The Constitutionality
of Using Computer Models to Determine Criminal Sentences
At a summit in early 2017, an attendee
asked Supreme Court of the United States’ Chief Justice John Roberts, “Can you foresee a day when smart machines,
driven with artificial intelligences, will assist with courtroom fact-finding,
or more controversially even, judicial decision-making?” Chief Justice
Roberts responded, “It’s a day that’s
here and it’s putting a significant strain on how the judiciary goes about
doing things.”[1]
Several technological tools exist that
purport to forecast the future. These technologies have also been applied to
criminal convicts to determine the likelihood that they will offend again. Such
tools are based on algorithms, which are sets of guidelines that tell computers
how to model and perform tasks.[2] Algorithms are pervasive,
and are used in widely disparate industries, including vehicle global
positioning systems, insurance rate setters and credit score evaluators.[3]
One example of software that tries to
predict future criminal behavior is COMPAS, which stands for Correctional
Offender Management Profiling for Alternative Sanctions.[4] Created in 1998, COMPAS’s algorithms are trade
secrets, but we know that it uses six factors from a 137-item questionnaire to
assess risk.[5]
The questions represent a range of queries
about a defendant: criminal history, gender, age, social life and habits, job
history and even parents’ substance use.[6] There are also questions
such as “Do you feel discouraged at times?” and “How often did you get in
fights while at school?”[7] The questionnaire doesn’t
ask a defendant to identify her race.[8]
After evaluating these six
factors, COMPAS assigns the defendant a score from 1 to 10. The scores represent
the purported risk of his reoffending, and a judge can issue a sentence based
on that risk assessment. A defendant defined as medium or high risk, with
scores of 5-10, is more likely to receive a harsher sentence, while a low-risk
defendant, with a score of 1-4, may be treated more leniently.
Northpointe, COMPAS’s developer, asserts
that algorithms are helpful because they help “dispense justice in a more
efficient and cost-effective way.”[9] Some have criticized
COMPAS, however. In 2016, ProPublica, an investigative news outlet, collected
COMPAS scores for more than 10,000 people arrested for crimes in Broward
County, Florida, and looked at how many were charged with further crimes in the
following two years. Though COMPAS doesn’t ask for a defendant’s race, the
study’s results demonstrated that African-American defendants were twice as
likely to be incorrectly labeled as higher risk than white defendants.[10]
Two researchers further scrutinized the
software’s effectiveness in early 2018. Julia Dressel and Hany Farid conducted
a study that found that in small groups of randomly chosen people, use of the defendant’s
age and past convictions could predict recidivism with 67% accuracy, a rate slightly
higher than COMPAS’s 65% accuracy.[11]
The constitutionality of risk assessment
tools like COMPAS was debated in the 2016 case Wisconsin v. Loomis. There, police arrested Eric Loomis and charged
him as an accomplice in a shooting. During intake, Loomis filled out a COMPAS questionnaire.
He received a score that suggested he was at a high risk of committing another
crime because of his background and because he was a registered sex offender.
He pled guilty to eluding an officer and
no contest to operating a car without the owner’s consent and was sentenced to
six years in prison. Loomis challenged his sentence,[12] arguing that the judge’s
consideration of his high-risk COMPAS score violated his right to due process -
his constitutional right to fair treatment by the judicial system.[13]
The Due Process Clause of the United
States Constitution’s Fifth Amendment provides “No person shall be (…) deprived of life, liberty, or property, without
due process of law,”[14] and a long line of cases
has held that it requires fair procedures in criminal trials.[15] There is no authoritative
list of required procedures, but those that demonstrate fairness include:[16]
unbiased tribunal;
right to know opposing evidence;
right to cross-examine adverse witnesses;
opportunity to be represented by counsel; and
of the proposed action and the grounds for it.
Loomis contended that using COMPAS
violated due process because he couldn’t assess COMPAS’s evidentiary accuracy,
because he didn’t receive an individualized sentence and because it improperly
used gender in providing a risk assessment score.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court disagreed
and upheld the use of COMPAS in his sentencing. First, even though he wasn’t
allowed to examine how the program uses different factors to predict recidivism
because COMPAS’s algorithms are proprietary, since the information the
algorithm used came from a questionnaire that he completed and from information
available in public records, the court concluded that he had an opportunity to
review and ensure the information’s accuracy.
Second, his right to an individualized
sentence wasn’t violated because the COMPAS score was just one piece of
information that the judge used to reach his sentencing decision. Since it
wasn’t the sole determinative factor, his rights to procedural due process
weren’t adversely affected.
Finally, the court held that Loomis had
not met the burden of proving that the trial court relied on gender as a factor
when sentencing him because the trial judge didn’t mention gender when
explaining his sentencing rationale.
Perhaps the most interesting and provocative
question is whether use of a COMPAS score in sentencing violates the Equal
Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, which prohibits a state from denying
“any person within its jurisdiction the
equal protection of the laws.”[17]
The 1976 Supreme Court case Craig v. Boren dealt with gender
and equal protection violations. There, petitioners challenged an Oklahoma law
that prohibited the sale of “nonintoxicating” 3.2% alcohol beer to males under
the age of 21 and to females under the age of 18. Oklahoma argued that the law
was needed because statistics showed that young men were arrested for drunk
driving at more than ten times the rate of young women.[18] Despite these statistics,
the Court held that that state statute treating men and women differently was
an impermissible gender classification.
Since then, courts have held that a gender
classification is only permitted if there is an exceedingly persuasive
justification for it.[19] The government rarely
achieves this because it is a difficult standard to satisfy.[20]
There is an argument to be made that
risk assessment calculators’ use of gender is unconstitutional under the Equal
Protection Clause because it doesn’t appear to be “exceedingly persuasive” that
using gender in the risk assessment score could prevent criminals from
committing crimes in the future and increase judicial efficiency. Thus, it could
be an equal protection violation.
The second potential Equal
Protection argument is based on race. While COMPAS doesn’t ask for a
defendant’s race in the questionnaire, there may be questions that could be
“proxies” for racial identification.[21] For example, a COMPAS
question such as, “Was your father ever
arrested?” could be a proxy for race because it tends to elicit higher
“yes” rates from African American respondents.
Still, because the questions are
facially neutral, they are subject to much more deferential standards than
would be clearly race-based questions. Some showing of discriminatory intent
would likely be needed for this to be considered a race-based classification. This
means that the defendant challenging his sentence would have to prove that COMPAS
included this question for the purpose of racial discrimination; an extremely
difficult burden to carry.[22]
Algorithms and risk assessment tools
using them can improve the efficiency and equity of the legal system, but there
are sure to be debates over their constitutionality as they play an increasingly
prominent role in the criminal justice system.
State v. Loomis, 371 Wis. 2d 235, (2016).
2 U.S. Const. amend. V
2 U.S. Const. amend. XIV
Craig v. Boren, 429 U.S. 190, (1976).
United States v. Virginia, 518 U.S.
515, (1996).
United States v. Maples, 501 F.2d
985, (1974).
Washington v. Davis, 426 U.S. 229