Intentional Torts – Part 1
torts are a central area of civil law, and they deal with the basic problem of
harm in society. A tort is when an individual suffers harm or loss because of someone
else’s wrongful conduct. An intentional tort occurs when someone deliberately
intends the action which leads to the harm or loss of another.[i] To see how intent is a
necessary element of any intentional tort, take the example of a handyman
installing an air conditioning unit in a third-floor window. If the unit accidentally
slips from his hands, and crushes the arm of a woman passing below, that would
not be considered an intentional tort. The handyman may still be held liable for
the injuries because he should have exercised more care, but this would be on
the grounds of negligence, which is a separate area of tort law. If,
however, the handyman sees a lawyer that he knows walking down the street, and
gives the air conditioning unit a shove so it lands on and paralyzes the lawyer,
this would be an intentional tort.
reason the law distinguishes between intentional and unintentional torts is due
to public policy considerations. One of the primary goals of the law is to
deter socially harmful behavior. The law generally imposes more severe
punishment in cases of intentional torts because the harm is more directly
related to someone’s actions than in cases of negligence. For example, in cases
of intentional torts, the courts are likely to order the defendant to pay
punitive damages to the plaintiff, in addition to compensating the plaintiff
for his or her harm or loss, in order to punish the defendant for his wrongful
act. The goal is to deter people in similar situations, so they will think
twice before they act.
A few
things to keep in mind. First, the intent to cause an intentional tort does not
require an intent to harm.[ii] The intent that the law
is interested in is simply the intent to commit the act. To return to the air
conditioning example, it does not matter from a legal perspective whether the
handyman dropped the unit because he wanted to hurt the lawyer, or if he just
wanted the unit to come crashing down in front of the lawyer as a joke to frighten
him. Since dropping the unit was not an accident, the law considers it to be an
intentional tort, even if no harm was intended.
important point to understand is that torts are civil wrongs, that can
be redressed in civil courts and remedied by monetary compensation. The
criminal justice system is a separate and distinct system, and being found
liable in civil court does not free a defendant from criminal
prosecution. Torts such as assault and battery are criminal
offenses in addition to intentional torts, and a defendant can face both civil
liability and criminal punishment for the same act.
discuss the elements of some of most common intentional torts. To win a case,
the plaintiff has to show that each element in the definition has been met. The
court uses the standard of preponderance of the evidence, which means it
determines if the plaintiff has succeeded by asking whether it is more
likely than not that the defendant is liable for the plaintiff’s injuries.[iii]
common-law definition of battery is intentional, harmful or offensive contact. Intent
is an element of battery, but as we mentioned earlier, the intention we are
speaking about is intent to cause contact, not the intention to harm.[iv]
contact to be considered battery, it has to be harmful or offensive. Harmful
contact is relatively straightforward. It means any contact that results in
physical impairment or pain, or any kind of bodily harm. With offensive
contact, people may have different ideas as to what should qualify, so the law
appeals to a standard of reasonableness. In tort law, contact is considered
offensive if it offends a reasonable person’s sense of dignity. Of
course, this can be a subjective judgment. However, reasonableness is important
because it excludes cases of hyper-sensitivity to certain types of contact from
the definition of battery.
example, tapping another person on the shoulder to gain his or her attention is
generally not considered offensive contact in our society. So, even if someone is
particularly sensitive to any bodily contact by a stranger, it would not be
considered battery to tap that person on the shoulder, even if he or she considers
it offensive contact.
is sometimes used interchangeably with battery in everyday language. In tort
law, however, assault is distinguished from battery in that it does not require
any actual contact. Instead, assault is defined as intentionally causing
someone to reasonably fear harmful or offensive contact. Assault can be
thought of as an attempted battery, when one believes he or she will be the
subject of battery.
order to be considered assault, the harm must be imminent, and the defendant
must be in a position to carry out the threatened violence. In addition, the
harm that is threatened must be physical harm. Mere words, without a physical
act, is not considered assault.
[iv] See Prosser and Keeton on the Law of
Torts § 8