Determining Child Support and Spousal Support Amounts-Module 6 of 6
See Also:
Module 6 Determining Child Support and Spousal Support Amounts
Support Payments Overview
After five modules about child
support and spousal support, you may be asking yourself: “well, how do we
figure out how much support is?” The answers are the focus of this last module.
First, let’s review some of the necessary highlights from previous modules to
set up our discussion of calculating support obligations.
All parents owe a legal duty of
support to their children. When parents split up, that duty remains until the
children are emancipated. All states mandate the payment of child support from
a non-custodial parent to a custodial parent. States cooperate in enforcing
child support laws both within the state and between the states. All states
have offices of child support enforcement. That effort is coordinated
nationwide by the federal Office of Child Support Enforcement and similar laws
in all states based in several federal laws and by the process of states
adopting uniform codes.
Different states have adopted
different ways of determining child support amounts. The three primary methods
used by states are the Income Shares model, the Percentage of Income model, and
the “Melson Formula.” There are links to forms for calculating child support
amounts for all three in the notes below.
child support, states vary widely in awarding spousal support. There are no set
multi-state forms for determining amounts of spousal support. Some states have general
statutory guidelines, and some states determine these amounts strictly on a
case-by-case basis. A notable exception, California has a lengthy statute for
determining spousal support[1], but as you can see, it is
not very specific and much of the support order is ultimately left to the
determination of the judge in the case. Because of that, this module will spend
most of its time on figuring out how to determine child support amounts.
that the calculations used to determine support obligations apply to all phases
of all support cases, including before the divorce, post-judgment modification
hearings and cases in which the parents were never married. The calculations
are all the same for all cases. These amounts are statutory and cannot be
negotiated away without a judge’s consent in most cases. But they also allow
for a certain amount of flexibility in determining what figures go into the
When does Child Support Start?
In most states, the legal obligation to pay child support begins when one of the parties or a state agency formally opens a court case by filing an action that requests child support. This can include a divorce, dissolution, formal separation agreement, paternity action, petition for custody and support or action by Children’s Services or another state agency. In most cases, a support order is dated retroactively to the date that case was filed.[2] Most of the time, a support order will not be enforced for amounts owed before that date.
Child Support Amounts are Determined
Child support amounts are determined
using a complex formula that involves the income and expenses of both parties
run through calculations that are designed to determine the amount he children
need to live as well as they can under the circumstances. The formula considers
the amount of time that the children spend with each parent. This all goes
under the category “best interests of the child.”[3]
There are no national standards for
child support calculations. Each state is free to develop child support
standards in line with its own economies and standards of living. Child support
amounts reflect the realities of life in any given state—wealthy states have
higher standards of living, and therefore higher basic child support, than
poorer states. Each state is also free to determine what constitutes reasonable
expenses and what constitutes income.
In-Kind and “Under the Table” Payments
support payments must be in cash and must be be administered by the state child
support enforcement agency, or they simply do not count. Direct payments from
the obligor to the obligee are considered gifts and do not count against child
support obligations or arrearages. Normally, the obligee may file an
acknowledgment of the payments with the court if she wants to forgive an
arrearage or the obligee can simply decline to pursue an arrearage. However, if
the obligee receives public assistance, the obligation and potential arrearages
may go to the state. In such case, any direct payments from the obligor to the
obligee will not count against the ordered support amounts.
payments are non-cash transfers of value, such as the purchase of food,
clothing, tickets to Disney World, etc., that directly benefit the child. These
payments, not being cash, do not count against the support obligation. If the
obligee wants to forgive the obligation based on the value of in-kind
contributions, that will have to go before a judge as well.
support payments are usually in cash as well, but there are some cases where a
transfer of property was part of a spousal support settlement or order, in
which case it will, of course, count towards the satisfaction of that order.
base amounts of each state’s child support rules are determined by economists
who study the needs of children in that state and then come up with figures
that provide basic needs for children. These needs include basic necessities
like food, clothing and shelter; educational needs; medical, dental and vision
care; transportation; child care; entertainment needs; and extracurricular
expand on a couple of these categories:
Educational needs
states require that children be supported through high school or until
emancipated. This support includes the basic expenses of primary education like
books, clothes, cost of participation in extracurricular activities,
transportation, and so forth. Cases may vary by state or court when other
educational issues arise like private school or college. Some courts may
require payment of a percentage of tuition and costs in those cases.
Medical Needs
child support orders contain provisions for the medical care of the children. Many
states require a separate health insurance affidavit.[4] The typical order will
require one of the parents to carry medical insurance. Out-of-pocket and other
unpaid medical expenses are usually split between the parents. In some cases,
one of the parents will be required to obtain medical insurance if neither
party carries it through work. This is all also balanced against the parties’ procurement
of health insurance through the Affordable Care Act if that is the situation.
Extraordinary medical expenses can be split between the parties based upon
ability to pay. Employers may be subject to a Qualified Medical Child Support
Order by a court ordering group medical coverage on children of an employee who
is divorced, separated, or never married.[5]
Income and Expense Affidavits
state courts require that parties to a divorce or any post-judgment motion to
modify support supply the court with income and expense affidavits. These will
often appear in “short forms” for people of moderate to low income[6] and in longer forms for
people with more complex financial lives. These are sometimes called “income
and expense sheets” but they are official documents, and the penalties for
supplying false information to the court can be severe. These penalties can
include attorney’s fees and other expenses and lying on the forms can be
classified as perjury.
Determining Income
point of these affidavits and the other inquiries into the finances of the
parties is to determine each party’s “net disposable income.” Income can be in
the form of cash or in the form of benefits, perks, and other non-cash items. This
determination can vary a bit by state, but for the most part, states will look
at income from every source in calculating support amounts. This is called
“gross income.”[7]
After that, the formulas will deduct various expenses to arrive at the parties’
“net income.” Income can include present income and past and future income, though
the latter two may be treated differently than present income by a state or a
will start with gross cash income. A typical list of what constitutes income under
state and federal laws looks like this:
- Salaries
and wages.
These include overtime, second and third jobs, under-the-table job wages,
bonuses, commissions, profit sharing, deferred compensation, severance
pay, and so forth. Most of the time, this is determined from tax returns.
If there has been or will be a change in income, then that change must be considered.
If there are no tax returns, the court can use any statement of income
such as pay stubs. Overtime is not generally included in income unless it
is regularly scheduled. Seasonal income will be annualized.
- Self-employment
This includes rental income; partnership income; sole proprietorship and
joint venture business income; income from agency; income via contractual
relationship; income as an independent contractor, and so on. The gross income
of a business is the amount earned minus regular business expenses, and
minus one-half of self-employment tax.
- Social
Security benefits,
but not SSI payments in some jurisdictions.
- Securities
investment and interest income, including dividends and profits from securities
- Annuity
- Pension
- Disability
payments, including Social Security Disability.
- Capital
gains income.
States are split on how to treat capital gains from corporate stock sales
income. One state[8]
has even held that unrealized capital gains (meaning that the stock has
gone up but has not yet been sold) is income.
- Trust
Though, income of the trust that is not accessible to the trust
beneficiary is generally not considered income.
- Estate
- Military
including veterans' benefits; Military personnel fringe benefits; and
National Guard and reserve drill pay;
- Cash
benefits like workers' compensation benefits, unemployment insurance
benefits, strike pay, disability insurance benefits, etc.
- Gifts
and prizes, including lottery winnings and gambling winnings.
- Education
grants that are given as income beyond tuition, like living expense money,
- Alimony
received from a person other than this spouse.
- Income
of a new spouse of either party, to the extent that income reduces
expenses of the parent.
Non-cash gross income includes
employment perks that decrease the amount that the party needs to spend on living
expenses. These include car or transportation allowances, housing allowances,
the value of free food in a company cafeteria, reimbursed expenses or other
form of non-monetary compensation. Those amounts would not include expenses for
company travel, client expenses, etc., because they do not reduce the person’s
living expenses.
States are split over whether
several forms of income should be counted as gross income for purposes of
calculating support amounts. These include:
n Individual Retirement Account
interest income. If this income is not paid to the account holder but is
instead reinvested into the IRA, states have treated that money differently.
Several states have held that it is to be included in gross income[9],
while others have not.[10]
n Retained
earnings of a corporation, partnership or sole proprietorship. Retained
earnings are the money that a corporation has earned and keeps after expenses--
equivalent to shareholder earnings. Whether or not this money counts as income
will have a lot to do with how much ownership equity the party has in that
business, but states are all over the place on this issue.
Imputing Income
may be cases where one of the parties earns less than what person is “qualified”
to earn. For instance, a person with a cosmetology license may not be working
at all, or a person with a law degree may be working as a waiter, or a person
who owns a cash business may be understating the income of the business. Courts
make determinations of an amount that the party should be making if the court has reason to believe that that party
is deliberately earning less money to diminish income for purposes of
determining support amounts. This is, of course, a case-by-case analysis.[11]
people who are on public assistance or who otherwise have minimal income,
courts and guidelines impute a full-time job at minimum wage or use other means
to create a minimum income for the obligor. For people who cannot work for
medical or other legitimate reasons, courts may use a zero-income amount. This
is also true if a parent is a full-time student or if the child has needs that
the parent can fulfill only by staying home.
next step in determining support amounts is figuring out the qualifying
expenses of each party. Those expenses are then deducted from the party’s gross
income to determine a net income for each. Expenses that do not qualify
are not deducted from gross income. State laws, guidelines and courts determine
qualifying expenses based on whether the expenditure goes directly to
supporting the payee and child.
Acceptable expenses
states may vary in exactly what expenses may be subtracted from gross income to
determine net income, most jurisdictions[12] agree that the following
are deductible expenses:
n Spousal
support is deducted from the payor’s income before child support is determined.
n Child
support for other children of another relationship, especially if they are
living in the party’s home.
n For
child support, the general living expenses that also benefit the child are
deducted. These include utilities, rent or mortgage, transportation for the
child, educational expenses for the child, food, clothing, and other basic
n Medical
expenses are deducted. Extraordinary medical expenses may be split by the
n Court-ordered
educational expenses.
n Work-and
education-related daycare.
n Taxes
and Social Security payments.
n Union
n Children’s
extracurricular activity expenses.
n Travel
expenses to see a child for visitation.
n Employee
contributions to IRAs and other private retirement accounts.
Unacceptable Expenses
normal day-to-day expenses and other expenses not directly tied to the
children’s welfare are not allowable on income and expense sheets. These can
n Car
n Loan
n Vacations
n Private
club memberships
n Anything
that does not directly benefit the child.
Cost of living and other automatic
decisions and separation agreements sometimes include cost of living
adjustments or other payment adjustments keyed to definitive workplace changes
like retirement that will automatically kick in when certain conditions are
met. This saves the parties from having to go back to court when these
circumstances change.
after all of this, we are now able to figure out how much child support will be
paid. Each state has a formula for doing that. That formula takes each parent’s
income and expenses, along with the percentage of time that the children will
spend with each parent and plugs all of that into a monetary formula that
creates a single monthly support figure.
practical terms, these formulas are now determined by computer programs. There
are numerous software companies which have developed these programs. Many
domestic relation attorney websites have simulated support programs so that a
viewer can get a sense of how much support will be.
Guideline Examples
and time preclude running through these very complex calculations, but the
formulas are provided below to let you see the underlying dynamics of each
Income Shares Model: Below
is a link to a highly detailed explanation and worksheet from the state of
Georgia which covers these calculations in detail, including the statutory
support amounts.[13]
It is worth the time to go through this document carefully.
Percentage of Income Model: Wisconsin
is a “Percentage of Income” state. Its guidelines call for the following:
- 17%
of income for 1 child
- 25%
of income for 2 children
- 29%
of income for 3 children
- 31%
of income for 4 children
- 34%
of income for 5 or more children
A Wisconsin court can deviate from
these guidelines in several cases, including percentage of time spent with each
parent, children of other relationships, and other special circumstances.
Finally, we’re also providing Delaware’s “Melson” guidelines, which are complex but worth the time to look at.[14]
Spousal support and child support
are complex areas of domestic relations law. These six modules have provided an
overview of the policies that go into laws and court decisions in this area of
law. Through the efforts of many experts over many years, much of child support
law has been created to be consistent and straightforward throughout the
country. In the end, though, laws involving children always come down to one
factor: what is in the best interests of the child? That’s what all of this is
all about.
[2] See ex. Kakstys v. Stevens, 442 N.J.Super. 501 (Ch. Div. 2015), stating that a new Jersey anti-retroactivity law does not apply to child support cases.
[4] See Attachment B
[6] See Attachments C, D and E for examples.
[8] Ohio.
[9] Alaska, Colorado, Montana, Ohio.
[10] New Mexico, Louisiana, Tennessee, Virginia.
[13] Attached Child Support Worksheet.