Gross Income, Part 2, Module 2 of 5
See Also:
2: Gross Income, Part 2
After introducing the concept of
gross income and its significance and going through a variety of examples of
gross income in Module one, we will now continue by discussing the rules of
various other types of income.
Annuities, Pensions
and Social Security
annuity is a contract (which can take the form of an annuity contract,
endowment contract or life insurance contract, among others) that provides for
payments made at regular intervals (usually monthly, quarterly, semi-annually
or annually) to the
owner (“annuitant”) and/or a named beneficiary.[1]
Annuities can take many forms. For example, an annuity may last for a fixed
number of years or until the death of a single person or the last death of
multiple people (such as husband and wife). The amounts of the payments may be
fixed or variable and may or may not vary based on interest rates, cost of
living adjustments and the performance of the portfolio in which the annuity
funds are invested.
There are several types of annuities.[2]
A “fixed period” annuity pays the annuitant a fixed monetary amount at a regular
interval for a defined period of time. A “variable period” annuity pays the
annuitant for a contingent period of time, such as for the annuitant’s life. A “single life” annuity pays a fixed
monetary amount at a stated interval for the life of the annuitant ending on
the annuitant’s date of death, while a “joint and survivor” annuity pays a fixed amount at
regular intervals to the first annuitant for his or her lifetime. After the
first annuitant dies, a second annuitant receives a fixed amount at regular
intervals until death. The second annuitant may receive the same amount or a
different amount than that paid to the first annuitant. A “qualified pension plan annuity” pays
a fixed amount at regular intervals. It must
meet specific IRC requirements and be approved by the IRS. A “tax-sheltered” annuity is purchased
by a public school or other tax-exempt organization for the employees of the
organization. It pays a fixed amount at
regular intervals.
For annuity contracts purchased by the
taxpayer, the
amounts received from annuity contract payments must be divided into the shares
of the payments that represent the return of the principal (called the
“investment in the contract”) and the shares of the payments that represent
interest. The interest is taxable income, while the return of principal is not. To calculate these percentages, one
must figure out the amount of interest that will be paid under the annuity
contract as a whole as a percentage of all of the payments that will be made under
the contract.
For example, assume the
taxpayer purchases an annuity contract for $10,000. The contract pays out
$1,233.38 per year over the course of the next 10 years, for an effective
interest rate of 5%. The total payments on the annuity contract will therefore
amount to about $12,333. Of this, $10,000 is return of the principal and the
remaining $2,333 is interest. Each year, therefore, of the roughly $1,233 the
taxpayer receives, $1,000 constitutes return of principal, which is not taxed.
The other $233 is taxable interest.[3]
For annuity contracts purchased by
employers as part of qualified retirement plans, the rules are slightly
different. Keep in mind that qualified retirement plans are generally funded
with pre-tax money. Thus, the full amount of annuity payments received from a
qualified retirement plan is generally included in the recipient’s gross income.
However, if the contributor funded the retirement plan with any post-tax money
(for example, if he made contributions beyond the maximum tax-deductible
contributions allowed in a given year), then the return of that principle is
not taxed. Moreover, many qualified retirement plans impose a 10% penalty for
distributions made prior to age 59 ½, with certain exceptions.[4]
In another course, will focus more on qualified retirement accounts and their
Pensions and retirement benefits paid by a
state government, the federal government or by private businesses are generally
taxed as gross income. However, as with annuities, the portion of the pension
benefit that represents return of contributions to the pension made with “after
tax” dollars is not taxable.[5]
Social security benefits are taxed in a
more complex manner. The general rule is that while social security income is
subject to income tax, only part of the benefit is taxable. Social security includes monthly retirement benefits, survivor and
disability benefits received from the Social Security Administration and survivor
and disability benefits received as a tier 1 railroad retirement benefit.[6]
For single taxpayers, if the taxpayer’s gross income is between $25,000
and $34,000, 50% of the social security income is subject to federal income
tax. If the income (including the untaxed social security benefits) exceeds $34,000, 85% is
taxable. For married taxpayers filing a joint return, the 50% rule applied to
income between $34,000 and $44,000 and the 85% to income above $44,000.[7]
IRA Disbursements
Since contributions to a traditional IRA are
deductible from gross income,[8] amounts distributed from the
IRA are taxable income.[9] In addition, there is a
10% penalty if disbursements are made before the owner attains age 59 ½.
While the account holder need not start
taking distributions immediately at age 59 ½, the tax code requires the account
holder to start taking (taxable) “required minimum distributions” starting no
later than April 1 of the year in which the IRA owner attained age 70 ½. This
is called the “required beginning date.”
The amount of the annual required minimum
distributions depends on the age (and, thus, life expectancy) and marital
status of the account holder. If the owner of the IRA is unmarried, the owner
must begin receiving required minimum distributions based on life expectancy
tables provided by the IRS.[10] The required minimum
distribution is the percentage of the account that is one divided by the
remaining actuarial life expectancy of the account holder.
For example, assume Mary was born June 1,
1950 and so she attains 70 ½ years in 2020. She must begin receiving
disbursements from her IRA by April 1, 2021. Assume her IRA account balance on
December 30, 2020 was $50,000. Based on Table III in Appendix B of IRS
Publication 590-B,[11] the life expectancy for
someone her age is 26.5 years. Her required minimum distribution is $50,000 divided
by 26.5, or $1,887. This amount must be distributed to her by April 1, 2021. On
April 1, 2022, she is now 72 years old, making her life expectancy 24.7 years.
Her minimum required distribution for that year is 1 divided by 24.7 times
whatever the balance of the account is at that time.
When the IRA is payable over the joint
lives of a husband and wife, the required minimum disbursement is based on
their joint lives, the distribution periods for which are published as Table 2
of the same IRS document.[12]
For example, assume
Mary was born June 1, 1950 and so attains 70 ½ years in 2020. Her husband, Sam,
is 15 years younger than she and so is only 55 in 2020. The IRS provides a
table that lists the distribution period based on their joint lives. Mary’s IRA
account balance on December 30, 2020 was $50,000. Based on Table II in Appendix
B of IRS Publication 590-B, the distribution period for a joint IRA for Mary (age
72) and Sam (age 56) is 30.0 years. Her required minimum distribution is
$50,000 divided by 30.0, or $1,667. This is the amount distributed to her on
April 1, 2021, her required beginning date.
Distributions from “Roth” IRAs, on the
other hand, are not subject to income tax. This is because contributions to Roth IRAs are
not deductible and so are made with “after tax” dollars. The tax-free distributions
from the Roth-IRA, which apply to both the contributions and all growth on the
contributions, is what makes this one of the best tax planning retirement tools.
There is no “required minimum distribution” from a Roth IRA and so no mandatory
age when payments must begin.[13]
There is a 10% penalty if disbursements
are made before the owner attains age 59 ½, with certain exceptions (most of
which apply to the traditional IRA as well). However, withdrawals can be made
from Roth IRA accounts before that age up to the total amount of the
all types of qualified retirement plans, including traditional and Roth IRAs,
have limitations on contributions and many have income limitations on who can
participate in these devices. The traditional and Roth IRAs are limited to
annual contributions of $6,000 (total, between the two types of IRAs) per
person per calendar year. If the owner
is over 50 years old, the Code allows for a an additional “catch up”
contribution of $1,000 per year to make up for years the full contribution
limit was not met.
Roth-IRAs are subject to the following income limits. For
2019, an individual taxpayer can only contribute to a Roth IRA if that person
earns less than $137,000 in modified adjusted gross income. Married taxpayers
filing joint tax returns can contribute to a Roth IRA if they earn less than $203,000
of joint modified gross income.[14]
There are no income limits for contributions to traditional
IRAs. However, there are income limits for those who wish to take tax
deductions for the contributions. Those income limits are similar to those of
the Roth IRA. People who earn too much to contribute tax-free dollars to the
traditional IRA can contribute post-tax dollars. This, at least, allows the
money to grow tax-free until the monies are eventually withdrawn. Moreover,
withdrawals up to the amount of post-tax contributions can be withdrawn
Miscellaneous Taxable
In the landmark decision of United States v. Kirby Lumber,[16] the Supreme Court ruled
that debt that is cancelled or forgiven is taxable as income. This decision has been codified in the
Internal Revenue Code.[17] Thus, when a taxpayer
settles a debt by paying less than its full value (such as, for example, an
agreement with the bank to settle credit card debt by paying less than what is
owed), the difference between the full value of the debt and the amount paid to
satisfy the debt is taxable income to the taxpayer.
Government entities, banks and other
entities engaged in the business of lending money are required to report to the
IRS cancelled debt worth $600 or more.[18]
A partnership does not pay federal income
tax. The income and deductions are “passed through” to the partners based on
their percentage ownership in the partnership.[19] The partnership files an
informational return with the IRS (Form 1065). The return includes a Schedule
K-1 for each partner that lists the “distributive share” of the taxable income
and deductions allocated to each partner based on that partner’s percentage of
ownership in the partnership.[20] The amounts listed on
each partner’s Schedule K-1[21] must be listed on the
partner’s personal federal income tax return.
The income a deceased taxpayer would
have received had the taxpayer not died is “income in respect of a decedent” and
is taxable income to whoever does receive it. This includes unpaid salary,
wages, deferred compensation, commissions, stock options, vacation pay, sick
pay, accrued interest and dividends, uncollected rent, accounts receivable owed
to the decedent and sale proceeds from the sale of property that occurred
before death, but the proceeds were not collected until after death.[22]
Taxpayers who typically report income in
respect of a decedent may include the decedent’s estate, which itself becomes a
taxable entity, or the decedent’s beneficiaries, if the assets have already
been allocated and distributed.
A decedent’s estate and an irrevocable
trust are considered their own independent taxpayers for federal income tax
purposes. Estates and trusts receive the same types of taxable income as individuals
and corporations and are required to file
federal income tax returns in years in which they earn at least $600 in
gross income.[23]
They file their own income tax returns (Form 1041) and pay their own income
taxes on money that they retained. They can deduct any amounts of income that
were distributed to beneficiaries, in which case they distribute schedule K-1s
to the beneficiaries and the beneficiaries are then taxed on that income.
For example, assume an estate had
interest income of $2,000 for a taxable year. The estate distributes $500 each
to beneficiaries A, B, and C. The estate must distribute schedule K-1’s to A, B
and C, who will then each report $500 of income. The remaining $500 is subject
to income tax of the estate, though, since it’s under the $600 exemption, the
estate will not pay income tax.
Constructive Receipt of Income
The constructive income rule mandates
that taxpayers “realize” income- even though it has not been physically
received- when the taxpayer controls or can use the funds or property or is
guaranteed to be able to access it in the future.[24] For example, income is
“constructively received” when it is added to the taxpayer’s bank account or
made available for withdrawal or when the taxpayer is notified that she can withdraw
the funds at any time.[25]
For example, if an employee receives a
paycheck on December 15 but does not cash or deposit it until January, that
paycheck is still taxed to the employee as income of the first year because it could
have been cashed or deposited in December.
There is no constructive receipt when the
taxpayer’s receipt is restricted or subject to substantial risk of forfeiture[26]. Property is subject to a
substantial risk of forfeiture if the receipt is contingent on a future event.[27] For example, an
employee’s year-end bonus would not be considered constructively received if it
is contingent on certain revenue goals being accomplished, when those goals
won’t be measured until January.
Note that life insurance premiums paid by
the employer are taxable to the employee when the employee has the right to
transfer ownership of the life insurance or when the ownership of the policy is
not subject to the performance of future services.
Nontaxable Income
Gross income is taxable unless excluded
by a section of the Internal Revenue Code. Sections 101 through 140 list items
that are excluded from gross income. Let’s look at some of the most important
of these.
Section 101 excludes from gross income
proceeds of life insurance contracts that are paid upon death. To qualify, the
recipient must have an “insurable interest” in the life of the deceased person,
which typically means a close familial or business relationship. If, for
example, an investor purchases a life insurance policy on an unrelated person,
the death benefits are taxable to the extent that they exceed the investor’s
purchase price because the investor doesn’t have an insurable interest in the
deceased person.
Section 102 exempts gifts and
inheritances from income tax,[28] though they may be
subject to gift or estate taxes under other sections of the Code. Gifts given
by employers to employees are considered taxable even if they are nominally
called gifts, a rule that prevents disguising wages or benefits as gifts to
avoid income tax.[29]
Other common items of income excluded
from taxable gross income include:
for injuries or sickness, usually won in lawsuits or settlements[30]
received under accident or health insurance plans; [31]
by employers to accident or health insurance plans;[32]
rental value of a parsonage in which a clergy member lives, even though it is
part of the compensation for his services as clergy; [33]
discharge of debt that occurs as part of a bankruptcy case that occurs when the
taxpayer is insolvent or in certain other cases. This constitutes an exception
to the general rule we discussed earlier that debt discharge is generally
considered taxable income; [34] and
- tuition scholarships or fellowship grants that reduce tuition at qualified schools. [35]
In our next module, we will turn to
deductions, by looking at income tax deductions that are available to
individual taxpayers.
[1] 26 U.S.C. § 72
[3] 26 CFR § 1.72-4
[4] 26 U.S.C. § 72(t)
[5] 26 CFR § 1.61-11
[6] 26 U.S.C. § 86
[8] 26 U.S.C. § 219
[9] 26 U.S.C. § 408(d)
[14] Ibid.
[17] 26 U.S.C. § 108
[19] 26 U.S.C. § 701
[20] 26 U.S.C. § 6031
[22] 26 U.S.C. § 691
[23] 26 U.S.C. § 6012(a)(3)
[25] 26 CFR § 1.451-2
[26] 26 USC § 83
[27] 26 CFR § 1.83-3
[28] 26 USC § 102(a)
[29] 26 USC § 102(c)
[30] 26 USC § 104
[31] 26 USC § 105
[32] 26 USC § 106
[33] 26 USC § 107
[34] 26 USC § 108
[35] 26 USC § 117