Non-Scheduled Injuries-Module 5 of 6
See Also:
Short Video: Workers Compensation: When is an Injury considered to be in the "course of employment"?
Non-Scheduled Injuries
Some types of injuries are unique and complex. These are not addressed under state scheduled injury statutes, but instead are addressed individually, in their own statutes. Common non-scheduled injuries include: psychological injuries, hernias, occupational diseases, and repetitive trauma.
injuries are particularly hard to prove because they often have no visible
symptoms or clear onset date; their supporting evidence is subjective; and they
likely may have multiple causes. To address psychological injuries,
jurisdictions often divide them into two, and sometimes three separate
categories: physical-mental, mental-physical, and mental-mental.[1]
Physical-Mental Injuries
injuries occur when a worker has a physical injury that causes a mental
condition. Examples include where a prison guard is beaten by prisoners and
therefore develops a psychological condition; or anxiety and depression resulting
from a work-related back injury. Physical-mental injuries are often compensable.
Some jurisdictions even allow recovery for physical-mental injuries if they result
from normal, rather than unusual work conditions.[2]
Mental-Physical Injuries
Mental-physical injuries
occur when a mental stimulus causes a physical injury. They are not as easy to
prove as physical-mental injuries but are more likely to be compensable than
mental-mental injuries (discussed a bit later). Examples include fright by nearly
avoiding an accident or by witnessing something traumatic, which then causes
the employee to suffer heart attack, ulcer, or stroke.[3]
injuries are likely compensable, so long as the work-related stress was
unexpected, unusual, or the result of extraordinary employment conditions. If
the physical injury was caused by stressful work conditions that were the
normal, reasonable conditions of the employment however, the injury is
generally not compensable.[4]
Mental-Mental Injuries
injuries occur where a mental stimulus causes a psychological injury, and they
are the most difficult to prove. Examples include where an employee suffers
emotional distress caused by continuing on-the-job harassment by the employer;
or where a worker witnesses a co-worker fall to his death and subsequently
develops a disabling fear of heights. A minority of states, including Alabama,
Florida and Georgia bar recovery for mental-mental injuries altogether.
However, most jurisdictions recognize mental-mental claims as compensable, but
may apply additional requirements beyond those for mental-physical or
physical-mental claims.[5]
States that
allow compensation for mental-mental claims generally fall into three
First, a small number of states have historically provided compensation for
mental-mental injuries without imposing any additional requirements.[7]
Second, states including South Carolina, Maine, and Vermont allow recovery for
mental-mental injuries only if the injury was caused by extraordinary or
unusual conditions of employment. If ordinary and usual circumstances caused
the mental-mental injury, there is no recovery.[8]
Third, some states such as Colorado and
Louisiana require that the mental stimulus be a sudden event. If the
mental-mental injury results from gradual exposure, then it is not compensable.[9]
States may also limit recovery for mental-mental claims in other ways. For instance, in California the worker must have been employed for at least six months prior to the injury for a mental-mental injury to be compensable. [10] Several states also explicitly deny benefits for mental-mental injuries if they are caused by nondiscriminatory, good faith, lawful personnel actions, including discipline, demotion, and termination.[11]
As with psychological injuries, states often
apply extra requirements for compensability for hernias, as compared to regular
scheduled injuries. These extra requirements are intended to ensure that the
alleged work incident caused the hernia.[12]
For instance, South Carolina requires that the hernia appeared suddenly and
immediately following the work-related accident, and that it was accompanied by
pain. “Pain” does not include general symptoms of fatigue, and it must accompany
the accident that causes the hernia, not a hernia when it subsequently
develops. The court has used pain as an indicator of the actual onset of the
North Carolina
requires that the hernia or rupture was not pre-existing but does not require
that the rupture immediately follow the accident. Instead, the hernia only has
to be the “direct result” of the traumatic incident.[14]
In contrast, Maryland law does not require that an accidental injury caused the
hernia, but it is enough if the hernia was caused by a mere work-related strain.[15]
states limit compensability by imposing strict time frames in which an injured
worker must notify the employer that he has suffered a hernia. For instance,
Maryland requires notification within thirty days,[16]
but New Jersey requires notification within just forty-eight hours.[17]
are also unique injuries because they generally require surgical repair. In
some states, an injured worker must undergo surgical repair. Otherwise, no benefits
will be paid unless and until he complies. There usually is an exception if the
worker has some condition that makes surgery unsafe. If the injured worker dies in surgery, the death
is considered a result of the work accident. Therefore, death benefits are
In other states, a worker does not have to undergo surgical repair to receive benefits. However, even where the worker does undergo surgical repair, there is no presumption of permanent disability. Instead, the worker must prove the extent to which he is permanently disabled, if at all.[19]
“Disease” is defined as any deviation
from the normal and healthy functioning of the body.[20]
Generally, states define “injury” or “injury by accident” as excluding all
diseases, except two types: those resulting “naturally and unavoidably” from
the injury by accident, and those considered “occupational.”[21]
An example of a disease that results naturally and unavoidably from the injury
would be where a worker continues to have arthritic pain in his knee following
a specific knee injury. This section will focus on occupational diseases.
diseases result from exposure to particular substances at or debilitating
conditions of employment.[22]
They usually occur only after long periods of exposure, rather than after one
specific incident. This is how they are distinct from the usual “injury by
accident” under workers’ compensation law. However, they are compensable
nonetheless. States vary however, as to what occupational diseases are
compensable, and as to what special rules or requirements may apply.[23]
Heightened Causation Requirements
Some states
mandate that a claimant with an occupational disease must meet heightened
causation requirements, including that the disease is “characteristic of or
peculiar to” the worker’s employment.[24]
In these jurisdictions, an occupational disease will not be compensable unless
the worker shows that the disease is a common occurrence in the employment,
even if it in fact resulted from exposure at the workplace. [25]
Along similar
lines, some jurisdictions apply the Greater Risk Rule, which requires that the
employment subjected the worker to a greater risk of illness than the general
public. It ensures that “ordinary diseases of life,” those “to which the
general public is equally exposed outside of employment” are not compensable.[26]
An example of a disease that meets the Greater Risk Rule would be where a
roofer develops pneumonia resulting from working on top of a roof in wind and
Strict Statutes of Limitation
A statute of
limitation is a rule that cuts off the injured worker’s ability to file a workers’
compensation claim, based upon how much time has passed since the injury
occurred. Often, when the cause of an injury is difficult to determine, or when
a disease may take a significant period of time to develop, courts apply the
Discovery Rule to ensure just compensation for the injured party.
The Discovery
Rule states that a limitations period does not begin to run (or is tolled) until
the plaintiff discovers, or reasonably should have discovered the injury.[28]
Some jurisdictions, like California, apply the Discovery Rule for occupational
However, other jurisdictions apply the Date of Last Exposure Rule, which cuts
off an employee’s ability to file a claim based upon the last date of exposure
to the injury-inducing substance. This rule does not consider when the employee
became aware that the exposure caused the disease.[30]
For example, a worker may have two years to file a claim after his last
exposure to a dangerous substance, even if he could not have known and did not
know that the workplace substance caused the injury until five years after his
last exposure.
Express Limitations on Diseases that
Qualify as “Occupational”
Finally, state statutes may simply list what specific diseases qualify as “occupational,” thereby excluding compensation for any other workplace diseases. Usually the diseases listed are caused by exposure to specific chemicals, including arsenic, brass, zinc, manganese, lead and the like.[31] However, check these laundry-list occupational disease statutes to see whether they have a catch-all provision. A catch-all provision may allow an injured worker to recover for an occupational disease not specifically listed, so long as the disease meets the jurisdictions other special requirements. These catch-all provisions may be the basis of recovery for other non-scheduled injuries as well.
Repetitive trauma occurs gradually and results from the
cumulative effects of repetitive movements or traumatic events.[32]
Examples include a back injury resulting from repeatedly lifting, or carpal
tunnel syndrome resulting from repeated hand movements. Repetitive trauma
injuries are often addressed as unscheduled injuries, but jurisdictions vary as
to whether they are compensable as injuries by accident or as occupational diseases.[33]
How repetitive trauma is treated under the law will dictate what the worker
must prove to receive compensation.
“injury by accident” generally requires that the repetitive trauma results from
some unusual condition of employment, or that the injurious result itself was
an accident. Injuries by accident also have a specific, identifiable onset
date. In jurisdictions that provide compensation under this theory, each
repetition of the injurious movement is seen as a traumatic event.[34]
In contrast, occupational
diseases result from something characteristic of the employment, rather than
something to which the public is equally exposed.[35]
In these jurisdictions, it is not enough if the repetitive trauma resulted from
work conditions. [36]
There are at least some jurisdictions however, such as Virginia, that generally provide no compensation for certain types of repetitive trauma. Virginia law states that injuries incurred gradually or from repetitive trauma are not considered injuries by accident. Furthermore, Virginia’s occupational disease statute indicates that diseases, including repetitive trauma to the back, neck or spinal column are excluded from the definition of occupational disease.[37] While this may allow compensation for repetitive trauma injuries to body parts other than the back, neck and spinal column, it would exclude all other repetitive trauma injuries. To obtain recovery, when an injured worker reports the injury, he must describe it as an injury by accident. For example, an injury reported as general back pain resulting from lifting boxes at work all week would not be compensable. However, if the worker noted what box he was lifting at the time and place that he heard a pop and felt immediate and sharp pain, the injury may be compensable.[38]
of Benefits
States vary as to how the claimant is
compensated for non-scheduled injuries. As compared to calculating benefits for
scheduled injuries, non-scheduled injury benefits are imprecise. Sometimes
non-scheduled injury statutes still assign a specific number of weeks of
benefits. Other times the judge may simply consider the injury when assigning
the disability rating, or the rating may be applied to the number of weeks for
the whole person.
For instance, if
a statute provides a specific number of weeks of benefits to which a injured
worker is entitled for the unscheduled injury, then the judge would assign a
disability rating that would apply to that number of weeks. If a hernia could
result in up to 250 weeks, and the judge assigns 50% disability, then you would
multiply the 50% disability rating times 250 weeks of benefits at the
applicable compensation rate.
psychological injuries are simply an additional consideration in the judge’s calculation
of a disability rating. This can be very subjective and is therefore, the
subject of much debate. For instance, if a claimant is entitled to a specific
number of weeks of benefits due to a scheduled injury, but he also has a
causally related psychological injury, the judge may simply increase the
disability rating more to account for the additional psychological injury.
Finally, in
other cases non-scheduled injuries may be assigned a whole person disability
rating. The whole person is usually assigned the same number of weeks as the
maximum benefits for permanent total disability. For example, South Carolina’s
whole person is worth 500 weeks.[39]
If a jurisdiction determines occupational disease compensation based upon the
whole person, and a judge assigns 50% disability to the whole person, the
worker would be entitled to 500 weeks times 50%, or 250 weeks of benefits at
the applicable compensation rate.
As always, check
the law in your jurisdiction.
[1] Beard, G. L., Poteat, S. T., Lamar, M. J., Sumwalt, V. R., Bluestein, M. M., & Sullivan, A.P. (2012). The law of workers’ compensation insurance in South Carolina sixth edition. Specific Injuries. (Chpt. 5, pp. 202-203). Columbia, S.C.: South Carolina Bar Continuing Legal Education.
[2] Id. at 205-206; Copeley Leto (n.d.), Applicability of workers’ compensation acts to mental disabilities: the plaintiff’s perspective. (p. 3-4). Raleigh, N.C.: Patterson, Harkavy & Lawrence, L.L.P. Retrieved from .
[3] Beard at 203-205; Copeley at 5.
[4] Id.
[5] Copeley at 6-10; Robinson, Thomas A. (June 20, 2014). The post-traumatic stress disorder dilemma for workers’ compensation claims. Retrieved from
[6] Id.
[7] Id.
[8] Copeley at 6-10; Robinson; Beard at 206-209.
[9] Id.
[10] California Department of Human Resources (2016, July). Workers’ compensation preview. [p. 9 Compensation for psychiatric injuries]. Retrieved from
[11] Id; Copeley at 9-10.
[12] Beard at 215.
[13] Beard at 216-218.
[14] N.C. Workers’Compensation Law Annotated (2011 Edition). Charlottesville,VA: LexisNexis, Sect. 92-2(18), pp. 20-21.
[15] Warnken, B. (2017). Maryland workers’ compensation: information, resources, and estimate the value of your claim. Retrieved from
[16] Id.
[17] Boll, A.C. (2012, Aug. 16). Personal injury law journal. Workers’ compensation law and hernias. (citing N.J.S.A. 34:15-12(c)(23)). Retrieved from
[18] Beard at 219.
[20] Black’s Law Dictionary(Seventh Edition, 1999), Definition: Disease, p. 480. St. Paul, Minn: West Law Group.
[21] Beard at 83.
[23] American Bar Association, Workers’ compensation policy review (Vol. 7 Issue 3, May/June 2007), at 5. Retrieved at
[25] Id.; ABA at 5.
[26] N.C. Workers’ Comp. Law, Sect. 97-53(13); Beard at 225-226.
[27] Beard at 225-226
[28] Black’s, Definition: discovery rule, p. 478.
[29] Penny, T., Dubrawski,P., & Davis, Y. (2013). California workers’ compensation compendium [p. 5, B. Occupational disease (including respiratory and repetitive use)] ALFA International: Los Angeles, CA. Retrieved from
[30] ABA at 5.
[31] N.C. Workers’ Comp. Law, Sect. 97-3(2-6), p. 363.
[32] Beard at 105; California Department of Human Resources at 6.
[33] Workers’ compensation acts and repetitive motion injuries in North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virgina, and Maryland (n.d.). Retrieved from$File/Rmimulti.pdf
[34] Workers’ Comp Acts at 3-4.
[35] Id. At 2.
[36] New York State Workers’ Compensation Board (n.d.). Injured on the job? An employee’s guide to workers’ compensation in New York state [p. 5]. Retrieved from
[37] Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission (n.d.), Virginia workers’ compensation commission injured workers guide. Retrieved from
[38] Dubs, A. (May 26, 2017). Virginia workers’ compensation doesn’t cover repetitive injuries. Retrieved from’t-cover-repetitive-injuries/
[39] South Carolina Workers’ Compensation Commission (2017). Workers’ compensation in South Carolina. Columbia, S.C.: State of South Carolina. Retrieved from