Procedures of Administrative Agencies - Module 2 of 5
See Also:
Module 2: Procedures of Administrative Agencies
Requirements for Agency Procedures
The most important federal
statute concerning the operations and function of federal administrative
agencies is the Administrative Procedure Act, or the “APA.” It was passed in
1946, at the time of great expansion of federal agencies, to standardize the
procedures employed by the agencies and to provide for Congressional oversight
and transparency to the public. The APA requires agencies to keep the public
informed of their organizations, procedures and rules; to provide for public
participation in the rulemaking process; to establish uniform standards for the
conduct of formal rulemaking and adjudication; and to define the scope of
judicial review.[1]
The APA provides that agency “rules,”
or statements designed to implement law or policy, must follow the prescribed
process of agency rulemaking. It also defines an agency “order” as an agency’s
final disposition of a matter through the process of adjudication.[2]
The provisions of the APA
apply to all federal agencies, which are defined as any agencies under the authority
of the government of the United States, aside from Congress, the courts and the
President.[3] The APA does not apply to
state agencies, though each state has enacted equivalent legislation governing
state authorities.
Governmental bodies, including
administrative agencies, make decisions which impact the lives and welfare of
citizens, including decisions which impose costs, restrict rights, and deny access
to government benefits. Under the 5th and 14th amendments
to the Constitution, the government must afford due process to any individual
who is to be deprived of “liberty” or “property.”[4]
This means that, at minimum,
the government must provide a hearing before an impartial judge, with adequate
notice, at which the claimant has a right to be heard.[5] The right to due process may
require procedural protections beyond this minimum in some cases. The extent of
the required due process depends on a number of factors, including the nature
and importance of the interests impacted by government action, the interest of the
government in pursuing the course of action, and the administrative burden which
extensive procedural protections would place on government functioning.[6] These Constitutional
protections exist over and above the procedural protections dictated by statute
in the APA or the internal rules of agencies.
Note that, while due process
requires a hearing to adjudicate the claims, such a hearing need not be in the
form of a judicial trial or setting.[7]
However, not every government action
that negatively impacts someone requires due process. Due process only applies
to particularized actions, impacting a small number of people on individualized
grounds. These cases are amenable to determinations based on specific facts and
so are best determined in adjudicative proceedings. By contrast, when the
impact of a governmental act stems from a generalized action, applying
to many people on the basis of broad policy considerations, due process
protections do not apply. Rather, recourse for such legislative-type decisions
are only available through the political process.[8]
So, for example, a government
condemnation of a series of private houses on a street to use the space for a
highway is a particularized action made in individualized grounds. It requires
due process. But if the government passes a zoning law stating that people can’t
use their properties to grow certain types of produce, this is a generalized
action and does not require due process. Rather, people who don’t like the rule
can fight it through the normal political process.
The landmark cases that
established this distinction involved actions by city and state governments to
raise revenue. In one case, a city ordinance levied a tax on property owners
for road improvement, imposing specific costs on property owners based on the benefit
received by each property.[9] In the other case, the state instituted
an across-the-board increase in the valuation of all taxable property in the
The Supreme Court
distinguished between the two cases, holding that a hearing was only required
on due process grounds in the first case. The Court reasoned that, whereas the
latter case involved a city-wide generalized policy, the first city ordinance
only impacted a limited number of people, and the claimants could point to
individualized facts specific to their circumstances which were relevant to
adjudicating the city’s action.
These cases also helped to
establish the distinction between the two types of agency actions, which were
later codified in the APA. When an agency acts to promote a broad policy based
on generalized facts, it is engaging in rulemaking, whereas when it
makes narrow determinations based on individualized facts, it is engaged in adjudication.
One important difference is that while a hearing is required for agency adjudications,
such hearings are not required for rulemaking.
Due Process for Administrative Actions
Aside from the Constitutional
requirement of due process, Congress may require that agencies provide
adjudicatory hearings for those impacted by agency policy. In such cases, the
hearing is mandated whether or not the circumstances would qualify for due
process protections under the Constitution.
The APA sets out the framework
for these hearings with formal adjudication provisions that govern agency
actions. However, these provisions apply only when two conditions are met.
First, the agency process in question must meet the APA’s definition of an
“adjudication.” [11]
Second, there must be a statute that specifically states that the adjudication
must be determined on the record after the opportunity for an agency
This means that it is up to
Congress to specify by statute, generally in the enabling act establishing the
agency, which agency adjudications require a “hearing on the record.” This
language in a statute will trigger the APA’s formal adjudication provisions,
requiring the hearing to comply with the extensive process detailed in the APA.
If Congress does not use the
language of “hearing on the record,” the formal adjudication process is not
required. However, all agency adjudications are required to follow some
procedure to ensure a fair process. These non-statutory hearings are known as informal
adjudications, and they are generally not the trial-type hearings used for
formal adjudications. Instead, the APA provides minimal requirements for such
hearings. These include the right to appear before the agency and be
represented by counsel, a timely conclusion to the matter under dispute and an
agency explanation to be given when a petition or request is denied.[13]
In the context of
administrative law, the most relevant Constitutional due process protections in
connection with deprivations of property stem from denial or revocation
of government entitlements. Entitlements are monetary benefits received by people
in accordance with statutory or administrative standards. Government welfare
programs, such as those for needy families or supplemental nutrition assistance,
constitute property interests. As such, a person who receives such benefits
because they meet eligibility criteria defined by law or agency rule are
considered to have property rights to such benefits. To terminate such
benefits, the responsible governmental agency must provide notice of the planned
termination and hold a hearing prior to terminating the benefits.[14]
Another important area in
which deprivation of property will trigger due process protections arises in
the context of government employment. To foster a professional workforce, federal
law has established that certain jobs in the government are protected
positions, which means that those who hold such positions can only be removed
for cause. This protection creates a property interest for the jobholder. As
such, the removal from such a position is a deprivation of property, requiring
due process.[15]
Examples of governmental jobs
which have been deemed to constitute property interests include civil service
positions hired on the basis of professional merit. Similarly included are jobs
which allow for the possibility of tenure, such as a teaching position at a state
In both examples, continued
employment is not dependent on the pure discretion of government supervisors,
and so the rights to the position are considered to belong to the employee.
However, with regard to government positions that allow for termination for any
reason, or when an employee has not met eligibility requirements, such as a
teacher who has not earned tenure, due process protections would not apply.[16]
Professional licenses are also
considered to be “property” for the purpose of due process. If an applicant has
met the criteria specified by statute or agency rule to be entitled to a
license, such as a license to practice medicine or law, then the state must
hold a hearing before denying a license to the applicant.[17] The nature of the hearing
and the extent of the processes associated with it depend on the balance of the
state interests involved against the interests at stake for the claimant.[18]
Liberty is,
of course, also protected by the Constitution, and it means more than just freedom
from physical constraints. A range of rights, including the right to contract,
to choose a profession, and to marry and raise children, are protected
by the Due Process clause.[19] Any state action that
deprives someone of these Constitutionally protected rights triggers the due
process protections.
Case law has extended the
“liberty” interest protected by due process to a range of areas in which the
government operates, including in the employment context,[20] confinement to mental health
and to students expelled from public schools.[22] As with property interests,
the form that due process proceedings take depends on a range of factors.
For example, a student who is to
be expelled from a public college for disciplinary reasons must be afforded a
hearing and the right to present evidence. However, if the grounds for expulsion
is for academic deficiencies rather than disciplinary concerns, then no hearing
is required - only notice of the pending expulsion and the opportunity to
improve academic performance. The difference is that the latter case involves objective
data about academic performance which do not generally require fact-finding or
The Hearing
Generally, when the law
requires a hearing to determine whether state action improperly deprives
someone of liberty or a property right, the hearing must be held prior to
the deprivation of rights. Permitting state action such as the denial of
welfare benefits to proceed without waiting for a hearing may cause irreparable
harm regardless of the eventual result of a hearing.[24]
However, in exigent
circumstances, government action may be permitted before a hearing. For example,
city health inspectors are permitted to order the destruction of unsafe food
which poses a health risk to the public without waiting to hold a formal
Likewise, when there is a strong state interest to act without waiting for a
hearing, and the risk of improper state action is low, hearings may be held
subsequent to state action. Such cases include the termination of disability
benefits, suspension of a government employee and the suspension or revocation
of a driver’s license from a driver with a history of unsafe driving.[26]
When due process does require
a hearing, the right to a hearing entails a set of elements. First, the person
must receive timely notice of the proposed government action and the
opportunity to raise objections at a hearing.[27] Notice will be considered
adequate if it is reasonably calculated under the circumstances to inform the
party of the pending action, even if the notice is not ultimately received.[28]
Second, those who are to be
deprived of protected interests must be afforded the opportunity to present
witnesses, submit evidence on their own behalf and confront opposing witnesses.
Third, the hearing must be
before an impartial decision-maker. A decision-maker is impartial if he or she
has no record of bias or conflict of interest and was not previously involved
in the decision-making process.[29]
When the decision-maker
arrives at a conclusive determination, the reasons for the ruling, as well as
the evidence relied on, must be stated.
Finally, those impacted by
state action may have a right to have legal counsel at administrative hearings.
However, under certain circumstances, such as when the proceedings are non-adversarial,
the right to counsel may not be applicable.[30]
Rulemaking and Adjudication
The two means through which
administrative agencies operate are through issuing binding rules and through
case-by-case adjudicatory orders. Each method has its own advantages.
Rulemaking may be more efficient because it is forward-looking and establishes
giving notice to the public of a change in federal policy. Moreover, a rule
cannot be appealed, unlike an adjudication.
On the other hand,
adjudication allows for flexibility. It takes case-specific circumstances into
account, and may be applied retroactively to remediate past matters, unlike
rulemaking which can only apply to future actions. Likewise, adjudication is
faster than rulemaking and can be reversed more easily than can rule-making,
making adjudication more responsive to the need for changes.
Agencies have broad discretion
as to how they choose to proceed with implementing policy changes.[31] However, the courts have imposed
some limits to agency discretion. First, if the action the agency seeks to
implement is prospective, with a primary purpose of broadly changing policy for
future circumstances, the agency should not operate through adjudication.
Instead, the agency should employ the rulemaking process, with all the
procedural protections the APA requires for making new rules.[32]
Still, while agencies may
employ adjudication hearings which have retroactive effect, courts have limited
this discretion. The courts have
demonstrated that they may overturn the results of an agency adjudication if
the court believes that retroactive application of the policy would have serious
adverse consequences. An agency’s using adjudication to have retroactive
effects when prospective rulemaking could accomplish the same goals for the
future may be considered an abuse of agency discretion.[33]
For example, in one case, the
National Labor Relations Board ruled in an adjudicatory hearing that a company that
refused to rehire workers after a strike must rehire the workers and award
backpay. The federal court ruled that requiring backpay went against
long-standing precedent that the employer reasonably relied on, and so
retroactively changing the policy in such dramatic fashion to punish the
employer was an abuse of discretion.[34]
To serve its function as a
policy-making body, issuing rules and adjudicatory orders, agencies must be
able to obtain relevant information from individuals and companies. While such
information is generally obtained voluntarily, agencies may be authorized to
use compulsive means to acquire information necessary for the agency to meet
its mandate.
The APA provides a process for
such investigations.[35] However, agencies do not
have inherent power to compel the disclosure of information as the power to
subpoena documents and witness testimony must be conferred by statute.[36] Thus, the agency must seek a
court order for a subpoena. A court will endorse an agency subpoena request as
long as the subpoena is reasonable, specific with regard to what is sought and
relevant to the subject matter the agency is authorized to investigate.[37]
Agencies may also conduct physical
inspections when authorized by statute. These inspections are considered searches
under the “searches and seizures” clause of the Fourth Amendment. As such, the
inspections must be reasonable and undertaken pursuant to a valid warrant where
However, states may pass laws to authorize warrantless searches of businesses
that are “pervasively” regulated. For example, laws that allow for inspections
of liquor stores and gun stores without a warrant have been upheld as
constitutionally valid.[39]
Though we introduced
rulemaking and adjudication in this module, we’ll go into more detail on both
in the next 2 modules. In module 3, we’ll focus on various types of agency
rulemaking and rulemaking procedures.