Mandatory Disclosures to Consumers- Module 5 of 5
See Also:
5: Mandatory Disclosures to Consumers
When a door-to-door salesman sold a
73-year-old Florida widow a five-year subscription to four magazines in 1969, neither
party expected to end up before the United States Supreme Court. Leila Mourning
signed the magazine order which required her to pay $3.95 immediately and $3.95
a month for 30 months. The contract did not state the total purchase price, did
not state the amount due after the initial payment, made no reference to
service or finance charges and its fine print stated she could not cancel the
subscription. Finally, it stipulated that if she did not make a payment, her
remaining payments would be accelerated. She soon found herself in default and the
magazine company, Family Publications Service, began sending her letters
demanding the accelerated balance of $118.50.[1]
She sued the company under the 1968 Truth
in Lending Act, claiming that it had failed to make required disclosures under
the Act, such as disclosures of the total purchase price, finance charges and
service charges for the financed amount. The Supreme Court had to determine
whether requiring a company to make such mandatory disclosures violated the Fifth
Amendment’s “due process” clause. The Court upheld the law.
In our final module on consumer protection laws, we will describe mandatory disclosures and examine the purposes and effects of the disclosures.
Truth in Lending Act Mandatory Disclosures
The Supreme Court used the Mourning case as an opportunity to describe the purpose and environment in which the Truth in Lending Act became law. At that time, more consumers were using credit than ever before. From World War II’s end through 1967, outstanding consumer credit increased from $5.6 billion to $95.9 billion.[2]
Mandatory creditor disclosures were necessary because of the sometimes-fraudulent practices by which creditors informed consumers of the terms of the credit extended to them. Lacking knowledge regarding these essential terms, American consumers couldn’t shop for the best terms available and had to assume liabilities they couldn’t meet.
The Truth in Lending Act attempts to remedy this situation and assure meaningful disclosure of terms by affording consumers the choice to pay cash or compare finance options[3] and it reflects the transition from a philosophy of “let the buyer beware” to “let the seller disclose.”[4] The Act’s Regulation Z embodies this philosophy, and the obligations to disclose have been expanded multiple times since the Act’s passage. Furthermore, the 2010 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act and establishment of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau resulted from continuing congressional belief that mandatory disclosures are necessary for consumer protection.[5]
Open-ended Credit Disclosures and Closed-Ended Credit Disclosures
The Truth in Lending Act’s Regulation Z mandatory
disclosures apply to credit transactions, both closed-ended and open-ended,[6] though
their requirements differ.
Open-ended credit, usually referred to as a “line of
credit,” is a loan that may be used repeatedly up to a limit. Its key is
flexibility. The lender anticipates repeated transactions with the borrower.[7] The
credit plan provides for an interest rate that is computed from time to time on
an outstanding unpaid balance. This is how most credit cards work: a consumer
is granted an amount of credit up to a limit to use any time he wants. He can
pay off the entire amount any time or can just pay a specified periodic
(usually monthly) minimum payment.
For open-ended credit, the lender
provides disclosures at three different times: in connection with a
solicitation, upon account opening and through periodic or billing statements. Annual Percentage Rate disclosures on credit
cards can be particularly complex. For
example, there may be different rates for purchases than for cash advances,
there may be teaser rates that apply to the first months or years that the
account is open and there may be penalty rates that kick in if payments are
missed. All these rates must be
Considering the latest amendments and
the Truth in Lending Act’s Regulation Z, a creditor in a consumer transaction must
disclose “in a reasonably understandable form and readily noticeable to the
consumer” the:[8]
1. identity of the
2. amount financed,
which is the amount of credit provided to a borrower minus prepaid finance
3. finance charges,
including interest and loan fees paid over the life of the loan and all other
4. annual percentage
rate, which is the interest rate plus points, fees and other charges.
5. sum of the amount
financed and the finance charge, which is the same as the total expected
payments; and
6. number, amount, and due dates of scheduled payments.
The Act also
requires the creditor to provide “explanations and definitions” of each of
those terms as well as information regarding “borrowers' rights.”[9]
A major legislative revision for
open-end credit occurred with the Fair Credit and Charge Card Disclosure Act of
1988.[10] This
act sought to provide a borrower sufficient information in advance so that she
could shop for the best deal.
Under the Act, the lender must place disclosures in a uniform tabular format to allow a consumer to compare credit card offers and select the one with the best rate and lowest fees.[11] The table format has become widely known as the “Schumer Box” named after New York Congressman Charles Schumer. The box contains a table for interest rates and a table for fees. Model forms are available from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to help creditors comply with the format and details.[12]
The Credit CARD Act
In 2004, the Federal Reserve’s Board of
Governors initiated a comprehensive review of Regulation Z.[13]
Five years later, the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility Disclosure Act,
also known as the Credit CARD Act, expanded Regulation Z for open-end credit
transactions to curtail deceptive and abusive practices by credit card issuers.[14]
The CARD Act imposed several additional
mandatory disclosures: [15]
Before opening a new account, the creditor must identify charges
that may be imposed, circumstances under which they may be assessed and the
method of computation;
Statements must be delivered at least 21 days before the
payment due date.[16]
45-day advance written notice is required before the
effective date of an increase in an APR or other “significant change.”[17] Before the Act, some issuers were increasing
APRs or changing other account terms shortly before the changes became
effective or sometimes with no notice at all. The 45-day notice rule allows
consumers time to respond to changes in terms. For example, a consumer notified
of a rate increase might shop for a new card with lower APRs.
Finally, a consumer is now allowed to reject a change
enacted by the lender. However, if he does so, he can no longer use the credit card.[18]
We’ll next move to closed-ended
credit, or credit that must be repaid in full by the end of a fixed time.[19]
Repayment in full includes the original amount of the loan plus all associated
finance charges. First home mortgages, car loans and other major purchase loans
are typically examples of closed-end credit.
In addition to the Truth in Lending Act’s mandatory disclosure requirements, the 1974 Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, known as RESPA, has several requirements that are meant to prevent mortgage lenders from overcharging consumers for services related to mortgage loan closings.[20]
RESPA applies to most mortgage loans on residential real estate, including those to purchase and refinance homes and home equity lines of credit. The act “requires lenders, mortgage brokers, or servicers of home loans to provide borrowers with pertinent and timely disclosures regarding the nature and costs of the real estate settlement process.”[21] For example, during the loan application process mortgage brokers and lenders must provide borrowers with a Special Information Booklet, a Good Faith Estimate of settlement costs and a Mortgage Servicing Disclosure Statement.[22]
Integrating the Two Laws
For more than 30 years, the Truth in
Lending Act required creditors to give mortgage borrowers one set of
disclosures, such as Truth in Lending Statements. The Real Estate Settlement
Procedures Act required a settlement agent to give a borrower a different,
overlapping, set of disclosures including Good Faith Estimates and HUD-1
settlement statements. These forms sometimes confused consumers and lenders and
settlement agents found the forms burdensome and difficult to explain. [23]
federal agencies recognized this duplication as inefficient and unduly complex
for both consumers and industry. It
fueled more than one effort over the years to develop combined disclosure
forms. In 1998, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve and HUD prepared
a joint report as to how the two sets of disclosures could be streamlined and
Moreover, the complex series of disclosure rules that came from required disclosures from these disparate rules were sometimes misleading and tended to make loans seem more affordable than they were.[25] Specifically, the required disclosures relating to the cost of credit were functionally ineffective[26] and lenders could and did hide behind obscure disclosures and surprise borrowers with increased interest rates and monthly payments after initial “teaser rates” low-interest periods.[27]
Truth in Lending Act-Real Estate Settlement Procedures Final Rule
In 2010, the
federal government enacted reforms to address these problems. The Dodd-Frank
Act directed the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to integrate mortgage
loan disclosures under both major consumer protection laws. In late 2013, after
consumer and industry input, the agency issued a final rule which integrated
both laws and is known as the Truth in Lending Act-Real Estate Settlement
Procedures Final Rule.
The Rule included model forms, samples
illustrating the use of those forms for different types of loans and extensive official
statutory interpretations to provide guidance. The Final Rule led to the
creation of two forms containing all necessary disclosures: a loan estimate
disclosure and a closing disclosure.[28]
With this integration, the agencies sought to
accomplish three objectives:
· Comprehension. The disclosures should enable consumers to understand the basic terms of a loan and its costs, both immediate and over time.
· Comparison. The disclosures should enable consumers to compare one Loan Estimate to another and identify the differences. The disclosures should also enable consumers to compare the Loan Estimate to the Closing Disclosure, to identify differences between the two and understand the reasons for those differences.
Choice. Both comprehension and comparison should enable
consumers to make informed decisions. For the Loan Estimate, consumers should
be able to decide on the best loan for their personal situations. For the
Closing Disclosure, they should be able to decide whether to close on the loan
after reviewing the final terms and costs.[29]
The loan
estimate is a standardized
three-page form disclosing, in table format, key features of the costs and
risks of a mortgage. Creditors must provide them to borrowers no later than three
business days after they apply for mortgage loans. Page one summarizes key loan terms and costs,
principal and interest payments and cash required to close. Page two itemizes loan
and real estate transaction costs and describes adjustable rates, if applicable.[30]
Page three provides information to
compare loan offers, including interest rates and finance charges and the Annual
Percentage Rate. Consumers receive the
Loan Estimate in lieu of Good Faith Estimate, Truth in Lending Statement disclosure
and other disclosures originally required under the Equal Credit Opportunity
Act and RESPA.
The lender must provide the closing disclosure to borrowers at least
three business days before closing. This
three-day window gives consumers the opportunity to compare final terms and
costs to the Loan Estimate, and to ask questions of their lenders.[31]
The five-page closing disclosure uses the same design principles,
structure and tabular format as the loan estimate, for ease of comparison. Page one mirrors the Loan Estimate’s first
page and each of the following pages contains closing cost and real estate
transaction details. On the last page is
a chart of loan-specific calculations with disclosures such as: total payments,
finance charge, amount financed, APR and total interest percentage.[32]
The Rule also benefits lenders by rendering the process of lending less complicated. If it uses the model forms provided, a court will deem it in compliance with federal laws.[33] In one recent lawsuit filed suit against Wells Fargo, the borrower claimed that disclosure of the finance charge did not comply with the federal disclosure requirements. The court rejected the claim, stating that the disclosure followed sample forms published by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, “the use of which suffices to satisfy . . . disclosure requirements.”[34]
you for watching our video-course on consumer protection laws. This course
should provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the most important
legal issues and protections for American consumers. We encourage you to take
advantage of our other offerings in this and other areas. Best of luck.
[1] Mourning v. Family Publications Service, Inc., 411 U.S. 356 (1973).
[4] Mourning, 411 U.S. at 377.
[5] Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, Pub. L. 111-203, 124 Stat. 1376 (July 21, 2010); The Bureau, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, (last visited July 2, 2018).
[7] 12 C.F.R. § 1026.2(a)(20).
[10] Fair Credit and Charge Card Disclosure Act of 1988, Pub. L. 100-583, 102 Stat. 2960 (enacted as amended at 15 U.S.C. 1637).
[12] 12 C.F.R.1026, App. G. For an example, see Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, (last visited July 2, 2018).
[13] Kenneth J. Benton, The Regulation Z Amendments for Open-End Credit Disclosures, in Consumer Compliance Outlook First Quarter (2009),
[14] Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009, Pub. L. 111-24, 123 Stat. 1734.
[15] 12 C.F.R. § 1026.6.
[16] 12 C.F.R. § 226.5(b)(2)(i).
[17] 12 C.F.R. § 1026.9(c)(2)(i)(A).
[18] 12 C.F.R. § 1026.9(c)(iv)(B).
[19] 12 C.F.R. § 1026.2(a)(10).
[21] Regulation X, Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act, Federal Reserve, (last visited July 2, 2018).
[22] 40 Years Ago: Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act Passed, National Low Income Housing Coalition, (June 20, 2014)
[23] TILA-RESPA Guide to the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure Forms at 7, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, (May 2018),
[25] Jeff Sovern, Preventing Future Economic Crises Through Consumer Protection Law or How the Truth in Lending Act Failed the SubprimeBorrowers, 71 Ohio St. L.J. 761, 763 (2010).
[26] National Consumer Law Center, Mortgage Lending (2d ed. 2014),
[27] Id.
[28] Know Before You Owe: Evolution of the Integrated TILA-RESPA Disclosures, Kleimann Communication Group, Inc., (July 9, 2012),
[29] Id.
[30] Id.
[31] What is a Closing Disclosure?, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, (Sept. 12, 2017),
[32] Know Before You Owe: Evolution of the Integrated TILA-RESPA Disclosures at xi, Kleimann Communication Group, Inc., (July 9, 2012),
[33] 15 U.S.C. § 1604(b).
[34] Muniz v. Wells Fargo & Co., Case No. 17-cv-04995-MMC, 2018 WL 2197556 at *3 (N.D. California, May 14, 2018).