Trade Commission Considers Going After Facebook
Media outlets have reported recently that the Federal Trade
Commission is considering bringing action to stop Facebook from integrating its
subsidiaries, Instagram and WhatsApp into its Facebook platform. This
controversy comes in the wake of years of federal scrutiny of Facebook over its
dominance in social networking, failure to prevent the dissemination of fake
news and breaches of its users’ data privacy.
Both Instagram and WhatsApp started as Facebook
competitors; Instagram as its own social media platform and WhatsApp as an
alternative to Facebook’s “Messenger” service. Facebook purchased Instagram in
2012 for $1 billion and WhatsApp in 2014 for a whopping $19 billion. Early in
2019, Facebook began the process of integrating both platforms into Facebook.
The Sherman Antitrust
Act makes “monopolization” illegal. Having a monopoly means having control over
an industry by virtue of dominant position in the market. The classic example
of a monopoly in the last century was AT&T’s control over the telephone
industry until it was broken up by the federal government in 1982.
It’s not illegal to have a monopoly, which can occur
merely because one company does the best job in an industry. The crime of
monopolization means using the dominant market position to unfairly
disadvantage competitors.
One common example is “tying” a dominant product to a less
dominant product to advantage the latter in commerce. For
example, in 1998, the Department of Justice sued Microsoft for tying Windows to
Microsoft’s web browser, Internet Explorer. Microsoft integrated the browser
into Windows so that removing it was made it very difficult. It also designed Windows
to hinder the use of competing browsers. Eventually, the case settled with
Microsoft agreeing to share its programming interfaces with third party browsers.
Turning back to Facebook, the Federal Trade Commission may
consider this an illegal tying arrangement. Facebook, it could be argued, is
using its dominant position as a social media platform to harm competitors of
WhatsApp, such as Skype and Kik and competitors of Instagram, such as Pintrest
and Snapchat.
The thinking goes that people who use Facebook anyway will
be much more likely to use the Facebook-owned alternatives if they are
interwoven with the Facebook platform that they are already using anyway. This,
of course, is a classic tying arrangement.
If it so chooses, the Federal Trade Commission could start
by issuing a temporary injunction to block efforts to tie the Facebook platform
to two subsidiaries. It would then have to follow it up by filing suit in
federal court against Facebook for antitrust violations. A settlement at any
time is possible, as government antitrust actions are typically settled before
they go to court.
If the action does end up in court, the extent to which
Facebook has power over the social network market and the extent to which
building in Instagram and WhatsApp would be considered an unfair trade practice
would be the key questions. Either way, this could be a fascinating antitrust
battle that would have a significant impact on the social media landscape.