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Question 1

The Establishment Clause is found in:

Question 2

The Establishment Clause protects against:

Question 3

Which of the following is a governmental act which is permissible under the Establishment Clause?

Question 4

The Lemon Test, enunciated in Lemon v. Kurtzman, 403 U.S. 602 (1970), provides:

Question 5

Southernstate's legislature recently passed a law requiring that a copy of the Ten Commandments must be posted on the wall of public classrooms statewide. No public funds will be diverted for this purpose as the materials will all be privately donated. Below the last commandment on each poster the following words will be printed: "The secular application of the Ten Commandments is clearly seen in its adoption as the fundamental legal code of Western Civilization and the Common Law of the United States." Is the law valid?

Question 6

Last year the students at Public School 108 were allowed to decide on their graduation speaker. Following a school vote which included all students, a Catholic priest popular in the community was selected. In order to avoid the controversy he had seen in other school districts in years past, the school Principal called the priest and said "Whatever prayer you use at the end, just make sure it's non-denominational, O.K.?" The priest readily agreed. Following the graduation ceremony, during which the priest led the school in a brief, non-denominational prayer, an angry group of parents sued to ensure that there would be no similar Establishment Clause violations in future ceremonies. Has there been an Establishment Clause violation?