Introduction to Mass Torts Overview - Module 1 of 5
See Also:
Module 1:
Introduction to Mass Torts
Traditionally, when we think of torts, we think
of individualized wrongs one person commits against another. We might think of
negligence — for example, someone who is driving too fast or carelessly causing
an accident which injures people and property. We also might think of premises
liability, when a store does not show reasonable care in maintaining the
condition of the store and allows a wet spot in an aisle to persist without
warning customers, causing one to slip and fall.
Another, more recently developed kind of
tort is product liability, where a manufacturer or seller of a product is
liable if it is defective. For example,
the manufacturer of a ladder might be liable if the ladder collapses when used
because the ladder’s rungs were not properly installed or designed. These kinds
of torts are individual wrongs with individual remedies. One plaintiff, or maybe a few plaintiffs,
bring an action against the tortfeasor who caused the injury.
In recent
decades, though, a new type of tort claim has evolved, called the “mass
tort.” Many would date mass tort
litigation to the early 1960s, with the MER/29 litigation, which concerned the
side effects of a drug that was intended to lower cholesterol but that had
severe undisclosed side effects.[1] These “mass torts” arise when hundreds or
even thousands of claimants allege injuries arising from exposure to the same
product or catastrophic event.
the best-known mass tort litigation with the greatest number of claimants has
been the various types of asbestos litigation, concerning both personal injury
and property damage. It concerned the health effects of exposure to the
formerly widely used mineral, asbestos, and the costs for replacing asbestos
materials used in buildings like public schools.[2] Most mass torts, though, involve prescription
drugs or medical devices.[3] Historical mass torts
include claims arising from herbicides like Roundup[4] and claims that
automobiles contain defective parts, as when certain models of General Motors
cars were alleged to have had defective ignition switches.[5]
One key characteristic of a mass tort is that
the alleged wrong is spread out over a very large number of victims. Courts must handle all of the victims’ claims
in a collective fashion to be efficient and fair to both plaintiffs and
defendants. In the federal court system, there are two ways that a mass tort
action can be coordinated. First, it can
be done as a class action under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23,[6] or second, the claims can be
aggregated under multidistrict litigation procedures which were established by
Congressional statute in 1968, a statute now codified as 28 U.S.C. § 1407.
We’ll refer to multidistrict litigation as “MDL” throughout the course.
Mass Torts
broadly, mass torts include a wide variety of claims, including allegations based
on defective automobile design, safety equipment used in sports, defective
pharmaceuticals or medical devices and even airplane crashes, train wrecks, oil
spills and the aftereffects of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Defined in this broad way, the term “mass
torts” encompasses most claims being litigated in federal courts as MDL claims and
all the class action tort claims being litigated.[7] However, it is useful to divide this broad
range into three smaller categories:
mass accident cases,
toxic tort cases, and
“True” mass torts.
accident cases are those that arise from a catastrophic event that injures many
people or causes damage to many different owners’ properties. The catastrophic event could be an airplane
crash (such as the one over the southern Indian Ocean in 2014), a giant offshore
oil spill (such as the Deepwater Horizon spill in 2010), a hotel fire (such as
the MGM Grand Hotel fire in 1980), or any other similar event. The defining characteristic of this case is
that, although the plaintiffs might be found in a large number of different
parts of the country, the actual harm the plaintiffs suffered arose from a
distinct event in a specific place at a specific time. Thus, the claims all are
centered in one place and focus on one point in time. Though there may be a very large number of
such claims, and the plaintiffs may be spread all across the country and even
the world (such as the families of people who died in an airplane crash), the
event that gives rise to these claims differs from other tortious activity,
where the defendant’s alleged negligence causes a particular bad event.
tort cases push the boundaries of traditional torts. The typical toxic tort involves something
like the spill of a toxic substance that might cause several people to develop
illnesses, sometimes over long periods of time, perhaps even decades.[8] In toxic tort cases, the actions are
geographically confined, though the harmful effects may take a long time to be
discovered. An example might be a
chemical plant that allows a toxic substance to leak into the local water
table. People may get sick a long time
later and may continue to get sick, but the toxic event is geographically
localized. The toxic tort has a
geographic center, and it is likely that all claims arising from that toxic
tort will be brought in the same federal district or state court.
Finally, there
is the true mass tort, which means a tort action that requires the new
and innovative procedures for collective treatment of claims that can be found
in class actions and multidistrict litigation.
There may be thousands or even tens of thousands of individual claims,
which are often called the “constituent claims” of the mass tort, but they are
treated collectively in the courts, in a process often referred to as
These “true”
mass torts not only give rise to a vast number of claims, but the tortious
events on which the claims are based may be widely dispersed in both time and
space. Though they arise from one “wrong,” such as a defective medical device
or drug, they cause widespread harm that may occur over a long stretch of time
throughout the entire country or beyond.
Some of
the most significant and well-known mass tort actions are those that arose from
claims over the use of asbestos. Asbestos is a hypothetically useful mineral
because it can be pulled into soft, flexible, fireproof, and heat resistant fibers and is resistant
to electricity and chemical corrosion. Pure asbestos is an effective insulator,
and it can be mixed into cloth, paper, cement, plastic and other materials to
make these substances stronger.
Unfortunately, the fibers themselves can get into the lungs of those who
work with the substance and these fibers are very toxic, leading to diseases
like asbestosis and mesothelioma. A few
companies mined and manufactured asbestos-containing products for decades, and
hundreds of thousands of workers were exposed to the fibers. There also was evidence that these companies
knew of the dangers of the product but hid them from both the public and the
workers. The asbestos claims arose from one common type of product, and one
common alleged wrong (the decision to make the product and hide its dangers),
but the injuries took place all over the world over the course of several
Other mass torts of this sort that
have arisen in the last few decades include claims from the sale of the Dalkon
Shield, an intrauterine birth control device; claims that the dangerous side
effects of various pharmaceuticals were not disclosed; claims by Vietnam War veterans
arising from the use of Agent Orange, a defoliant; claims against Roundup, the weed-killer;
claims about defectively designed hip implants; and claims by former NFL
players that the NFL knew about, but hid, the dangers of concussions to
players. There can be many thousands of plaintiffs in these claims from every
state. As a result of the size and the
scope of these claims, courts have begun to use the special procedures that we
will be examining in this course.
Product Liability Cases
important characteristic of most mass torts is that they are usually versions
of product liability claims. Product
liability actions dominate currently active multidistrict litigation.[9] Specifically, most mass torts arise under
claims that a product was defectively designed or that the defendant
manufacturers did not provide effective warnings. Many of the mass tort claims
concern pharmaceuticals, and often concern failures to warn of their dangers or
risks. The plaintiffs claim
injuries, illnesses or adverse health conditions caused by the way the medicine
was marketed, in that the manufacturers failed to provide adequate warnings
regarding dangerous side effects or failed to provide instructions regarding
the safe and appropriate use of the drug. The defenses to these claims often
rely on the fact that the Food and Drug Administration mandated certain
information be provided with the pharmaceutical and that the company complied
with the mandate. Though compliance with FDA guidelines and rulings does not
guarantee successful defense, it can be used as evidence to rebut claims of
Another large category of mass tort
involves medical devices, such as hip implants. These claims often allege that the
design of the device was defective because a better and safer alternative was
reasonably available to the manufacturer. The same kinds of design defect
claims are often at the core of the mass tort actions against the makers of
various insecticides and herbicides, like Roundup or Agent Orange.
The fundamental theories of
liability and the legal defenses to these theories are no different than those
for traditional, individual product liability claims. However, in mass tort actions, some key
issues that will impact the thousands of claims are common. There are core
common issues that give impetus to the effort to treat mass torts in a
collective rather than individual fashion.
Common Issues of Fact and Law
hallmark of multidistrict litigation is that common issues of fact or law permeate
all of the constituent claims. In fact,
the courts must find that there are
common issues of fact or law, and these must be significant and controlling
issues, before the courts can aggregate the claims to form a class action or
multidistrict litigation. Such a finding
is a prerequisite to forming a class under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 23 or
creating a multidistrict litigation under 28 U.S.C. § 1407.
usually are at least three common factual issues. First, each of the claimants is exposed to
the same product in a similar way. For
instance, in the Dalkon Shield Litigation,
each claimant used the contraceptive device in question.[10] Similarly, in the NFL Concussion Litigation, each claimant was a former NFL player
who suffered head injuries.[11] The second common issue
is that all claimants are challenging the same allegedly negligent decision of
the defendant. That could be the
decision to design a product in an unsafe way or to market the product using
deficient warnings and instructions. Third,
the causal mechanisms for all the claimants’ injuries are similar. That is, the product is alleged to have
harmed each plaintiff substantially the same way. To cite a rather obvious
example, if a patient slipped and fell on a puddle caused by the spill of an
allegedly defective drug, that patient’s lawsuit would not belong in the same
multidistrict litigation or class action as those alleging to have been injured
by ingesting the defective drug.
There are also often common
defenses to mass tort actions. One
frequent defense in pharmaceutical cases, for example, is FDA rules preempting
state law on a subject. Another common defense is assumption of risk, that is,
the consumers knew of the risks inherent in a product and chose to take it
are, however, also issues that arise in mass tort cases that are individual to
each constituent claim. Each plaintiff
has suffered individual damages which can differ from person to person. There
may be differences in how much and how long each person was exposed to the
product. Moreover, as tort claims are
generally governed by state law,[12] there may be differences
in how the legal doctrines of the various states evaluate the same set of
facts. One state may apply a different test than another to decide whether a
warning is effective, for instance. Therefore, the collective treatment of the
constituent cases must also accommodate the individual differences among them.
Collective treatment
It has
seemed obvious to many courts that claims arising from these mass torts should
be handled in an aggregate or collective way.
If there were no way to treat them collectively, litigating each
constituent claim separately probably would bankrupt the defendants with legal
costs and other resources required to defend the claims, leaving no money to
pay claims. It would also overwhelm the courts.
there are two ways to aggregate such claims.
The oldest and best known is the class action. But, the most common way of handling mass
torts in today’s the federal courts is through Multidistrict Litigation, which
was created by federal law in 1968.[13] Currently, approximately 39% of cases in the
federal district courts are part of MDL actions.[14] In the following two
modules, we will examine these two ways to aggregate mass torts actions. In
module 2, we’ll discuss class action lawsuits and then turn to multidistrict
litigation in module 3.
[1] Paul Rheingold, The MER/29 Story—An Instance of Successful Mass Disaster Litigation, 56 Calif. L. Rev. 116 (1968).
[2] Paul D. Carrington, Asbestos Lessons: The Unattended Consequences of Asbestos Litigation, 26, Rev. Litig. 583.
[3] See Paul Rheingold, Litigating Mass Tort Cases C.15.1 (AAJ Press 2006).
[5] Greenroadv. GM (In re GM LLC Ignition Switch Litig.), No. 14-MD-2543 (JMF), 2017 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 213074 (S.D.N.Y. Dec. 28, 2017).
[7] See
[8] e.g., the book and movie “A Civil Action” concerned just such a toxic tort case arising from contamination of the water around Woburn, Massachusetts.
[9] U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litig., Calendar Year Statistics: January through December 2016 11 (2017), [].
[11] Turner v. NFL (In re NFL Player’s Concussion Injury Litig.), 307 F.R.D. 351 (E.D. Pa. 2015).
[14] Elizabeth Chamblee Burch, Monopoliesin Multidistrict Litigation, 70 Vand. L. Rev. 67 (2017).