Public Nuisance
the tort of private nuisance provides a remedy for interferences with the use
and enjoyment of real estate, the tort of public nuisance allows recovery for
activities that hurt a neighborhood or society. To be liable for public
nuisance, the defendant must have interfered with public property, or with a right
common to the public.[1] Examples of public nuisance include
pollution of navigable waterways, interfering with the use of public parks and the
creation of public health hazards.
Like private nuisance,
public nuisance can be the result of negligence or intentional activity. Courts
will also scrutinize factors like the kind of neighborhood, the nature of the
harm and the proximity to those who are injured. However, a major difference from
private nuisance concerns who may sue to recover damages. Since the impact of
the nuisance is felt by the public, the law limits the right to sue to:
authorities who are responsible for protecting the rights of the public. These
include state and federal agencies such as parks departments or environmental
protection agencies; and
individuals who suffer a particularized harm from the nuisance. This
means a harm different in kind than that suffered by the public at large.[2]
For example, in the
1970s, an oil tanker ran aground on the coast of Maine, releasing 100,000
gallons of oil into the water. The result was an environmental disaster,
devastating local marine life and severely impacting a town’s tourism industry.
Local fishermen sued for loss of livelihood and hotel and restaurant owners sued
for loss of business from visitors to the area. The court ruled that the spill
constituted a public nuisance because it deprived the local community of the full
use of the public coastline. The court determined, however, that only the
fishermen and those earning their living directly from the ocean could successfully
sue under a public nuisance theory. Unlike the hotel and business owners, who
were impacted indirectly in the same manner as the public at large, the
fishermen suffered a distinct harm, different in kind than the harm suffered by
everyone else.[3]
Plaintiffs in public
nuisance lawsuits, including state departments and agencies, may seek damages
and/or injunctions. Public agencies are also sometimes empowered to refer cases
of illegal public nuisance for criminal prosecution.
Nuisance Defenses
There are several
defenses available to those accused of creating a nuisance. One important defense
is called ‘coming to the nuisance’. It
applies when the harmful activity was operating before the plaintiffs acquired
the property impacted by the nuisance. If the owners were aware of the
nuisance-creating activity at the time they purchased the property, the
defendant may invoke the defense of ‘coming to the nuisance’. This defense
effectively argues that the plaintiffs knew what they were getting themselves
into and assumed the risk of harm. While in the past, ‘coming to the nuisance’
was considered an absolute defense, today it is a factor that the courts will
consider in determining whether the plaintiffs may recover for nuisance.[4] An example of this manifested
in Foster v. Preston Mill Co.,[5] wherein blasting from a
nearby timber farm caused minks to panic and attack each other. As the farm
existed before the ranch housing the minks, there was no liability for
A similar defense is assumption
of the risk. Assumption of the risk can be claimed when the defendant proves
that the plaintiff knew of the defendant’s use of the property and decided to
operate or live near the nuisance anyway.
Nuisance Remedies
The plaintiff in a
nuisance case can recover damages for harms suffered. The creator of the
nuisance will be liable for compensatory damages, covering the value lost due
to the nuisance and any reduction in property value. In addition, if the
nuisance is an ongoing activity, the court may issue an injunction ordering the
harmful activity to cease.
Just as courts may
consider social utility when determining liability, courts may consider social
utility when determining the appropriate remedy. Even if the activity in
question has been ruled to be a nuisance, the courts may permit it to continue
if the utility of the activity outweighs the harm to the plaintiff. In such
cases, a court will not issue an injunction, but will instead order the creator
of the nuisance to make ongoing payments to the plaintiff.[6] Effectively, the law forces
the plaintiff to bear the consequences of a socially useful enterprises, but
requires that the plaintiff be compensated for the harms.
Consider the case of Boomer
v. Atlantic Cement.[7] The plaintiff represented a
group of landowners who sued because dirt, smoke, and vibrations from the
defendant’s cement plant interfered with the use of their property. The court
ruled that the damages to property did constitute a nuisance and held the plant
owners liable. However, the court reasoned that the plant employed 300 people
and calculated the worth of the plant to be over $45 million. By contrast, it
determined that the plaintiffs suffered approximately $185,000 in damages. So,
forcing the plant to cease activity would be economically disastrous.
Therefore, instead of an injunction, the court allowed the plant to continue to
operate, but ordered the plant owners to make permanent, ongoing damage
payments to the plaintiffs.
Nuisance is a complex
area of tort law, involving questions of law, society, and economics. It potentially
covers any conduct which has a significant, detrimental impact on the use of
property, so the range of nuisance cases can be very broad. Courts have taken
different approaches to questions of nuisance, so the legal analysis will vary
depending on which jurisdiction the case is brought.
[1] Restatement (2nd) of Torts, §821(b)1.
[2] Restatement (2nd) of Torts, §826(c)
comment. b.
[3] Burgess v. M/V Tamano, 370 F. Supp. 247 (D. Me. 1973).
[4]Restatement (2nd) of Torts, §840(d).
[5] 268
P.2d 645 (Wash. Sup. Ct. 1954)
[6] Estancias Dallas Corporation v. Schultz, 500 S.W.2d 217 (Tex. Civ. App. 1973).
[7] 257
N.E. 2d 870 (NY 1970)