Medicare Part A: Hospital Insurance-Module 3 of 5
See Also:
3: Medicare Part A: Hospital Insurance
Medicare is health insurance for people 65 or
older, certain people under 65 with disabilities, and people of any age with
End-Stage Renal Disease. There are two main options for receiving Medicare
coverage: Original Medicare (including Part A, Hospital Insurance, and Part B,
Medical Insurance) and Medicare Advantage (also referred to as Medicare Part
C). As we saw in previous modules, there are significant differences between
these two choices that should be carefully considered when a person becomes
eligible to enroll.
Medicare Part A covers in-patient care in
hospitals and other facilities. In this module, we will delve more deeply into
the details of Medicare Part A coverage and costs to the patient. It should be
noted that the dollar amounts and other information mentioned in this course
are of 2018, but are subject to change.
Enrollment, Premiums and Coverage
Most people who are receiving Social Security
benefits will automatically get Part A when they turn 65. For those receiving
Social Security disability benefits, coverage may begin before age of 65. If a
person does not fall into any of the “automatic enrollment” categories, she
must sign up for Part A on her own. It is important to note that having
Medicare Part A, either under Original Medicare or a Medicare Advantage Plan,
satisfies the requirements for health coverage under the Affordable Care Act.
A Medicare participant is not required to pay
monthly premiums for Part A coverage if the recipient or a spouse earned 40
credits by paying requisite amounts of Medicare taxes in each of 40 quarters.
If not eligible for premium-free coverage, a recipient can purchase Part A
coverage by paying the monthly premiums. The cost of these premiums increases
if the recipient does not enroll in Part A during the initial eligibility
period. As such, it is usually advisable to enroll in Medicare as soon as a
person becomes eligible.
Part A covers a variety of services related to in-patient health care. While all these services are covered for patients with Medicare, each service may require the payments of co-payments, co-insurance and deductibles, that differ depending on the type of service, the nature of the provider, and whether the patient has Original Medicare, a Medicare Advantage Plan, Medigap, or employer or union coverage.
Amount of Coverage
When Medicare Part A does pay for services, the
patient is responsible for 20% of the Medicare-approved costs for the provided
services. Note that “Medicare-approved costs” are not the same as the amounts
billed by the hospital to people without insurance. Medicare rates are
negotiated by Medicare and may be much less than private pay rates. Because of
the government’s negotiating leverage in that it pays for so many patients, the
rates Medicare pays to hospitals are often half of less than half of the private
pay rates and are even substantially lower than those negotiated by private
insurance companies.[1] Interestingly, Medicaid,
which pays for indigent people’s healthcare, pays even lower rates.[2]
Even when covered by Part A, however, the
patient is often responsible for co-pays, co-insurance and other costs, though
these may be mitigated by additional insurance, including supplemental policies
and Medicaid. These costs to the patient vary by service.
Covered Services
Now, let’s look at what types of services are
covered under Part A.
Medicare coverage for blood transfusions
depends on the source of the blood. If the hospital obtains it from a blood
bank at no charge, there is no charge to the patient and no requirement to
replace it. If the hospital buys the blood, the patient must either pay the
hospital costs for the first 3 units of blood received in a calendar year or
donate replacement blood (or arrange to have it donated by another person).[3]
Home health services
Home health services that are ordered by a
physician as medically necessary and that are provided by a Medicare-certified
home health agency will be fully covered by Medicare. Such services may only be
provided to a patient who is homebound, which means that either:
She has trouble leaving her home without help
because of illness or injury, or
She is advised not to leave her home because of
her condition and is normally unable to leave her home because it is a major
Related Medicare-covered equipment may be paid
for completely or in part by Part B as we will see in Module 4.
Hospice Care
Hospice care is end-of-life care provided to
maximize the comfort of terminally ill patients. It is covered by Medicare Part
A for a patient who is medically certified as terminally ill with a life
expectancy of 6 months or less. Coverage includes materials and services for
pain relief and symptom management including drugs, medical services, nursing,
social services, certain durable medical equipment, aides, spiritual and grief
counseling and other services. Hospice care may be provided in the patient’s
home or in a residential facility such as a nursing home.
If the patient requires hospice care for
symptoms that cannot be addressed at home, the patient must enter a
Medicare-approved facility such as a hospice facility or hospital. Where the
patient can live at home, Medicare also may cover “respite care,” which
provides up to five days of care in a hospital or other approved facility to
give the caregiver who tends to the patient at home some time to rest. The
patient is, however, responsible for 5% of the Medicare-approved amount for
in-patient respite care.
Payment for Hospice care
There is no cost to the patient for hospice
care. There is, however, a small copayment, of up to $5 per prescription, for
drugs for pain and symptom management. If a drug is not covered under hospice
benefits, it may be paid for under Medicare Part D.
Elective Surgery
Medicare Part A does NOT cover
elective surgery or hospitalizations associated with elective surgery. This
includes most types of plastic or cosmetic surgery unless it is necessary to
correct a medical problem or the effects of an injury.[4] One notable exception is
cataract surgery which is covered under Part B.[5]
Hospital Care
Medicare covers semi-private rooms, meals,
general nursing, drugs, and other hospital services and supplies as part of
inpatient treatment. This includes care obtained in acute care hospitals,
critical access hospitals, inpatient rehabilitation facilities and long-term
care hospitals. It also may cover inpatient care as part of a qualifying
clinical research study. Inpatient mental health care in a psychiatric hospital
is likewise covered.
Services not covered by Medicare for hospital
inpatients include private-duty nursing, a television or phone in the room,
personal care items and non-medically necessary private rooms.
Payment for hospital care
Part A requires payment of a deductible of
$1,340 for days 1-60 for each benefit period. A “benefit period” in Original
Medicare begins on the day of admission to the facility and ends when no
inpatient hospital care has been received for 60 consecutive days.
For days 61-90 of each benefit period, the patient
is responsible for $335 per day co-pay towards the care. If a patient required
a hospital stay longer than 90 days, Medicare will still pay for part of the
care, with 2 caveats:
1. The
patient’s copay is $670 per day; and
2. Each
day over 90 days consumes one of the patient’s 60 “lifetime reserve days.” Once
the patient exhausts all 60 reserve days, Medicare will not cover any of the
hospital costs. After the lifetime reserve days are used up, the patient is
solely responsible for all costs for each day she is in a hospital.
Let’s take a look at an example:
Assume that Betty, who receives Medicare Part
A, enters a hospital on January 1. She is released on January 21 (20 days). She
then is re-admitted on April 1 and stays until June 15 (75 days). She is then
admitted again on September 1 and stays until the following March 4 (184 days).
You may want to pause the video and see if you can figure out what she’s
responsible for based on these rules.
Let’s look at the solution:
- The 20-day
stay between January 1 and January 21 is entirely covered by Medicare since it
is less than 60 days. However, she is responsible for a $1,340 deductible.
- For
the April to June stay, she must pay a $1,340 deductible. Plus, she must pay
$335 per day for each day over 60 in the benefit period, for a total of $5,025.
- For
the September to March stay, she again must pay a $1,340 deductible. This
covers the first 60 days. She must pay $335 per day for the next 30 days, for a
total of $10,050. Plus, the next 60 days are covered, but she must pay $670 per
day, for a total of $40,200. The last 34 days are not covered at all and she
will be billed at the hospital’s going rate.
At this point, you might be thinking that
hospital stays can get really expensive for Medicare recipients and, of course,
you’d be right. Still, it must be noted that such lengthy hospital stays are
rare. Moreover, supplemental insurance such as Medigap, Medicare Savings
Programs, Medicaid and status as a Qualified Medicare Beneficiary[6] can all help to reduce or
eliminate the patient’s responsibilities under these Medicare rules.[7]
Mental Health and Psychiatric
Facility Care
Part A covers stays in psychiatric
hospitals under similar rules to those governing other hospital stays. However,
inpatient psychiatric care in a freestanding psychiatric hospital is limited to
a cap of 190 days over the course of a lifetime.
Nursing Home Care
After a patient is discharged from a hospital, he
or she may require the services of an inpatient skilled nursing facility to
improve or maintain the patient’s current condition. This could include the need
for daily services such as intravenous injections or physical therapy. Medicare
will cover semi-private rooms, meals, skilled nursing and rehabilitative
services, and other medically necessary services and supplies, after the
patient has completed a 3-day minimum, medically necessary, inpatient hospital
stay for a related illness or injury.
Still, it must be noted that Medicare will only
pay for nursing home care where the stay is temporary and rehabilitative in
nature. Medicare does not pay for long term nursing home stays or custodial
care that may be necessary due to permanent or long-term infirmity due to
advanced age, injury or perpetual illness. If it appears that a nursing home
stay is permanent or not rehabilitative, then Medicare may drop coverage.
Moreover, Medicare will not cover nursing home stays longer than 100 days in
all cases.
Where Medicare does cover nursing home care, it
pays the entire amount for the first 20 days. After 20 days, the patient is
responsible for co-insurance of $167.50 per day. After 100 days or when
Medicare determines that the stay is permanent or not rehabilitative, the
patient is responsible for the full cost.
Once Medicare drops coverage for a
nursing home stay, the patient’s long-term care insurance (if the patient has
it) or Medicaid (if the patient is eligible) may pick up coverage. When
applying for Medicaid for a person who is in a nursing home where the start of
the stay was paid by Medicare, the date that Medicare dropped coverage is often
known as the pick-up date, as that is the point wherein Medicaid is
being asked to pick up the costs dropped by Medicare.
While Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage
Plans may differ with regard to costs to patients for some types of services,
Medicare Advantage Plans may not charge more than Original Medicare for skilled
nursing facility care services.
Medicare Part A, whether administered through
Original Medicare or a Medicare Advantage Plan, provides full or partial
coverage for services provided at in-patient hospital, hospice, and skilled
nursing facilities as well as some home health care services. Most of these
have limits on the duration of coverage within a single benefit period and some
have lifetime limits on coverage.
In our next module, we will look at Medicare
Part B, which is medical insurance. and the coverage that it provides for
doctors’ services, outpatient care, durable medical equipment and other medical