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Question 1
Since Fred had suffered from emphysema for several years, he decided it was time to prepare his will. To save money, he bought a preprinted form from a stationary store. Since he wanted to change some of the provisions, he crossed out the wording he did not like and handwrote some provisions he preferred. After he was finished, he signed the will where indicated on the preprinted form and stapled his additional provisions to the back. Six months later Fred died.
Correct A holographic will must be entirely in the testator's handwriting and signed by the testator; no witnesses are needed. If the document also contains material not written by the testator, recognizing the validity of the document varies, depending on the contents of the portion not in the testator's hand. Generally, any provisions that are intended to be part of the will itself must be in the testator's handwriting. Here, the will is a combination of handwriting and typewritten portions. Since the will is not entirely in Fred's handwriting, it is not a valid holographic will.
Incorrect! A holographic will must be entirely in the testator's handwriting and signed by the testator; no witnesses are needed. If the document also contains material not written by the testator, recognizing the validity of the document varies, depending on the contents of the portion not in the testator's hand. Generally, any provisions that are intended to be part of the will itself must be in the testator's handwriting. Here, the will is a combination of handwriting and typewritten portions. Since the will is not entirely in Fred's handwriting, it is not a valid holographic will.