Matter Jurisdiction in Federal Court: Federal Question Jurisdiction
Federal courts are courts of “limited”
jurisdiction. This means that federal judicial power extends only to specific
and limited types of cases. This presentation will discuss federal courts’
subject matter jurisdiction.
Before a court can get to the merits of
a case, it must have authority to decide the issue at hand. The authority of
the court to render a decision on a type of case is called jurisdiction over
the “subject matter.” While courts also require authority to determine the
rights and liabilities of the parties before it, a concept known as “personal”
jurisdiction, this discussion is limited to the types of cases federal
courts may hear.[1]
-The rules governing subject matter
jurisdiction in federal courts are derived from two sources. First is Article
III, Section 2 of the United States Constitution.[2] Article III lists the
types of cases that federal courts may hear. The categories allowed to federal
courts under this provision are broad and encompassing.[3]
However, authority to hear a case under
the Constitution is insufficient to allow federal courts subject matter
jurisdiction. Rather, since Congress sets up and establishes the rules for
federal courts, there must also be statutory grounds for jurisdiction.
The United States Code, in Title 28,
starting at section 1331, sets forth the types of cases that may be heard in
federal court. The two most important federal statutes that grant jurisdiction
to federal courts appear in sections 1331 and 1332. Section 1331’s grant of
jurisdiction is sometimes known as “federal question” jurisdiction, while 1332
establishes federal jurisdiction based on “diversity of citizenship.” This
presentation will focus on federal question jurisdiction.
Under Section 1331, federal courts have
jurisdiction over civil actions that “arise under the Constitution, laws, or
treaties of the United States.” Most cases brought in federal court rely on
section 1331 for jurisdiction.[4]
The most obvious case in which section
1331 applies is when federal law creates the cause of action. For example, a
lawsuit brought by one company against another under a cause of action created
by the Sherman Antitrust Act could clearly be brought in federal court because
the claim “arises” under federal law.
Things become a bit murkier when the
cause of action is not necessarily federal (it may, for example, be an ordinary
tort cause of action, which is based on state law), but where there is some
federal law involved in the case. For example, what if a victim of food
poisoning sues a canned food manufacturer under a standard product liability
theory - a state cause of action - but uses federal food safety regulations
promulgated by the Food and Drug Administration to show negligence by the
manufacturer? Is there federal subject matter jurisdiction because the
complaint involves federal law or is there no federal jurisdiction because the
complaint is fundamentally based on a state law cause of action?
To answer this question, the Supreme
Court developed the “well pleaded complaint” rule. This rule dictates that if
the “well pleaded” complaint (which means a complaint that properly alleges a
cause of action) depends on a question of federal law, then federal courts have
federal question jurisdiction even if the underlying cause of action is based
on state law. [5]
For example, in Louisville & N. R. Co. v. Mottley, a couple had been
injured in a train accident. As compensation for their injuries, the railroad agreed
to provide them with free railroad passes for the rest of their lives. Twenty
years later, a new federal law made the giving of certain types of free passes
illegal, and the railroad company refused to honor the agreement with the
Mottleys because it believed it violated the new federal law. The couple sued
to enforce the original agreement in federal court, arguing that the agreement
did not violate the new law.
The Mottleys alleged that there was
federal jurisdiction because, even though their claim was a breach of contract
claim which is based on state law, the issue in controversy was clearly going
to be the application of this new federal law and whether it prohibited the
continuation of the free passes.
The Supreme Court, though, held that
there was no federal question jurisdiction. Although there was bound to be
discussion of the federal law and while the case would ultimately turn on the
interpretation of the federal law, the cause of action itself had nothing to do
with federal law. The cause of action was based on breach of contract - the
allegation was simply that the railroad failed to follow through with its
agreement to allow the plaintiffs free railroad passes for life. Thus, the
complaint did not depend on issues of federal law and so there was no federal
subject matter jurisdiction. Anticipating that the opponent’s defense will be
based on federal law is insufficient. The plaintiff must show that his original
cause of action arises under, or at least depends on, federal law. [6]
The Supreme Court clarified and
fine-tuned the well pleaded complaint rule in a series of cases over the
century after Mottley was decided. In 1983, the Court explained that
federal question jurisdiction applied where the basis of the lawsuit
“necessarily turned” on a “construction of federal law.”[7]
A few years later, in Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Thompson,
the Court again weighed in on this question to add the requirement that, to
establish federal question jurisdiction, a state cause of action must not only
depend on federal law, but must depend on a “substantial” question of federal
law.[8] That case was a product
liability action that, in part, alleged misbranding of the drug Bendectin,
under the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. While conceding that the cause
of action depended on interpretation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, the
Court nevertheless denied federal question jurisdiction because the violations
alleged here were not “substantial” enough and that the record indicated that
Congress didn’t intend violations of the act to lead to federal cause of
The Merrell Dow test defined the
issue as interpretation of congressional intent. If the question was important
enough that Congress likely would have approved the issue being decided in
federal court, that is sufficient. Twenty years later, the Supreme Court
applied this in Grable & Sons Metal Products, Inc. v. Darue Engineering
& Manufacturing.[9] There, the IRS had seized
Grable’s property to satisfy a federal tax debt. Grable brought an action in
state court to quiet title (which means to get a judgment that the property was
his), arguing that the IRS had not satisfied certain notice requirements before
seizing the property. Here the Court held that the state cause of action did
depend on a substantial question of federal law because of the federal
government’s strong interest in collecting delinquent taxes.
While applying the well pleaded
complaint rule for federal subject matter jurisdiction is obviously a complex
process, the rules seem clear that where federal law creates- a cause of
action, federal courts automatically have subject matter jurisdiction to hear
the case. Where the case is brought under state law, there is federal question
jurisdiction where an important federal law is at issue and where the complaint
requires application of that federal law to go forward.
In our continuation presentation, we
will discuss other aspects of federal subject matter jurisdiction, including
that based on diversity of citizenship.
[1] Jessica Berch, “Waiving Jurisdiction,”
36 Pace L. Rev. 853, (2016).
[2] Kolya Glick, “(A)rising Above the Well-Pleaded
Complaint: A Proposal to Reconsider the Jurisdictional Analysis of the Federal
Circuit After the America Invents Act,” 83 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 686, (2015).
[3] Rhode
Island v. Massachusetts, 37 U.S. 657, (1838).
[4] Lumen Mulligan, “A Unified Theory of 28
U.S.C. § 1331 Jurisdiction,” 61 Vand. L. Rev. 1667, (2008).
[5] Caterpillar,
Inc. v. Williams, 482 U.S. 386, (1987).
[6] Louisville
& N. R. Co. v. Mottley, 211 U.S. 149, (1908).
[7] Franchise Tax Board v. Construction
Laborers Vacation Trust, 463 U.S. 1 (1983)
[8] Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals Inc. v. Thompson,
478 U.S. 804 (1986)
[9] 545
U.S. 308 (2005)