Administrative Rulemaking - Module 3 of 5
See Also:
Module 3: Administrative Rulemaking
Rulemaking is
the process by which administrative agencies adopt binding rules of general applicability
as a means of furthering the statutory mandate of the agency. These rules are
sometimes collectively referred to as regulations. In contrast to adjudication,
which is retroactive and limited in scope, rulemaking serves a legislative function
and is used to implement prospective policies which are applicable to broad
ranges of cases. The procedures by which an agency adopts a new rule are set
forth in the Administrative Procedure Act (“APA”), as well as in internal
agency policies. Since Constitutional “due process” protections do not apply to
agency rulemaking, there is no Constitutionality required procedure for the
adoption of rules.
The APA prescribes a set of
procedures which agencies must adopt when they engage in rulemaking. However,
not all proposed rules are treated the same. Unless stipulated otherwise by
statute, most proposed rules follow a process known as informal rulemaking,
which involves a “notice and comment” period of public participation before a
rule may be adopted by the agency. However, the APA also provides for another
set of procedures for adopting a rule which is known as formal rulemaking.
Agencies employ formal rulemaking when the statute which governs the agency
calls for it to hold a “hearing on the record” for adopting certain kinds of
In such cases, in place of the
notice and comment process, the agency must provide adjudicatory-type hearings
as part of the process of rulemaking. Since such a procedure is lengthy and
inefficient, Congress rarely requires formal rulemaking. Similarly, courts have
interpreted the “hearing on the record” phrase strictly, so that even if a
statute calls for a “hearing” but makes no mention of the rule being made “on
the record,” agencies need not employ the formal rulemaking process.[2]
Note that Congress may
supplement the APA rulemaking process for specific agencies by adding
procedural requirements over and above those applicable under APA rulemaking.
Informal Rulemaking Process
The process of informal,
“notice and comment” rulemaking, is designed to promote efficiency and
meaningful public participation.
The first step in the
rulemaking process is to publicly issue notice of the proposed rule. The
notice must be published in the Federal Register, which is a daily publication
of the federal government. The notice must include details regarding the time,
place and nature of the proceeding, a reference to the legal authority which
gives the agency authority to enact the proposed rule, a description of the
substance of the proposed rule and the issues involved.[3] If all those who would be subject to the new
rule are mentioned by name and those people or companies are served with
notice, the rule need not be published in the Federal Register.[4]
The next stage in the rulemaking
process is the public comment period. During this period, those with an
interest in the proposed rule have an opportunity to participate in the process
through the submission of written data, views or arguments to the agency.[5] While oral presentation of
arguments is not required under the APA, agencies commonly hold open meetings,
where interested parties can make presentations in a public setting.
Additionally, agencies now generally accommodate participation through
electronic communications. The comments may be placed on the agency website so
that parties can keep track of the arguments and responses regarding the
proposed rule.
Note that agencies must
disclose to the public any critical findings or data relevant to the proposed
rule so that those who wish to comment can do so in a meaningful and informed
manner.[6] If the agency fails to
disclose critical material or if the agency learns of new material after the
close of the comment period which it fails to disclose, the courts may overturn
the rule due to insufficiency of public opportunity to comment.[7] The length of time afforded
for the comment period must be reasonable, though that determination depends on the circumstances.[8]
Agencies may alter the
proposed rule from its initial published form in response to public comment.
However, agencies are not required to re-issue notice and allow for a further
comment period even if the proposal is modified from its original version.
Requiring a new comment period would create a disincentive for agencies to
incorporate public comment, as it would require multiple cycles of notice and
comment before a rule could be adopted. Thus, as long as the changes are
considered to be a logical outgrowth of the proposed rule, the agency
may proceed without a new round of notice and comment.[9]
Following the notice and
comment period and after consideration of the data and the arguments presented
by the public, the agency may adopt the proposed rule. When it does so, it must
include a statement of the basis and purpose of the rule as part of the final
version of the adopted rule.[10] The statement must address
significant and material objections raised by the public in the comment period
and provide explanations of how the issues raised by the comments were
considered and resolved.[11]
Once the rule has been
adopted, it typically must be published in the Federal Register thirty days
before it goes into effect. However certain rules go into effect immediately
upon publication. These include substantive rules which recognize an exemption
to a policy, interpretive rules which explain the meaning of words in a statute
and policy rules which explain how agencies will exercise discretion in
particular areas.[12]
Following the adoption of a
rule, agencies must allow interested parties to petition for the amendment or
repeal of a rule. The APA does not require the agency take any specific
actions; but only that the agency give prompt notice of any denial of such
petitions with a brief statement of the grounds of the denial. Such denials are
upheld by courts as long as they have a rational basis and the agency has
“adequately explained” the facts and policies relied on.[13]
A final course of appeal
against an administrative rule is to seek judicial remedy from a federal
court. If the court finds that an agency action is substantively or
procedurally invalid, it must set aside the rule as unlawful.[14] Alternatively, courts
may remand the case to the agency to
re-consider any legally problematic aspects of the rule, which gives the agency
an opportunity to remedy and re-adopt the rule using lawful means.[15]
Note that while courts may
review agency decisions for compliance with APA procedures, courts may not
impose additional procedural requirements on agency rulemaking procedures other
than those prescribed by the APA.[16] The reasoning for this limitation
is to ensure that agencies have clear and predicable procedures. The concern is
that if agencies must anticipate additional procedures being imposed by courts,
the agencies would tend to hold more judicial type hearings with extensive
procedures, making the rulemaking process less efficient.
Exceptions to the Notice and Comment Requirements
Not all policy determinations
made by federal agencies require the government to engage in informal
rulemaking. Rules concerning agency organization, procedure or practice need
not follow the notice and comment provisions of the APA. These may simply be
adopted with notice to the public. However, if a procedural rule or policy
statement impacts a substantive legal right, the exemption does not apply, and
the agency would be required to follow the rulemaking process.[17]
For example, the FDA announced
a new policy under which it would no longer pursue enforcement actions against
food producers if the amount of harmful substances in corn grown by the
producers was under a certain quantifiable amount. Since the FDA considered
this a policy announcement regarding discretionary enforcement, it did not
provide for a comment period prior to adopting the rule. However, the DC
Circuit Court held that, in practice, the new policy would set a standard for
enforcement which would not allow for FDA discretion. Thus, in effect, it
constituted a new substantive rule which required a notice and comment process.[18]
The APA also recognizes a good
cause exception, under which an agency may enact a policy without notice
and comment if it finds that such a process would be impractical, unnecessary
or contrary to the public interest. The agency must include an explanation of
the good cause it relied on in deciding to proceed without the comment period.[19] One type of rule which could
meet the criteria for a good cause exception would be a rule regulating matters
of health or public safety in emergency conditions, which may proceed without
employing the full requirements of informal rulemaking.[20]
The APA also sets forth a
number of exceptional cases in which the government may proceed without
applying the rulemaking provisions. These include circumstances in which
military or foreign affairs are involved in government action. Likewise,
matters relating to agency management or personnel or public loans, grants or
benefits are exempted from the APA rulemaking procedures.[21] As an example of the latter
category, the government may limit the total amount a hospital can charge
Medicare patients without engaging in informal rulemaking, as this falls under
the category of public benefits.[22]
Ex Parte Contacts
While adjudicatory hearings
are judicial-type proceedings, including rules regarding the impartiality of
the decision-makers, the rulemaking process is more akin to legislative
proceedings and is not as restrictive on the conduct of the decision-makers.
One example is the permissibility of contacts between outside parties and
agency officials involved in the rulemaking process. While such ex parte contact
is prohibited when agencies are engaged in adjudication, there is no
prohibition of ex parte contact when it comes to rulemaking. Thus,
unless otherwise prohibited, interested parties may engage agency officials
regarding a proposed rule outside of the context of submitting comments on the
public record.
However, there are limits to
the permissibility of ex parte contact in rulemaking. When the outcome
of a rulemaking is closely tied to resolving a dispute between two parties, the
courts may consider this to be closer to an adjudication. In such
circumstances, ex parte contact between one party and the agency may
result in the court overturning the resulting rule.[23]
Likewise, if it appears that a
rule adopted by an agency is the result of an agreement between a party and a
federal agency in which the public had little real opportunity to affect the
outcome, the rule may be subject to court challenge.[24] To remedy potentially unfair
consequences of ex parte contacts, some agencies require that any
contacts during the rulemaking process be disclosed to the public.
Other Rulemaking Procedures
When a statute does stipulate
that a proposed rule requires a hearing on the record, the APA provisions for formal
rulemaking apply. As with informal rulemaking, the formal rulemaking
procedure begins with a publication of the proposed rule in the Federal
Register, with a description of the substance of the rule and the details of
when and where the proceedings will be held.[25]
Instead of the comment period,
the process of formal rulemaking calls for a judicial-type hearing to determine
whether the rule should be passed. In such a hearing, an Administrative Law
Judge or another presiding agency representative has broad powers to facilitate
the proceedings, including issuing subpoenas, ruling on evidentiary matters and
requiring the parties to attempt to resolve any disputes through alternative
dispute resolution.[26]
Parties to the case are
entitled to submit oral or documentary evidence to bolster their case or to
rebut evidence and to cross-examine witnesses.[27] All
evidence, submissions, and testimony become part of the official record, which
forms the basis for the presiding officer to make a decision on whether the
rule should be passed. The decision, along with the findings and reasons for
the conclusions, are part of the record for potential judicial review of the
agency’s determination.[28] Finally, unlike informal
rulemaking, ex parte contact is not permitting during the process of
formal rulemaking.[29]
Congress has also provided
another track for agency rulemaking called negotiated rulemaking. In
this process, the agency can invite interested parties to work together with
agency representatives to devise new rules. For example, agencies may pursue
negotiated rulemaking when there are a limited number of identifiable interests
that will be impacted by the rule and the agency believes it can convene a
committee of people who can adequately represent these interests.[30] Thus, negotiating the rule
prior to broader public consideration is likely to increase the acceptability
of the new rule and shorten the time required to reach a final rule.
Should an agency pursue such a
track, it must publish notice of negotiated rulemaking in the Federal Register,
including details of the proposed committee, as well as an agenda and timetable
for the negotiation process. A 30-day public comment process addressing the
details of the proposed negotiated rulemaking and committee composition then
If the committee comes to an
agreement regarding the terms of a proposed rule, it is then published as a
proposed rule in the Federal Register, and the usual notice and comment process
proceeds. Note that agencies are not bound to propose and adopt the rule
proposal agreed to by the committee. The agency is free to disregard the
negotiated rulemaking process and propose an alternative rule after the
negotiation process is completed, which can then be proposed through the other
rulemaking procedures.[32]
In our next module, we’ll turn
to adjudication, the other major function of administrative agencies.