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1-year bachelor's

Question 1

Marsha holds an express easement that allows her and the members of her household to use Greg's swimming pool at any time that they want. One day, Marsha gets tired of sharing the pool with Greg and she offers Greg $20,000 to sell her the pool outright, along with the land that it's on. Greg agrees and they complete the sale. A year later, Greg misses the pool and asks Marsha to sell the pool back to him for $25,000. Marsha agrees and the sale goes through. At this point, does Marsha have the right to swim in the pool?

Question 2

Abbott owns an easement that allows him to walk over Costello's property to access a street on the other side. However, at one point, Abbott purchases a different easement from a different neighbor that allows him to access the same street. Thereafter, he stops using Costello's easement. Does this cause his easement to walk over Costello's property to be extinguished?

Question 3

Derrick received, in a conveyance, land that was surrounded by land that was owned by Sandra. Because of this, Derrick received an easement by implication to use a path through Sandra's property to access the outside World. Years after this acquisition, Derrick purchases a different easement from Sandra to use a wider path of ingress and egress (coming and going) to and from the outside World. What happens to Derrick's original easement by implication?

Question 4

Marsha holds an express easement that allows her and the members of her household to use Greg's swimming pool at any time that they want. One summer, Greg fails to properly maintain his pool. As a consequence of this, the pool becomes filled with algae and becomes completely unusable. As a result, the next summer, Greg has to completely take out and later rebuild the pool. After this is done, does Marsha still hold her easement to swim in the pool?