The Texas Two-Step: How a Fortune 50 Company Used a Quirk in the Lone Star State's Laws to Shield itself from Product Liability
Over the past
six years, Johnson and Johnson, the $420 Billion American pharmaceutical
company, well-known for its talc-based baby powder, has faced nearly 40,000
lawsuits on grounds that its talc products cause cancer.[1]
After several high-figure judgements against the company, including a $2.5
billion verdict in 2018, J&J took a controversial step in October 2021, undergoing
major corporate restructuring and bankruptcy.[2]
Under its
original corporate structure, one J&J subsidiary, Johnson & Johnson Consumer
Inc. (which we’ll call “Old JJCI”), was responsible for all talc-based baby
powder claims against J&J. On October 12, 2021, in a series of complex maneuvers,
Old JJCI dissolved itself, leaving two surviving corporate entities, a Texas
LLC called Johnson and Johnson Consumer Inc. (which we’ll call "New JJCI"),
and a North Carolina LLC called “LTL Management, LLC.” LTL assumed responsibility for Old JJCI’s
liabilities related to the baby powder lawsuits. As part of a funding
agreement, New JJCI and the parent company would fund a trust to pay costs and
expenses incurred by LTL if LTL’s assets were insufficient to pay. LTL filed
for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the North Carolina Bankruptcy Court two days
later, on October 14, 2021.[3]
An individual
or a corporation facing financial distress can file under Chapter 11 of the
Bankruptcy Code. Unlike Chapter 7 bankruptcies, a Chapter 11 merely reorganizes
its assets and debts rather than liquidating the company. The debtor files a
reorganization plan identifying debts and classes of creditors, provides a
determination for which debts will and will not be paid in full, and proposes
methods for how the debts will be paid.[4]
The plan can be
negotiated by the parties, and creditors adversely affected by the plan can
vote against it. Ultimately, if the reorganization plan is confirmed by the bankruptcy
court, either on the basis of creditor approval or a court finding that the
plan is fair, the plan becomes binding.[5]
The purpose of
Chapter 11 is to further a good faith and realistic reorganizational attempt. A
court may dismiss a Chapter 11 filing if it determines the filing was not in
good faith. A good faith inquiry includes determining whether the petitioner
sought to achieve objectives outside the legitimate scope of the bankruptcy
laws when filing for protection under Chapter 11, including whether the
petition was filed to obtain a tactical litigation advantage.[6]
As a
consequence of LTL’s Chapter 11 filing, the tens of thousands of talc-based
baby powder claims against J&J are on hold. As the bankruptcy process proceeds in the North
Carolina Bankruptcy Court, New JJCI continues to operate J&J’s health
business free from the management responsibilities and the costs of the baby
powder litigations.
corporate restructuring maneuver was made possible by a Texas law, which allows
Texas corporations to split into multiple corporate entities, and divide the
corporate asset and liabilities between the pieces.[7]
This law enables what has become known as the Texas Two-Step, a means by which
corporations can avoid liability by strategic use of bankruptcy laws.
The Texas
two-step works by converting an existing company into a Texas corporation, and
then engaging in a “divisive” merger. This allows the corporation to split into
multiple corporate entities and to allocate the assets and liabilities of the
original corporation between the newly created entities. A corporation looking to limit its liability
can allocate corporate liabilities to one of the newly created corporations,
the so-called ‘BadCo’, while dedicating the greater part of corporate assets to
the other new entity, the ‘GoodCo.’ The Texas Two-Step is completed by the “BadCo”
filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. This puts on hold the pending lawsuits filed
against the original corporation, inherited by the now bankrupt BadCo, while
the other surviving corporation, GoodCo, operates the business with its assets
shielded from recovery.[8]
agreements, in which GoodCo agrees to fund BadCo, are the means by which
creditor claims are supposed to be satisfied. Indeed, the Texas law requires
that a divisive merger not abridge the rights of creditors.[9] In the J&J case, the funding agreement
would theoretically bind J&J and New JJCI to fund LTL up to $61 Billion to
satisfy baby-powder related liabilities. However, critics contend that replacing
litigation with a funding agreement allows the corporation to place an
artificial cap on the total amount it will have to pay out, rather than having
judgement amounts determined through the usual system of civil lawsuits.
Furthermore, as this agreement is between a parent corporation and its
subsidiary, the only party that can enforce the funding agreement is the
subsidiary, which was specifically set up to limit liability.[10]
In December
2021, the Official Committee of Talc Claimants, which was appointed by an arm
of the Department of Justice to represent claimants against J&J, filed a
motion in the Bankruptcy Court of New Jersey to dismiss LTL’s Chapter 11 case.
TCC argued that
LTL “is a mere instrumentality of J&J” and that the purpose of LTL and of
the bankruptcy “is not to compensate creditors, but to protect J&J and its
other valuable non-debtor affiliates [and] to shield J&J from liability…and
to remove its valuable operating assets from the reach of a single group of
creditors. It goes on to claims that LTL “is a dummy entity with facially
inadequate capitalization created only to purge J&J’s and Old JJCI’s
massive talc-related tort liability, all to hinder and delay injured talc
As such, it
asked the court to dismiss the Chapter 11 case on the grounds that it had no
valid bankruptcy purpose, and was not filed in good faith.
J&J argued
that the costs associated with continuing litigation for decades would be
unsustainable, and that attorneys’ fees would diminish the funds available to
pay out judgements and settlements to the claimants. Chapter 11 filing was
therefore necessary to administer the claims and payouts in an efficient and
equitable manner.[12]
J&J also pointed to the funding agreement as evidence that the bankruptcy
filing was in good faith and for a valid purpose.[13]
The federal Bankruptcy
Court in New Jersey sided with J&J, holding that the “filing of a chapter
11 case with the expressed aim of addressing the present and future liabilities
associated with ongoing global personal injury claims to preserve corporate
value is unquestionably a proper purpose under the Bankruptcy Code.” The court
also found no evidence that J&J “manufactured a limited fund by undervaluing or
limiting assets.”[14]
The Bankruptcy Court’s ruling was
appealed to the Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, which heard oral
arguments from the parties in September, 2022. The Committee once again argued
that the bankruptcy has no valid purpose, and violated bankruptcy principles by
ensuring that shareholders continued to receive dividends and equity paid from
J&J, while claimants from the baby powder lawsuits await LTL bankruptcy
proceedings. LTL relied on the findings of the lower court that bankruptcy is a
more efficient way to manage the claims in question than civil litigation, in which
money that could go to claimants goes to attorneys instead.[15]
The Third Circuit appeal is being
followed closely, as its ruling will likely have a major impact on the legal
strategies pursued by large corporations facing mass tort liability. The Department of Justice has expressed concern that, if J&J is
successful in court, other companies facing no financial distress would have a
new avenue to avoid liability through strategic use of bankruptcy laws.[16] Some
note that the Texas Two-Step can be effective in shielding corporations from
liability simply by dragging out the bankruptcy process, pressuring claimants
who cannot afford to wait to settle their claims, even if a court eventually
holds the corporate restructuring to be improper.[17]
acknowledged that using the Texas Two-Step can lead to the perception that a large
and profitable corporation is trying to evade liability, but defended the
action on grounds that it avoids the legal chaos in which claimants seek “wild,
lottery-style judgements” which reduce the total payout available to all claimants.[18]
Whichever way the Court of Appeals
rules, the case is likely to go to the U.S. Supreme Court, and some expect that
a ruling for J&J may spur Congress to enact legislation limiting the use of
the Texas Two-Step.[19]
[1] “As suits
mount, J&J spins out talc liabilities into Chapter 11 using 'Texas
two-step' maneuver”
[10] “Tort Reform,
Texas-Two Step Style” https://www.baileyglasser.com/assets/htmldocuments/SUMMER%202022%20-%20Texas%20Two-Step.pdf.
[11] https://document.epiq11.com/document/getdocumentsbydocket/?docketId=931316&projectCode=LLC&docketNumber=632&source=DM.
[12] “As
suits mount, J&J spins out talc liabilities into Chapter 11 using 'Texas
two-step' maneuver”
[15] “Third Circuit
to Consider Validity of J&J’s Use of Bankruptcy to Handle Asbestos Claims” https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/third-circuit-to-consider-validity-of-j-9950495/.
[19] “Third Circuit
to Consider Validity of J&J’s Use of Bankruptcy to Handle Asbestos Claims “https://www.jdsupra.com/legalnews/third-circuit-to-consider-validity-of-j-9950495/.