The Crime of Arson
David Berkowitz, the infamous serial killer
known as the “Son of Sam,” terrorized New York City during the summer of 1976.
But very few people know that from 1974 to 1977, he set approximately 500 fires
a year and then reported some of them to various fire officials. The police eventually
caught Berkowitz and discovered a notebook he kept detailing the specifics of
each fire that he started. While certainly not as serious as murder, the crime
of arson is considered a serious felony.
In this presentation, we will
discuss the crime of arson. We will look at the elements of the crime, the
difference between arson and reckless burning, penalties for committing arson
and how insurance companies play a key role in preventing arson.
Elements of Arson
the common law and several state statues, a person commits arson when he
willfully burns a dwelling, such as a house or apartment, of another person. Today,
however, many states have removed the “dwelling” requirement and only require
that some type of property be burned, even personal property. For example, if
one person sets fire to the shirt of another person, that may be considered
arson today, though it certainly didn’t fit the common law, historical definition.
requires that the person setting the fire intend to start a fire, knowing that the
fire will destroy something. For example, California requires that an arsonist
set a fire “willfully” and “maliciously.” This behavioral element and intent
requirement distinguishes arson from accidental or unintentional burnings.[2]
The intent element requires the intent
to cause damage upon starting the fire. It does not require that the targeted
property actually be damaged by the fire and liability can attach even though
the “wrong” property caught fire. In one case, a man set fire to his wife’s
apartment and it spread to a neighbor’s garage and destroyed the neighbor’s
car. Though he did not intend to burn the neighbor’s car, he could still be
convicted of arson because he did intend to burn down his wife’s apartment. Though
the damage to the neighbor’s car was accidental, the intent to destroy the
apartment could be transferred to the destruction of the car.[3]
Arson requires intent and therefore
does not cover unintentional burnings, even if they result from negligent or
reckless behavior. Some states have created a separate offense called “reckless
burning,” which is punished less severely. Reckless burning, also called “unlawfully
causing a fire,” does not require that the person intend to start a fire that
causes damage. Instead the person must only act recklessly, being aware of a substantial and unjustifiable risk,
yet ignoring the risk that her actions could cause a fire.
For example, when a person builds a legal
fire in a forest but fails to adequately safeguard it, such as by building a
firepit, ringing stones around the fire or by failing to extinguish it before
leaving, and that fire gets out of control and causes damage, he can be held
criminally responsible if it is determined that he acted recklessly. If he takes
adequate safeguards, but unforeseen circumstances arise through no fault of his
own that spread the fire, he should not incur criminal liability.[4]
Accidents that do not arise from criminal negligence or recklessness are not
punishable, as they do not demonstrate the mens
rea necessary for criminal liability.
Penalties for Arson
is punished severely; generally, as a felony, while reckless burning is considered
a less serious felony or misdemeanor.[5]
Some jurisdictions simply refer to both crimes is different levels under the
name “arson.” While arson is almost always a felony, the severity of the
punishment is determined based on several factors.
If the burned property is personal
property, the punishment would often be less severe than it would be if the
burned property was a home. Moreover, burning an unoccupied building is punished
less severely as compared to punishment for burning an occupied building.
Third, if a person is harmed because of the fire, the penalty also increases.[6]
In California, if an arsonist harms at
least one person, she can face up to nine years in prison.[7]
Rhode Island, as another example, breaks
down arson into seven levels, starting with 7th degree arson -
making an unauthorized bonfire in a public place - which is punishable by a
fine of $100, all the way up to first-degree arson which is causing a fire or
explosion in an occupied building that causes substantial risk of serious
physical harm, which carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment and, if a
death results, a minimum sentence of
20 years.[8]
An interesting offshoot of arson is
that in certain circumstances, an arsonist can be convicted of felony murder
when a victim dies as a result of the arson. In Bonhart v. United States, a drug dealer set an apartment on fire
after having sold crack cocaine to two individuals who lived in the apartment
who had refused to pay. One of his customers died in the fire. The drug dealer, though he did not
intend to kill the individual, could still be convicted of murder under the
felony-murder rule.[9]
The Role of Insurance
Arson, unlike some other crimes, is
not exclusively investigated by the police. Insurance companies also
investigate arson, as potential insurance payouts have proven to be arson
motives in all too many cases. One study revealed that in the wake of the
collapse of the real estate market in the late 2000’s, there was a significant
uptick in the number of residential fires set across the United States because
people were trying to collect the insurance money on their own homes that could
no longer be sold at profits. During that time, private insurance companies investigated
these arson claims to determine their nature, as many homeowners’ insurance
policies contain arson exclusions.[10]
Any arson case investigated by an
insurance company can also result in criminal charges. Every state has arson
reporting statutes requiring insurance companies to inform the authorities,
either the fire marshal or the police, that it’s investigating a potential
arson case.
Furthermore, if the investigating insurance
company does disclose information about a potential arson to the police, the
company is protected from civil defamation claims that could result from the
Those who harness fire to destroy
another’s property are punished severely under criminal statutes. While there
are variations among states, especially with regards to whether something is
arson or reckless burning, states always have, and will continue to, criminalize
the underlying conduct of burning something that belongs to someone else.
State v. Robertson, No.
W2009-01853-CCA-R3-CD, 2010 Tenn. Crim. App. LEXIS 987 (Crim. App. Nov. 18,
See e.g. Cal Pen Code § 451
People v. Green, 146 Cal. App. 3d
369, 194 Cal. Rptr. 128 (1983)
People v. Budish, 131 Cal. App. 3d
1043, 182 Cal. Rptr. 653 (1982)
Cal. Pen. Code. §§ 450-52; A.R.S. §§ 13-1702-06.
Cal. Pen. Code. § 451
Bonhart v. United States, 691 A.2d
160 (D.C. 1997)
Jessica M. Phillips, “Following The Smoke: The Anatomy Of An Arson Case,” Law
360 A LexisNexis Company (2017).