Inchoate Offenses - Module 2 of 5
See Also:
Module 2: Inchoate Offenses
Inchoate crimes are crimes where liability attached even though the crime may not have been completed. They generally involve at least taking a substantial step towards committing a crime, preparing to commit a crime or seeking to commit a crime. Two common examples are attempt and conspiracy, but inchoate crimes also include being an accomplice or an accessory to a crime, incitement, criminal facilitation and solicitation.
attempt occurs when a person, with the intent to commit a crime, takes a
substantial step towards completing a crime, but the final result does not
occur. Generally, the punishment for an attempted crime is less than the
punishment for the completed crime,[1] though the punishment does
vary depending on the statutory schemes and sentencing procedures of the
has two elements: (1) criminal intent and (2) an act constituting a
“substantial step” toward completion of the underlying crime. The Model Penal
Code defines attempt as “acting with the kind of culpability otherwise required
for commission of the crime, he:
engages in conduct which would constitute the crime if the attendant
circumstances were as he believes them to be; or
causing a particular result is an element of the crime, does or omits to do
anything with the purpose of causing the result; or
does or omits to do something which, under the circumstances as he believes
them to be, constitutes a substantial step in a course of conduct planned to
culminate in his commission of the crime.”[2]
Please note that not every state follows the rules
of the Model Penal Code. Individual state statutes may provide their own
definitions for the crime of attempt. For example, Alabama defined attempt as “with
the intent to commit a specific offense, he does any overt act towards the
commission of such offense.[3]” Oregon defined attempt as
“intentionally engaging in conduct which constitutes a substantial step toward
commission of the crime.”[4]
Attempt is a specific intent crime, which means that its
required mens rea is the level of “intentional.”
As we discussed in Module 1, “intentional” is the most culpable mens rea state. Negligence, recklessness
or even “knowing” mental states are insufficient to sustain a charge of
attempt. Affirmative desire for the end result is required.
example, in State v. Lyerla, a 1988 South Dakota case, a defendant fired
shots into a truck carrying a driver and two passengers, killing the driver. The
defendant was found guilty of “reckless” second-degree murder of the driver and
was initially found guilty of attempted murder of the other passengers. However,
the South Dakota Supreme Court held that a conviction of attempted murder was
precluded because attempt requires a higher level of intent than recklessness.
The court noted that "to attempt to commit a crime, there
must exist in the mind of the perpetrator the specific intent to commit the
acts constituting the offence. To attempt second degree murder, one must intend
to have a criminally reckless state of mind... a logical impossibility."[5]
about murdering someone or wanting to murder someone is not a crime. An “overt
act” or “substantial step” is required. The crucial legal distinction is
between “mere planning” and the “overt act” or “substantial step.” The line may
be applied differently in different jurisdictions and by different courts.[6] Consider the following
In a
1928 Missouri case, State v. Davis, a defendant hired someone (who was
actually an undercover police officer) to kill another man. Though he gave
pictures of the intended victim to the hit man and paid him part of his
agreed-upon fee, his conviction was reversed. The Missouri Supreme Court
interpreted these things are mere “preparation” and not an attempt.[7] Note that in a modern
context, the defendant probably would be guilty of conspiracy to commit murder,
even if not attempt.
contrast, the Mississippi Supreme Court upheld an attempted murder conviction
when the defendant requested that his hired hitman kill his victim because the
defendant obtained and loaded a gun and then gave it to the hitman. Although
the defendant was arrested before the intended victim arrived, giving a loaded
gun to the purported shooter was enough to constitute attempted murder.[8]
To promote uniformity in the application of the
definition of attempt, the Model Penal Code created the substantial steps
test.[9] The test has two parts.
First, a “person is guilty of an attempt to commit a crime if…he…does…anything
which…is an act or omission constituting a substantial step in a course of
conduct planned to culminate in his commission of the crime.” Second, the
defendant’s actions must be “strongly corroborative of the actor’s criminal
purpose.” The Model Penal Code also provides seven examples of behavior that could
constitute a substantial step so long as it “is strongly corroborative of the
actor’s criminal purpose”:
1. lying
in wait, searching for or following the contemplated victim of the crime;
2. enticing or seeking
to entice the contemplated victim of the crime to go to the place contemplated
for its commission;
3. reconnoitering the
place contemplated for the commission of the crime;
4. unlawful entry of a
structure, vehicle or enclosure in which it is contemplated that the crime will
be committed;
5. possession of
materials to be employed in the commission of the crime, which are specially
designed for such unlawful use or which can serve no lawful purpose of the
actor under the circumstances;
6. possession,
collection or fabrication of materials to be employed in the commission of the
crime, at or near the place contemplated for its commission, where such possession,
collection or fabrication serves no lawful purpose of the actor under the
7. soliciting an
innocent agent to engage in conduct constituting an element of the crime.
The substantial step test allows an attempt conviction based on steps already performed, even when the defendant may be far from completing the substantive crime.[10] The commentary in the Model Penal Code acknowledges that the substantial step broadens attempt liability beyond many of the common-law doctrines.[11]
Defenses to Attempt
Impossibility has
historically been a defense to an attempt charge in some jurisdictions under
some circumstances. Though this defense has been the subject of much murky
the modern trend is to allow impossibility as a defense when the contemplated
action is not illegal.[13] For example, if a person
attempted to “illegally” purchase marijuana in Colorado, not knowing that
marijuana is, in fact, legal in Colorado, that would not constitute attempt to
purchase an illegal substance.
Abandonment may also constitute a defense when the
defendant abandoned the effort to commit the crime “under circumstances
manifesting a complete and voluntary renunciation of his criminal purpose.”
However, the defense is not available if the withdrawal was merely a
postponement or if the withdrawal was due to a change in circumstances that
made success in the commission of the crime less likely.[14] So, for example, if a
purported bank robber, after donning a mask and pulling a weapon from his
pocket, sees a posse of armed police officers enter the bank and
surreptitiously replaces the weapon to his pocket and quietly walks towards the
door, that would not constitute abandonment.
Consider the following case:
In a trial for attempted robbery, a witness testified that she saw the defendant and another man acting suspiciously and looking in windows of homes in her neighborhood. After she watched the pair enter her neighbor’s yard, she called the police. An officer arrived and arrested the two men. The defendant noted in his confession that he was planning to rob the home, but after removing some weather-stripping from the window, changed his mind and decided to leave. The court affirmed the conviction for attempted burglary because the evidence could be interpreted to show that the defendant’s abandonment of the burglary was due to the arrival of the police. Thus, his abandonment was not voluntary.[15]
A conspiracy is an agreement between two or more
people to engage in unlawful conduct or commit a criminal act. While,
historically, an overt act by at least one of the members in furtherance
of the agreement was also required, the Supreme Court ruled that an “overt act”
is not required for conviction under the federal drug conspiracy statute found
in 21 U.S.C. § 846.[16] Like attempt, conspiracy
is a specific intent crime, meaning that the conspirator must intend for the
illegal objective to occur.
are typically criminally responsible for every reasonably foreseeable
crime committed in furtherance of the conspiracy by other members of the
This is known as the Pinkerton rule,
after the Supreme Court case, Pinkerton v. United States. So, for
example, if a person conspires to commit an armed bank robbery, he may be
liable for murder if a robber shoots and kills a bank teller.
determining foreseeability, though, courts may consider the degree of the
defendant’s involvement. A defendant with a minor role is less likely to be found
criminally responsible than a defendant with more involvement.
Where applied, the “overt act” requirement for conspiracy
requires less than the overt act for attempt.[18] For example, a conspiracy
may exist before a crime is actually attempted, whereas there is no criminal attempt
until the required attempt is made. Consider the following example:
Joe and Sam agree to poison their roommate, William. Joe
purchases the poison and Sam coats a steak with the poison and places it on
William’s dinner plate. William says he’s not hungry and doesn’t eat the
poisoned steak. If Joe and Sam are in a jurisdiction without an overt act
requirement, they are guilty of conspiracy at the moment they agree to poison
their roommate. If an overt act is required, Joe purchasing the poison was
certainly an overt act in furtherance of the conspiracy. Thus, both were guilty
of conspiracy to commit murder when Joe bought the poison. “Attempted” murder
probably didn’t crystalize until Sam put the poisoned steak on William’s plate,
or at least until he coated the steak with poison.
Confusion may arise when the crime itself requires two or
more people. For example, gambling and prostitution require at least two
people. Thus, the question arises of whether defendants may be convicted of
gambling and conspiracy to gamble. The general rule is that criminal offenses
requiring two parties cannot be the object of a conspiracy.[19] So, neither the
prostitute nor the “John” are liable for conspiracy to solicit prostitution
when they agree on a price for services.
Abandonment is
not generally considered a defense to a charge of conspiracy because the crime
of conspiracy is completed as soon as the agreement is made (and the overt act
is taken, where there is that requirement).[20] Subsequent abandonment
doesn’t change the fact that the defendant engaged in the criminal conspiracy.
to encourage criminal conspirators to rectify the results of their
conspiracies, the Model Penal Code allows a defense of renunciation of
the conspiracy.[21]
The defense is allowed when the defendant “thwarts the success of the
conspiracy, under circumstances manifesting a complete and voluntary
renunciation of his criminal purpose.”
while not a complete defense to conspiracy, abandonment, or withdrawal
as it’s referred to in the context of conspiracy, does accomplish at least two
things. First, it “terminates the defendant's liability for post-withdrawal
acts of his co-conspirators.” So, if the defendant conspires to rob a bank but
withdraws before the robbery but the others go ahead with it and kill a teller
during the robbery, the defendant is guilty of conspiracy to commit robbery,
but not of robbery or of murder.
it starts the running of the applicable statute of limitations.[22] So, if the statute of
limitations is three years and the defendant withdraws from a conspiracy on
January 1, 2020, the government has until January 1, 2023 to charge the
defendant, even if the other conspiracy members continued committing crimes in
2021 and 2022.
To successfully withdraw from a conspiracy, the defendant must take an affirmative step to stop his participation in the conspiracy, communicate the withdrawal to the other members and take no further part in the conspiracy.[23]
Assisting Others in
Committing Crimes
Other inchoate crimes
relate to helping, assisting or encouraging others to engage in criminal
behavior. While these criminal results may or may not occur, these are inchoate
crimes because they do not require criminal action from the defendant for him to
be guilty. Note that these can, and often do, occur together with other
inchoate crimes, such as conspiracy.
Criminal solicitation means offering money or otherwise
inducing another to commit a crime with the intent that
the person commit the crime. Under federal law, the prosecution must prove that
(1) “the defendant had the intent that another person engage in conduct
constituting a felony crime of violence,” and (2) “that the defendant
commanded, induced, or otherwise endeavored to persuade the other person to
commit the felony.”[24]
Criminal facilitation is the crime of assisting
another person in the commission of a crime. In Arizona, for example,
facilitation occurs when “acting with knowledge that another person is
committing or intends to commit an offense, the person knowingly provides the
other person with means or opportunity for the commission of the offense.”[25]
An accomplice is someone who acts as a participant during a crime, even if he takes no part in the actual offense. For example, during a robbery, the person who points the gun at the clerk and demands money is guilty of armed robbery. Everyone else involved, including as the lookout or the getaway driver, are accomplices. Accomplices are generally considered to be as guilty as the primary actor. As a practical matter, most accomplices are also part of the same criminal conspiracy as the actors and so accomplices can often be held liable under conspiracy liability rules.
Other Inchoate Crimes
An accessory is someone who assists during a crime
but does not participate as a principal. Distinguishing a principal from an
accessory turns on whether the defendant independently contributed to causing
the actus reus or merely provided limited assistance or
encouragement. An accomplice differs from an accessory in that an
accomplice is present at the scene of the crime and is subject to prosecution
even if the principal
is not charged, while an accessory is usually not present at the scene of the
crime and often receives lesser punishment than an accomplice or principal.
Incitement is
the crime of encouraging or instigating another person to commit a crime. The
crime of incitement only criminalizes the encouragement of imminent unlawful action, not the encouragement of unlawful action
at some indefinite time in the future. As the First Amendment protects the
freedom of speech, the Supreme Court has ruled that the encouragement of
unlawful action at some indefinite time in the future is constitutionally
protected speech. [26]
This rule does not protect people taking part in the planning of the crime, as
freedom of speech does not protect conspiracy to commit crimes.
Obstruction of justice is defined as any
"interference with the orderly administration of law and justice.”[27] This broad prohibition
means that obstruction of justice can take many forms, such as lying under
oath, tampering with evidence, bribery, etc. This crime focuses on the intended
effect of an act rather than the act itself. Thus, seemingly harmless acts,
such as the destruction of evidence, can be considered criminal if they have
the intended effect of obstructing justice. The prosecution need not prove actual obstruction
as the defendant's attempt to
obstruct is enough. Phone calls, memos, or recorded conversations can be
particularly useful for establishing intent to obstruct justice.
In our next module, we’ll turn to the violent crimes of
homicide, assault, rape and arson.
[1] See 12 Op. Atty Gen. Ore. 257 (1925).
[6] John S. Strahorn, Jr., “Preparation forCrime as a Criminal Attempt,” 1 Wash. & Lee L. Rev. 1, 30 (1939).
[8] Stokes v. State, 92 Miss. 415, 425-26 (1908).
[11] See Model Penal Code § 5.01; Am. Law Inst., Model Penal Code & Commentaries Part I, § 5.01, 329–32 (1985) (describing how the substantial step test criminalizes more conduct than other tests).
[12] See Charles Doyle, “Attempt: An Overview of Federal Criminal Law,” Congressional Research Service, (Apr. 6, 2016),
[14] Model Penal Code § 5.01(4).
[19] Ianelli v. United States,420 U.S. 770, 774 n. 5 (1975); see also People v. Purcell, 304 Ill. App. 215, 218 (1940) (holding that because the agreement to gamble necessarily involved a plurality of agents, a conspiracy charge was not appropriate.).
[20] Abandonment and Withdrawal, Justia, (last visited Nov. 16, 2018).
[21] Model Penal Code § 5.03(6).
[23] Abandonment and Withdrawal, Justia, visited Nov. 16, 2018).
[24] 1084. Elements of Solicitation, U.S. Dep’t of Justice, (last updated Jan. 1998).