Introduction to Immigration Law - Module 1 of 5
1: Introduction to Immigration Law
Origins of Immigration Law
long as nation-states have drawn borders, they have contended with immigration
and its effects on society. Questions of who is and is not a citizen and by
what criteria, and who has the right to enter a country, are central to a sense
of national identity. The dismemberment of the western Roman empire by
migrating Germanic tribes is a well-known example of the consequences of
uncontrolled immigration, but it is not the only one.
ancient times, mass migrations of entire peoples made issues of immigration
policy and border enforcement indistinguishable from those of national defense
– and their resolutions were often military in nature, either passive (such as constructing
fortifications like China’s Great Wall or Hadrian’s Wall in England) or active
(such as using the army to stop or kill border crossers). Today, except in rare
circumstances, using armies and fortifications as instruments of immigration
policy has given way to immigration laws, the government agencies tasked with upholding
them and the courts.
American historical and cultural development is inextricably intertwined with immigration. To study immigration law in the American experience is to do more than examine various types of visas, statutes and court cases. It provides a glimpse into perhaps the most important engine of demographic, social, creative and economic vitality that has, within three centuries, catapulted the United States from a collection of former English colonies clinging to the edge of a wild continent into one of the preeminent societies on Earth today. Moreover, immigration is already shaping what kind of society America will be in the future.
is destiny."
from providing the framework under which foreigners can legally enter into
another country and what they can do there, immigration law can affect a
country’s population size, demographic composition and even its long-term
viability. Although the global population is still increasing, it is not increasing
uniformly. For example, in many countries, mostly European, but Japan as well, the
fertility rate has declined so much that the countries face the prospect of
having too few workers supporting a rapidly increasing elder population, with
the negative economic and social ramifications that go along with these
some countries, the problem is even worse: Germany, Japan, and Russia all have
a combination of restrictive immigration and naturalization policies, aging
populations and low birth rates that, by 2050, could see them experience
population declines of at least 10 percent: in real numbers this means 10
million, 19 million and 23 million fewer people respectively.
Immigration and United States Population
United States is not exempt from issues of a low fertility rate and aging
populace. According to the Centers for Disease Control, since 1971, the United
States’ fertility rate has been less than what is needed to sustain its
population; the US birth rate in 2017 was the lowest in 30 years.[2] By the mid-21st
Century, the number of Americans aged 65 and older will more than double, and
they will outnumber those of age 14 or younger. Yet, while some countries will
experience population declines, from 2010 to 2050 the total American population
in expected to increase by nearly 90 million.
factors account for these growth versus decline outcomes: America’s relative
desirability as an immigrant destination coupled with its comparatively liberal
immigration laws and policies.
- From
2000 to 2014, nearly 19 million new immigrants (including those who came
without permission) arrived in the United States. From 2010 to 2014,
immigration accounted for almost 90 percent of US population growth.
- In
2014, more than 42 million immigrants (authorized and unauthorized) were living
in the United States, comprising more than 13 percent of the American
population – the highest percentage of immigrants in almost a century. Taken
together with their children, the immigrant population numbers more than 86
million, or a little more than a quarter of the US population.[3]
- The
number of foreign-born people living in the U.S. is expected to increase to
nearly 70 million by the year 2060, at which time they will comprise 17 percent
of the population – surpassing the current record of 15 percent set in 1890. By
the year 2030, immigration will become the primary source of America’s
population growth.[4]
The number
of people living in the United States who were not born in this country is four
times that of Germany, the country with the second-highest total.[5] Presently the top five
countries of origin for immigrants into the United States were:
Mexico, accounting for 28 percent of immigrants
China, 5 percent
India, 5 percent
Philippines, 4 percent
Korea, 3 percent.[6]
the U.S. takes in more than a million legal immigrants.[7] Not all immigrants in the
U.S. come here legally, although estimating their annual numbers is difficult
because it is inconsistent. For example, depending on the source and the
calculation methodology used, in 2016 of 1.8 million total immigrants anywhere from
400,000 to 800,000 did not enter legally.
Estimates as to the total number of foreigners present in the country without authorization range from about 11 million on the low end[8] to double that number on the high end.[9] Approximately half of illegal arrivals into the United States entered without inspection, with the other half consisting of individuals who came to the country legally on temporary status but who have stayed past the expiration of that status.[10]
Sources of United States Immigration Law
One of
the unique characteristics of the American civilization is that its origin as a
nation of immigrants distinguishes it from common citizenship qualifications in
most other countries. Being or becoming an American citizen does not depend on
any tribal, ethnic, religious or other sociographic prerequisites. For example,
we can speak of “the American people” but there is no such thing as “the
American race.” A person can be born an American or can become an American
through naturalization without regard to any consideration other than adherence
to the requirements of US citizenship laws. Similarly, lawful entry into and
remaining in the United States as a foreign person are subject to compliance
with American immigration laws. The remainder of this module explores the
underpinnings of these immigration laws.
Constitution of the United States is the ultimate source document for all US
federal law, but it does not specifically refer to immigration. Instead, Section
8 of Article I of the Constitution provides the following broad instruction:
Congress shall have power to... establish a uniform rule of naturalization…
Constitutional guidance comes from Section 1 of the 14th Amendment,
which extends US citizenship to “all
persons born or naturalized in the United States.” This constitutional
provision confirms citizenship based on naturalization but does not relate to
Until 1875, the regulation of immigration into the US fell to the individual states under the 10th Amendment to the Constitution, which leaves to the states any powers that the Constitution does not expressly give to the federal government. In that year, Congress enacted the first federal immigration law, the Page Act of 1875,[11] restricting immigration by Chinese women suspected of entering the country as prostitutes. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882[12] expanded the Page Act to exclude Chinese laborers as well.
Federal Supremacy
lack of express constitutional guidance on immigration led federal courts
considering immigration cases to look for indirect bases for constitutional
authority. These included the Commerce Clause, the Migration and Importation
Clause and the War Power Clause. It was not until 1889 that the Supreme Court
finally decided that the source of federal authority over immigration lay in
the principle of "national sovereignty.” Under this legal theory, control
over immigration is fundamental to national sovereignty and self-definition. The
Constitution, which establishes the United States of America, is therefore the
source of federal immigration authority because it establishes national
In the
case of Chae Chan Ping v. United States,[13] the Supreme Court held that the federal
government holds sole authority when it comes to excluding foreigners to the
United States. More importantly, the Court also held that national sovereignty
means that immigration law authority rests solely with the federal government. Later,
in Fong Yue Ting v. United States,[14] the Court held that the federal government
also held sole authority to remove foreign nationals from the United States.
the supremacy of federal law, some states and municipalities have passed their
own laws on the subject. The motivations for these apparent challenges to
federal supremacy vary: some seek to protect people in the country illegally
from removal, while in at least one case, frustration with perceived lack of
federal interest in enforcing federal immigration law led a state to seek its
own enforcement remedies.
the federal government’s exclusive authority over immigration law has never
been successfully challenged in court, cities and states have, at times,
enacted their own ordinances and laws that prohibit local and state officials
from enforcing federal immigration laws or cooperating with federal efforts to
enforce those laws. These so-called “sanctuary” laws adhere to the concept of “nullification,”
the argument that states have the right to refuse to enforce federal laws that,
they believe, are unconstitutional.
laws will typically include one or more of the following restrictions:
- Not
allowing police officers or other officials to ask individuals about their
immigration status;
- Not
allowing those same officers and officials to report to federal officials the
identities of people in their jurisdictions whose immigration status they
suspect is illegal; or
- Not
allowing unlawfully present foreigners who have committed crimes and are being
held in local custody to be transferred to the custody of federal immigration
example, Oregon’s sanctuary law, adopted in 1987, prohibits state and local law
enforcement personnel from using any resources (money, personnel or equipment)
to locate or apprehend “…persons whose only violation of law is that they are
persons of foreign citizenship present in the United States in violation of
federal immigration laws.”[15]
the US Supreme Court has rejected the argument of nullification in the context
of slavery in 1858[16] and school racial
integration in 1958,[17] immigration-related
nullification laws have proliferated in recent years, from fewer than 11 before
2000 to more than 500 today.[18] In many of these places, sanctuary
laws have gone unchallenged by federal authorities. In California, attempts by
the Justice Department and some local officials to contest in court the
validity of that state’s sanctuary law produced mixed results.[19] [20] The Supreme Court has yet
to decide upon a sanctuary nullification law case, and until it does, the
present uncertainty about the legal effect of these laws is likely to persist.
State Immigration Laws
challenge to exclusive federal immigration law authority can occur when a state
creates its own immigration laws. The most notable example of this happened in
Arizona, which passed its own immigration law in 2010 that, among other things,
made it a misdemeanor under state law to be in Arizona as an illegal immigrant.
The law also authorized state and local law enforcement officials to enforce
federal immigration laws.[21]
The Supreme Court invalidated most of that law in the case of Arizona v. United States,[22] holding that all but one of its key provisions were preempted by federal law. The Court declined to hold unconstitutional the state law’s authorization for police to check someone’s immigration status while they are enforcing other laws, if they have reasonable suspicion that the person is in the United States illegally.
Federal Legislation
first significant federal law governing immigration was the Immigration Act of
1882. Unlike the Page Act of 1875 and the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, the
Immigration Act of 1882 did not preclude immigration from any specific country
or geographic region. Instead it sought to promote or to limit immigration
based on characteristics that showed desirability of the immigrant or lack thereof.
Specifically, the Act authorized immigration authorities to preclude entry into
the U.S. by people who were mentally ill, had a non-political criminal history
or would be likely to become dependent on public assistance. It also imposed a
head tax on people immigrating to the country, the proceeds of which funded the
governmental apparatus needed to enforce it.
Immigration Act of 1891[23] expanded the Immigration
Act of 1882 to add additional classifications of excludable foreigners and
established jurisdiction to regulate immigration across the U.S. borders with
Mexico and Canada (the 1882 Act applied only to maritime ports of entry). It also
established within the Department of the Treasury the first federal immigration
agency, the Office of Superintendent of Immigration. Subsequent
legislation up to 1952 consisted of several laws that, among other things,
added more kinds of people barred from immigration, established the Bureau
of Immigration and Naturalization, and imposed numerical limits on
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952[24] was the next major
legislation to affect immigration. It was the first comprehensive immigration
law in the United States, ending the prior practice of passing legislation on a
piecemeal basis to modify earlier statutes. This Act ended the use of
race-based restrictions, introduced a three-part classification for immigrants
(those subject to numerical quotas, those exempt from quotas and refugees) and
established procedures for non-citizens to become naturalized citizens.[25]
Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965[26] ended the practice of
using national origin-based immigration quotas, which, together with the
earlier removal of race-based quotas marked a major shift in U.S. immigration
demographics away from Europe. Whereas, through the 1950s, nearly 70 percent of
immigrants were European, the Act created a new mix of almost 50 percent from
South and Central America, another 35 percent from Asia.
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986,[27] in part, attempted to
cope with the large increase in the number of people entering the United States
illegally after passage of the 1965 Act. It added penalties for employers who
hired illegal aliens, but what it is probably most remembered for is its
amnesty provision: approximately 2.7 million people living in the U.S.
illegally were able to obtain citizenship via amnesty as a result of its
Immigration Act of 1990[28] raised the number of
legal immigrants to 675,000 annually, beginning in 1995. It also introduced new
categories of work visas and introduced the “visa lottery” system for
immigrants from countries that had low levels of immigration into the U.S.
The Illegal
Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996[29] imposed restrictions on
the abilities of illegal aliens to remain in the United States. It also
authorized the construction of barriers on the U.S.-Mexico border, and made it
easier to remove illegal aliens for committing lesser criminal offenses than
had previously made immigrants subject to deportation.
The Homeland
Security Act of 2002[30] consolidated the
functions of the former Immigration and Naturalization Service (which had
oversight of immigration matters from its creation in 1933) into the
newly-created Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency under the Department
of Homeland Security.
all policies affecting immigration come from legislation, as executive
orders have their roles as well. Of particular note is the Deferred
Action for Childhood Arrivals (“DACA”), which is based on a 2012 executive
memorandum under the administration of President Barack Obama. DACA allows
people who were children of illegal aliens at the time they entered the United
States to be eligible for work permits and to have deportation proceedings
against them deferred. Although DACA expired as of March 2018, as of December
2018, the program effectively remains in place pending the outcome of
litigation over its constitutionality.
In the
next module, we will examine in detail how U.S. immigration law affects
immigrants who seek to enter the country on a temporary basis (that is, those
who are not seeking permanent residency or status as naturalized citizens).
[13] : The Chinese Exclusion Case, 130 U.S. 581 (1889)
[14] Fong Yue Ting v. United States, 149 U.S. 698 (1893).
[21] /
[22] Arizona v. United States, 567 U.S. 387 (2012)