or
contracted workers rather than full-time employees or sending jobs overseas.[3] While any or all of these measures may be effective
cost-saving strategies, they also have far-reaching consequences across communities
and society. Throughout American history, labor unions have been instrumental
in helping working-class people secure employment benefits, which, in turn have
helped raise standards for workers across the economy.[4]
American workers rely on their employers for a wide variety
of benefits that extend well beyond wages and cash compensation. This includes
profit-sharing or stock options, bonuses, family leave, flexible work hours,
vacation and sick days, on-site childcare, insurance and many other important
benefits not reflected in an employee’s regular paycheck. In addition to
advocating for higher pay, unions have proven effective at negotiating a wide
variety of non-wage benefits for employees.
Over the decades, unions have helped workers secure more
reasonable work hours, retirement plans, health insurance, vacation and sick
leave, tuition reimbursement, safer working conditions and other benefits.[5] Also, depending upon the resources available, union members can benefit from
services and discounts provided by the labor union itself. These include
financial services, legal services, discounts on travel, car rentals,
assistance for workers facing financial hardship and disability, layoff,
strikes, and other perks.[6]
Union representatives serve as advocates for workers and
liaisons between employers and employees. They negotiate terms of employment for
the workforce as a whole and push for the best possible workplace conditions
and compensation packages. The National Labor Relations Act allows individuals
to form independent unions unaffiliated with larger nationally chartered
organizations to represent themselves and their colleagues at their place of
work. However, due to the complexity of navigating labor laws and the costs of
running independent unions, most unions become affiliated with larger groups.[7] Furthermore, because collective bargaining draws power from the ability to mobilize
an entire workforce, larger unions typically have greater bargaining power when
dealing with employers.
The largest unions in the United States are the National
Education Association, which includes 3.2 million teachers and education
workers; the Service Employees International Union, which includes 2.1 million
individuals employed in service industries; the International Brotherhood of
Teamsters, which includes 1.4 million individuals in diverse sectors; the American
Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, which includes 1.3
million state and local employees; and the United Steelworkers, which includes 1.2
million individuals in the steel industry.[8] However, the largest formal labor organization in the country by far is the
The American Federation of Labor, abbreviated “AFL,”
was established by renowned labor advocate Samuel Gompers in 1886. With 1.4 million members at its peak, the AFL
was successful at negotiating wages and improving workplace safety. The success
of the AFL inspired the formation of more and more labor organizations. In
1935, labor reformer John L. Lewis formed the Congress of Industrial
Organizations, abbreviated “CIO,” which brought together several unions
into a single federation. In 1955, these two federations merged to become what
is now known as the AFL-CIO, which currently represents 55 national and
international labor unions consisting of over 12.5 million workers.[9]
American labor unions are very powerful, and they are far
from incorruptible. Although they may have started off with the best of
intentions, some labor organizations have turned on their members. Congress
passed the Labor Management Relations Act, also known as the
Taft-Hartley Act, in 1947 to curb these abuses. This law was passed to extend
the protections afforded to workers through the National Labor Relations Act. The
Labor Management Relations Act was passed to limit the power unions could exert
over employees. The law identifies and prohibits unions from engaging in certain
actions it identifies as “unfair labor practices.”
Practices prohibited by the law include the restraint or
coercion of employees or employers, discriminatory behavior, refusal to bargain
in good faith and certain types of strikes and boycotts. Although the
prohibitions contained in the Act remain strong deterrents for inappropriate
union behavior, the National Labor Relations Board still receives thousands of
allegations of union violations of labor laws each year.[10]
In extreme cases, unions that are unable to manage themselves in a manner that
best serves their members may be decertified or dissolved.
Forming and Dissolving a Labor Union
American labor unions are governed by constitutions and
bylaws drafted by their members at the time of formation and amended as
necessary over time. These constitutions and bylaws detail the structures and
inner workings of the unions, including operating conditions, internal policies,
leadership structure, compensation terms and internal dispute resolution
procedures.[11] Local
unions consist of local workers who organize under their own charters or those
of national or international unions. Local unions may include members from the
same company, region, business sector or members employed by different
companies. Each local charter has its own governing body.[12]
Once union leaders draft and ratify organizational
documents, the union can be formed in one of two ways. First, an employer may
voluntarily recognize the workers as a union, in which case the union is formed
without the need for any further formal processes or procedures. Where
employers opt not to recognize the union voluntarily, the National Labor
Relations Act requires a secret-ballot election allowing employees to vote on
whether they wish to join the union.[13] Union organizers must earn a majority vote in favor of official union representation
in order to move forward with union formation.
Once the union is formed, members vote again to determine
whether they want to be represented by this union, discontinue union
representation or vote on a different union affiliation. After an election is
held and a majority of members vote yes for a particular union to represent
them, the union membership votes on which members become the union’s
representatives and officers.
After an employer consents to union formation or organizers
achieve a majority vote in favor of formation, the National Labor Relations Board
must then certify the new union. To earn certification, union organizers must
file an application with the Board requesting collective representation of a
bargaining unit. The application describes what the workers would like to see changed
in their workplace and how they can leverage the power of collective bargaining
to achieve these goals.
The National Labor Relations Board reviews the application,
addresses any concerns the employer may have about the application, and
interprets the National Labor Relations Act to determine whether to certify the
union. Once the Board certifies a union, the employer is legally required to
recognize the union and bargain in good faith with union representatives.
It’s sometimes necessary for a
union to dissolve or for individual members to leave the collective. The
decertification process allows members of a bargaining unit who no longer want
to be represented by a labor union to petition the National Labor Relations Board
to withdraw the union’s certification. To submit a petition for
decertification, at least thirty percent of the bargaining unit must approve
the withdrawal. After moving past the petitioning process, the majority of the
bargaining unit must vote for decertification to get rid of their labor union.
Compared to decertification of a union as a whole,
terminating individual membership in a union is relatively simple. The Supreme
Court declared the general right to resign from union membership at any time in
the case of Pattern Makers v. NLRB in 1985.[14]
Moreover, unions may not impose unreasonable burdens on members wishing to
leave the organization. Usually, to terminate union membership an individual must
simply submit a written declaration of intent to do so.[15] However, if the jurisdiction has not passed “right-to-work” laws, the member
may still be required to pay dues and fees to the union even after terminating union
membership. Right-to-work laws are in effect in more than half of the states, and
in these jurisdictions, workers cannot be required to join a union as a
condition of employment.[16]
Labor Union Management, Organization and Leadership
Under the National Labor Relations Act, unionized and
non-unionized employees alike have the right to organize in the workplace. The
rights afforded to workers under Section 7 of the Act ensure they are able to
form, join or assist a union in organizing employees and engage in concerted
activities like strikes or walkouts. To ensure that unions are able to perform
the functions for which they were intended, the Act places limitations on
employers’ abilities to curb union activity.[17]
Unions may require members to pay initiation fees when
becoming members and regular dues to a national office that may act as an
advocate on behalf of those members’ interests.[18] Union dues support the operating costs of the local unions, including the
resources necessary to fund support staff, legal costs, negotiation costs,
arbitrator’s fees and other costs. Strike funds and legislative and political
activity also come from member dues. The dues amounts vary depending on the
union’s needs, and dues can be a fixed monthly rate or a percentage of the
workers’ paychecks. While there is no federal law limiting the amount a union
can charge in fees, unions are required to limit dues to a reasonable amount.
Local union charters typically require union leadership to
take the form of an elected executive board consisting of a business
representative or agent, a secretary and a treasurer. The executive board
organizes meetings, represents constituents, controls union funds, manages the
relationships between the employees and the employers and works with other
labor unions in the area.[19] Most unions have paid staff to support these functions, but many rely on
volunteer members who take on these roles.[20]
Union leaders are elected democratically, as unions must
hold elections to appoint officers. Section 9(a) of the NLRA provides that
representatives “designated or selected” by a majority of employees in an
appropriate unit shall be “the executive representative of all the employees .
. . for the purposes of collective bargaining. . . .”[21] In other words, elected officers make decisions on the behalf of the union
members, and to ensure they are fit to do so, the majority of union members
must elect them to positions of leadership.
Members in good standing are eligible to run for the officer
positions. The Department of Labor oversees the application of “good standing”
and determines whether the union rules that qualify members as candidates are
reasonable.[22] When
an election occurs, all members are entitled to vote, nominate candidates, run
for office and campaign without interference. Non-members do not have a right
to vote on the ratification of labor union contracts or on the election of
union officers.[23]
Regulation of Union
In 1959, Congress passed the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act, also known as the Landrum-Griffin Act, which holds parties accountable for the proper control and regulation of labor union internal affairs. The law imposes a strict code of conduct upon unions, their officers, members, employers and management consultants. The Act also regulates the conduct of officers of a labor union as well as their rights and responsibilities during a campaign for election. [24]
Under the Act, local unions are required to hold secret
ballot elections for officers at least once every three years. For international unions, the law states that
officers are elected directly by the union members or delegates to a convention
at least once every five years. While campaigning for the officer position,
candidates have access to the union membership list. If access is denied,
either by mistake or otherwise, a candidate can file a suit at any time before
the election. However, no union resources may be allocated to candidates for
individual campaigns. Likewise, employers may not contribute financially or
otherwise to a union leader’s candidacy.
If a candidate wishes to protest an election after it has been completed, the candidate must file a protest with the union in a manner that follows the union’s election laws. If the union does not address the complaint or provide legal relief within three months, the Department of Labor will investigate the complaint. If the Department decides to overturn the election, the agency holds a second election under federal supervision. Candidates have little discretion to challenge or intervene in the union or agency processes that determine the need for re-election. Thus, when a second election is called, campaigning typically resumes almost immediately.[25]
Practical Issues Facing Labor Unions
While unions have served as champions of workers’ rights for
nearly a century, labor organizations have increasingly faced some challenges
that have proven hard to overcome. As a result, union participation has been
falling year over year since the 1980s. In 2018, union participation among
American workers hit a record low of only 10.5 percent. While some sectors –
including educational service providers and local government workers – saw an
increase in union membership that year, union membership has been sliding in
most industrial sectors.[26]
Some labor advocates support universal dues for any
workforce in which a union is active, as all employees benefit from the
increased bargaining power the union offers regardless of whether they are
members. However, some religions, bodies or sects object to joining or
financially supporting labor unions. In these cases, labor leaders must balance
individual fairness against the needs of the collective in establishing rules
for the payment of dues. For example, if an employee has a religious objection
to participating in a labor organization, unions may provide alternative
arrangements. Often, these employees are required to contribute to a
non-religious, non-labor union organization in the same amount of the ordinary
union dues. They are also still typically required to pay reasonable costs for
grievance claims the union may handle on their behalf.[27]
Even when they are not barred from participating in labor
organizations by moral or religious principles, people may decline to join a
union simply because they prefer not to be involved. The National Labor
Relations Act states that nobody can be forced to join or financially support a
labor union, and this right was reaffirmed by the Supreme Court decision Janus
v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees. This 2018
case emphasized the right to be free from coercion in the workplace,
which includes the right to refuse to pay union fees and remain a non-member.[28]
As a result, it is up to the labor unions themselves to find ways to convince
members to join without overstepping the bounds of the NLRA.
In the next module, we’ll segue over to the labor relations issues facing non-union workers, which, as we just discussed, constitutes almost 90% of American work
[2] Will Kenton, Labor Union, Investopedia (Mar.14, 2019),
[4] See David Rosner and Gerald Markowitz, The Struggle over Employee Benefits: The Role of Labor in Influencing Modern Health Policy, The Milbank Quarterly 81(1): 45–73 (Mar. 2003), available at
[8] Rice University, 15.1 Unions, Principles of Economics (2019) available at
[9] A Brief History of Unions, Union Plus (2019),
[10] See, e.g., National Labor Relations Board, Annual Report (2010), Table 2 (2011), available at
[13] Cornell Legal Information Institute, National Labor Relations Act (NLRA),
[16] National Conference of State Legislatures, Right-To-Work Resources, ,
[17] National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, How do I cut off the use of my dues for politics and other non bargaining activities? (Private Sector Employee) (2018),
[18] Will Kenton, Labor Union, Investopedia (Mar. 14, 2019),
[22] 29 C.F.R. §§ 452.36, 452.37(b) (2019). Association for Union Democracy, About the LMRDA and the Union Member’s Bill of Rights, Elections,
[23] 29 C.F.R. § 452.84 (2019). National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation, How Can I Resign My Union Membership? (Private Sector Employee),
[25] 29 C.F.R. § 482 (2019). Association for Union Democracy, About the LMRDA and the Union Member’s Bill of Rights, Elections,
[26] Irina Ivanova, Union Membership in the U.S. Hit Record Lowin 2018, CBS News (Jan. 21, 2019)