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Question 1
Howard hires Lyons to do some repair work on his house. Howard agrees to pay Lyons $50,000 for his work. About half way through the job, Howard's house burns down. In a suit to determine what Howard should pay Lyons, the court will determine that Howard owes Lyons:
Correct Restitution is usually awarded where one party has provided a benefit to the other party and it is awarded to repay the party providing the benefit the reasonable value of the benefit he gave. Typically, restitution is awarded in situations where one party has provided a benefit to another party under a contract and that contract turns out to be unenforceable. In this case, the court will award Lyons restitution for the reasonable value of the work he did on the house before it was destroyed. That being the case, C is the correct answer.
Incorrect! Restitution is usually awarded where one party has provided a benefit to the other party and it is awarded to repay the party providing the benefit the reasonable value of the benefit he gave. Typically, restitution is awarded in situations where one party has provided a benefit to another party under a contract and that contract turns out to be unenforceable. In this case, the court will award Lyons restitution for the reasonable value of the work he did on the house before it was destroyed. That being the case, C is the correct answer.