Asian-American Groups Accuse Harvard of Discrimination in Admissions
It’s nearly every high school valedictorian’s
dream: gain acceptance into Harvard University. During the 2017-2018 admission
cycle, Harvard received almost 43,000 applications from students around the
world,[1] but offered admission to fewer
than 2,000 of them. Its 4.59 percent acceptance rate was the lowest in Harvard’s
nearly 400-year existence.[2]
In November 2014, an anti-affirmative
action group, Students for Fair Admissions representing a dozen
Asian-Americans, filed a lawsuit claiming that Harvard systematically
discriminates against Asian-Americans, violating federal civil rights laws by
adopting “racially and ethnically
discriminatory policies and procedures in administering the undergraduate
admissions program.”
Though, on average, Asian-American
applicants had higher test scores, better grades and stronger extracurricular
resumes than applicants from other racial groups, Asian-American applicants
received lower scores when the admissions department analyzed their personality
traits such as “likability,” “helpfulness,” “integrity,” and “courage.”[3] This, they argue, undermined
Asian-American applicants’ chances for admission. Harvard also maintains
affirmative action programs, which offer admissions advantages to members of
some classes who have historically been underrepresented and discriminated
against.[4] These groups typically do
not include Asian Americans.
In the higher education context, an affirmative
action policy is a program where the university tries to improve
opportunities for historically excluded groups in American society, such as
women and minorities.[5]
Since universities started
implementing these policies in the early 1970s, opponents to affirmative action
have argued that past discrimination doesn’t justify present discrimination
against non-minorities and that affirmative action destroys the idea of a
meritocracy by emphasizing an applicant’s race.
Federal law and the Constitution are
at the heart of affirmative action policy disputes.[6] First, opponents claim
that affirmative action policies violate Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act,
which states that “No person… shall, on
the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation
in... any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”[7] Title VI applies to all institutions
that receive Department of Education funds, regardless of whether it’s private
(like Harvard) or a public state-affiliated school.[8]
Second, opponents argue that
affirmative action policies at public institutions violate the Fourteenth
Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause, which provides that “No State shall…deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal
protection of the laws.”[9]
A government-sponsored affirmative
action program classifies people based on race, and as such, affirmative action
policies must pass “strict scrutiny.” the toughest form of judicial review
The university has the burden to demonstrate:
1) The race-conscious program serves a
compelling interest; AND
2) The program is tailored in the least
restrictive means possible to achieve this
compelling interest.
Several court decisions over the last 40
years illustrate judicial inquiry into university affirmative action programs. The
first case is from 1978, Regents of the University of California v. Bakke.
A white student who had twice been rejected by the University of California at
Davis’ Medical School sued, claiming a Title VI violation.[11] At the time, the UC-Davis
Medical School operated separate admissions systems for minority and
non-minority applicants. Sixteen seats in each 100-person class were reserved
for minority applicants. The Court agreed with Bakke. While the school’s goal
of promoting educational diversity was compelling, automatically granting 16
seats in every incoming class to minority applicants wasn’t sufficiently narrowly
25 years later, in Gratz v.
Bollinger, the Court held that the University of Michigan’s college of arts
and sciences tactic of automatically awarding minority applicants 20 points
towards its admissions points system likewise wasn’t “narrowly tailored” to
increase diversity at the college because adding 20 points to every minority
applicant led to the admission of nearly every such applicant.[13] In a companion case, Grutter
v. Bollinger, though, the Court found nothing wrong with the University of
Michigan law school’s policy of considering race in admissions.[14] Here, the admissions policy
considering race was constitutional because it was flexible. The law school “engaged in a highly individualized, holistic
review of each applicant's file, giving serious consideration to all the ways
an applicant might contribute to a diverse educational environment” and
didn’t take race into account as though it were a quota that it had to fill.
Most recently, in the 2016 case, Fisher
v. University of Texas, the Supreme Court held that the school’s
race-conscious admissions program was lawful because without a race-conscious
plan in place, the University’s history showed that it could not successfully
achieve the desired racial diversity.[15] The Court found that the
affirmative action plan was well-thought out and that the University engaged “in periodic reassessment of the
constitutionality, and efficacy, of its admissions program.”
In its memorandum in support of a motion
for summary judgment, Harvard pointed out that the Supreme Court’s decisions on
race-conscious admissions were all issued in the context of suits against public
universities which are governed by the Equal Protection Clause of the
Fourteenth Amendment. Keep in mind that private schools are not subject to the
due process clauses of the Constitution.
In fact, courts have given substantial
deference to private universities in how they select and educate their
students. In Bakke, Justice Powell wrote “Academic freedom, though not a specifically enumerated constitutional
right, long has been viewed as a special concern of the First Amendment.”
While academic freedom doesn’t grant a university the freedom to discriminate,[16] the Ninth Circuit Court
of appeals observed that to intrude on academic affairs would “threaten the diversity of thought, speech,
teaching, and research both within and among universities upon which free
academic life depends.”[17]
Still, because private schools like
Harvard accept federal financial aid money, they are subject to the rigors of
discrimination rules and scrutiny. As explained by the privately run but
acclaimed financial aid information website, finaid.org,
It isn't entirely clear whether private colleges and
universities that receive federal funds are affected by restrictions on the use
of race in college admissions and financial aid. The argument that private
colleges and universities are affected by the ruling hinges on Title VI of the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 which bans discrimination on the basis of race at any
institution that receives federal funds. The US Supreme Court has previously
found that the 14th Amendment and Title VI are coextensive, which means that if
a policy violates the 14th Amendment, it also violates the Civil Rights
Returning to Harvard University, the
admissions department comprehensively reviews every applicant. It looks at
grades, essays, and standardized test scores in addition to race.
Harvard’s stated objective in
considering race in admissions is to expose its current and future students to
“new ideas, news ways of understanding,
and new ways of knowing.”[18] The Supreme Court has
recognized that an institution has a compelling interest in attaining “a diverse student body and the educational
benefits flowing from such diversity.”[19]
Another plaintiff’s argument under Title
VI is disparate impact.[20] Although Title VI
expressly prohibits only intentional discrimination,[21] a Department of Education
regulation clarified that a recipient of federal funds may not “utilize criteria or methods of
administration which have the effect of subjecting individuals to
discrimination because of their race, color or national origin.”[22] Thus, a discrimination
action can be sustained by showing that a facially neutral policy has a
disproportionately adverse effect on a protected class.[23]
disparate impact argument here is that Harvard’s admissions department’s
consideration of applicant personality consistently rated Asian-American
applicants lower than other applicants. However, admissions statistics do not
show a “disproportionate” impact on the number of Asian-Americans admitted.
While the numbers of Asian-Americans admitted fluctuates annually, their
percentages in annual classes have not fallen. For example, Asian-Americans
comprised 22.2 percent of the Class of 2021,[24] which is comparable to
their 22.7 percent of the Class of 2019.[25] Furthermore, the
percentage of Asian-American students in admitted classes has grown by 29
percent in the last decade.[26] The lack of a clear negative
impact on Asian Americans makes a disparate impact claim difficult to sustain.
Both the plaintiffs and Harvard have filed
motions for summary judgment, If the reviewing court doesn’t grant either
motion, a trial will commence this autumn.[27] Universities across the
United States seeking to craft affirmative action programs that won’t run afoul
of the law and hundreds of thousands of applicants who seek admission to their
schools annually are eagerly awaiting a decision and the impact it will have for
years to come.
[4] http://diversity.harvard.edu/files/diversity/files/reaffirmation_stmt_2016_sc_ef.pdf?m=1459857365
[12] Nancy Zisk, Following the "Pathmarkers" from Bakke to Fisher:
Understanding How Race-Conscious Admissions Programs May Withstand
Constitutional Scrutiny, 30 Harv. J. Racial & Ethnic Just. 1 (2014).