Dispute Resolution: Negotiation
We participate in negotiations every
day. We negotiate disputes and we negotiate over responsibilities. A
negotiation is a bargaining process between parties when both seek to reach an
agreement that settles a matter of mutual concern or resolves a conflict.[1]
Though conducting a negotiation has some
objective principles that can guide its success, it is an art. Steve Gates, CEO
of The Gap Partnership, an international workshop provider and organizer, wrote
“There is no right, no wrong, no good,
and no bad way to negotiate. Only that which is appropriate to your
This presentation will provide an
overview of the steps to a negotiation, how a negotiator can determine his best
and worst alternatives and the primary bargaining styles that can be used when
Steps to a Successful
The five steps to the negotiation
process are:
1) Preparing and planning
2) Defining ground rules
3) Clarification and justification
4) Bargaining and problem solving
5) Closure and implementation
Preparing and Planning
The first step, preparing and
planning, is where the parties determine their goals for the negotiation. Each
party must first determine its BATNA, or “best alternative to a negotiated
agreement,” colloquially often referred to as “best case scenario,” and its
WATNA or “worst alternative to a negotiated agreement” (the worst-case
scenario). These two represent the extreme possibilities and negotiation is
about getting a settlement that’s as close as possible to one’s best case
The BATNA is your course of action
should negotiations break down. The better your BATNA, the greater your
negotiating power, as a good alternative decreases your danger from a failed
negotiation. If one side has many attractive alternatives aside from reaching a
deal, that side has greater power to reach a deal that will be most beneficial
to him. The threat of walking away is more realistic.[4]
Preparing and planning one’s BATNA also
helps a party determine whether it is time to break off a negotiation and
pursue an alternative.
To determine a BATNA in the preparation
and planning stage, a party should:
the available alternatives;
these alternatives;
a course of action that would have the highest expected value; and
the “reservation” value which is the “worst” deal that he would accept in a
negotiated settlement
For example, assume a buyer and a car
dealer begin negotiating over the sale of a car. The dealer offers to sell the
buyer a new car for $10,000. The buyer, who took the time to determine her
BATNA during the preparation and planning stage, knows that another nearby
dealer is selling a similar but slightly inferior car for $9,000. The $9,000 is
the buyer’s reservation value and purchasing the $9,000 car is her BATNA. If
the first seller doesn’t drop his sales price from $10,000, the buyer can walk
away to the other dealership and purchase the lower priced car. If negotiations
stall with the dealer holding firm at, say, $9,600, the buyer can make an
informed decision as to whether the $600 price difference is worth more than
the advantages over the “backup” car. A buyer who had not done his research or
could not find a fallback option that he’s satisfied with would be in a much
weaker bargaining position.
determining the BATNA in complex litigation is more difficult, the same
principles apply. Before negotiating a settlement, each party must determine
whether she’s willing to go to trial or whether she can even afford the time
and expense to proceed to trial. This greatly influences the leverage that
parties have in negotiations.
Just as important as determining a BATNA
is discovering the “worst alternative to a negotiated agreement,” known as a
WATNA. This looks at the worst-case scenario if negotiations break down.[5] What would be the risks, costs,
drawbacks, and ramifications if a deal isn’t reached?
Defining ground rules
The second step, “defining ground
rules”, pertains to the procedural requirements for the negotiation. During
this step, the parties will answer questions such as, “How long will the
negotiation last?”, “Where will the negotiations take place?”, and “What will
be the starting point for the negotiations?” It is often helpful to start by
clearly establishing what each party concedes to clarify the areas of
Clarification and
In the third step, “clarification and
justification,” parties will clear up and settle any confusion about their
positions. It’s an opportunity for educating and informing one another on the
issues in dispute. Each side clarifies its demands to ensure the negotiation is
properly focused.
Bargaining and problem
The fourth step is bargaining and
problem solving. Bargaining and problem solving is the essence of the
negotiation because it’s where the parties may compete or cooperate as they
each seek to advance their interests.
It’s impossible to answer the question,
“What is the ‘best’ negotiation style?” as there is no single approach.
Different bargaining styles and tactics are useful depending on the
Competitive Approach to
The negotiator who engages a competitive
bargaining style is solely concerned with achieving his own goals without
considering the impact on the other side. The competitive negotiator seeks to
force the opposing party to a settlement that is favorable to the negotiator,[7] and his goal is to win as
much as possible.
The competitive bargaining negotiator achieves
his goal by attempting to convince his opponent that her case is not strong and
that she should seek a solution as quickly as possible.[8] Instead of approaching a
negotiation like an exercise in joint problem solving so that all parties
benefit, the competitive negotiator views negotiations as a zero-sum game;
one party must win and another will have to lose.
The following aggressive tactics are often
used by competitive negotiators:
of assertive language;
willingness to listen and wanting to speak;
to dominate the negotiation;
and selective disclosure of information about his client’s case.
For example, a sports agent negotiating
a higher salary for his client using this approach would likely threaten the
team that his client will sign with another team, or sit out a season, should
his current team not agree to his salary demands.
Though such “hardball” tactics may
maximize the results in a client’s interest, there are numerous disadvantages
to this negotiation approach. Because a competitive negotiation is so
confrontational, relationships can be hurt. A competitive negotiator’s tactics
could lead to mistrust and anger. Additionally, studies on negotiation tactics
have found that competitive negotiators are more likely to reach an impasse and
deadlock during the negotiation because competitive tactics lead to
inflexibility from both sides.[9]
Cooperative Approach to
Also known as the collaborative, or
interest-based, approach, parties in a cooperative negotiation identify
interests and then “partner” with the other party for options and solutions
that will satisfy both sides’ interests. Cooperative negotiators will attempt
to resolve conflicts so that everyone benefits, will focus on using problem
solving methods to create value for both sides, and will grant concessions so
that it becomes more likely that the other side will reciprocate.
It’s a “win/win” approach because it is
about making sure both parties have their needs met and that mutual value is
created. Cooperative negotiators employ collaborative methods when they seek to
maintain long-term relationships and keep future negotiations in mind when
conducting the present negotiation.
Characteristics of a cooperative
approach to negotiation include:
o Willing to compromise;
o Adopting a friendly attitude towards the
other party;
o Separating people from the problem;
o Using on objective criteria.
Collaborative negotiators emphasize
creativity, empowerment, and control by the parties so that a resolution that
advances both sides’ needs can be reached.[10]
Closure and implementation
The fifth step, “closure and
implementation”, is the formalization of an agreement that has been worked out
and lays out how the parties will monitor one another’s actions to ensure that
the negotiated agreement is carried out. Usually, this culminates in the
signing of a formal settlement contract.
Because negotiation is so fact-specific,
it is impossible to learn negotiation as a “black letter” course or study.
Still, basic principles such as BATNA and competitive and collaborative
negotiation should be considered in any negotiation process.
[2] Steve Gates, The Negotiation Book: Your
Definitive Guide to Successful Negotiating, (2015).
[3] “BATNA Basics: Boost Your Power at the
Bargaining Table”, Harvard Law School Program on Negotiation,
[4] Roger Fisher, Bruce Patton &
William Ury, “Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In (3rd
ed. 2011).
RESOLUTION SYMPOSIUM: Guest Writers: International Commercial Negotiation and
Arbitration”, 22 Hamline J. Pub. L. & Pol'y 217, (2001).
[6] Calum Coburn, “Negotiation Conflict
Styles”, https://hms.harvard.edu/sites/default/files/assets/Sites/Ombuds/files/NegotiationConflictStyles.pdf.
[7] Donald Gifford, “A Context-Based Theory
of Strategy Selection in Legal Negotiation”, 46 Ohio St. L.J. 41, (1985).
[8] Gerald Williams, “Legal Negotiation and
Settlement”, (1983).
[9] Elliott McGinnies, “Social Behavior: A
Functional Analysis”, (1970).
[10] Dafna Lavi, “Can the Leopard Change His
Spots?! Reflection on the Collaborative Law Revolution and Collaborative
Advocacy”, 13 Cardozo J. Conflict Resol. 61, (2011).