How to Draft a Well-Pleaded Complaint
Drafting an effective, persuasive,
and well-pleaded complaint is one of the most important steps in the litigation
process. This article will provide you with essential tips to ensure that, in
any legal context, your complaint: (1) complies with the relevant federal,
state, and local rules; (2) is well-written, concise, and easily readable; (3)
alleges facts sufficient to support your claim(s) and request(s) for damages;
(4) properly pleads meritorious causes of action that will survive a motion to
dismiss; and (5) requests appropriate types of damages (e.g., compensatory,
punitive, or treble), depending on the claims you are asserting.
first section sets forth a summary, or checklist, of tips that you should
follow when drafting a complaint and the second explains each item in more
detail. The goal is to provide you with the practical tools to draft a
complaint that effectively sets forth, with conciseness and precision, the
facts and law that entitle you to damages or other relief.
Complaint Checklist
drafting a complaint, make sure that you adhere to the following:
1. Check the federal, state, and local
rules for specific requirements regarding the filing of a complaint.
2. Based on the facts of your case,
perform legal research to identify the claims that you can legitimately plead
and damages you can seek.
3. At the beginning of the complaint, make
sure that you properly allege subject matter jurisdiction, personal
jurisdiction, and venue, and cite to relevant statutes and cases that support
these allegations.
4. Draft
a concise and plain statement of the factual allegations.
5. Draft
separate counts for each legal claim.
6. Where required, plead the facts with
particularity (e.g., if you allege a fraud claim)
7. Offer
expert support for your claims if the rules require.
8. Be
sure to specifically request the relief you are seeking (e.g., monetary
damages, an injunction), and a jury trial, if you would like
II. Drafting An
Effective Complaint
Drafting a complaint is not a
license to hurl insults at your adversary, use over-the-top language or “fancy”
words, or include irrelevant facts. Rather, the purpose of a complaint is to
set forth, in a concise, straightforward, and logical manner, the relevant facts
that support particular legal claims and that entitle you to specific relief,
such as damages or an injunction. Broadly speaking, a complaint typically
contains the following sections, and attorneys use headings and numbered
paragraphs to delineate each section:
● A
identifying the plaintiff and defendant, and the court in which the complaint
is being filed.
● A
brief description of the parties (e.g., their name and address).
● Allegations
demonstrating that the court has subject matter jurisdiction, personal
jurisdiction, and venue to adjudicate the claims in
the complaint.
● A
concise yet thorough statement of the factual allegations that form the
basis of your complaint.
● The
specific legal claims or causes of action (in separate counts) that
allegedly entitle you to a legal remedy.
● A
specific request for damages or other relief, such as compensatory
damages, punitive damages, or an injunction.[1]
ensure that your complaint is well-pleaded, complies with the relevant court
rules, and sets forth meritorious causes of action, adhere to the following:
Comply With the Relevant Federal, State, and Local Rules
you are filing in federal or state court, make sure that you review the
relevant court rules to ensure that your complaint complies with all
requirements. Furthermore, be sure to comply with the local rules of a particular court. For example, if you are filing a
complaint in the Northern District of California, you should be aware that
there are four divisions within the Northern District and each division may
have specific local rules that you are required to follow. A judge in the San
Francisco division may require, for example, that your complaint be drafted in
Times New Roman font using 14-point type. If you are unaware of this rule and
file a complaint in Courier New font and 12-point type, your complaint may be
rejected. Thus, be sure to follow all relevant rules -- particularly the local
rules -- to avoid this problem.
Research Before Writing
sure to research the relevant law before filing a complaint, and make sure that you conduct research
to determine the specific court(s) that will have subject matter jurisdiction,
personal jurisdiction, and venue over the complaint. Importantly, most, if not all, legal claims
require a claimant to prove specific elements
necessary to sustain a cause of action. For example, if you are alleging
that a defendant committed negligence, you must show that the defendant: (1)
owed a duty to your client; (2) breached that duty; and (3) directly and
proximately caused harm to your client. In addition, you must be aware of
potential defenses that your adversary may raise and assess whether those
defenses will likely be successful. Finally, even if your claims are
meritorious, they will not be heard if you file them in a court that does not
have jurisdiction to hear the matter. For example, if you are alleging that the
defendant was negligent, which is a state law claim, you cannot file your
complaint in a federal court. Furthermore, you cannot require any individual to
defend against claims in a court unless the defendant has “minimum contacts”
with the state in which the action is filed.
Thus, be sure to conduct research concerning both jurisdiction and the
substantive law; otherwise, your adversary may file a motion to dismiss and
your case could be dismissed before ever going to trial. This is a recipe for
Allege Subject Matter Jurisdiction, Personal Jurisdiction,
and Venue
Regardless of how meritorious your
claims may be, they will not succeed unless they are filed in the proper court.
Thus, at the beginning of your complaint, you must set forth facts establishing
that the court has subject matter jurisdiction, personal jurisdiction, and
venue to hear the complaint. For example, a federal court has jurisdiction over
a complaint if either: (1) the claims are between citizens of different states
and involve damages in excess of $75,000; or (2) the complaint alleges claims
arising under federal laws or the United States Constitution. In addition, a
court in a particular state only has jurisdiction over a defendant if the
defendant has “minimum contacts” with the state to justify requiring the
defendant to defend against the complaint in that jurisdiction. Finally, venue
is generally proper in situations where the plaintiff or defendant resides in
the state in which the court is located, or the acts giving rise to the alleged
harm occurred there. Below is an example
of how to assert jurisdiction in a complaint.
1. This court has subject matter jurisdiction over this matter
pursuant to 28
U.S.C. 1331, which provides
district courts with jurisdiction over civil actions arising under the United
States Constitution or laws of the United States.
2. This court has personal jurisdiction over the defendant
corporation because the corporation’s
principal place of business is located in this state.
3. Venue is proper pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1391(b) because the
events giving rise to the allegations in this complaint occurred in this
sure to properly set forth each basis for subject matter jurisdiction, personal
jurisdiction, and venue. Otherwise, your adversary will immediately move to
dismiss the complaint.
Draft Concise and Plain Statement of the Facts
As stated earlier, do not include
over-the-top language, “fancy” words, Latin, or irrelevant facts in your
complaint, and never attack your
adversary. Thus, never use words like
“indisputably,” “clearly,” and “unmistakably.” Furthermore, always use the
simplest word available to convey your point. For example, instead of exacerbate, choose worsen. Instead of loquacious,
use talkative. Similarly, never use words like infra, supra, inter alia, or ipso facto. Finally, only include
relevant facts (i.e., those that are necessary to support your legal claims),
and never use language that can be construed as an attack on your adversary (or
a court). In short, the complaint is not
a forum in which to show off your literary skills or penchant for drama.
Compare the examples below.
1. This defendant’s conduct indisputably
and clearly demonstrates that, inter alia,
the defendant -- a chronic alcoholic
who was fired from his last three jobs -- engaged in horrific and odious
conduct when uttered vitriolic and
incendiary comments that were ipso
facto defamatory.
2. The defendant’s statements were false
and defamatory.
The second
example conveys the writer’s point in clear and concise language, while the
first contains over-the-top language, fancy (and unnecessary) words, and Latin
-- all of which add nothing to the
statement. Thus, be sure to write in a simple and concise manner. When you
do, it earns you credibility with the court and enhances the persuasiveness of
your document.
your goal is to set forth a concise, straightforward, and logical statement of
the relevant facts that if taken as true, establish each element of your legal
claims. For example, if you are alleging that the defendant was negligent, you
must set forth facts demonstrating that the defendant had a legal duty (e.g.,
the defendant was the owner of Walmart), that the defendant breached that duty
(e.g., the defendant failed to remove snow and ice that remained on the parking
lot after a blizzard), and that the defendant’s acts or omissions directly and
proximately caused your client’s damages (e.g., your client slipped on a sheet
of ice and sustained severe injuries). Put simply, your facts must be connected
to, and establish the meritoriousness of, each element of the legal claim(s) contained
in your complaint. In doing so, be sure to avoid irrelevant, unnecessary, or
extraneous facts, as they distract from the relevant facts and, ultimately, the
substance of your claims. Consider the example below:
Factual Allegations
1. The defendant owns and operates Walmart, located at 1000
Smith Drive in Indianapolis, Indiana.
2. On December, 1, 2016, a severe snowstorm struck Indianapolis
and resulted in an accumulation of approximately 14 inches.
3. In the three days
following the blizzard, defendant failed to remove any of the snow and ice that
had accumulated throughout the parking lot, despite repeated requests by
pedestrians that the snow made operating a vehicle in the parking lot
4. On the third day following the blizzard, plaintiff drove
into the parking lot and, as she was exiting the vehicle, sustained a serious
fall that resulted in a concussion and broken shoulder.
As the above
example shows, each fact that the writer alleges is directly related to an
element of negligence. No unnecessary or extraneous facts are included, and the
allegations are clear and easily readable.
Draft Separate Counts for Each Legal Claim
If you allege more than one cause of
action in your complaint (e.g., negligence and breach of contract), be sure to
draft separate counts for each legal
claim, in which you incorporate by
reference all of your previous factual allegations. In other words, under
the heading “Causes of Action” or “Legal Claims,” you should have one
subheading for negligence, in which you set forth the facts supporting each
element of negligence, and one heading for breach of contract in which you do
the same. Doing so results in effective organization and enables the reader to
clearly identify the facts upon which you are relying to support each
claim. Consider the following example:
Count I: Negligence
20. Plaintiff
incorporates by reference the facts alleged in paragraphs 1-19
21. Defendant,
the owner of Walmart, owed a duty to exercise reasonable care to ensure its safety.
22. By failing,
for three days, to remove the snow that had accumulated in the parking lot, defendant
breached this duty of care.
23. Defendant’s
negligence was the direct and proximate result of plaintiff’s injuries.
Count II: Breach of Contract
24. Plaintiff
incorporates by reference the facts alleged in paragraphs 1-19.
25. By posting a
sign before the blizzard that stated, “Walmart will clear all snow and ice from
the premises to ensure the safety of its patrons,” defendant created an implied
contract with its customers to ensure their safety.
26. By failing to
remove the snow for three days after the blizzard, defendant breach this
implied contract.
27. Defendant’s
breach was the direct and proximate result of plaintiff’s
Each legal
count is separated and the allegations are set forth in simple terms to track the elements necessary to prove
each claim.
Plead Facts With Particularity Where Necessary
In some instances, the relevant
rules or case law require you to plead facts with particularity. Essentially, this means, that, for some claims, such
as fraud, you must set forth additional and specific facts that support the
asserted legal claims. Be sure to check the relevant rules and case law in your
jurisdiction to identify those claims that must be pled with particularity.
Offer Expert Support Where Necessary
For some claims, the relevant court
rules or case law may require you to attach an affidavit from an expert
attesting to the merit of your claim. This is most common in cases where a
claimant alleges medical malpractice. Thus,
before filing a complaint, to ensure that, where necessary, your complaint
contains the necessary affidavit from a recognized expert.
Be Specific About the Relief You Are Requesting
In addition to setting forth subject
matter jurisdiction, personal jurisdiction, and venue, along with the relevant
facts and legal claims, you must also specify the relief you are seeking.
Depending on the facts and legal claim(s), you may seek compensatory damages,
punitive damages, or treble damages, or seek injunctive relief. The type of
relief you seek will often depend on the injuries your client suffered, the
egregiousness of the defendant’s conduct, and the damages that are authorized
by relevant statutes. In particular, if you request punitive damages, you will
be required to plead facts specifically demonstrating that the defendant acted
with a culpable state of mind (e.g., purpose of knowledge).
If you adhere to these tips, you
will ensure that your complaint is drafted in a concise, simple, and easily
readable manner that sets forth the required components (e.g., subject matter
jurisdiction, relevant facts, meritorious legal claims, and damages) to survive
a motion to dismiss. After reading this article, you should review complaints
filed in federal and state courts and practice drafting complaints that apply
the techniques described in this article.
[1] These are complaints that apply the principles discussed in this article: