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Question 1
Rocco and Rosa are divorced. In their divorce decree, Rocco agreed to pay Rosa $150.00 per month of alimony for five years or until Rosa's death, remarriage or cohabitation. During the marriage Rocco was a bagger at the local grocery store. He quickly quit his job after winning $12 million in the lottery. What can Rosa do?
Correct Once a court grants alimony, it may later be modified by the court if there has been a substantial change in the circumstances. Here, Rocco's lottery winnings could constitute the requisite changed circumstances to warrant an increase in the alimony amount.
Incorrect! Once a court grants alimony, it may later be modified by the court if there has been a substantial change in the circumstances. Here, Rocco's lottery winnings could constitute the requisite changed circumstances to warrant an increase in the alimony amount.
Question 2
Oscar was ordered to pay $500 per month in alimony to his ex-wife, Sheila, for a period of two years. Six months after he started making the payments, they suddenly stopped, because his job no longer paid overtime. Now his net pay is $150 per month less than before. Sheila went back to court to ask the court to force Oscar to make the payments. What remedies are available to Oscar is this situation?
Correct Courts are amenable to modifying an alimony award if there has been a substantial change in the circumstances of the payor. As such, Oscar can introduce evidence of his reduced wages in the modification hearing in an attempt to get the court to reduce his alimony obligation.
Incorrect! Courts are amenable to modifying an alimony award if there has been a substantial change in the circumstances of the payor. As such, Oscar can introduce evidence of his reduced wages in the modification hearing in an attempt to get the court to reduce his alimony obligation.
Question 3
Greg, once married to Helen, gives her alimony of $4,000 per year for 10 years. Helen passes away after only three years. Helen's estate sues Greg for the remainder of the alimony. What will result?
Correct Generally, alimony terminates upon the death of the former spouse receiving the alimony. As such, Greg's obligation to pay alimony ended upon Helen's death.
Incorrect! Generally, alimony terminates upon the death of the former spouse receiving the alimony. As such, Greg's obligation to pay alimony ended upon Helen's death.