Invasion of Privacy Torts
The law protects people
against many types of harms, including harm to one’s personal space and private
life. Infringing on these interests is known as invasion of privacy. Invasion of privacy has been divided into four
distinct categories. Each category covers a different aspect of the right to
privacy and personal identity but they are all geared towards protecting the
right ‘to be left alone’.[1]
These four categories
intrusion into
appropriation of name
or likeness,
public disclosure of
private facts, and
placing a person in a
false light.
Intrusion into Seclusion
Intrusion upon
seclusion is what people commonly think of as
“invasion of privacy.” Intrusion upon seclusion occurs when someone
intentionally intrudes into the private affairs of another person. The legal
standard for intrusion upon seclusion requires that the intrusion be
intentional and highly offensive to a reasonable person.[2]
The most straightforward case is when the victim is in a private
location, such as a private home or hotel room. If an intruder infringes on
these areas by planting a camera, peeping or otherwise violating the privacy of
the area, that is a form of invasion of privacy.[3]
Another area
where intrusion into seclusion has been litigated is in the work place.
Although people in a work setting are aware that others may hear what they discuss,
there is an expectation that discussions among colleagues at work will not be surreptitiously
recorded. So, the use of secret electronic surveillance can be considered an intrusion
into seclusion under normal circumstances.[4]
Intrusion upon seclusion is not limited to cases of physical
intrusion. The principle of invasion of privacy extends into any sphere in
which an ordinary person could reasonably expect that others should be
excluded. This form of intrusion includes seeking private information of a
confidential nature, even if the information is not publicly disseminated.
In Nader v. General Motors, General Motors engaged in
a campaign of intimidation against a popular critic of their practices. The
company employed people to follow him around in public and conducted
surveillance of his activities. The court found that General Motors’ committed
an intrusion into seclusion when agents of the corporation spied on the plaintiff
in a bank, looking over his shoulder to see his private financial
records. This amounted to intrusion upon seclusion because the conduct was
designed to elicit information which was not available through normal inquiry
or observation.[5]
Furthermore, the act of looking over an individual’s shoulder to see his
private financial records would be highly offensive to a reasonable person.
Appropriation of Name or Likeness
The other three categories
all involve publicizing private facts about someone else for personal benefit
or to harm the other person. Unlike intrusion into seclusion, publication
of something private is a necessary element for each. This also means that each
of these categories is impacted by freedom of speech because they all involve
forms of expression.
Appropriation of name or likeness occurs
when someone publicly uses the name or likeness of another person for her own
benefit.[6] “Benefit” is broadly
defined, but generally refers to using people’s name or likeness for
“advertising purposes” or “purposes of trade.”
The law views a
person’s public image as something which should remain under the person’s
control. A person may license the right to use her name or likeness, but
unauthorized usage is considered an illegitimate appropriation.
For example, the unauthorized
use of a celebrity’s picture on a billboard to advertise a commercial interest
or product is misappropriation.[7] However, appropriation
actions are not limited to celebrities. Anyone whose name or likeness is used
for commercial purposes without their consent may potentially have a cause of
action for misappropriation.[8]
is, however, an exception when the name or image is “newsworthy” as prohibiting
media outlets from displaying images or using names when reporting or
commenting on the news would likely violate the “freedom of the press”
guarantee of the First Amendment. The newsworthiness exception applies even if
the organization is a for-profit business.[9] This is how newspapers and
other media can print the names and publish images of people in the news
without asking for permission.
Finally, the First Amendment
may also protect creative expressions which use recognizable identities as
features of the creative works. In one
case, DC Comics published a comic featuring characters who were easily
identifiable as the brothers Johnny and Edgar Winter, who are popular
musicians. The comic drawing mimicked their distinctive appearance, and
referred to the characters as Johnny and Edgar Autumn. The court ruled that such depictions are not
considered misappropriation. The court reasoned that the First Amendment
protected DC Comics’ actions because these actions were protected creative
expressions that were “something more” than mere celebrity likeness or
Satire works that comment on or even lampoon politicians or other celebrities
rely on similar grounds.
Public Disclosure of
Private Facts
Public disclosure of private facts is the publication of
the private affairs of another person when the disclosures would be highly
offensive to a reasonable person.[11] For example, a creditor puts
a notice in a store owner’s window saying the owner owes money and hasn’t paid.
This is different from
defamation in that the published material in question may be true, but is especially
private. The publication requirement is far greater than it is for defamation.
Merely telling a third party is not enough. The private facts must be broadcast
to a broad audience.[12]
the matter is the subject of legitimate public concern, then the First Amendment’s
freedom of speech and freedom of the press guarantees protect the publication
from lawsuits. Because of the complexity
of determining what is a public concern, some jurisdictions don’t recognize
this type of invasion of privacy, though excessive disclosure of facts that are
truly private can be actionable under the tort of intentional infliction of
emotional distress.[13]
question of whether a story about a public figure is newsworthy is complex and
fact-specific. For example, reporting on a secret medical condition of an actor
may not be protected because the actor’s health may not be of public concern
beyond mere curiosity, while the secret medical condition of a high-ranking elected
official might be of legitimate public concern.
In one case, a woman
won a suit against a movie studio for the publicity of facts regarding her private
life, when the studio made a movie about her past as a prostitute.[14] However, in another case though,
a magazine published a ‘Where Are They Now?’ article about a formerly
well-known child prodigy. Although the man had withdrawn completely from public
life and sought privacy, the court determined that his life story was still a
legitimate public interest.[15] Seemingly inconsistent
results from different jurisdictions underscore the complexity of this issue.
False Light
of privacy under the “false light” category means stating what may be
technically truthful or opinion-based information, but in a manner indicating to
a reasonable person that something negative and false is true about the target.
Though similar to defamation, this tort does not require assertions that are
example, a newspaper published a story on a family dealing with a murder and
its impact on the victim’s family. The story described the family house as “messy”
and “in a state of disarray”, and the family as “poor.” The family sued because
of the inaccurate depiction in the story made them objects of pity and
ridicule. The court agreed that such a portrayal could constitute invasion of
privacy on false light grounds.[16]
The Supreme Court had placed similar limitations on “false
light” as apply to defamation actions. Where the plaintiff is a celebrity or
public official, he must demonstrate that the defendant knew that implications
were false or acted in reckless disregard of the truth.[17]
While invasion of
privacy takes many forms, the common denominator is that private matters are
infringed on or made public. The cause of action thus serves as a mechanism by
which civil courts help people maintain their fundamental rights to privacy.
[1] S.D. Warren & L.D. Brandeis, "The Right to
Privacy" (1890) 4 Harv. L. Rev. 193 at 196.
[2] Restatement
(2nd) of Torts, §652(b).
[3] Restatement
(2nd) of Torts, §652(b)
comment b.
[4] Sanders v.
ABC, 978 P.2d 67, 85
Cal. Rptr. 2d 909, 20 Cal. 4th 907 (1999).
[5] Nader v.
Gen. Motors Corp., 255
N.E.2d 765 (1970).
[6] Restatement
(2nd) of Torts, §652(c).
[7] Case of
Flake V. Greensboro News Co., 195 S.E. 55, 212 N.C. 780 (1938).
[8] Joe
Dickerson & Associates, LLC v. Dittmar, 34 P.3d 995 (Colo. 2001).
[9] Joe
Dickerson & Associates, LLC v. Dittmar, 34 P.3d 995 (Colo. 2001).
[10] Winter v. DC Comics, 69 P.3d 473, 134 (2003).
[11] Restatement (2nd) of Torts, §652(d).
[12] Restatement (2nd) of Torts, §652(d) comment a.
[13] Hall v. Post, 372 S.E.2d 711, 323 N.C. 259 (1988).
[14] Melvin v. Reid, 297 P. 91, 112 Cal. App. 285, 112 Cal. 285 (1931).
[15] Sidis v. FR Pub. Corporation, 113 F.2d 806 (2d Cir. 1940).
[16] Cantrell v. Forest City Publishing Co., 419 U.S. 245, 95 S. Ct. 465, 42 L. Ed.
2d 419 (1974).
[17] Time, Inc. v. Hill, 385 U.S. 374, 87 S. Ct. 534 (1967).