Congressional and Presidential War
Powers under the US Constitution
You may hear on the news that the United States is at war with
Syria, Iraq or ISIS. Technically, though, the United States is not “at war”
with any of those under the constitutional definition of the term because
Congress hasn’t declared war. Congress has not, in fact, declared war since
1942 (when it declared war on Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria during World War
II). Does that mean that there was no Korean war, no Vietnam war, no war during
Operation Desert Storm in 1991 or during a host of other engagements that the
US has been involved in since World War II? Well, not quite. While Congress has
the sole power to declare war, the President disposes of the United States
The Constitutional Framework
The framers of the Constitution divided war powers
between the power to declare war and power to direct war.[1] Article I, Section 8 of
the Constitution reads, “Congress shall have the power…to declare war” [2] and Article
II, Section 2 names the President as commander-in-chief of the armed forces. [3]
dichotomy is an example of checks and balances in action. The framers realized how
important a decision it is for the United States to go to war and wanted to
prevent any single entity from making it. Abraham Lincoln opined while in
Congress: “…no one man should hold the power of bringing (that) oppression
upon us.”[4]
War is Declared-Japan and World War II
Congress has only declared war eleven times in the
history of the United States, but taking a closer look at one of these
declarations will illustrate how the process works.[5] On
December 7, 1941, the Japanese military attacked Pearl Harbor, a U.S. naval
base in Hawaii, and destroyed much of the United States’ Pacific fleet.[6]
The next morning, President Franklin
D. Roosevelt approached Congress and formally requested that the United States
go to war.
President Roosevelt told members of Congress that the unprovoked attack
by Japan served as justification for committing the United States to join World
War II. Furthermore, he asked that Congress authorize his use and control of
the United States’ military forces.[7]
In this situation, Congress immediately pulled all pending legislation
related to Japan, considered President Roosevelt’s declaration as a joint
resolution, and suspended some procedural rules that would slow down the
approval process. It took less than a day for Congress to declare war. The
joint resolution passed the House of Representatives and Senate nearly unanimously.[8]
What Happens Afterwards
Once a declaration of war has been approved by Congress, a “state of
war” under international law becomes effective. This means that the United
States may commence “the killing of enemy combatants, the seizure of enemy
property, and the apprehension of enemy aliens.” Additionally, the declaration
of war terminates all diplomatic and commercial relations between the United
States and its adversary and suspends most treaties that the two have signed.[9]
An official
declaration of war has ramifications in the domestic sphere as well. When
Congress declares war, many “standby statutes” are automatically activated,
conferring special powers onto the President. These powers can have drastic
consequences. For example, under one statute, the President can order
manufacturing plants to produce armaments for the military. If the
manufacturing plants refuse to do so, the President can order the military to
seize the plants.[10] Another statute allows
the President and executive
agencies to conduct electronic surveillance without a court order for some time
after Congress declares war.[11]
A formal
declaration of war also activates the Alien Enemy Act,[12]
allowing the President to apprehend,
restrain, secure, and remove all natives from, or citizens of, the hostile nation
from the United States, unless these people have been naturalized.[13]
For example, during World War I,
President Woodrow Wilson used
the powers conferred by this Act to prevent German aliens from possessing
firearms or explosives.[14]
addition to Congress’ ability to declare a war, it also has the power to
oversee it and most importantly, determine how and whether it is funded.[15]
First, Congress, not the executive branch, has “the
power of the purse” over the military.
Article I, Section 8 says that Congress has the power “To raise and support
Armies.”[16] If Congress decides that it does not want to allocate
a budget to military matters, such as the manufacture of additional weapons or
the raising of more soldiers, it can decline to do so.[17] Thus, Congress can place financial hurdles in
front of the President and make a war extremely difficult for him to wage.
can also affect the United States’ status in a war by declaring war on some
enemies while declining to do so in the case of others. For example, in World
War II, the United States declared war on Germany, Italy, Japan, Bulgaria,
Hungary and Romania, but not on Axis participant Finland.
can define the nature of war by limiting the scope of a declaration of war,
though this has never actually been done.[18] Finally, Congress can declare an end to a war by
passing legislation that cancels the existing state of war.[19] Like any other piece of legislation, however, this
can be vetoed by the president (though as always, the veto can be overridden by
a two-thirds majority of Congress).
Unilateral Presidential Actions
if the United States has not declared war since 1942, how is it that we been
involved in so many military actions since? The answer is that as commander-in-chief
of the military, the president can simply order the military about without a
declaration of war, and virtually every president has taken advantage of this ability.
Though Congress has stopped short of
declaring war, Congress has given the president express authority to conduct
military actions several times since World War II, including the Gulf of Tonkin
Resolution in 1964[20] that led to the Vietnam “War” and Authorization
for Use of Military Force in 2001[21] while led to military actions in Afghanistan.
After the Vietnam War, Congress did
pass the War Powers Resolution of 1973, which limited the President’s power to
engage in foreign military actions without congressional consent.[22] However, the enforceability of this resolution is
unclear.[23] As a practical matter, no Presidential military
action has been successfully challenged
under the War Powers Resolution.
While the declaration of war may be a thing of the past in
United States diplomacy, Congress retains means to affect the President’s
ability to conduct military actions. As such, the constitutional split of military powers between
the president and Congress remains very much in effect.
USCS Const. Art. I, § 8,
USCS Const. Art. II, § 2
[11] 50 USC § 1811
USCS Const. Art. I
Christopher Yoo, “The Unitary Executive in the Modern Era,” 1945-2004, 90 Iowa
L. Rev. 601, (2005).
See, e.g., Campbell v. Clinton, 203 F.3d 19 (D.C. Cir. 2000)