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Question 1

Carla is a 37-year-old single parent with three daughters, Lydia, age 13, Meredith, age 15 and Francine, age 17, who lives in Florida. Carla shares joint custody with her ex-husband, Ken, who lives in Oregon. Carla was recently diagnosed with cancer and is scheduled for surgery next week. Her older sister, Tina, will be coming from Texas a few days before her surgery to take care of her and the kids while she recuperates. Who should Carla appoint for her healthcare proxy?

Question 2

Carla is a 37-year-old single parent with three daughters, Lydia, age 13, Meredith, age 15 and Francine, age 17, who lives in Florida. Carla shares joint custody with her ex-husband, Ken, who lives in Oregon. Carla was recently diagnosed with cancer and had surgery last week. Her older sister, Tina, came from Texas a few days before her surgery to take care of her and the kids while she recuperates. Beforehand, Carla executed a healthcare proxy, designating Tina as her agent. While in her hospital bed after surgery, Carla's doctor informed her and her sister that they were unable to get all the cancer and she only had a few days left to live. He wanted to know whether she wanted to be resuscitated should she fall into a coma. Tina has the authority to make this decision regarding Carla's medical care