Process Rights: The Right to Counsel
As a basic tenet of our adversarial
legal system, the Sixth Amendment’s Right to Counsel provision tries to negate
any imbalance of power between the legally-knowledgeable prosecution and a defendant
who isn’t as well-versed in criminal law.[3] A defense attorney can
recalibrate any imbalance by advising the defendant of her rights and
explaining what to expect at different stages of the criminal process, as well
as investigating facts and presenting a legal defense.
In one of the most high profile
United States Supreme Court cases of the early twentieth century, Powell v. Alabama, the Court outlined
the important role the right to counsel plays in providing a defendant a fair
trial.[4] In that case, nine
African-American men, dubbed the “Scottsboro Boys,” were accused of raping two
white women and during their criminal prosecution, they were represented by
counsel when arraigned, but no defense attorneys consulted with them or
assisted the defendants beyond that. Defense counsel failed to even make a
closing argument.[5]
The Court found that that the defendants’ constitutional rights were violated
based on the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause. In the opinion, Justice
George Sutherland wrote that the right to counsel is so fundamental and
important that the right to a fair trial is meaningless without assistance of
In the landmark 1963 decision, Gideon v. Wainwright, the Court ruled
that federal and state courts must provide counsel for those indigent
defendants who cannot afford to hire their own. The Court reasoned that the
guarantee of counsel is so fundamental to a fair trial that it must be applied
to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause and a
person denied the right to counsel, even if that’s merely a function of
inability to pay, violates this right.[7]
A criminal defendant has the right to
assistance from a lawyer at almost every important phase of the criminal
process, from arrest and initial investigation all the way through an appeal
after conviction.[8]
The right to counsel has been
applied in so many critical stages of the criminal process due, in part, to
historical reasons. The Constitution’s framers sought to establish a more involved
role for counsel than what was prevalent in eighteenth century England.[9] At that time, English
defense lawyers merely advised clients in “matters of law” and didn’t play an
active role in the prosecution.[10] Also, criminal
prosecutions are more complex than ever. Early in the history of the American
criminal justice system, evidence against the accused was accumulated at the
trial itself; pretrial proceedings were inconsequential. Now, the bulk of the
evidence against the defendant is gathered before a trial starts, so the
results of pretrial proceedings can potentially “settle the accused's fate . . . reducing the trial itself to a mere
In this environment, delaying the right to counsel until trial could render the
right to counsel almost useless.
However, the right to counsel only
attaches when there is an initiation of adversarial proceedings. There is no
constitutional right to counsel merely because someone is being investigated.[12] An arrest is the
commencement of an adversarial proceeding and thus the right to counsel does
attach during an arrest and at post-arrest hearings.
In Rothgery v. Gillespie County, Texas police executed a warrantless
arrest of suspected felon Walter Rothgery for illegal possession of a firearm.[13] While at Gillespie County
jail, Rothgery requested counsel, but wasn’t provided any. Rothgery once again
insisted upon a right to appointed counsel in front of a magistrate judge who
read the charges against him. Again, he didn’t receive it. The Court held that the
government violated Rothgery’s Sixth Amendment right when it ignored his
requests for an attorney.[14]
Note that a person does not need to be in
custody or feel coerced to trigger the right to counsel. If she has been
indicted and if government officials are trying to obtain information from her,
then the right to counsel has attached and she must be provided an attorney upon
request. Police cannot deliberately elicit incriminating information from an
accused after the right has attached in the absence of counsel unless the
defendant waives counsel or initiates the discussion about the case.
A person can waive his right to
counsel by effecting a voluntary and proper waiver,[15] which means that the
waiver was made knowingly, voluntarily, and intelligently.[16] A waiver may fail to be knowing and
intelligent if the defendant was unaware of the nature of the charges and
possible penalties if convicted, prior to the waiver.[17]
A defendant whose Sixth Amendment
right has been violated does have recourse. Courts are required to suppress
statements and testimonial information that were products of the violation,
which means that confessions obtained while denying counsel must be excluded.[18] In Massiah v. United States, the defendant, who was indicted on drug
charges, retained a lawyer, pled not guilty and was released on bail.[19] While out on bail, Massiah
made several incriminating statements in his co-defendant’s car without his
lawyer present after police had installed a recording device in the car. The Court
reversed Massiah’s conviction and held that the government could not use the
defendant’s own incriminating words in the case against him because the right
to counsel applies in all critical stages of a prosecution, or any stage where
counsel’s absence can adversely impact the accused’s right to a fair trial.[20] This was even assuming
the listening device had been installed legally pursuant to a valid warrant. A
valid warrant would take care of any Fourth Amendment “search and seizure”
issues, but does not set aside the right to counsel that applies after the
commencement of an adversarial proceeding.
The Sixth Amendment’s scope has even
widened. In March 2016, the headlines of several legal blogs read, “Supreme
Court Hands Down Big Sixth Amendment Right to Counsel Win.”[21] The case the headlined
referred to was Luis v. United States,
where the Court held that the government cannot seize a person’s lawfully held assets
that deny him an opportunity to hire an attorney in a pending criminal case
against him, even if there were legal grounds to seize those assets. If the
government were able to prevent a suspect access to funds to hire an attorney,
the Sixth Amendment right to counsel would be meaningless.[22]
This case, like the others before
it, demonstrates that the Sixth Amendment is broad and important, as our
justice system seeks to give a person every opportunity possible to enjoy the
assistance of counsel.
[2] U.S. Const. amend. VI.
[3] James Tomcovicz, “The Massiah Right to
Exclusion: Constitutional Premises and Doctrinal Implications,” 67 N.C.L. Rev.
751, (1989).
[4] Powell
v. Alabama., 287 U.S. 45, (1932).
[6] Supra
note 4.
[7] Gideon
v. Wainwright, 372 U.S. 335, (1963).
[8] Justin Rand, “Pro Se Paternalism: The
Contractual, Practical, and Behavioral Cases for Automatic Reversal,” 163 U.
Pa. L. Rev. 283, (2014).
[9] United
States v. Wade, 388 U.S. 218, (1967).
[10] Id.
[11] Id.
[12] Montejo
v. Louisiana, 556 U.S. 778, (2009).
[14] Rothgery
v. Gillespie County, 554 U.S. 191, (2008).
[15] Johnson
v. Zerbst, 304 U.S. 458, (1938).
[16] Brewer
v. Williams, 430 U.S. 387, (1977).
[17] United
States v. Mohawk, 20 F.3d 1480, (1994).
[19] Massiah
v. United States, 377 U.S. 201, (1964).
[20] Id.